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Ersättning med stöd av principen om obehörig vinst – För- och nackdelar med att tillämpa principen om obehörig vinst mellan sambor

Morovic, Isabella LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
När sambo B bidrar med ett ekonomiskt tillskott eller en arbetsmässig insats för att förbättra egendom som sambo A äger sedan innan samlevnaden kan samborna avtala om att insatsens ekonomiska värde ska utgöra en gåva eller en försträckning. Situationen är dock inte alltid så klar. Den nära personliga och ekonomiska gemenskap som ett samboskap i regel innebär medför att situationen kan hamna någonstans i gränslandet däremellan. Detta beror på att B ofta investerar i A:s egendom för att själv, och tillsammans med A, få nytta av förbättringen. Om samboförhållandet upplöses kort tid efter B:s ekonomiska tillskott eller arbetsmässiga insats, får B emellertid ingen eller begränsad nytta av sin insats. A som äger egendomen får däremot ensam nytta... (More)
När sambo B bidrar med ett ekonomiskt tillskott eller en arbetsmässig insats för att förbättra egendom som sambo A äger sedan innan samlevnaden kan samborna avtala om att insatsens ekonomiska värde ska utgöra en gåva eller en försträckning. Situationen är dock inte alltid så klar. Den nära personliga och ekonomiska gemenskap som ett samboskap i regel innebär medför att situationen kan hamna någonstans i gränslandet däremellan. Detta beror på att B ofta investerar i A:s egendom för att själv, och tillsammans med A, få nytta av förbättringen. Om samboförhållandet upplöses kort tid efter B:s ekonomiska tillskott eller arbetsmässiga insats, får B emellertid ingen eller begränsad nytta av sin insats. A som äger egendomen får däremot ensam nytta av insatsen och den värdeökning den kan ha bidragit till. Frågan som uppkommer är ifall B har, eller borde ha, rätt att kräva ersättning för den investering hen har gjort i A:s egendom. En tänkbar grund är att A annars gör en s.k. obehörig vinst på B:s bekostnad.

Ur ett internationellt familjerättsligt perspektiv är denna grund inte främmande. Möjligheten att med stöd av principen om obehörig vinst rikta ersättningskrav mot ägarsambon, i de fall ens bidrag inte grundar samäganderätt till egendomen, finns i flera delar av världen – närmast i våra nordiska grannländer. För svenskt vidkommande finns det ingen lagstiftning på området och rättsläget har länge varit oklart pga. avsaknaden av prejudicerande domar. Svenska Högsta domstolen (HD) meddelade emellertid nyligen, genom sin dom i NJA 2019 s. 23, att sådana värdeöverföringar inte kunde ge ersättning grundad på obehörig vinst mellan sambor. Domen har mött kritik, men även vunnit visst stöd i svensk juridisk doktrin.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda om det, utifrån lagstiftarens tankar om att värdet av det gemensamt uppbyggda hemmet ska delas, finns skäl att erbjuda sambor ytterligare en möjlighet att ta del av det ekonomiska värdet av den gemensamma permanentbostaden. Vidare är syftet att undersöka vad som talar för respektive emot ett införande av en ersättningsrätt grundad på principen om obehörig vinst. Som ett led i undersökningen om vad som talar för respektive emot en ersättningsrätt grundad på principen om obehörig vinst ingår en utblick över nordisk rätt. För att uppnå uppsatsen syfte använder jag rättsdogmatisk och rättsanalytisk metod.

Utredningen av gällande rätt visar att sambor har möjlighet att ta del av den gemensamma permanentbostadens ekonomiska värde genom 1) bodelning, 2) samägande och 3) förmögenhetsrättsliga avtal. Dessa möjligheter har emellertid visat sig vara otillräckliga i de fall en sambo investerar i, eller utför arbete på, en permanentbostad som den andra sambon har förvärvat före samlevnaden. Mot bakgrund av lagstiftarens tankar om att värdet av det gemensamt uppbyggda hemmet ska delas menar jag därför att det finns skäl att erbjuda sambor ytterligare en möjlighet. En tänkbar möjlighet är att sambor erbjuds en ersättningsrätt grundad på principen om obehörig vinst.

