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Penningtvätten och konsumenten - En studie om två lagar i konflikt och dess inverkan på arbetet mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism

Olsson Murath, André LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Money laundering and terrorist financing is a global issue, and each year tremendous sums of money are being channeled through the financial system. Several measures, primarily through interstate cooperation, have been taken to prevent and obstruct money laundering. The cooperation has led to an EU directive, which for Sweden has been implemented through law on measures against money laundering and terrorist financing (2017:630). The law imposes extensive requirements on credit institutions. The credit institutions must continuously perform various types of risk assessments on their own operations, as well as review and report suspicious activity. Another key requirement is ensuring sufficient customer knowledge. Without sufficient... (More)
Money laundering and terrorist financing is a global issue, and each year tremendous sums of money are being channeled through the financial system. Several measures, primarily through interstate cooperation, have been taken to prevent and obstruct money laundering. The cooperation has led to an EU directive, which for Sweden has been implemented through law on measures against money laundering and terrorist financing (2017:630). The law imposes extensive requirements on credit institutions. The credit institutions must continuously perform various types of risk assessments on their own operations, as well as review and report suspicious activity. Another key requirement is ensuring sufficient customer knowledge. Without sufficient customer knowledge, the law states, a credit institution is neither allowed to make new business relationships, nor maintain existing ones.

During the time credit institutions have been assigned a crime prevention responsibility, the legal position of consumers has been strengthened. Throughout history, several different attempts have been made to address consumers’ over-indebtedness. Strengthening the position of the consumer has been important because the consumer has often been exposed to unfavorable conditions throughout history. The current law that regulates consumer credits is the Consumer Credit Act (2010:1846). The law imposes requirements on credit institutions by requiring them to work in accordance with the principle of professional diligence. The law limits, in several different ways, the credit institutions’ ability to act. Among other things, the law stipulates that such contract terms, which in a comparison with the law are disadvantageous to the consumer, are not legally binding. In addition, the law also sets limitations on credit institutions by exclusively regulating existing possibilities to terminate a consumer credit.

The ban on maintaining business relations without sufficient customer knowledge goes against the provisions according to the consumer credit law. At least this is the case if the business relation between the credit institute and the consumer is composed of a consumer credit. In the light of this legal conflict, the purpose of the following study is to clarify whether a credit institute has the right to terminate a consumer credit due to lack of customer knowledge. The purpose is also to present a solution to improve legal certainty.

The conclusion of this study is that the legal situation is unclear. Therefore, an adjustment in the Consumer Credit Act is proposed. The solution is a new paragraph which establishes that the Anti-Money Laundering provisions take precedence. This would lead to an increased predictability which would ease the crime prevention work. Such a change would not conflict with the underlying purpose of consumer protection and would therefore be unproblematic. (Less)
Popular Abstract (Swedish)
Penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism är ett globalt problem, och varje år slussas enorma summor genom det finansiella systemet. En rad åtgärder, främst genom mellanstatligt samarbete, har vidtagits i syfte att motverka brottsligheten. Samarbetet har utmynnat i ett EU-direktiv som för svenskt vidkommande genomförts genom lag om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism (2017:630). Lagen ställer omfattande krav på kreditinstituten. Dessa måste kontinuerligt utföra olika typer av riskbedömningar av den egna verksamheten, samt granska och rapportera misstänkt aktivitet. Ytterligare ett centralt krav är säkerställandet av tillräcklig kundkännedom. Utan tillräcklig kundkännedom är det enligt lagen varken tillåtet att etablera... (More)
Penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism är ett globalt problem, och varje år slussas enorma summor genom det finansiella systemet. En rad åtgärder, främst genom mellanstatligt samarbete, har vidtagits i syfte att motverka brottsligheten. Samarbetet har utmynnat i ett EU-direktiv som för svenskt vidkommande genomförts genom lag om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism (2017:630). Lagen ställer omfattande krav på kreditinstituten. Dessa måste kontinuerligt utföra olika typer av riskbedömningar av den egna verksamheten, samt granska och rapportera misstänkt aktivitet. Ytterligare ett centralt krav är säkerställandet av tillräcklig kundkännedom. Utan tillräcklig kundkännedom är det enligt lagen varken tillåtet att etablera nya affärsrelationer, eller att upprätthålla existerande sådana.

