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Grundlagsenlig beredning - En studie av det i regeringsformen stadgade beredningskravet utifrån hur det fullgörs och kontrolleras

Hertsberg Åsander, Samuel LU (2021) LAGF03 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
An important task imposed on the Swedish government according to Chapter 7, Article 2 Instrument of Government (IG) is the mandatory preparation of government matters. However, how this requirement is to be fulfilled is not further regulated by IG and the government can excercise a great deal of discretion.

Inadequate preparation has on several occasions been the subject of criticism from constitutional bodies such as Parliament’s Constitutional Committee and the Council of Legislation, and in 2018 the preparation requirement was even subject to judicial review in two cases.

The overall purpose of the essay is to examine the legal framework of the mandatory preparation of government matters and how the fulfillment of said... (More)
An important task imposed on the Swedish government according to Chapter 7, Article 2 Instrument of Government (IG) is the mandatory preparation of government matters. However, how this requirement is to be fulfilled is not further regulated by IG and the government can excercise a great deal of discretion.

Inadequate preparation has on several occasions been the subject of criticism from constitutional bodies such as Parliament’s Constitutional Committee and the Council of Legislation, and in 2018 the preparation requirement was even subject to judicial review in two cases.

The overall purpose of the essay is to examine the legal framework of the mandatory preparation of government matters and how the fulfillment of said preparation is reviewed by constitutional bodies. The essay intends to describe and analyze the regulations stipulated by IG regarding the requirement of preparation and the in this regard relevant constitutional considerations. The essay will also analyze whether or not the current legal construction set out by IG is appropriate.

The study shows that the requirement of preparation in practice means significantly more than what appears from the wording of the law. The study also finds that the requirement of preparation is met by the government in a number of different ways depending on the present matter. Regarding the review by the constitutional bodies, they not only seem to influence each other but to some extent be dependent on one another.

The essay concludes that the legal construction of IG regarding the mandatory preparation of government matters based on how it is fulfilled and reviewed is sufficiently functional but not entirely appropriate. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
En viktig uppgift som åläggs regeringen enligt regeringsformen är det så kallade beredningskravet av regeringsärenden i 7 kap. 2 § RF. Hur beredningskravet ska fullgöras regleras emellertid inte vidare i regeringsformen och regeringen getts ett stort handlingsutrymme för beredningskravets fullgörande.

Bristande beredning har vid ett flertal tillfällen varit föremål för kritik från såväl Konstitutionsutskottet som Lagrådet. Under 2018 blev frågan om beredningskravet till och med föremål för lagprövning i två fall.

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka de juridiska ramarna för beredningskravet av regeringsärenden som ställs upp i 7 kap. 2 § RF, samt hur beredningskravets uppfyllande granskas och kontrolleras. Uppsatsen ämnar... (More)
En viktig uppgift som åläggs regeringen enligt regeringsformen är det så kallade beredningskravet av regeringsärenden i 7 kap. 2 § RF. Hur beredningskravet ska fullgöras regleras emellertid inte vidare i regeringsformen och regeringen getts ett stort handlingsutrymme för beredningskravets fullgörande.

Bristande beredning har vid ett flertal tillfällen varit föremål för kritik från såväl Konstitutionsutskottet som Lagrådet. Under 2018 blev frågan om beredningskravet till och med föremål för lagprövning i två fall.

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka de juridiska ramarna för beredningskravet av regeringsärenden som ställs upp i 7 kap. 2 § RF, samt hur beredningskravets uppfyllande granskas och kontrolleras. Uppsatsen ämnar beskriva regeringsformens regelverk avseende beredningskravet samt analysera de konstitutionella överväganden och intresseavvägningar som ligger bakom beredningskravet. I uppsatsen ska även den rättsliga regleringens ändamålsenlighet diskuteras.

Av undersökningen framgår att beredningskravet innebär betydligt mer än vad som framgår av lagrummets ordalydelse. Vidare konstateras att beredningskravet fullgörs på en rad olika sätt beroende på det föreliggande ärendet. Avseende de konstitutionella kontrollfunktionerna så förefaller de inte bara påverka varandra utan i viss mån också vara beroende av varandra.

Uppsatsens slutsats är att den rättsliga regleringen av beredningskravet utifrån hur det fullgörs och kontrolleras är fungerande men inte helt ändamålsenlig. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hertsberg Åsander, Samuel LU
LAGF03 20212
M2 - Bachelor Degree
date added to LUP
2022-02-15 11:37:05
date last changed
2022-02-15 11:37:05
  abstract     = {{An important task imposed on the Swedish government according to Chapter 7, Article 2 Instrument of Government (IG) is the mandatory preparation of government matters. However, how this requirement is to be fulfilled is not further regulated by IG and the government can excercise a great deal of discretion. 

Inadequate preparation has on several occasions been the subject of criticism from constitutional bodies such as Parliament’s Constitutional Committee and the Council of Legislation, and in 2018 the preparation requirement was even subject to judicial review in two cases.

The overall purpose of the essay is to examine the legal framework of the mandatory preparation of government matters and how the fulfillment of said preparation is reviewed by constitutional bodies. The essay intends to describe and analyze the regulations stipulated by IG regarding the requirement of preparation and the in this regard relevant constitutional considerations. The essay will also analyze whether or not the current legal construction set out by IG is appropriate. 

The study shows that the requirement of preparation in practice means significantly more than what appears from the wording of the law. The study also finds that the requirement of preparation is met by the government in a number of different ways depending on the present matter. Regarding the review by the constitutional bodies, they not only seem to influence each other but to some extent be dependent on one another.

The essay concludes that the legal construction of IG regarding the mandatory preparation of government matters based on how it is fulfilled and reviewed is sufficiently functional but not entirely appropriate.}},
  author       = {{Hertsberg Åsander, Samuel}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Grundlagsenlig beredning - En studie av det i regeringsformen stadgade beredningskravet utifrån hur det fullgörs och kontrolleras}},
  year         = {{2021}},