Framträdande fördelar med en tillämpning av principen om obehörig vinst är att effekten av samlevnaden skulle kunna justeras utifrån omständigheterna i det enskilda fallet samtidigt som en ökad nordisk rättslikhet skulle uppnås. Centrala motargument är emellertid att principen skulle medföra en oförutsebar rättstillämpning och att sambor påtvingas en utökad ekonomisk gemenskap på bekostnad av sin individuella äganderätt. Efter att ha diskuterat för- och nackdelarna är min slutsats att fördelarna med att tillämpa principen väger tyngre än nackdelarna. Min slutsats är vidare att det finns möjlighet att argumentera för, såväl som emot, att en tillämpning av principen harmonierar med lagstiftarens syn på sambors ekonomiska gemenskap. (Less)
When cohabitant B contributes with a financial contribution or a work contribution to improve property that cohabitant A owns since before the cohabitation, the cohabitants can agree that the financial value of the contribution shall constitute a gift or a loan. However, the situation is not always so clear. The close personal and financial community that a cohabitation usually entails means that the situation can end up somewhere in the borderland in between. This is because B often invests in A's property in order to benefit from the improvement him- or herself, and together with A. However, if the cohabitation relationship is dissolved shortly after B's financial contribution or work effort, B receives no or limited benefit from his or... (More)
When cohabitant B contributes with a financial contribution or a work contribution to improve property that cohabitant A owns since before the cohabitation, the cohabitants can agree that the financial value of the contribution shall constitute a gift or a loan. However, the situation is not always so clear. The close personal and financial community that a cohabitation usually entails means that the situation can end up somewhere in the borderland in between. This is because B often invests in A's property in order to benefit from the improvement him- or herself, and together with A. However, if the cohabitation relationship is dissolved shortly after B's financial contribution or work effort, B receives no or limited benefit from his or her effort. A who owns the property will, on the other hand, benefit from the investment and the increase in value it may have contributed to. The question that arises is whether B has, or should have, the right to demand compensation for the investment he or she has made in A's property. A possible basis is that A otherwise make an unjust enrichment at B's expense.

From an international family law perspective, the principle of unjust enrichment is not a foreign legal basis. The possibility of directing compensation claims against the owning cohabitant on the basis of the principle of unjust enrichment, in cases where even contributions do not establish co-ownership of the property, exists in several parts of the world and also in Nordic countries eg. Finland, Norway and Denmark. In the case of Sweden, there is no legislation in this area and the legal situation has long been unclear due to the absence of prejudicial judgments from the Swedish Supreme Court on this. However, the Swedish Supreme Court recently announced, through its judgment in NJA 2019 s. 23, that such value transfers could not provide compensation based on unjust enrichment between cohabitants. The judgment has met with criticism, but also gained some support in Swedish legal doctrine.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze whether, based on the legislator's view that the value of the jointly built home should be shared, there is reason to offer cohabitants another opportunity to take part of the economic value of the joint dwelling. Furthermore, the purpose is to examine the arguments for and against introducing a right to compensation based on the principle of unjust enrichment in Swedish cohabitation law. As part of the examination of the arguments, a view of Nordic law is included. To achieve the purpose of this thesis, I use legal dogmatic and legal analytical method.

The examination of applicable law shows that cohabitants have the opportunity to take part of the economic value of the joint dwelling through 1) division of property, 2) co-ownership and 3) property law agreements. However, these possibilities have proved to be insufficient in cases where a cohabitant invests in, or performs work on, a permanent home that the other cohabitant has acquired before the cohabitation. In the light of the legislator's view that the value of the jointly built home should be shared, I therefore believe that there is reason to offer cohabitants another opportunity. One possibility is that cohabitants are offered a right to compensation based on the principle of unjust enrichment.