Samtidigt som kreditinstituten ålagts ett brottsförebyggande ansvar har konsumentens rättsliga ställning stärkts. Genom historien har en rad olika försök gjorts för att åtgärda problem med konsumenternas överskuldsättning på marknaden. Att stärka konsumentens ställning har varit viktigt mot bakgrund av att konsumenten tidigare genom historien ofta utsatts för osjysta villkor. Den nuvarande lagen som reglerar krediter som erbjuds konsumenter är Konsumentkreditlag (2010:1846). Lagen ställer krav på kreditinstituten genom att kräva att dessa arbetar utifrån principen om god kreditgivningssed. Lagen begränsar på en rad olika sätt kreditinstitutens handlingsförmåga. Bland annat stadgar lagen att sådana avtalsvillkor, som vid en jämförelse med lagen, är till nackdel för konsumenten, inte är gällande gentemot denne. Därutöver begränsar lagen även kreditinstitutens möjligheter till uppsägning av krediter.

Förbudet mot upprätthållandet av affärsrelationen vid bristande kundkännedom står i strid mot bestämmelserna i konsumentkreditlagen. Åtminstone är det så om själva affärsrelationen mellan kreditinstitutet och konsumenten består av en kredit. Mot bakgrund av denna legala intressekonflikt är uppsatsen syfte att klargöra huruvida ett kreditinstitut har rätt att säga upp en konsumentkredit med anledning av bristande kundkännedom. Därtill är syftet även att presentera en lösning i syfte att öka förutsebarheten för kreditinstituten.

Uppsatsens slutsats är att rättsläget är oklart. Därför föreslås en ändring i konsumentkreditlagen, så att det genom införandet av en ny paragraf kan fastslås att bestämmelserna i penningtvättslagen skall äga företräde. En sådan paragraf skulle leda till ökad förutsebarhet vilket skulle underlätta det brottsförebyggande arbetet. En sådan ändring skulle inte strida mot det bakomliggande syftet med konsumentskyddet, och vore därför oproblematisk. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Olsson Murath, André LU
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
bankrätt, penningtvätt, konsumentkrediter, PTL, KKrL
date added to LUP
2022-01-20 11:36:09
date last changed
2022-01-20 11:36:09
  abstract     = {{Money laundering and terrorist financing is a global issue, and each year tremendous sums of money are being channeled through the financial system. Several measures, primarily through interstate cooperation, have been taken to prevent and obstruct money laundering. The cooperation has led to an EU directive, which for Sweden has been implemented through law on measures against money laundering and terrorist financing (2017:630). The law imposes extensive requirements on credit institutions. The credit institutions must continuously perform various types of risk assessments on their own operations, as well as review and report suspicious activity. Another key requirement is ensuring sufficient customer knowledge. Without sufficient customer knowledge, the law states, a credit institution is neither allowed to make new business relationships, nor maintain existing ones.

During the time credit institutions have been assigned a crime prevention responsibility, the legal position of consumers has been strengthened. Throughout history, several different attempts have been made to address consumers’ over-indebtedness. Strengthening the position of the consumer has been important because the consumer has often been exposed to unfavorable conditions throughout history. The current law that regulates consumer credits is the Consumer Credit Act (2010:1846). The law imposes requirements on credit institutions by requiring them to work in accordance with the principle of professional diligence. The law limits, in several different ways, the credit institutions’ ability to act. Among other things, the law stipulates that such contract terms, which in a comparison with the law are disadvantageous to the consumer, are not legally binding. In addition, the law also sets limitations on credit institutions by exclusively regulating existing possibilities to terminate a consumer credit.

The ban on maintaining business relations without sufficient customer knowledge goes against the provisions according to the consumer credit law. At least this is the case if the business relation between the credit institute and the consumer is composed of a consumer credit. In the light of this legal conflict, the purpose of the following study is to clarify whether a credit institute has the right to terminate a consumer credit due to lack of customer knowledge. The purpose is also to present a solution to improve legal certainty.

The conclusion of this study is that the legal situation is unclear. Therefore, an adjustment in the Consumer Credit Act is proposed. The solution is a new paragraph which establishes that the Anti-Money Laundering provisions take precedence. This would lead to an increased predictability which would ease the crime prevention work. Such a change would not conflict with the underlying purpose of consumer protection and would therefore be unproblematic.}},
  author       = {{Olsson Murath, André}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Penningtvätten och konsumenten - En studie om två lagar i konflikt och dess inverkan på arbetet mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism}},
  year         = {{2021}},