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Personlig integritet i straff- och straffprocessrättslig lagstiftning - En jämförelse av hur begreppet personlig integritet definieras och värderas i lagstiftningsåtgärder enskilda emellan kontra mellan staten och enskilda

Stenström, Malin LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Under de senaste decennierna har den personliga integriteten diskuterats i samband med flera lagstiftningsåtgärder i svensk rätt, inte minst i samband med ny lagstiftning inom straff- och straffprocessrätten. Flera straffrätts- bestämmelser har införts för att skydda den personliga integriteten mellan enskilda. Parallellt med denna utveckling har brottsbekämpande myndigheter tillgodosetts med nya straffprocessuella tvångsmedel vilket inneburit en högre tolerans för statliga intrång i enskildas personliga integritet. Mot bakgrund av denna utveckling har ett syfte med uppsatsen varit att undersöka huruvida diskussionen om personlig integritet skiljer sig åt i lagstiftningsåtgärder enskilda emellan å ena sidan och mellan staten och enskilda å... (More)
Under de senaste decennierna har den personliga integriteten diskuterats i samband med flera lagstiftningsåtgärder i svensk rätt, inte minst i samband med ny lagstiftning inom straff- och straffprocessrätten. Flera straffrätts- bestämmelser har införts för att skydda den personliga integriteten mellan enskilda. Parallellt med denna utveckling har brottsbekämpande myndigheter tillgodosetts med nya straffprocessuella tvångsmedel vilket inneburit en högre tolerans för statliga intrång i enskildas personliga integritet. Mot bakgrund av denna utveckling har ett syfte med uppsatsen varit att undersöka huruvida diskussionen om personlig integritet skiljer sig åt i lagstiftningsåtgärder enskilda emellan å ena sidan och mellan staten och enskilda å andra sidan. Frågeställningen har begränsats till att omfatta vissa specifika lagstiftningsåtgärder. Utgångspunkt har dock tagits i förarbetena till den tillfälliga lagen om hemlig dataavläsning som sedermera ställts mot förarbetsuttalanden till vissa regler i 4 kap. BrB, då särskilt dataintrångs- bestämmelsen i 4 kap. 9 c § BrB har undersökts. För att besvara denna frågeställning redogör uppsatsen för hur personlig integritet behandlas i en forskningsorienterad kontext, där det bl.a. framförs att personlig integritet innehar flera olika värden som är viktiga att belysa vid lagstiftningsåtgärder om personlig integritet. Denna redogörelse används sedan som ett verktyg för att analysera och dra slutsatser i förhållande till hur den personliga integriteten behandlas vid de lagstiftningsåtgärder som uppsatsen särskilt undersöker. Särskild fokus ägnas åt hur personlig integritet definieras i förarbetena samt hur lagstiftaren synliggör olika integritetsrisker och den personliga integritetens inneboende värden.

Slutsatsen är att någon tydlig skillnad i hur begreppet personlig integritet definieras i de olika förhållandena inte verkar föreligga. Då definitionen är tämligen vagt utformad skulle innebörden av personlig integritet samtidigt kunna skilja sig åt vid olika lagstiftningsåtgärder. Några säkra slutsatser därom dras emellertid inte. Vidare förs en omfattande diskussion om vilka värden av personlig integritet som lagstiftaren synliggör i de olika förhållandena då en avvägning av den personliga integriteten sker gentemot andra intressen. I detta sammanhang konstateras att de samhälleliga värdena av personlig integritet och diverse risker för den personliga integriteten intar en mer framträdande roll i förarbeten som träffar förhållandet mellan enskilda än i det vertikala förhållandet. En möjlig förklaring härför kan vara att intressena som avvägs har olika tydlig koppling till intresset av personlig integritet. En annan förklaring kan vara att intresset av personlig integritet i det vertikala förhållandet åtnjuter ett skydd genom regeringsformen och Europakonventionen, varför en mer framträdande diskussion om värdet av personlig integritet möjligen anses som överflödigt.