Prominent advantages of applying the principle of unjust enrichment are that the effect of the cohabitation could be adjusted based on the circumstances of the individual case at the same time as increased Nordic legal equality would be achieved. Central counter-arguments are, however, that the principle would lead to an unpredictable application of law and that cohabitants would be forced into an expanded economic community at the expense of their individual property rights. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, my conclusion is that the advantages of applying the principle outweigh the disadvantages. My conclusion is further that there is an opportunity to argue for, as well as against, that an application of the principle consorts with the legislator's view of cohabitants' economic community. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Morovic, Isabella LU
alternative title
Compensation based on the principle of unjust enrichment – Advantages and disadvantages of applying the principle of unjust enrichment between cohabitants
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Civilrätt, familjerätt, sambor, ersättningsrätt, principen om obehörig vinst
date added to LUP
2022-01-22 17:25:16
date last changed
2022-01-22 17:25:16
  abstract     = {{When cohabitant B contributes with a financial contribution or a work contribution to improve property that cohabitant A owns since before the cohabitation, the cohabitants can agree that the financial value of the contribution shall constitute a gift or a loan. However, the situation is not always so clear. The close personal and financial community that a cohabitation usually entails means that the situation can end up somewhere in the borderland in between. This is because B often invests in A's property in order to benefit from the improvement him- or herself, and together with A. However, if the cohabitation relationship is dissolved shortly after B's financial contribution or work effort, B receives no or limited benefit from his or her effort. A who owns the property will, on the other hand, benefit from the investment and the increase in value it may have contributed to. The question that arises is whether B has, or should have, the right to demand compensation for the investment he or she has made in A's property. A possible basis is that A otherwise make an unjust enrichment at B's expense.

From an international family law perspective, the principle of unjust enrichment is not a foreign legal basis. The possibility of directing compensation claims against the owning cohabitant on the basis of the principle of unjust enrichment, in cases where even contributions do not establish co-ownership of the property, exists in several parts of the world and also in Nordic countries eg. Finland, Norway and Denmark. In the case of Sweden, there is no legislation in this area and the legal situation has long been unclear due to the absence of prejudicial judgments from the Swedish Supreme Court on this. However, the Swedish Supreme Court recently announced, through its judgment in NJA 2019 s. 23, that such value transfers could not provide compensation based on unjust enrichment between cohabitants. The judgment has met with criticism, but also gained some support in Swedish legal doctrine.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze whether, based on the legislator's view that the value of the jointly built home should be shared, there is reason to offer cohabitants another opportunity to take part of the economic value of the joint dwelling. Furthermore, the purpose is to examine the arguments for and against introducing a right to compensation based on the principle of unjust enrichment in Swedish cohabitation law. As part of the examination of the arguments, a view of Nordic law is included. To achieve the purpose of this thesis, I use legal dogmatic and legal analytical method. 

The examination of applicable law shows that cohabitants have the opportunity to take part of the economic value of the joint dwelling through 1) division of property, 2) co-ownership and 3) property law agreements. However, these possibilities have proved to be insufficient in cases where a cohabitant invests in, or performs work on, a permanent home that the other cohabitant has acquired before the cohabitation. In the light of the legislator's view that the value of the jointly built home should be shared, I therefore believe that there is reason to offer cohabitants another opportunity. One possibility is that cohabitants are offered a right to compensation based on the principle of unjust enrichment.

Prominent advantages of applying the principle of unjust enrichment are that the effect of the cohabitation could be adjusted based on the circumstances of the individual case at the same time as increased Nordic legal equality would be achieved. Central counter-arguments are, however, that the principle would lead to an unpredictable application of law and that cohabitants would be forced into an expanded economic community at the expense of their individual property rights. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, my conclusion is that the advantages of applying the principle outweigh the disadvantages. My conclusion is further that there is an opportunity to argue for, as well as against, that an application of the principle consorts with the legislator's view of cohabitants' economic community.}},
  author       = {{Morovic, Isabella}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Ersättning med stöd av principen om obehörig vinst – För- och nackdelar med att tillämpa principen om obehörig vinst mellan sambor}},
  year         = {{2021}},