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Uppgifter om våld i vårdnadstvister - en familjerättslig studie om gällande rätt och praktik

Persdotter, Karin LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Den här uppsatsen är ett examensarbete för juristprogrammet på Lunds universitet. Uppsatsen är skriven inom rättsområdet familjerätt och behandlar gällande rätt om vårdnadstvister samt problematiken kring uppgifter om våld i vårdnadstvister.

Juridiska vårdnadstvister är ofta mycket känsliga och domstolen har många bestämmelser att förhålla sig till för att avgöra en tvist. Ytterligare en dimension av problematik tilläggs när någon form av våld skett mellan de två inblandade parterna i vårdnadstvisten.

Föräldrabalkens sjätte kapitel är den grundläggande lagstiftningen för vårdnadstvister. Genom åren har många lagändringar, förtydliganden och omformuleringar skett i föräldrabalken vilket lett till att barn idag har ett mycket... (More)
Den här uppsatsen är ett examensarbete för juristprogrammet på Lunds universitet. Uppsatsen är skriven inom rättsområdet familjerätt och behandlar gällande rätt om vårdnadstvister samt problematiken kring uppgifter om våld i vårdnadstvister.

Juridiska vårdnadstvister är ofta mycket känsliga och domstolen har många bestämmelser att förhålla sig till för att avgöra en tvist. Ytterligare en dimension av problematik tilläggs när någon form av våld skett mellan de två inblandade parterna i vårdnadstvisten.

Föräldrabalkens sjätte kapitel är den grundläggande lagstiftningen för vårdnadstvister. Genom åren har många lagändringar, förtydliganden och omformuleringar skett i föräldrabalken vilket lett till att barn idag har ett mycket omfattande skydd i frågor gällande vårdnad, boende och umgänge. 6 kap 2 a § FB stadgar att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för varje beslut som tas i frågor gällande vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Vidare ska, enligt samma paragraf, risken för att barnet far illa särskilt beaktas vid bedömningen av vad som är barnets bästa.
När det inom ramen för en vårdnadstvist uppkommer uppgifter om våld från en eller båda parterna ska domstolen göra en riskbedömning angående den fortsatta risken att barnet eller någon annan i barnets familj blir utsatt för våld, övergrepp eller på något annat sätt far illa.

I denna uppsats undersöks 66 stycken rättsfall från Göteborgs tingsrätt. Målen behandlar våld i vårdnadstvister och granskas för att se hur den gällande rätten och praxis på området används i den svenska domstolen. Undersökningen visar att gemensam vårdnad relativt sällan ges ut i fall där uppgifter om våld förekommer, men att den huvudsakliga anledningen till detta inte sägs bero på våldet i sig, utan snarare är en konsekvens av föräldrarnas djupa konflikt. Vidare visar de undersökta rättsfallen att riskbedömningar används av domstolen i mycket hög grad samt att vårdnadsutredningar från en tredje part får stor betydelse i domstolens bedömningar.

Vad som kan konstateras utifrån gällande rätt, praxis samt rättsfallsundersökningen är att det finns tendenser till att uppgifterna om våld tonas ner i sin betydelse. Det existerande våldet anses av domstolen generellt vara ett symptom på andra saker, till exempel en pågående konflikt eller samarbetsproblem mellan parterna, snarare än ett problem i sig själv.

Generella förbättringar inom hur uppgifter om våld i vårdnadstvister ska hanteras behövs, framförallt gällande hur domstolen hanterar den gällande rätten. Barnets bästa behöver belysas tydligare och framförallt diskuteras mer ingående i domstolens domskäl. Riskbedömningar bör fortsatt utföras i samtliga mål där det finns tendenser till att ett barn eller någon av barnets familjemedlemmar far illa. Uppgifter om våld i en vårdnadstvist bör även tas på större allvar i både den gällande rätten och i domstolen. Till sist bör det skapas en mer tydlig praxis kring hur domstolen ska hantera obevisade uppgifter om våld i en vårdnadstvist. (Less)
This thesis is a degree project for the law program at Lund University. The essay is written within the juridical area of family law and deals with the established law on custody disputes and the problems regarding information about violence in custody disputes.

Legal custody disputes are often quite sensitive and the court has to comply with several regulations when resolving a dispute. Moreover, other issues arise when some form of violence has taken place between the two parties involved in the custody dispute.

The sixth chapter of the Parental Code is the essential legislation for all custody disputes. Over the years many changes and clarifications have taken place in the Parental Code, which has resulted in children today having... (More)
This thesis is a degree project for the law program at Lund University. The essay is written within the juridical area of family law and deals with the established law on custody disputes and the problems regarding information about violence in custody disputes.