Syftet med uppsatsen har även varit att undersöka vad den teknologiska utvecklingen inneburit för enskildas personliga integritet inom respektive förhållande. Frågeställningen har utformats mot bakgrund av att samtliga lagstiftningsåtgärder på olika sätt ägt rum i ljuset av teknologiska förändringar i samhället. Slutsatsen i denna del av uppsatsen är att den teknologiska utvecklingen inneburit utökade integritetsrisker i förhållandet mellan enskilda och därigenom medfört ett behov av att neutralisera dessa integritetsrisker. I fråga om hemlig dataavläsning kan den teknologiska utvecklingen både beskrivas utgöra ett hinder, på grund av utökad kryptering av information i samhället, och ett incitament för lagstiftaren att införa nya metoder för brottsbekämpning. Den teknologiska utvecklingen har således medfört ett behov av att återeffektivisera brottsbekämpningen men samtidigt motiverat en utökad tolerans för statligt integritetsintrång. Slutsatsen är således att den digitala utvecklingen inneburit ökade integritetsrisker både i förhållandet mellan enskilda och i statens förhållande till enskilda. (Less)
In recent decades, personal integrity has been discussed in connection with several legislative measures in Swedish law, especially concerning new legislative measures in penal law and criminal procedure law. Several penal law measures have come into force to protect individuals’ privacy. At the same time, law enforcement agencies have been provided with new secret coercive measures which means that a higher tolerance for state intrusions in individuals’ privacy is accepted. In light of this development, one aim with this thesis is to investigate whether the discussion on personal integrity differs in legislative measures regulating the relationship between individuals versus the relationship between the state and individuals. The thesis... (More)
In recent decades, personal integrity has been discussed in connection with several legislative measures in Swedish law, especially concerning new legislative measures in penal law and criminal procedure law. Several penal law measures have come into force to protect individuals’ privacy. At the same time, law enforcement agencies have been provided with new secret coercive measures which means that a higher tolerance for state intrusions in individuals’ privacy is accepted. In light of this development, one aim with this thesis is to investigate whether the discussion on personal integrity differs in legislative measures regulating the relationship between individuals versus the relationship between the state and individuals. The thesis is limited to examine certain specific legislative measures; it primarily examines the legislative history for the temporary Act on Secret Data Reading, which then is compared to the legislative history for certain paragraphs in Chapter 4. in the Swedish Penal Code. To answer the issue of the thesis, the thesis presents how personal integrity has been discussed in prior research-oriented contexts. In these contexts, it has been held that personal integrity holds many different values that are important to recognize in all legislative measures. This presentation is then used as a tool to analyze and draw conclusions about how personal integrity is being discussed in the legislative measures that the thesis examines. In this matter, focus lies on how personal integrity is defined by the legislator and how privacy risks and different values of the personal integrity is being highlighted.

The conclusion is, that there does not seem to be any clear differences regarding how the concept of personal integrity is defined. However, as the definition is rather vaguely designed, the meaning of personal integrity could in practice differ in the different legislative measures. Furthermore, the thesis presents a discussion on which values of personal integrity the legislator, in the different relationships, highlights when balancing personal integrity against countervailing interests. In this context, it is stated that the societal values of personal integrity and various integrity risks is more prominently discussed in legislation measures in the horizontal relationship (individual- individual) than in the vertical relationship (state-individual). A possible explanation for this could be that the different interests that are weighed against personal integrity have a more or less clear connection to the interest of personal integrity. Another explanation could be that the interest of personal integrity regarding individuals’ relationship to the state is protected by the Swedish Instrument of the Government and the European Convention on Human Rights. Thus, a prominent discussion about the values of privacy might be regarded as excessive.

