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LUP Student Papers


Den nya visselblåsarlagen - Ett förstärkt skydd för visselblåsare?

Abazaj, Luljeta LU (2022) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I oktober 2019 antog EU direktivet om skydd för personer som rapporterar
om överträdelser av unionsrätten (Visselblåsardirektivet). Syftet med
Visselblåsardirektivet är att skapa en minimistandard inom EU för att
skydda den som slår larm om oegentligheter.

I maj 2019 tillsatte regeringen en utredning med uppdraget att föreslå hur
visselblåsardirektivet skulle implementeras i svensk rätt. I juni 2020
presenterades utredningen. Slutsatsen blev att svensk rätt inte tillgodosåg
visselblåsardirektivets krav och att en ny visselblåsarlag borde införas.

Sverige implementerade EU:s visselblåsardirektiv i nationell rätt i december
2021. Den nya visselblåsarlagen (SFS 2021:890) ersätter den tidigare
visselblåsarlagen (SFS... (More)
I oktober 2019 antog EU direktivet om skydd för personer som rapporterar
om överträdelser av unionsrätten (Visselblåsardirektivet). Syftet med
Visselblåsardirektivet är att skapa en minimistandard inom EU för att
skydda den som slår larm om oegentligheter.

I maj 2019 tillsatte regeringen en utredning med uppdraget att föreslå hur
visselblåsardirektivet skulle implementeras i svensk rätt. I juni 2020
presenterades utredningen. Slutsatsen blev att svensk rätt inte tillgodosåg
visselblåsardirektivets krav och att en ny visselblåsarlag borde införas.

Sverige implementerade EU:s visselblåsardirektiv i nationell rätt i december
2021. Den nya visselblåsarlagen (SFS 2021:890) ersätter den tidigare
visselblåsarlagen (SFS 2016:749). Lagen inskränker inte skyddet som gäller
enligt andra lagar och förordningar, till exempel yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen.

Visselblåsarlagen syftar till att stärka skyddet för personer som anmäler
missförhållanden på arbetsplatsen. Lagen innebär bland annat att
arbetsgivare inom offentlig och privat sektor med 50 eller fler anställda
inrättar interna rapporteringskanaler, att vissa specifika myndigheter inrättar
externa rapporteringskanaler samt att arbetsgivare informerar arbetstagare
om de interna och externa rapporteringskanalerna. Lagen innebär också ett
skydd mot repressalier, ansvarsfrihet för åsidosättande av tystnadsplikt och
ett sekretesskydd för visselblåsarens identitet. Vidare innebär lagen att
visselblåsare som utsätts för repressalier, till exempel i form av uppsägning,
kan få ersättning. (Less)
In October 2019, the European Union adopted the Directive on the
protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (the EU
Whistleblower Directive). The purpose of the EU Whistleblower Directive
is to provide common minimum standards of protection across the EU to
whistleblowers who raise breaches of EU law.

The Swedish Government appointed a committee in May 2019 to review the
manner in which the Directive was to be implemented in Swedish law. In
June 2020, the committee presented the report. The conclusion was that the
regulation in Swedish law didn´t meet the requirements of the
Whistleblower Directive and that a new Whistleblower Act should be

Sweden implemented the EU Whistleblowing Directive... (More)
In October 2019, the European Union adopted the Directive on the
protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (the EU
Whistleblower Directive). The purpose of the EU Whistleblower Directive
is to provide common minimum standards of protection across the EU to
whistleblowers who raise breaches of EU law.

The Swedish Government appointed a committee in May 2019 to review the
manner in which the Directive was to be implemented in Swedish law. In
June 2020, the committee presented the report. The conclusion was that the
regulation in Swedish law didn´t meet the requirements of the
Whistleblower Directive and that a new Whistleblower Act should be

Sweden implemented the EU Whistleblowing Directive into national law in
December 2021. The new Whistleblowing Act (SFS 2021:890) replaces the
previous Whistleblowing Act (SFS 2016:749). The law does not restrict the
protection that applies under other laws and regulations, for example the
Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression.

The Whistleblowing Act aims to strengthen protection for individuals
reporting irregularities in the workplace. The law entails, among other
things, that public and private employers with 50 or more employees set up
internal reporting channels, that certain specific governmental authorities
establish external reporting channels and that the employer inform the
employees about the internal and external whistleblowing channels. The law
also entails that protection against reprisals, release from liability for breach of confidentiality and protection of the whistleblower’s identity.
Furthermore, the law entails those whistleblowers who get exposed to
reprisals, for example in the form of termination, can receive compensation. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Abazaj, Luljeta LU
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Whistleblower, EU Whistleblower Directive, Whistleblowing law, Visselblåsarlagen
date added to LUP
2022-05-05 11:16:38
date last changed
2022-05-05 11:16:38
  abstract     = {{In October 2019, the European Union adopted the Directive on the 
protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (the EU 
Whistleblower Directive). The purpose of the EU Whistleblower Directive 
is to provide common minimum standards of protection across the EU to 
whistleblowers who raise breaches of EU law.

The Swedish Government appointed a committee in May 2019 to review the 
manner in which the Directive was to be implemented in Swedish law. In 
June 2020, the committee presented the report. The conclusion was that the 
regulation in Swedish law didn´t meet the requirements of the 
Whistleblower Directive and that a new Whistleblower Act should be 

Sweden implemented the EU Whistleblowing Directive into national law in 
December 2021. The new Whistleblowing Act (SFS 2021:890) replaces the
previous Whistleblowing Act (SFS 2016:749). The law does not restrict the 
protection that applies under other laws and regulations, for example the 
Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression.

The Whistleblowing Act aims to strengthen protection for individuals 
reporting irregularities in the workplace. The law entails, among other 
things, that public and private employers with 50 or more employees set up
internal reporting channels, that certain specific governmental authorities 
establish external reporting channels and that the employer inform the 
employees about the internal and external whistleblowing channels. The law
also entails that protection against reprisals, release from liability for breach of confidentiality and protection of the whistleblower’s identity. 
Furthermore, the law entails those whistleblowers who get exposed to 
reprisals, for example in the form of termination, can receive compensation.}},
  author       = {{Abazaj, Luljeta}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Den nya visselblåsarlagen - Ett förstärkt skydd för visselblåsare?}},
  year         = {{2022}},