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Effektivitet eller rättssäkerhet? - En rättsanalys av den nya lagen om slopande av ungdomsreduktionen för grova brott

Aspelin, Hedvig LU (2021) LAGF03 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
On November 17, 2021, the Swedish Riksdag voted in favor of the governments’ proposal for a new law that abolishes the penalty rebate for young adult offenders who committed serious crimes. Furthermore, the law entails that the same punishment can be sentenced to 18–20 years as to other adult offenders, including life imprisonment. Young adult offenders have been treated differently than other adult offenders in the Swedish law system for almost 60 years. Yet, in the last decade there has been a debate regarding whether this group should be treated the same way as other adults. Against this background, I find it relevant to analyze the legislator's arguments and distinguish which reasons that led to the law.

Thus, the main purpose of... (More)
On November 17, 2021, the Swedish Riksdag voted in favor of the governments’ proposal for a new law that abolishes the penalty rebate for young adult offenders who committed serious crimes. Furthermore, the law entails that the same punishment can be sentenced to 18–20 years as to other adult offenders, including life imprisonment. Young adult offenders have been treated differently than other adult offenders in the Swedish law system for almost 60 years. Yet, in the last decade there has been a debate regarding whether this group should be treated the same way as other adults. Against this background, I find it relevant to analyze the legislator's arguments and distinguish which reasons that led to the law.

Thus, the main purpose of the essay is to examine the new law on the abolition of the penalty reduction for young adult offenders in relation to serious crime. More specifically, the purpose is to analyze the legislator’s presentation of the abolition based on criminal law theories and principles, especially Jareborg's (1995) theories on defensive and offensive criminal law policy. To realize the purpose of this essay, the following two questions will be answered:

1. How does the Swedish legislator present the abolition of the penalty reduction for young adult offenders?
2. How can the legislator’s presentations be understood based on criminal law theories and principles?

By studying the preparatory works for the new law in order to answer the first question at issue, four main reasons to justify the abolition of the penalty reduction are crystallized:

- Efforts are needed in the justice system to reduce crime and increase security in society.
- The reaction to serious crime today is too restricted and is not sufficient in proportion to the seriousness of the crime.
- Admittedly, research indicates that young people do not reach the required degree of maturity until later in life, but a general limit cannot be set. In several ways, people are considered sufficiently mature when they are 18years old.
- A change in the maximum penalty is necessary for the reform to be consistent.

The analysis, in which the second question is answered shows that the legislator places considerable emphasis on prevention. The penalty system, in accordance with the offensive orientation, seems to constitute a kind of repertoire for methods and solutions of societal problems. Furthermore, it is noted that the legislator emphasizes proportionality rather than individual preventive considerations. This fact is linked to the question when a young person reaches the required degree of maturity, and whether the merit will not be less if the person is not able to assimilate his actions. Furthermore, the fact that life imprisonment can be sentenced to 18–20-year old’s is also in line with the offensive orientation, blocking efforts towards increased humanity.

Hence, the main conclusion is that there seems to be a discrepancy between, on the one hand, the legislator’s striving for crime prevention and criminality and, on the other hand, the system’s notions of legal certainty and restrictiveness in relation to criminal sanctions. This discrepancy can be linked to the distinction between defensive criminal justice policy and the offensive orientation, in which the former seems to have given way to the latter. However, against the conclusions in this essay, it is suggested that the legislator exercise caution when adopting strategies in line with the offensive approach. Otherwise, important values in a society governed by the rule of law might be forced to be subordinated to political points. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Den 17 november 2021 röstade Sveriges riksdag igenom regeringens förslag om en ny lag som innebär slopandet av straffrabatt för unga myndiga lagöverträdare vid allvarlig brottslighet. Vidare innebär förslaget att samma straff ska kunna utdömas till 18–20 åringar som till andra myndiga lagöverträdare, däribland fängelse på livstid. Unga myndiga har särbehandlats i svensk rätt i närmare 60 år, men under de senaste åren har en debatt förts om huruvida denna åldersgrupp fortsättningsvis ska behandlas som vuxna. Mot bakgrund av detta torde det vara motiverat att analysera lagstiftarens resonemang och urskilja vilka skäl som lett fram till lagen.

Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är således att granska den nya lagen om slopande av... (More)
Den 17 november 2021 röstade Sveriges riksdag igenom regeringens förslag om en ny lag som innebär slopandet av straffrabatt för unga myndiga lagöverträdare vid allvarlig brottslighet. Vidare innebär förslaget att samma straff ska kunna utdömas till 18–20 åringar som till andra myndiga lagöverträdare, däribland fängelse på livstid. Unga myndiga har särbehandlats i svensk rätt i närmare 60 år, men under de senaste åren har en debatt förts om huruvida denna åldersgrupp fortsättningsvis ska behandlas som vuxna. Mot bakgrund av detta torde det vara motiverat att analysera lagstiftarens resonemang och urskilja vilka skäl som lett fram till lagen.

Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är således att granska den nya lagen om slopande av straffreduktionen för unga myndiga i förhållande till grov brottslighet. Mer specifikt är syftet att analysera lagstiftarens framställning av slopandet utifrån straffrättsliga teorier och principer; med särskilt fokus på Jareborgs (1995) teorier om defensiv och offensiv straffrättspolitik. För att realisera syftet besvaras följande två frågeställningar:

1. Hur framställer den svenska lagstiftaren ett slopande av straffreduktionen för unga myndiga lagöverträdare?
2. Hur kan lagstiftarens framställningar förstås utifrån straffrättsliga teorier och principer?

