En studie om idrottens roll i det brottsförebyggande arbetet. Skillnader i attityder till kriminellt beteende bland ungdomar.
(2022) PSYK11 20212Department of Psychology
- Abstract
- The survey aims to study differences regarding attitudes to crime, criminal activity, moral values and GRIT points among young people in upper secondary schools who attend year 3. Participating students live in three different cities; Lund, Malmö and Gothenburg, with an equal standard of living. These went to either a sports-oriented program or another program that is not sports-oriented. The study was conducted via a digital questionnaire that the students were allowed to submit completely anonymously. The questionnaire consisted of 47 questions, some with yes / no questions and some with multiple-choice questions.
No clear differences were found in the young people's attitudes to crime,
criminal activity, moral values or GRIT points,... (More) - The survey aims to study differences regarding attitudes to crime, criminal activity, moral values and GRIT points among young people in upper secondary schools who attend year 3. Participating students live in three different cities; Lund, Malmö and Gothenburg, with an equal standard of living. These went to either a sports-oriented program or another program that is not sports-oriented. The study was conducted via a digital questionnaire that the students were allowed to submit completely anonymously. The questionnaire consisted of 47 questions, some with yes / no questions and some with multiple-choice questions.
No clear differences were found in the young people's attitudes to crime,
criminal activity, moral values or GRIT points, depending on the focus of the students in their programs. Given the results, it was decided to also examine gender as an additional independent variable. However, no relevant differences were found regarding gender linked to criminal activity or GRIT points. On the other hand, a difference is shown between the sexes regarding young people's attitudes to crime. Boys show a greater acceptance to pro-criminal behavior compared to girls. Finally, there was insufficient scientific basis for establishing the effects of sport on attitudes towards crime and criminal activity, where crime prevention measures reduce juvenile delinquency.
Further research should be deepened in order to be able to answer the question and examine how the benefits of sport can be used effectively. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Undersökningen ämnar söka skillnader gällande attityder till kriminalitet, brottslig aktivitet, moraliska värderingar samt GRIT-poäng bland ungdomar på gymnasieskolor som går årskurs 3. Deltagande elever bor i tre olika städer; Lund, Malmö och Göteborg, med likvärdig levnadsstandard.Dessa gick antingen ett idrottsinriktat program eller
annat program som inte är idrottsinriktat. Studien genomfördes via en digital enkät som eleverna helt anonymt fick besvara. Enkäten bestod av 47 frågor, somliga med ja/nej frågor och somliga med flervalsfrågor.
Inga tydliga skillnader återfanns i ungdomarnas attityder till kriminalitet, brottsliga aktivitet, moraliska värderingar eller GRIT-poäng beroende på vilken inriktning eleverna har i sina program.... (More) - Undersökningen ämnar söka skillnader gällande attityder till kriminalitet, brottslig aktivitet, moraliska värderingar samt GRIT-poäng bland ungdomar på gymnasieskolor som går årskurs 3. Deltagande elever bor i tre olika städer; Lund, Malmö och Göteborg, med likvärdig levnadsstandard.Dessa gick antingen ett idrottsinriktat program eller
annat program som inte är idrottsinriktat. Studien genomfördes via en digital enkät som eleverna helt anonymt fick besvara. Enkäten bestod av 47 frågor, somliga med ja/nej frågor och somliga med flervalsfrågor.
Inga tydliga skillnader återfanns i ungdomarnas attityder till kriminalitet, brottsliga aktivitet, moraliska värderingar eller GRIT-poäng beroende på vilken inriktning eleverna har i sina program. Med tanke på resultatet beslutades att även undersöka kön som ytterligare en oberoende variabel. Dock återfanns inga relevanta skillnader gällande kön kring brottslig aktivitet eller GRIT-poäng. Däremot påvisas en skillnad mellan kön kopplat till ungdomars attityder till kriminalitet. Killar uppvisar en större acceptans till prokriminellt beteende jämfört med tjejer. Slutligen fanns inte tillräcklig vetenskaplig grund för att konstatera idrottens effekter på attityder kring kriminalitet samt brottslig aktivitet där brottsförebyggande insatser minskar ungdomsbrottsligheten. Vidare forskning bör fördjupas för att kunna svara på frågan samt undersöka hur idrottens fördelar kan nyttjas effektivt. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Al-Samarraie Printz, Mona LU and Pekalski, Ivo Dominik LU
- supervisor
- Mats Dahl LU
- organization
- course
- PSYK11 20212
- year
- 2022
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- Kriminellt beteende, Attityder, Ungdomar, Brottsförebyggande, Ekologiska systemteorin Criminal behavior, Attitudes, Young people, Crime prevention, Ecological systems theory
- language
- Swedish
- English
- id
- 9071624
- date added to LUP
- 2022-01-17 16:23:33
- date last changed
- 2022-01-17 16:23:33
@misc{9071624, abstract = {{The survey aims to study differences regarding attitudes to crime, criminal activity, moral values and GRIT points among young people in upper secondary schools who attend year 3. Participating students live in three different cities; Lund, Malmö and Gothenburg, with an equal standard of living. These went to either a sports-oriented program or another program that is not sports-oriented. The study was conducted via a digital questionnaire that the students were allowed to submit completely anonymously. The questionnaire consisted of 47 questions, some with yes / no questions and some with multiple-choice questions. No clear differences were found in the young people's attitudes to crime, criminal activity, moral values or GRIT points, depending on the focus of the students in their programs. Given the results, it was decided to also examine gender as an additional independent variable. However, no relevant differences were found regarding gender linked to criminal activity or GRIT points. On the other hand, a difference is shown between the sexes regarding young people's attitudes to crime. Boys show a greater acceptance to pro-criminal behavior compared to girls. Finally, there was insufficient scientific basis for establishing the effects of sport on attitudes towards crime and criminal activity, where crime prevention measures reduce juvenile delinquency. Further research should be deepened in order to be able to answer the question and examine how the benefits of sport can be used effectively.}}, author = {{Al-Samarraie Printz, Mona and Pekalski, Ivo Dominik}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{En studie om idrottens roll i det brottsförebyggande arbetet. Skillnader i attityder till kriminellt beteende bland ungdomar.}}, year = {{2022}}, }