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Beställarens påkallande av fel enligt AB 04

Lishajko, Hanna LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Gällande entreprenadarbeten torde det vara vanligt förekommande att beställaren påtalar fel som denne vill att entreprenören ska avhjälpa. För att en part ska kunna aktualisera en påföljd vid påstått kontraktsbrott krävs enligt branschavtalet AB 04, precis som enligt allmän förmögenhetsrätt i övrigt, att en reklamation företas. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att undersöka hur beställarens påkallande av fel i en entreprenad ska gå till enligt AB 04. Undersökningen har gjorts med hjälp av en rättsdogmatisk metod.

För att uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen har ett antal frågeställningar om regleringen i AB 04 besvarats. De frågeställningar som besvarats är i huvudsak följande. Vad som avses med begreppet ”fel”, hur besiktnings-institutet är... (More)
Gällande entreprenadarbeten torde det vara vanligt förekommande att beställaren påtalar fel som denne vill att entreprenören ska avhjälpa. För att en part ska kunna aktualisera en påföljd vid påstått kontraktsbrott krävs enligt branschavtalet AB 04, precis som enligt allmän förmögenhetsrätt i övrigt, att en reklamation företas. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att undersöka hur beställarens påkallande av fel i en entreprenad ska gå till enligt AB 04. Undersökningen har gjorts med hjälp av en rättsdogmatisk metod.

För att uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen har ett antal frågeställningar om regleringen i AB 04 besvarats. De frågeställningar som besvarats är i huvudsak följande. Vad som avses med begreppet ”fel”, hur besiktnings-institutet är utformat, vilka rättsverkningar en besiktning har, vilket ansvar för fel entreprenören har, vilka möjligheter att reklamera ett fel som beställaren har samt om någon av parterna har ett utredningsansvar beträffande påstått fel. Av särskild betydelse för uppsatsen är AB 04 kap. 5 § 15.

Enligt begreppsbestämningarna till AB 04 definieras ett fel som en avvikelse som innebär att en del av en entreprenad inte utförts alls eller inte utförts på kontraktsenligt sätt. Ett arbete ska, enligt AB 04 kap. 2 § 1, betraktas som felaktigt om det inte utförts i enlighet med entreprenadhandlingarna, om det vid avsaknad av kvalitetsangivelse inte utförts i klass med entreprenaden i övrigt samt om det inte utförts fackmässigt.

Vid undersökningen av felbegreppet har en jämförelse av bestämmelserna i AB 04 gjorts med motsvarande bestämmelser i KöpL, KtjL och JB. Vid en jämförelse har det kunnat konstateras att det finns likheter gällande hur felbedömningen ska företas, men att det också finns vissa skillnader. Något som måste beaktas är det objekt som är föremål för felbedömningen, varpå en entreprenad får anses skilja sig från de objekt som kan bli föremål för felbedömning enligt KöpL, KtjL och JB.

En anteckning om fel i ett besiktningsutlåtande utgör den formella formen för reklamation av fel enligt AB 04. En besiktning kan företas såväl innan som efter avlämnande av entreprenaden. Det finns således inget som hindrar att beställaren påkallar fel med hänvisning till vad som antecknats i ett besiktningsutlåtande även under entreprenadtiden.

Utöver den formella reklamationen kan beställaren reklamera påstådda fel enligt vad som framgår av AB 04 kap. 5 § 15. Reklamation enligt denna bestämmelse kan företas om del av eller hela entreprenaden tagits i bruk eller avlämnats. Bestämmelsen kan därmed vara tillämplig under såväl entreprenadtiden som under garanti- och ansvarstiden. Då bestämmelsen inte uttryckligen reglerar vad en reklamation ska innehålla eller om någon av parterna har ett utredningsansvar för påstådda fel i entreprenaden, har den blivit föremål för tolkning.

Tolkningen utgår från bestämmelsens ordalydelse, systematiken i AB 04 samt dispositiv rätt. Vad som ska anses gälla under entreprenadtiden respektive garanti- och ansvarstiden har behandlats separat i anslutning till de felbestämmelser som är aktuella under respektive tidsmässig fas. Gemensamt för samtliga faser är att varken ordalydelse, systematik eller dispositiv rätt ger ett tydligt svar beträffande frågan om utredningsansvar.

