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Reglering av prostitution i Sverige och Tyskland - en komparativ analys

Lax, Julia LU (2021) LAGF03 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Nedanstående uppsats avser att belysa skiljaktigheter avseende Sveriges och Tysklands reglering av prostitution. Ämnets unika och komplexa karaktär resulterar i en mångfacetterad debatt som vid en jämförelse visar ländernas skilda argumentation och rättsliga grund.
Historiskt har länderna infört regleringar med fokus på den säljande parten, i form av registrering och kontrollåtgärder. Huvudsakligen har den prostituerades handling fördömts och lagstiftningarnas skyddsintresse avsett att på ett preventivt sätt upprätthålla allmän ordning, säkerhet och sedlighet. Under tiden har länderna skiftat perspektiv och skyddsvärde, vilket redovisas genom jämförelsen av gällande rätt och dess bakomliggande syfte.
Sveriges kommunitära syn på... (More)
Nedanstående uppsats avser att belysa skiljaktigheter avseende Sveriges och Tysklands reglering av prostitution. Ämnets unika och komplexa karaktär resulterar i en mångfacetterad debatt som vid en jämförelse visar ländernas skilda argumentation och rättsliga grund.
Historiskt har länderna infört regleringar med fokus på den säljande parten, i form av registrering och kontrollåtgärder. Huvudsakligen har den prostituerades handling fördömts och lagstiftningarnas skyddsintresse avsett att på ett preventivt sätt upprätthålla allmän ordning, säkerhet och sedlighet. Under tiden har länderna skiftat perspektiv och skyddsvärde, vilket redovisas genom jämförelsen av gällande rätt och dess bakomliggande syfte.
Sveriges kommunitära syn på regleringen av prostitution innebär att staten skyddar individen och samhället i form av att köparen av sexuella handlingar riskerar straffansvar i enlighet med 6 kap 11 § brottsbalken. I Tyskland appliceras det autonoma perspektivet, vilket medför en reglering men inte kriminalisering av företeelsen eftersom prostitution inräknas i den individuella självbestämmanderätten som är grundlagsskyddad. Införandet av den tyska lagen prostituiertenschutzgesetz 2017 innebär att den rättsliga grunden i större utsträckning än tidigare liknar Sveriges. I respektive land förekommer utbredd kritik och argumentation gällande regleringen av sexhandel. Presentationen och komparationen av utvärderingen visar ämnets komplexitet och ländernas övergripande grundvärderingar gällande prostitution. (Less)
The purpose of this essay is to highlight the discrepancy regarding Sweden’s and Germany’s legislation of prostitution. The unique yet complex nature of this topic makes for a multifaceted debate which when analyzed through a comparative lens showcases the differences in the priorities and legislative foundation of the two countries.
Historically, Germany and Sweden have implemented regulation targeting the selling litigant through registration as well as control measures. Primarily it was the actions of the prostitute which were condemned, and the legislations protection interest were preventive means to uphold public order, safety, and virtuous standards. The countries have since shifted perspective as well as protection interest which... (More)
The purpose of this essay is to highlight the discrepancy regarding Sweden’s and Germany’s legislation of prostitution. The unique yet complex nature of this topic makes for a multifaceted debate which when analyzed through a comparative lens showcases the differences in the priorities and legislative foundation of the two countries.
Historically, Germany and Sweden have implemented regulation targeting the selling litigant through registration as well as control measures. Primarily it was the actions of the prostitute which were condemned, and the legislations protection interest were preventive means to uphold public order, safety, and virtuous standards. The countries have since shifted perspective as well as protection interest which will be presented through a comparative analysis regarding legislation and its purpose.
The Swedish communitarian approach on regulation of prostitution entails the state to protect the individual as well as the community by making the consumer criminally liable. In Germany the autonomous perspective is applied, which entails a regulation of the phenomenon but not a criminalization because prostitution is included in the individual right to self- determination which is constitutionally protected. The introduction of the German law prostituiertenschutzgesetz 2017 means that the legal basis, to a greater extent than before, is similar to Sweden's. In each country, there is widespread criticism and argumentation regarding the regulation of prostitution. The presentation and comparison of the evaluation shows the complexity of the subject and the countries' overall basic values regarding prostitution. (Less)
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Lax, Julia LU
LAGF03 20212
M2 - Bachelor Degree
komparativ rätt, prostitution, straffrätt, sexköpslagen, Tyskland
date added to LUP
2022-02-15 11:40:11
date last changed
2022-02-15 11:40:11
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this essay is to highlight the discrepancy regarding Sweden’s and Germany’s legislation of prostitution. The unique yet complex nature of this topic makes for a multifaceted debate which when analyzed through a comparative lens showcases the differences in the priorities and legislative foundation of the two countries.
Historically, Germany and Sweden have implemented regulation targeting the selling litigant through registration as well as control measures. Primarily it was the actions of the prostitute which were condemned, and the legislations protection interest were preventive means to uphold public order, safety, and virtuous standards. The countries have since shifted perspective as well as protection interest which will be presented through a comparative analysis regarding legislation and its purpose.
The Swedish communitarian approach on regulation of prostitution entails the state to protect the individual as well as the community by making the consumer criminally liable. In Germany the autonomous perspective is applied, which entails a regulation of the phenomenon but not a criminalization because prostitution is included in the individual right to self- determination which is constitutionally protected. The introduction of the German law prostituiertenschutzgesetz 2017 means that the legal basis, to a greater extent than before, is similar to Sweden's. In each country, there is widespread criticism and argumentation regarding the regulation of prostitution. The presentation and comparison of the evaluation shows the complexity of the subject and the countries' overall basic values regarding prostitution.}},
  author       = {{Lax, Julia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Reglering av prostitution i Sverige och Tyskland - en komparativ analys}},
  year         = {{2021}},