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Barnkonventionen och LSS - En analys av hur barnkonventionen implementerats i lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade

Johannesson, Emma LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, and ratified by Sweden in 1990. Since then, Sweden has been bound by international law to comply with the Convention. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is built around four guiding principles. Two of these, which are the focus of this essay, are the principle of the best interests of the child in Article 3 and the child's right to be heard under Article 12. The principle of the best interests of the child means that in all actions concerning children the best interests of the child shall be investigated and taken into account. The purpose of the principle of the best interests of the child is to guarantee both full and... (More)
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, and ratified by Sweden in 1990. Since then, Sweden has been bound by international law to comply with the Convention. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is built around four guiding principles. Two of these, which are the focus of this essay, are the principle of the best interests of the child in Article 3 and the child's right to be heard under Article 12. The principle of the best interests of the child means that in all actions concerning children the best interests of the child shall be investigated and taken into account. The purpose of the principle of the best interests of the child is to guarantee both full and effective enjoyment of all rights recognized in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. All rights provided for in the Convention on the Rights of the Child are in the best interests of the child, and the principle must never be interpreted as implying a restriction of any right.
A prerequisite for the principle of the best interests of the child to be applied correctly is that the child's opinions are taken into account. Respecting each child's right to be heard is a mandatory step in assessing what is in the child's best interests. Both what is considered to be the child's best interests and the child's own opinions are of crucial importance when decisions are made that affect the child. The two principles complement each other and there is no contradiction between them.
Since the Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force, Sweden has made many changes to Swedish legislation to ensure that it complies with the provisions of the Convention. Sweden has carried out several surveys to investigate compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the conclusion has always been that Swedish legislation and practice are in good agreement with the Convention. The latest major change that was made was that the Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish law, and since January 1, 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child applies as Swedish law.
The Act (1993: 387) on support and services for certain disabled, LSS, came into force on January 1, 1994. Since LSS is a legislation where the individual is in a vulnerable situation, it is of the utmost importance that the rights of individuals are monitored and complied with. In the original version of LSS, there was no reference to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and it was not until 17 years after the entry into force of the law that provisions adapted to the Convention were introduced. Sweden had then been bound by the Convention on the Rights of the Child for 21 years.
Since these provisions were introduced in LSS in 2011, the law has been the subject of several investigations concerning Swedish legislation and practice in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, even though no investigative activities are solely at LSS. Although ambiguities regarding LSS compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child can be identified, such as the fact that the best interests of the child is not a criterion for granting contributions, no change in the legal text has been implemented.
This thesis aims to investigate the articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child that are of particular importance to LSS, and to analyze how these principles have been implemented and developed in legislation and to some extent in practice. In order to fulfill the purpose, the preparatory work, government investigations and bills that formed the basis for surveys and changes in the legal text have been studied. For the essay, therefore, a mainly legal dogmatic method has been used. The thesis clearly states that even though there has been a will to protect the rights of the individual since LSS was adopted, there are still shortcomings regarding compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and areas where the child's rights under LSS can be further strengthened. Although there is an inquiry proposing a completely new LSS, it does not seem obvious that these shortcomings will be resolved by the proposed law. In order to fully meet the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, further changes need to be made. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter antogs av FN:s generalförsamling den 20 november 1989, och ratificerades av Sverige 1990. Sedan dess är Sverige folkrättsligt bunden att följa konventionen. Barnkonventionen är uppbyggd kring fyra ledande principer. Två av dessa, som ligger i fokus för denna uppsats, är principen om barnets bästa i artikel 3 och barnets rätt att komma till tals enligt artikel 12. Principen om barnets bästa innebär att vid alla åtgärder som rör barn ska barnets bästa utredas och beaktas. Principen om barnets bästa har som syfte att säkerställa både fullt och faktiskt åtnjutande av alla de rättigheter som erkänns i barnkonventionen. Alla de rättigheter som föreskrivs i barnkonventionen är för barnets bästa, och... (More)
FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter antogs av FN:s generalförsamling den 20 november 1989, och ratificerades av Sverige 1990. Sedan dess är Sverige folkrättsligt bunden att följa konventionen. Barnkonventionen är uppbyggd kring fyra ledande principer. Två av dessa, som ligger i fokus för denna uppsats, är principen om barnets bästa i artikel 3 och barnets rätt att komma till tals enligt artikel 12. Principen om barnets bästa innebär att vid alla åtgärder som rör barn ska barnets bästa utredas och beaktas. Principen om barnets bästa har som syfte att säkerställa både fullt och faktiskt åtnjutande av alla de rättigheter som erkänns i barnkonventionen. Alla de rättigheter som föreskrivs i barnkonventionen är för barnets bästa, och principen ska aldrig kunna tolkas så att det innebär en inskränkning av någon rättighet.
En förutsättning för att principen om barnets bästa ska kunna tillämpas korrekt är att hänsyn tas till barnets åsikter. Att respektera varje barns rätt att bli hörd är ett obligatoriskt steg vid bedömningen av vad som är barnets bästa. Både vad som anses vara barnets bästa och barnets egna åsikter är av avgörande betydelse när beslut fattas som påverkar barnet. De två principerna kompletterar varandra och det finns ingen motsättning dem emellan.
