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Nödvärnsrättens gränser - Nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess

Strömmen Jakobsson, Oscar LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The right to self-defense means that acts that would otherwise be criminal can be committed by the person who has been subjected to a criminal attack and then be released from liability. Not only the person who has been attacked has the right to defend himself but also a third-person can ward off the attack. The conditions for discharge from liability on the basis of a self-defense objection can be divided into four parts. A self-defense situation must exist, the act must be directed at a person designated in the legal text or his or her sphere of interest, the act must not be obviously unjustifiable and an assessment of the subjective grounds must be made.

When the assessment is made regarding the justifiability of the self-defense... (More)
The right to self-defense means that acts that would otherwise be criminal can be committed by the person who has been subjected to a criminal attack and then be released from liability. Not only the person who has been attacked has the right to defend himself but also a third-person can ward off the attack. The conditions for discharge from liability on the basis of a self-defense objection can be divided into four parts. A self-defense situation must exist, the act must be directed at a person designated in the legal text or his or her sphere of interest, the act must not be obviously unjustifiable and an assessment of the subjective grounds must be made.

When the assessment is made regarding the justifiability of the self-defense act, there are mainly two aspects that are relevant. The act must not clearly deviate from what needed to be done to ward off the attack and there must be no obvious mismatch between the act and the damage that might occur as a result of the attack. In this assessment, there must also be a broad margin in favor of the accused. This margin is not sufficiently taken into account when the Supreme Court makes its assessment in cases where the victim has used lethal or very extensive force. It has been established through practice that those who are exposed to a criminal attack do not have to choose to flee but must instead remain on the spot and defend themselves. In this respect too, however, the Supreme Court has chosen to be restrictive in its interpretation when the defender uses extensive force.

Attacks can be averted already when they are imminent and an individual thus does not have to wait with his act of self-defense until the attack is carried out. However, what is meant by imminent is not entirely clear. The Supreme Court has stated that a self-defense situation may already exist when there is a risk of an imminent attack and has thus gone beyond what can be deduced from the text of the law. Furthermore, the legislative history includes examples that are intended to guide in the application of the self defense regulations. In this respect, however, the legislative history gives rise to as many questions as it answers and clarification from the legislator's side would be needed in the area.

In cases where the victim had the right to self-defense but went beyond what the law allows, there may still be discharge from liability when the regulations on excess becomes applicable in cases where the victim has had difficulty controlling themselves.
However, the circumstances that should be included in the assessment of whether excess exists are in some respects unclear and clarification from the legislator would be desirable.

The right to self-defense is an objective basis for discharge from liability and means that in cases where there is a self-defense situation, the attacked person has the right to take a self-defense action, even though the victim neither knew nor believed that he was entitled to self-defense. This means in some cases that those who believe they are committing an illegal act can still be released from liability. Something that does not fit well with the legislator's intention to reduce the use of violence in society. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Rätten till nödvärn innebär att handlingar som annars vore brottsliga kan företas av den som blivit utsatt för ett brottsligt angrepp för att sedan gå fri från ansvar. Inte endast den som blivit utsatt för ett angrepp har rätt att värja sig utan även en tredje person kan avvärja angreppet. Förutsättningarna för ansvarsfrihet med bakgrund av en nödvärnsinvändning kan delas in i fyra delar. En nödvärnssituation skall föreligga, nödvärnshandlingen skall rikta sig mot en i lagtexten utpekad person eller dennes intressesfär, gärningen skall inte vara uppenbart oförsvarlig och en bedömning av de subjektiva grunderna måste göras.

Då bedömningen görs avseende nödvärnshandlingens försvarlighet är det främst två aspekter som är av relevans.... (More)
Rätten till nödvärn innebär att handlingar som annars vore brottsliga kan företas av den som blivit utsatt för ett brottsligt angrepp för att sedan gå fri från ansvar. Inte endast den som blivit utsatt för ett angrepp har rätt att värja sig utan även en tredje person kan avvärja angreppet. Förutsättningarna för ansvarsfrihet med bakgrund av en nödvärnsinvändning kan delas in i fyra delar. En nödvärnssituation skall föreligga, nödvärnshandlingen skall rikta sig mot en i lagtexten utpekad person eller dennes intressesfär, gärningen skall inte vara uppenbart oförsvarlig och en bedömning av de subjektiva grunderna måste göras.