Genom studium av förarbetena till den nya lagen i led att besvara den första frågeställningen utkristalliseras fyra huvudsakliga skäl för slopandet av straffreduktionen:

- Det krävs insatser inom rättsväsendet för att minska brottsligheten och öka tryggheten i samhället
- Reaktionen på allvarlig brottslighet blir idag för begränsad och är inte tillräckligt proportionerlig i förhållandet till brottets allvar.
- Det finns forskning som tyder på att unga inte når erforderlig mognadsgrad förrän senare i livet men en generell gräns låter sig inte uppställas. På flera sätt anses en tillräckligt utvecklad i anslutning till myndighetsåldern.
- En ändring av straffmaximum är nödvändig för att reformen gällande straffmätning ska vara konsekvent.

Av analysen, i vilken den andra frågeställningen besvaras, framgår att lagstiftarens resonemang kan förstås i enlighet med den offensiva inriktningen i det att straffrätten kan sägas utgöra en slags repertoar av metoder för lösning av sociala eller samhälleliga problem. Vidare noteras att lagstiftaren fäster stor vikt vid proportionalitet och förtjänst snarare än individualpreventiva hänsyn i form av behov. Detta kopplas till frågan när en ungdom uppnår erforderlig mognadsgrad, och huruvida inte förtjänsten blir mindre om en ungdom inte har förmåga att tillgodogöra sig sina gärningar. Att åldern för straffmaximum sänks, vilket möjliggör livstidsstraff till 18–20-åringar, kan också förstås i enlighet med den offensiva inriktningen. Konsekvenserna av inriktningens metoder kan vara en blockering av strävanden mot ökad humanitet i fråga om påföljdsbestämning.

Således konstateras att det råder en viss diskrepans mellan, å ena sidan, lagstiftarens strävan efter brottsprevention och effektivitet och, å andra sidan, straffsystemets föreställningar om rättssäkerhet och restriktivitet i förhållande till straffrättsliga sanktioner. Det kan kopplas till distinktionen mellan defensiv straffrättspolitik och den offensiva inriktningen, i vilket den förra förefaller ha fått ge vika för den senare. Mot bakgrund av slutsatserna i uppsatsen föreslås att lagstiftaren visar försiktighet i anammandet av strategier i enlighet med den offensiva inriktningen, så att inte viktiga värden i ett rättssamhälle tvingas underordnas politiska poänger. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Aspelin, Hedvig LU
LAGF03 20212
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, straffrabatt, ungdomsreduktion
date added to LUP
2022-02-15 11:29:23
date last changed
2022-02-15 11:29:23
  abstract     = {{On November 17, 2021, the Swedish Riksdag voted in favor of the governments’ proposal for a new law that abolishes the penalty rebate for young adult offenders who committed serious crimes. Furthermore, the law entails that the same punishment can be sentenced to 18–20 years as to other adult offenders, including life imprisonment. Young adult offenders have been treated differently than other adult offenders in the Swedish law system for almost 60 years. Yet, in the last decade there has been a debate regarding whether this group should be treated the same way as other adults. Against this background, I find it relevant to analyze the legislator's arguments and distinguish which reasons that led to the law.

Thus, the main purpose of the essay is to examine the new law on the abolition of the penalty reduction for young adult offenders in relation to serious crime. More specifically, the purpose is to analyze the legislator’s presentation of the abolition based on criminal law theories and principles, especially Jareborg's (1995) theories on defensive and offensive criminal law policy. To realize the purpose of this essay, the following two questions will be answered:

1. How does the Swedish legislator present the abolition of the penalty reduction for young adult offenders?
2. How can the legislator’s presentations be understood based on criminal law theories and principles?

By studying the preparatory works for the new law in order to answer the first question at issue, four main reasons to justify the abolition of the penalty reduction are crystallized: 

- Efforts are needed in the justice system to reduce crime and increase security in society.
- The reaction to serious crime today is too restricted and is not sufficient in proportion to the seriousness of the crime. 
- Admittedly, research indicates that young people do not reach the required degree of maturity until later in life, but a general limit cannot be set. In several ways, people are considered sufficiently mature when they are 18years old.
- A change in the maximum penalty is necessary for the reform to be consistent.

The analysis, in which the second question is answered shows that the legislator places considerable emphasis on prevention. The penalty system, in accordance with the offensive orientation, seems to constitute a kind of repertoire for methods and solutions of societal problems. Furthermore, it is noted that the legislator emphasizes proportionality rather than individual preventive considerations. This fact is linked to the question when a young person reaches the required degree of maturity, and whether the merit will not be less if the person is not able to assimilate his actions. Furthermore, the fact that life imprisonment can be sentenced to 18–20-year old’s is also in line with the offensive orientation, blocking efforts towards increased humanity.

Hence, the main conclusion is that there seems to be a discrepancy between, on the one hand, the legislator’s striving for crime prevention and criminality and, on the other hand, the system’s notions of legal certainty and restrictiveness in relation to criminal sanctions. This discrepancy can be linked to the distinction between defensive criminal justice policy and the offensive orientation, in which the former seems to have given way to the latter. However, against the conclusions in this essay, it is suggested that the legislator exercise caution when adopting strategies in line with the offensive approach. Otherwise, important values in a society governed by the rule of law might be forced to be subordinated to political points.}},
  author       = {{Aspelin, Hedvig}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Effektivitet eller rättssäkerhet? - En rättsanalys av den nya lagen om slopande av ungdomsreduktionen för grova brott}},
  year         = {{2021}},