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LUP Student Papers


Anonyma vittnen - En komparativ analys

Ionita, Mara LU (2021) LAGF03 20212
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Anonyma vittnen har under längre tid figurerat i den juridiska sfären som en åtgärd mot gängkriminalitet och tystnadskulturen som ett framväxande fenomen. Som bakgrund gäller en allmän vittnesplikt i Sverige, vilket innebär att gemene man förväntas ställa upp i vittnesmål som ett led i upprätthållandet av vårt rättssamhälle. Vidare innebär EKMRs artikel 6, rätten till rättvis rättegång en begränsning i utvecklingen av den svenska rätten. Hittills har inget lagförslag lagts fram angående ett införande av anonyma vittnen och i den senaste utredningen genomförd å regeringens vägnar blir slutsatsen att en sådan bestämmelse inte är förenlig med svensk rätt och rådande rättsprinciper. För en djupare förståelse kring resultatet av utredningen har... (More)
Anonyma vittnen har under längre tid figurerat i den juridiska sfären som en åtgärd mot gängkriminalitet och tystnadskulturen som ett framväxande fenomen. Som bakgrund gäller en allmän vittnesplikt i Sverige, vilket innebär att gemene man förväntas ställa upp i vittnesmål som ett led i upprätthållandet av vårt rättssamhälle. Vidare innebär EKMRs artikel 6, rätten till rättvis rättegång en begränsning i utvecklingen av den svenska rätten. Hittills har inget lagförslag lagts fram angående ett införande av anonyma vittnen och i den senaste utredningen genomförd å regeringens vägnar blir slutsatsen att en sådan bestämmelse inte är förenlig med svensk rätt och rådande rättsprinciper. För en djupare förståelse kring resultatet av utredningen har en jämförelse med grannlandet Danmark genomförts, där anonyma vittnen varit tillåtna i rättsprocessen sedan tjugo år tillbaka. Bestämmelser och principer relevanta för ämnet har redogjorts för, jämförts och analyserats. Vidare har en komparativ analys av debatten i ämnet genomförts, med utgångspunkt i relevanta remissinstanser argument. Vad som kan konstateras är att de rättsliga principer som analyserats är tämligen snarlika. Detsamma gäller även de allmänna synpunkterna kring ett införande av anonyma vittnen som remissinstanserna framfört. Både i Sverige och Danmark är de brottsbekämpande instanserna något mer positiva till ett införande än advokatkåren och andra instanser representerande försvaret i ett brottmål. En väsentlig skillnad länderna emellan är stödet anonyma vittnen fått av de politiska partierna. Dessa skillnader kan anses ha påverkat rättsutvecklingen i de två länderna och vara en förklaring till de vitt skilda bestämmelserna som existerar idag. (Less)
Anonymous witnesses have more recently been a topic for discussion in the legal sphere in Sweden as a measure against gang crime and an emerging phenomenon known as silence culture, referring to an unwillingness to cooperate with law enforcement based on fear of repercussions. Individuals are, regardless of other circumstances, expected to testify as a part of maintaining an overall sense of justice in the legal system. Furthermore, article 6 of the ECHR, the right to a fair trial, entails some restrictions on the development of Swedish law. To date, no bill has been submitted regarding the introduction of anonymous witnesses and in the latest investigation carried out on behalf of the government, the conclusion presented states that such... (More)
Anonymous witnesses have more recently been a topic for discussion in the legal sphere in Sweden as a measure against gang crime and an emerging phenomenon known as silence culture, referring to an unwillingness to cooperate with law enforcement based on fear of repercussions. Individuals are, regardless of other circumstances, expected to testify as a part of maintaining an overall sense of justice in the legal system. Furthermore, article 6 of the ECHR, the right to a fair trial, entails some restrictions on the development of Swedish law. To date, no bill has been submitted regarding the introduction of anonymous witnesses and in the latest investigation carried out on behalf of the government, the conclusion presented states that such a legislation is not compatible with Swedish law and prevailing legal principles. In order to further the understanding of the results presented in the investigation, the dissertation describes, analyses and compares two neighboring countries. In order for a fair comparison, Denmark was chosen as a basis for comparison. In Denmark, anonymous witnesses have been allowed in the legal process for twenty years. Regulations and principles relevant to the subject have been reported, compared and analyzed. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of the debate on the subject has been carried out, based on arguments from relevant consultative bodies. What can be stated is that the legal principles analyzed are quite similar. The same applies for the general views presented by the consultative bodies regarding an introduction of anonymous witnesses. In both Sweden and Denmark, the law enforcement agencies are somewhat more positive to an introduction compared to defense attorneys and other agencies representing the defense in criminal cases. A significant difference between the countries is the support offered by political parties. These differences can be considered to have affected the legal development in both Sweden and Denmark and may present a possible explanation for the widely differing regulations that are in place today. (Less)
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Ionita, Mara LU
LAGF03 20212
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Processrätt, Anonyma vittnen, Criminal procedure, Komparativ rätt
date added to LUP
2022-02-15 11:37:50
date last changed
2022-02-15 11:37:50
  abstract     = {{Anonymous witnesses have more recently been a topic for discussion in the legal sphere in Sweden as a measure against gang crime and an emerging phenomenon known as silence culture, referring to an unwillingness to cooperate with law enforcement based on fear of repercussions. Individuals are, regardless of other circumstances, expected to testify as a part of maintaining an overall sense of justice in the legal system. Furthermore, article 6 of the ECHR, the right to a fair trial, entails some restrictions on the development of Swedish law. To date, no bill has been submitted regarding the introduction of anonymous witnesses and in the latest investigation carried out on behalf of the government, the conclusion presented states that such a legislation is not compatible with Swedish law and prevailing legal principles. In order to further the understanding of the results presented in the investigation, the dissertation describes, analyses and compares two neighboring countries. In order for a fair comparison, Denmark was chosen as a basis for comparison. In Denmark, anonymous witnesses have been allowed in the legal process for twenty years. Regulations and principles relevant to the subject have been reported, compared and analyzed. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of the debate on the subject has been carried out, based on arguments from relevant consultative bodies. What can be stated is that the legal principles analyzed are quite similar. The same applies for the general views presented by the consultative bodies regarding an introduction of anonymous witnesses. In both Sweden and Denmark, the law enforcement agencies are somewhat more positive to an introduction compared to defense attorneys and other agencies representing the defense in criminal cases. A significant difference between the countries is the support offered by political parties. These differences can be considered to have affected the legal development in both Sweden and Denmark and may present a possible explanation for the widely differing regulations that are in place today.}},
  author       = {{Ionita, Mara}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Anonyma vittnen - En komparativ analys}},
  year         = {{2021}},