Ekologiskt skadestånd enligt 32 kap. MB
(2021) LAGF03 20212Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Syftet med denna har uppsats har varit att undersöka hur svensk rätt hanterar skador på naturvärden inom ramen för 32 kap. MB för att undersöka om det överhuvudtaget är möjligt att få skadestånd för en ekologisk skada enligt 32 kap. men även hur en sådan skada skulle kunna komma att värderas. Uppsatsen har genom rättsdogmatisk metod analyserat både rättsfall, förarbeten och doktrin för att se hur begreppet ekologisk skada hanterats inom svensk rätt. Ekologisk skada är inget begrepp som finns i lagtext. Det används inte heller utav domstolar. Trots det har det utgått ersättning för det som kan liknas vid ekologisk skada vid flera tillfällen. En gemensam nämnare i fallen är att skadorna inte besitter något mätbart eller kommersiellt värde... (More)
- Syftet med denna har uppsats har varit att undersöka hur svensk rätt hanterar skador på naturvärden inom ramen för 32 kap. MB för att undersöka om det överhuvudtaget är möjligt att få skadestånd för en ekologisk skada enligt 32 kap. men även hur en sådan skada skulle kunna komma att värderas. Uppsatsen har genom rättsdogmatisk metod analyserat både rättsfall, förarbeten och doktrin för att se hur begreppet ekologisk skada hanterats inom svensk rätt. Ekologisk skada är inget begrepp som finns i lagtext. Det används inte heller utav domstolar. Trots det har det utgått ersättning för det som kan liknas vid ekologisk skada vid flera tillfällen. En gemensam nämnare i fallen är att skadorna inte besitter något mätbart eller kommersiellt värde utan snarare ett ideellt värde.
Skadestånd för ekologisk skada har utgått till staten b.la. genom olovligen skjutna järvar och vid ett annat tillfälle, en förstörd fornminneslämning. Ersättning utgick i det första fallet på grund av nedlagda kostnader för att bevara järvarna medan i andra fallet utgick ersättning för skadan på fornlämningen samt en arkeologisk undersökning som föranletts av skadan.
Skadestånd för ekologisk skada har utgått på civilrättsliga grunder enligt 32 kap. genom NJA 1999 s. 385 där fastighetsägare fick ersättning för b.la. estetisk immission på grund av en förändrad landskapsbild orsakat av en nybyggd väg. HD menade att det inte är möjligt att värdera en sådan skada objektivt, likväl utdömdes skadestånd.
I enlighet med vad undersökningen kommit fram till bör skadestånd för viss sorts ekologisk skada kunna utgå med stöd av 32 kap. MB. På grund av ekologisk skadas ideella natur skulle en domstol kunna göra en värdeuppskattning, antingen genom en skälighetsbedömning eller genom att exempelvis se till reell värdeminskning. Sverige skulle även kunna införa olika värderingstabeller likt det system Finland använder, där det framgår specifika priser på olika djur- och växtarter. Vid mer komplexa skador, t.ex. omfattande föroreningar, lämpar sig dock en tillämpning av 10 kap. MB bättre eftersom det genom tillämpning av dessa regler säkerställs att kompensationen går tillbaka till naturen genom exempelvis återställande, och inte till den skadelidande personligen. (Less) - Abstract
- The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how Swedish environmental law handles damage to natural resources, and to see whether it is possible at all to obtain compensation for ecological damage according to the Swedish Environmental Code (MB). The purpose has also been to see how such damage could be assessed. Through a legal-dogmatic method, the essay has analyzed both legal cases, preparatory work and doctrine to see how the concept of ecological damage has been handled in Swedish law. Ecological damage is not a term found in legal text. Neither is it used by courts. Despite this, compensation has been paid for what can be compared to ecological damage on several occasions. A common denominator in the cases is that the damages... (More)
- The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how Swedish environmental law handles damage to natural resources, and to see whether it is possible at all to obtain compensation for ecological damage according to the Swedish Environmental Code (MB). The purpose has also been to see how such damage could be assessed. Through a legal-dogmatic method, the essay has analyzed both legal cases, preparatory work and doctrine to see how the concept of ecological damage has been handled in Swedish law. Ecological damage is not a term found in legal text. Neither is it used by courts. Despite this, compensation has been paid for what can be compared to ecological damage on several occasions. A common denominator in the cases is that the damages do not possess any measurable or commercial value.
Compensation for ecological damage has been paid to the state, among other things. by illegally shot wolverines and on another occasion, a destroyed ancient monument. Compensation was paid in the first case due to costs incurred to preserve the wolverines, while in the second case compensation was paid for the damage to the ancient monument and an archaeological investigation that was caused by the damage. Compensation for ecological damage has also been paid in accordance with civil law rules - chapter 32 of MB -through NJA 1999 s. 385 where property owners received compensation for e.g. aesthetic damages due to change of the landscape image caused by a newbuilt road. HD argued that it was not possible to assess such damage objectively, still compensation was paid.
In accordance with what the investigation has concluded, compensation for some ecological damage should be compensable based on chapter 32 of MB. Due to the non-profit nature of the damage, a court could do their assessment by making reasonableness assessments as well as see the value depreciation of a property, that is caused by the damage. Sweden could also implement different valuation tables similar to the system that Finland uses, which shows specific prices for different animal and plant species. However, in the case of more complex injuries, e.g. extensive pollution, chapter 10 of MB seems more suitable because when applying these rules, it is ensured that compensation goes back to nature through e.g. restoration, and not to the injured party personally. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Nilsson, Christoffer LU
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- LAGF03 20212
- year
- 2021
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- skadeståndsrätt, ekologisk skada, naturvärden, miljöbalken
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9070352
- date added to LUP
- 2022-02-15 11:42:54
- date last changed
- 2022-02-15 11:42:54
@misc{9070352, abstract = {{The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how Swedish environmental law handles damage to natural resources, and to see whether it is possible at all to obtain compensation for ecological damage according to the Swedish Environmental Code (MB). The purpose has also been to see how such damage could be assessed. Through a legal-dogmatic method, the essay has analyzed both legal cases, preparatory work and doctrine to see how the concept of ecological damage has been handled in Swedish law. Ecological damage is not a term found in legal text. Neither is it used by courts. Despite this, compensation has been paid for what can be compared to ecological damage on several occasions. A common denominator in the cases is that the damages do not possess any measurable or commercial value. Compensation for ecological damage has been paid to the state, among other things. by illegally shot wolverines and on another occasion, a destroyed ancient monument. Compensation was paid in the first case due to costs incurred to preserve the wolverines, while in the second case compensation was paid for the damage to the ancient monument and an archaeological investigation that was caused by the damage. Compensation for ecological damage has also been paid in accordance with civil law rules - chapter 32 of MB -through NJA 1999 s. 385 where property owners received compensation for e.g. aesthetic damages due to change of the landscape image caused by a newbuilt road. HD argued that it was not possible to assess such damage objectively, still compensation was paid. In accordance with what the investigation has concluded, compensation for some ecological damage should be compensable based on chapter 32 of MB. Due to the non-profit nature of the damage, a court could do their assessment by making reasonableness assessments as well as see the value depreciation of a property, that is caused by the damage. Sweden could also implement different valuation tables similar to the system that Finland uses, which shows specific prices for different animal and plant species. However, in the case of more complex injuries, e.g. extensive pollution, chapter 10 of MB seems more suitable because when applying these rules, it is ensured that compensation goes back to nature through e.g. restoration, and not to the injured party personally.}}, author = {{Nilsson, Christoffer}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Ekologiskt skadestånd enligt 32 kap. MB}}, year = {{2021}}, }