Legal custody disputes are often quite sensitive and the court has to comply with several regulations when resolving a dispute. Moreover, other issues arise when some form of violence has taken place between the two parties involved in the custody dispute.

The sixth chapter of the Parental Code is the essential legislation for all custody disputes. Over the years many changes and clarifications have taken place in the Parental Code, which has resulted in children today having very extensive protection in matters concerning custody, residence and visitation. The paragraph 6.2 a in the Parental code states that the best interests of the child shall be decisive for every decision made in matters concerning custody, residence and visitation. Furthermore, the risk of the child being harmed must be given special consideration when assessing what is in the child's best interest. When information arises about violence from one or both parties within the framework of a custody dispute, the court must make a risk assessment regarding the continued risk that the child or someone else in the child's family will be subjected to violence, abuse or other harm.
In this essay 66 legal cases from the District Court in Gothenburg are examined. The cases deal with violence in custody disputes and are used to examine how the applicable law and practice in the area are used in the Swedish court. The research shows that joint custody is rarely issued in cases where information about violence occurs, but that the main reason for this is not said to be due to the violence itself, but rather is a consequence of the deep conflict between the parents. Furthermore, the legal cases examined show that risk assessments are used by the court to a very high degree and that custody investigations from a third party are of great importance in the court's assessments.

What can be stated on the basis of established law, practice and the case study is that there are tendencies that the information about violence is toned down in its significance. Existing violence is generally considered by the court to be a symptom of other things, such as an ongoing conflict or cooperation problems between the parties, rather than a problem in itself.

General improvements in how information about violence in custody disputes is to be handled are needed, especially regarding how the court handles the established law. The best interests of the child need to be highlighted more and discussed in more detail in the court's reasoning. Risk assessments should continue to be performed in all cases where there are reasons to believe that a child or one of the child's family members may be harmed. Information about violence in a custody dispute should also be taken more seriously in both the established law and in the court. Finally, a clearer practice should be created on how the court should handle unproven information about violence in a custody dispute. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Persdotter, Karin LU
alternative title
Information about violence in custody disputes - an examination of established law and practice
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Familjerätt, vårdnadstvist
date added to LUP
2022-01-26 14:37:01
date last changed
2022-01-26 14:37:01
  abstract     = {{This thesis is a degree project for the law program at Lund University. The essay is written within the juridical area of family law and deals with the established law on custody disputes and the problems regarding information about violence in custody disputes.

Legal custody disputes are often quite sensitive and the court has to comply with several regulations when resolving a dispute. Moreover, other issues arise when some form of violence has taken place between the two parties involved in the custody dispute.

The sixth chapter of the Parental Code is the essential legislation for all custody disputes. Over the years many changes and clarifications have taken place in the Parental Code, which has resulted in children today having very extensive protection in matters concerning custody, residence and visitation. The paragraph 6.2 a in the Parental code states that the best interests of the child shall be decisive for every decision made in matters concerning custody, residence and visitation. Furthermore, the risk of the child being harmed must be given special consideration when assessing what is in the child's best interest. When information arises about violence from one or both parties within the framework of a custody dispute, the court must make a risk assessment regarding the continued risk that the child or someone else in the child's family will be subjected to violence, abuse or other harm.
In this essay 66 legal cases from the District Court in Gothenburg are examined. The cases deal with violence in custody disputes and are used to examine how the applicable law and practice in the area are used in the Swedish court. The research shows that joint custody is rarely issued in cases where information about violence occurs, but that the main reason for this is not said to be due to the violence itself, but rather is a consequence of the deep conflict between the parents. Furthermore, the legal cases examined show that risk assessments are used by the court to a very high degree and that custody investigations from a third party are of great importance in the court's assessments.

What can be stated on the basis of established law, practice and the case study is that there are tendencies that the information about violence is toned down in its significance. Existing violence is generally considered by the court to be a symptom of other things, such as an ongoing conflict or cooperation problems between the parties, rather than a problem in itself.

General improvements in how information about violence in custody disputes is to be handled are needed, especially regarding how the court handles the established law. The best interests of the child need to be highlighted more and discussed in more detail in the court's reasoning. Risk assessments should continue to be performed in all cases where there are reasons to believe that a child or one of the child's family members may be harmed. Information about violence in a custody dispute should also be taken more seriously in both the established law and in the court. Finally, a clearer practice should be created on how the court should handle unproven information about violence in a custody dispute.}},
  author       = {{Persdotter, Karin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Uppgifter om våld i vårdnadstvister - en familjerättslig studie om gällande rätt och praktik}},
  year         = {{2021}},