De slutsatser som nåtts beträffande hur AB 04 kap. 5 § 15 bör tolkas under entreprenadtiden är att det är entreprenören som ska ha det huvudsakliga utredningsansvaret beträffande vari ett påstått fel består. Det har dock presenterats scenarion då det anses vara oskäligt att ålägga entreprenören hela utredningsansvaret, till exempel då en kräsen beställare påkallar stora mängder fel. Att entreprenören som utgångspunkt ska åläggas ett utredningsansvar beträffande påstådda fel i entreprenaden under entreprenadtiden medför att beställaren som huvudregel endast behöver ange hur ett påstått fel visar sig.

Till skillnad från vad som framförts beträffande AB 04 kap. 5 § 15 under entreprenadtiden, är min uppfattning att det under garanti- och ansvarstiden är mest skäligt att ålägga beställaren det huvudsakliga utredningsansvaret. Det är därmed, enligt min mening, inte tillräckligt att beställaren under garanti- och ansvarstiden endast anger hur ett fel visar sig för att en reklamation ska anses vara framförd på korrekt sätt, utan en trolig orsak ska även presenteras. (Less)
When it comes to contract work in the construction sector it is common that the client points out faults that he wants the contractor to rectify. For a party to be able to enforce a sanction in the event of an alleged breach of contract, the branch regulation AB 04 prescribes, just as according to general property law, that a complaint is made. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to investigate how the client´s complaints in a contract should be made in accordance with AB 04. The investigation has been done using a legal dogmatic method.

To fulfill the purpose of the essay, several questions about the regulations in AB 04 have been answered. The questions that have been answered are mainly the following. How the term “defect” is to... (More)
When it comes to contract work in the construction sector it is common that the client points out faults that he wants the contractor to rectify. For a party to be able to enforce a sanction in the event of an alleged breach of contract, the branch regulation AB 04 prescribes, just as according to general property law, that a complaint is made. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to investigate how the client´s complaints in a contract should be made in accordance with AB 04. The investigation has been done using a legal dogmatic method.

To fulfill the purpose of the essay, several questions about the regulations in AB 04 have been answered. The questions that have been answered are mainly the following. How the term “defect” is to be understood, how the inspection institute is designed, what legal effects an inspection have, what responsibility for defects the contractor has, what possibilities to complain about a defect that the client has and whether any of the parties has a responsibility to investigate alleged defects. Of particular importance for the thesis is AB 04 chapter 5 § 15.

According to the concept provisions to AB 04, the term defect is defined as a deviation meaning that a part of a contract has not been performed at all or has not been performed in accordance with the contract. A work shall, according to AB 04 chapter 2 § 1, be considered incorrect if it has not been performed in accordance with the contractual documents, when in the absence of a quality statement the work has not been performed in class with the contract in general and finally when it has not been performed professionally.

In the examination of the concept of defect, a comparison of the regulations in AB 04 has been made against the corresponding regulation in the Sale of Goods Act, the Consumer Services Act and the Land Code. Through a comparison, it has been concluded that there are similarities regarding how the assessment of defects should be made, but that there are also certain differences. What must be considered is the actual object that is subject to assessment, whereupon a contract must be considered differently in AB 04 from the objects that are subject to fault assessments according to the Sale of Goods Act, the Consumer Services Act and the Land Code.

A note of defects in an inspection statement constitutes the formal form of complaint of defects in accordance with AB 04. An inspection can be carried out both before and after the delivery of the contract. There is therefore nothing that prevents the client from invoking defects, with reference to what has been noted in an inspection statement, even during the contract period.

In addition to the formal complaint, the client may complain about alleged defects in accordance with AB 04 chapter 5 § 15. Complaints through this regulation can be made both if part of, or the contractual work in its entirety, has been taken into use or been delivered. Thus, the regulation can be applied both during the contract period or in the warranty and liability periods. As AB 04 chapter 5 § 15 does not explicitly regulate what a complaint must contain or if one of the parties has responsibility to investigate alleged defects in the contract, the clause has been interpreted.

The interpretation is based on the wording of the clause, the systematics in AB 04 and optional law. What is to apply during the contract period and the warranty and liability periods has been examined separately in conjunction with the regulations related to defects that are relevant during each time phase. Common to all time phases is that neither wording, systematics nor optional law has given a clear answer regarding the question of which party is responsible for investigating defects.

