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En särskilt utsatt situation – om oaktsam våldtäkt vid människohandel i prostitutionssyfte

Björck, Katrin LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Människohandel för sexuella ändamål är ett växande globalt problem. I samband med pandemin har den svenska gränspolisen rapporterat in misstankar om ökad människohandel till Sverige från länder med en mer omfattande nedstängning. Offren för denna typ av exploatering är i regel unga kvinnor som är på flykt från utsatta situationer i sina hemländer.

I Sverige möter de en efterfrågan på billiga sexuella tjänster från män som ger uttryck för en bild av kvinnorna som egna företagare. Köp av sexuell tjänst är kriminaliserat i Sverige sedan 1999, och prostitution ses otvetydigt som en form av mäns våld mot kvinnor inom svensk jämställdhetspolitik. De sexköpande männen är till stor del kritiska till denna lagstiftning, och gör stor skillnad på... (More)
Människohandel för sexuella ändamål är ett växande globalt problem. I samband med pandemin har den svenska gränspolisen rapporterat in misstankar om ökad människohandel till Sverige från länder med en mer omfattande nedstängning. Offren för denna typ av exploatering är i regel unga kvinnor som är på flykt från utsatta situationer i sina hemländer.

I Sverige möter de en efterfrågan på billiga sexuella tjänster från män som ger uttryck för en bild av kvinnorna som egna företagare. Köp av sexuell tjänst är kriminaliserat i Sverige sedan 1999, och prostitution ses otvetydigt som en form av mäns våld mot kvinnor inom svensk jämställdhetspolitik. De sexköpande männen är till stor del kritiska till denna lagstiftning, och gör stor skillnad på att köpa sex och att utnyttja människor genom människohandel. Samtidigt visar de på en stor okunskap kring hur människohandel yttrar sig.

I Sverige går gränsen för straffbar gärning enligt rådande sexualbrottslagstiftning vid bristande frivillighet. Ett deltagande i en sexuell handling kan aldrig anses vara frivilligt i de fall då gärningsmannen otillbörligt utnyttjar att en annan person befinner sig i en särskilt utsatt situation. Ett offer för människohandel får antas befinna sig i en sådan situation.

I samband med införandet av denna samtyckesreglering infördes även ett oaktsamhetsansvar vid våldtäktsbrott. Straffbarhet vid oaktsam våldtäkt kräver ”grov oaktsamhet”, vilket främst omfattar medveten oaktsamhet. Även grövre former av omedveten oaktsamhet kan omfattas, i de fall där gärningspersonen haft möjlighet att komma till insikt och där underlåtenheten att göra detta får anses vara påtagligt klandervärd.

Utredningar av denna typ av brottslighet måste det prioriteras i högre grad för att ett effektivt skydd ska kunna upprättas för de, i sanning, särskilt utsatta grupper som är offer för denna typ av multipel brottslighet. Kravet på sexköpares aktsamhet är lågt ställt. Möjligheten att fritt från konsekvenser kunna sakna insikt om de förhållanden som gäller för en person som säljer sex bör begränsas för den person som väljer att köpa sexuella tjänster av denna. (Less)
Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is a growing global issue. In connection with the pandemic, the Swedish Border Police have reported suspicions of increased human trafficking to Sweden from countries with a more extensive lock-down. The victims of this type of exploitation are usually young women fleeing vulnerable situations in their home countries. In Sweden, they meet a demand for cheap sexual services from men that often view these women as self-employed.

The purchase of sexual services has been criminalized in Sweden since 1999, and prostitution is unequivocally seen as a form of male violence against women in Swedish gender equality policy. The sex-buying men are largely critical of this legislation and... (More)
Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is a growing global issue. In connection with the pandemic, the Swedish Border Police have reported suspicions of increased human trafficking to Sweden from countries with a more extensive lock-down. The victims of this type of exploitation are usually young women fleeing vulnerable situations in their home countries. In Sweden, they meet a demand for cheap sexual services from men that often view these women as self-employed.

The purchase of sexual services has been criminalized in Sweden since 1999, and prostitution is unequivocally seen as a form of male violence against women in Swedish gender equality policy. The sex-buying men are largely critical of this legislation and differentiate completely between buying sex and exploiting people through human trafficking. At the same time, they show a great deal of ignorance about how human trafficking manifests itself.

In Sweden, the sexual offenses legislation is based on consent. Participation in a sexual act can never be considered consensual in cases where the perpetrator unlawfully exploits the fact that another person is in a particularly vulnerable situation. A victim of human trafficking may be presumed to be in such a situation.

In connection with the introduction of this consent-based legislation, liability in the case of gross negligence was also introduced in the event of rape. ”Gross negligence”, in this case, mainly includes recklessness. More serious forms of negligence can also be included, in cases where the perpetrator has had the opportunity to come to a realization, and the failure to do so may be considered reprehensible.

Investigations into this type of crime should be given higher priority in order to achieve effective protection for the particularly vulnerable groups who are victims. The requirements on sex buyers' to show care are low. The allowed lack of insight into the conditions of those who sell sex should be limited in regards to the person who chooses to buy sexual services. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Björck, Katrin LU
alternative title
A Particularly Vulnerable Situation
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
date added to LUP
2022-01-26 00:14:15
date last changed
2022-01-26 00:14:15
  abstract     = {{Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is a growing global issue. In connection with the pandemic, the Swedish Border Police have reported suspicions of increased human trafficking to Sweden from countries with a more extensive lock-down. The victims of this type of exploitation are usually young women fleeing vulnerable situations in their home countries. In Sweden, they meet a demand for cheap sexual services from men that often view these women as self-employed. 

The purchase of sexual services has been criminalized in Sweden since 1999, and prostitution is unequivocally seen as a form of male violence against women in Swedish gender equality policy. The sex-buying men are largely critical of this legislation and differentiate completely between buying sex and exploiting people through human trafficking. At the same time, they show a great deal of ignorance about how human trafficking manifests itself.

In Sweden, the sexual offenses legislation is based on consent. Participation in a sexual act can never be considered consensual in cases where the perpetrator unlawfully exploits the fact that another person is in a particularly vulnerable situation. A victim of human trafficking may be presumed to be in such a situation.

In connection with the introduction of this consent-based legislation, liability in the case of gross negligence was also introduced in the event of rape. ”Gross negligence”, in this case, mainly includes recklessness. More serious forms of negligence can also be included, in cases where the perpetrator has had the opportunity to come to a realization, and the failure to do so may be considered reprehensible.

Investigations into this type of crime should be given higher priority in order to achieve effective protection for the particularly vulnerable groups who are victims. The requirements on sex buyers' to show care are low. The allowed lack of insight into the conditions of those who sell sex should be limited in regards to the person who chooses to buy sexual services.}},
  author       = {{Björck, Katrin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{En särskilt utsatt situation – om oaktsam våldtäkt vid människohandel i prostitutionssyfte}},
  year         = {{2021}},