Sedan barnkonventionen trädde i kraft har Sverige gjort många förändringar i den svenska lagstiftningen för att denna ska stämma överens med konventionens bestämmelser. Sverige har genomfört flera kartläggningar för att utreda överensstämmelsen med barnkonventionen, och slutsatsen har i princip alltid varit att svensk lagstiftning och praxis stämmer väl överens med konventionen. Den senaste stora förändringen som gjordes var att barnkonventionen inkorporerades i den svenska rätten, och sedan den 1 januari 2020 gäller barnkonventionen som svensk lag.
Lagen (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, LSS, trädde i kraft den 1 januari 1994. Eftersom LSS är en lagstiftning där den enskilde är i en utsatt situation är det av yttersta vikt att den enskildes rättigheter bevakas och efterlevs. I den ursprungliga versionen av LSS fanns ingen hänvisning till barnkonventionen, och först 17 år efter lagens ikraftträdande infördes bestämmelser anpassade efter konventionen. Sverige hade då varit bunden av barnkonventionen i 21 år.
Sedan dessa bestämmelser infördes i LSS 2011 har lagen varit föremål för flera utredningar gällande svensk lagstiftnings och praxis överensstämmelse med barnkonventionen, även om ingen utredning fokuserat enbart på LSS. Trots att oklarheter gällande LSS överensstämmelse med barnkonventionen
kan identifieras, till exempel det faktum att barnets bästa inte är ett kriterium för att bevilja insatser, har någon förändring i lagtexten inte genomförts.
Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda de artiklar i barnkonventionen som är av särskild betydelse för LSS, och analysera hur dessa principer har implementerats och utvecklats i lagstiftningen och till viss del i praxis. För att uppfylla syftet har framför allt de förarbeten, statliga utredningar och propositioner, som legat till grund för kartläggningar och förändringar i lagtexten studerats. För uppsatsen har därför i huvudsak en rättsdogmatisk metod använts. I uppsatsen framgår det tydligt att även om det sedan LSS antogs har funnits en vilja att skydda den enskildes rättigheter, finns det fortfarande brister gällande efterlevnaden av barnkonventionen och områden där barnets rättigheter enligt LSS ytterligare kan stärkas. Trots att det finns en utredning som föreslår en helt ny LSS verkar det inte självklart att dessa brister kommer lösas genom den föreslagna lagen. För att helt och hållet uppfylla de krav barnkonventionen ställer behöver ytterligare förändring ske. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Johannesson, Emma LU
alternative title
The Convention on the Rights of the Child and LSS - An analysis of how the Convention on the Rights of the Child has been implemented in the Act (1993: 387) on support and services for certain disabled people
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Folkrätt, förvaltningsrätt, socialrätt, barnkonventionen, LSS
date added to LUP
2022-06-09 12:38:01
date last changed
2022-06-09 12:38:01
  abstract     = {{The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, and ratified by Sweden in 1990. Since then, Sweden has been bound by international law to comply with the Convention. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is built around four guiding principles. Two of these, which are the focus of this essay, are the principle of the best interests of the child in Article 3 and the child's right to be heard under Article 12. The principle of the best interests of the child means that in all actions concerning children the best interests of the child shall be investigated and taken into account. The purpose of the principle of the best interests of the child is to guarantee both full and effective enjoyment of all rights recognized in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. All rights provided for in the Convention on the Rights of the Child are in the best interests of the child, and the principle must never be interpreted as implying a restriction of any right.
A prerequisite for the principle of the best interests of the child to be applied correctly is that the child's opinions are taken into account. Respecting each child's right to be heard is a mandatory step in assessing what is in the child's best interests. Both what is considered to be the child's best interests and the child's own opinions are of crucial importance when decisions are made that affect the child. The two principles complement each other and there is no contradiction between them.
Since the Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force, Sweden has made many changes to Swedish legislation to ensure that it complies with the provisions of the Convention. Sweden has carried out several surveys to investigate compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the conclusion has always been that Swedish legislation and practice are in good agreement with the Convention. The latest major change that was made was that the Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish law, and since January 1, 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child applies as Swedish law.
The Act (1993: 387) on support and services for certain disabled, LSS, came into force on January 1, 1994. Since LSS is a legislation where the individual is in a vulnerable situation, it is of the utmost importance that the rights of individuals are monitored and complied with. In the original version of LSS, there was no reference to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and it was not until 17 years after the entry into force of the law that provisions adapted to the Convention were introduced. Sweden had then been bound by the Convention on the Rights of the Child for 21 years.
Since these provisions were introduced in LSS in 2011, the law has been the subject of several investigations concerning Swedish legislation and practice in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, even though no investigative activities are solely at LSS. Although ambiguities regarding LSS compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child can be identified, such as the fact that the best interests of the child is not a criterion for granting contributions, no change in the legal text has been implemented.
This thesis aims to investigate the articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child that are of particular importance to LSS, and to analyze how these principles have been implemented and developed in legislation and to some extent in practice. In order to fulfill the purpose, the preparatory work, government investigations and bills that formed the basis for surveys and changes in the legal text have been studied. For the essay, therefore, a mainly legal dogmatic method has been used. The thesis clearly states that even though there has been a will to protect the rights of the individual since LSS was adopted, there are still shortcomings regarding compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and areas where the child's rights under LSS can be further strengthened. Although there is an inquiry proposing a completely new LSS, it does not seem obvious that these shortcomings will be resolved by the proposed law. In order to fully meet the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, further changes need to be made.}},
  author       = {{Johannesson, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnkonventionen och LSS - En analys av hur barnkonventionen implementerats i lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade}},
  year         = {{2022}},