The conclusions reached regarding how AB 04 chapter 5 § 15 shall be interpreted during the contract period is that it is the contractor who shall have the main responsibility to investigate the cause of an alleged defect. However, scenarios have been presented where it is considered unreasonable to impose the entire responsibility on the contractor. For example, when a picky client points out large amounts of defects. The fact that the contractor, as a starting point, shall have an investigative responsibility regarding alleged defects in the contract during the contract period, means that the client only needs to state how an alleged defect appears, not the probable cause of the defect.

In contrast to what has been stated regarding AB 04 chapter 5 § 15 during the contract period, it is my opinion that during the warranty and liability periods it is more reasonable to give the client the main investigative responsibility. It is therefore, in my opinion, not sufficient for the client during the warranty and liability periods to state how an error appears for a complaint to be presented correctly. (Less)
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Lishajko, Hanna LU
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Förmögenhetsrätt, entreprenadrätt
date added to LUP
2022-01-27 10:38:38
date last changed
2024-06-12 13:10:46
  abstract     = {{When it comes to contract work in the construction sector it is common that the client points out faults that he wants the contractor to rectify. For a party to be able to enforce a sanction in the event of an alleged breach of contract, the branch regulation AB 04 prescribes, just as according to general property law, that a complaint is made. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to investigate how the client´s complaints in a contract should be made in accordance with AB 04. The investigation has been done using a legal dogmatic method. 

To fulfill the purpose of the essay, several questions about the regulations in AB 04 have been answered. The questions that have been answered are mainly the following. How the term “defect” is to be understood, how the inspection institute is designed, what legal effects an inspection have, what responsibility for defects the contractor has, what possibilities to complain about a defect that the client has and whether any of the parties has a responsibility to investigate alleged defects. Of particular importance for the thesis is AB 04 chapter 5 § 15. 

According to the concept provisions to AB 04, the term defect is defined as a deviation meaning that a part of a contract has not been performed at all or has not been performed in accordance with the contract. A work shall, according to AB 04 chapter 2 § 1, be considered incorrect if it has not been performed in accordance with the contractual documents, when in the absence of a quality statement the work has not been performed in class with the contract in general and finally when it has not been performed professionally. 

In the examination of the concept of defect, a comparison of the regulations in AB 04 has been made against the corresponding regulation in the Sale of Goods Act, the Consumer Services Act and the Land Code. Through a comparison, it has been concluded that there are similarities regarding how the assessment of defects should be made, but that there are also certain differences. What must be considered is the actual object that is subject to assessment, whereupon a contract must be considered differently in AB 04 from the objects that are subject to fault assessments according to the Sale of Goods Act, the Consumer Services Act and the Land Code.

A note of defects in an inspection statement constitutes the formal form of complaint of defects in accordance with AB 04. An inspection can be carried out both before and after the delivery of the contract. There is therefore nothing that prevents the client from invoking defects, with reference to what has been noted in an inspection statement, even during the contract period. 

In addition to the formal complaint, the client may complain about alleged defects in accordance with AB 04 chapter 5 § 15. Complaints through this regulation can be made both if part of, or the contractual work in its entirety, has been taken into use or been delivered. Thus, the regulation can be applied both during the contract period or in the warranty and liability periods. As AB 04 chapter 5 § 15 does not explicitly regulate what a complaint must contain or if one of the parties has responsibility to investigate alleged defects in the contract, the clause has been interpreted. 

The interpretation is based on the wording of the clause, the systematics in AB 04 and optional law. What is to apply during the contract period and the warranty and liability periods has been examined separately in conjunction with the regulations related to defects that are relevant during each time phase. Common to all time phases is that neither wording, systematics nor optional law has given a clear answer regarding the question of which party is responsible for investigating defects. 

The conclusions reached regarding how AB 04 chapter 5 § 15 shall be interpreted during the contract period is that it is the contractor who shall have the main responsibility to investigate the cause of an alleged defect. However, scenarios have been presented where it is considered unreasonable to impose the entire responsibility on the contractor. For example, when a picky client points out large amounts of defects. The fact that the contractor, as a starting point, shall have an investigative responsibility regarding alleged defects in the contract during the contract period, means that the client only needs to state how an alleged defect appears, not the probable cause of the defect. 

In contrast to what has been stated regarding AB 04 chapter 5 § 15 during the contract period, it is my opinion that during the warranty and liability periods it is more reasonable to give the client the main investigative responsibility. It is therefore, in my opinion, not sufficient for the client during the warranty and liability periods to state how an error appears for a complaint to be presented correctly.}},
  author       = {{Lishajko, Hanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Beställarens påkallande av fel enligt AB 04}},
  year         = {{2021}},