The aim with this thesis is also to investigate what the technological development has meant for individuals’ personal integrity, both in the relationship to other individuals and to the state – the background being that all legislature measures has occurred in the light of technological changes in society. The thesis shows that the technological development has resulted in an increased risk for individuals’ personal integrity in the relationship to other individuals, thus a need to neutralize these integrity risks has occurred. In the case of government hacking, the legislative history shows that recent technological changes could be described as both an obstacle, due to extended encryption of information in society, and as an opportunity to impose new methods to fight crime. Thus, the technological development has resulted in a need to restore efficiency in the law enforcement’s capability to fight crime and has, at the same time, justified an increased tolerance for governmental privacy invasion. Thus, the conclusion of the thesis regarding this question, is that recent technological changes has resulted in increased risks for individuals’ integrity both in the relationship between individuals and in individuals’ relationship to the state. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Stenström, Malin LU
alternative title
Personal integrity in criminal law and criminal procedure law - A comparison of how the concept of personal integrity is defined and valued in legislative measures between individuals versus between the state and individuals
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, criminal law, straffprocessrätt, criminal procedure law, hemlig dataavläsning, brottsbalken, rättegångsbalken, personlig integritet, privacy, personal integrity, integritet
date added to LUP
2022-01-23 16:47:56
date last changed
2022-01-23 16:47:56
  abstract     = {{In recent decades, personal integrity has been discussed in connection with several legislative measures in Swedish law, especially concerning new legislative measures in penal law and criminal procedure law. Several penal law measures have come into force to protect individuals’ privacy. At the same time, law enforcement agencies have been provided with new secret coercive measures which means that a higher tolerance for state intrusions in individuals’ privacy is accepted. In light of this development, one aim with this thesis is to investigate whether the discussion on personal integrity differs in legislative measures regulating the relationship between individuals versus the relationship between the state and individuals. The thesis is limited to examine certain specific legislative measures; it primarily examines the legislative history for the temporary Act on Secret Data Reading, which then is compared to the legislative history for certain paragraphs in Chapter 4. in the Swedish Penal Code. To answer the issue of the thesis, the thesis presents how personal integrity has been discussed in prior research-oriented contexts. In these contexts, it has been held that personal integrity holds many different values that are important to recognize in all legislative measures. This presentation is then used as a tool to analyze and draw conclusions about how personal integrity is being discussed in the legislative measures that the thesis examines. In this matter, focus lies on how personal integrity is defined by the legislator and how privacy risks and different values of the personal integrity is being highlighted.

The conclusion is, that there does not seem to be any clear differences regarding how the concept of personal integrity is defined. However, as the definition is rather vaguely designed, the meaning of personal integrity could in practice differ in the different legislative measures. Furthermore, the thesis presents a discussion on which values of personal integrity the legislator, in the different relationships, highlights when balancing personal integrity against countervailing interests. In this context, it is stated that the societal values of personal integrity and various integrity risks is more prominently discussed in legislation measures in the horizontal relationship (individual- individual) than in the vertical relationship (state-individual). A possible explanation for this could be that the different interests that are weighed against personal integrity have a more or less clear connection to the interest of personal integrity. Another explanation could be that the interest of personal integrity regarding individuals’ relationship to the state is protected by the Swedish Instrument of the Government and the European Convention on Human Rights. Thus, a prominent discussion about the values of privacy might be regarded as excessive.

The aim with this thesis is also to investigate what the technological development has meant for individuals’ personal integrity, both in the relationship to other individuals and to the state – the background being that all legislature measures has occurred in the light of technological changes in society. The thesis shows that the technological development has resulted in an increased risk for individuals’ personal integrity in the relationship to other individuals, thus a need to neutralize these integrity risks has occurred. In the case of government hacking, the legislative history shows that recent technological changes could be described as both an obstacle, due to extended encryption of information in society, and as an opportunity to impose new methods to fight crime. Thus, the technological development has resulted in a need to restore efficiency in the law enforcement’s capability to fight crime and has, at the same time, justified an increased tolerance for governmental privacy invasion. Thus, the conclusion of the thesis regarding this question, is that recent technological changes has resulted in increased risks for individuals’ integrity both in the relationship between individuals and in individuals’ relationship to the state.}},
  author       = {{Stenström, Malin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Personlig integritet i straff- och straffprocessrättslig lagstiftning - En jämförelse av hur begreppet personlig integritet definieras och värderas i lagstiftningsåtgärder enskilda emellan kontra mellan staten och enskilda}},
  year         = {{2021}},