Då bedömningen görs avseende nödvärnshandlingens försvarlighet är det främst två aspekter som är av relevans. Nödvärnshandlingen får inte klart avvika från vad som behövde göras för att avvärja angreppet och ett uppenbart missförhållande får inte föreligga mellan nödvärnshandlingen och skadan som riskerar uppstå till följd av angreppet. I denna bedömningen skall även en bred marginal i fördel till den åtalade föreligga. Denna marginal tas inte hänsyn till i tillräcklig utsträckning då Högsta Domstolen gör sin bedömning i fall då den angripne använt sig av dödligt eller väldigt omfattande våld. Det har genom praxis etablerats att den som utsätts för ett brottsligt angrepp inte tvunget måste välja att fly utan får istället stanna kvar på platsen och försvara sig. Även i detta hänseende har dock Högsta Domstolen valt att vara restriktiva med sin tolkning när den som försvarar sig använder sig av omfattande våld.

Angrepp får avvärjas redan då de är överhängande och en individ behöver således inte vänta med sin nödvärnshandling tills angreppet företas. Vad som avses med överhängande är emellertid inte helt klart. Högsta Domstolen har uttalat att en nödvärnssituation kan föreligga redan då en risk för ett överhängande angrepp föreligger och har således gått utanför vad som kan utläsas från lagtexten. Vidare tas i förarbetena upp exempel som är avsedda att vägleda i tillämpningen av nödvärnsbestämmelsen. Förarbetena ger dock i detta avseende upphov till lika många frågor som det besvarar och förtydligande från lagstiftarens sida skulle behövas på området.

Då den angripne haft rätt till nödvärn men gått utanför vad nödvärnsrätten tillåter kan ändå ansvarsfrihet föreligga då bestämmelsen om excess blir tillämplig i fall då den angripne svårligen kunnat besinna sig.
Vilka omständigheter som skall ingå i bedömningen av huruvida excess föreligger är dock i vissa delar oklart och ett förtydligande från lagstiftaren vore önskvärt.

Nödvärnsrätten är en objektiv ansvarsfrihetsgrund och innebär att i de fall en nödvärnssituation föreligger så har den angripne rätt att företa en nödvärnshandling, trots att den angripne varken visste eller trodde att denne hade rätt till nödvärn. Detta innebär i vissa fall att den som tror sig företa en olaglig handling ändå kan gå fri från ansvar. något som inte rimmar bra med lagstiftarens avsikt att sänka våldsanvändningen i samhället. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Strömmen Jakobsson, Oscar LU
alternative title
The limits of self-defense - Self-defense and self-defense excess
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, Nödvärnsrätt, Nödvärn, Nödvärnsexcess, Putativt nödvärn, Nödvärnsrättens gränser
date added to LUP
2022-06-15 08:40:33
date last changed
2022-06-15 08:40:33
  abstract     = {{The right to self-defense means that acts that would otherwise be criminal can be committed by the person who has been subjected to a criminal attack and then be released from liability. Not only the person who has been attacked has the right to defend himself but also a third-person can ward off the attack. The conditions for discharge from liability on the basis of a self-defense objection can be divided into four parts. A self-defense situation must exist, the act must be directed at a person designated in the legal text or his or her sphere of interest, the act must not be obviously unjustifiable and an assessment of the subjective grounds must be made.

When the assessment is made regarding the justifiability of the self-defense act, there are mainly two aspects that are relevant. The act must not clearly deviate from what needed to be done to ward off the attack and there must be no obvious mismatch between the act and the damage that might occur as a result of the attack. In this assessment, there must also be a broad margin in favor of the accused. This margin is not sufficiently taken into account when the Supreme Court makes its assessment in cases where the victim has used lethal or very extensive force. It has been established through practice that those who are exposed to a criminal attack do not have to choose to flee but must instead remain on the spot and defend themselves. In this respect too, however, the Supreme Court has chosen to be restrictive in its interpretation when the defender uses extensive force.

Attacks can be averted already when they are imminent and an individual thus does not have to wait with his act of self-defense until the attack is carried out. However, what is meant by imminent is not entirely clear. The Supreme Court has stated that a self-defense situation may already exist when there is a risk of an imminent attack and has thus gone beyond what can be deduced from the text of the law. Furthermore, the legislative history includes examples that are intended to guide in the application of the self defense regulations. In this respect, however, the legislative history gives rise to as many questions as it answers and clarification from the legislator's side would be needed in the area.

In cases where the victim had the right to self-defense but went beyond what the law allows, there may still be discharge from liability when the regulations on excess becomes applicable in cases where the victim has had difficulty controlling themselves. 
However, the circumstances that should be included in the assessment of whether excess exists are in some respects unclear and clarification from the legislator would be desirable.

The right to self-defense is an objective basis for discharge from liability and means that in cases where there is a self-defense situation, the attacked person has the right to take a self-defense action, even though the victim neither knew nor believed that he was entitled to self-defense. This means in some cases that those who believe they are committing an illegal act can still be released from liability. Something that does not fit well with the legislator's intention to reduce the use of violence in society.}},
  author       = {{Strömmen Jakobsson, Oscar}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Nödvärnsrättens gränser - Nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess}},
  year         = {{2022}},