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Riksdagens normgivningsmakt och den konstitutionella innebörden av divergerande domstolsskapad rätt – En analys med utgångspunkt i ventilerna för straffvärdesnedsättning

Redelius, Erika LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
When determining sanctions in Swedish criminal law, the courts assume penal value as the starting point. The most common factors used to reduce penal value is expressed through legislation, however the courts also hold the capacity to consider other elements of the case that they consider to be significant. These factors can further be used to rule below the established penalty scale for the offence in question.

This essay performs as an analysis concerning the courts’ agency regarding the possibilities of ruling below the minimum penalty with reference to general grounds for penal value reduction. The purpose is to examine whether the courts’ exercise of power is in accordance with the constitutional separation of powers. For this... (More)
When determining sanctions in Swedish criminal law, the courts assume penal value as the starting point. The most common factors used to reduce penal value is expressed through legislation, however the courts also hold the capacity to consider other elements of the case that they consider to be significant. These factors can further be used to rule below the established penalty scale for the offence in question.

This essay performs as an analysis concerning the courts’ agency regarding the possibilities of ruling below the minimum penalty with reference to general grounds for penal value reduction. The purpose is to examine whether the courts’ exercise of power is in accordance with the constitutional separation of powers. For this purpose, the margin for interpretation of the constitution is also examined.

The general grounds for penal value reduction have over time been limited in regard to which factors may be taken into consideration. Finding precedents for such cases is furthermore difficult. The capacity in which mitigating factors can be considered is simultaneously said to have increased. Additionally, the principle of sanctions being as mild as possible contradicts the constitutionally supported legal policy development, which is currently arguing generally in favor of harsher sentences.

The constitutional regulations regarding the competences of the courts are often vague and in some respects contradictory. The question of whether there is a legitimate place for law to be created or filled out by courts in the Swedish justice system is uncertain. It can be argued that the authority of the courts could lead to abuse of power in this sense, but this largely depends on how the constitution is interpreted. If the courts were to abuse their power, the possibilities to counteract such developments are limited. However, much points to this at least not currently being a frequently occurring issue. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Vid utdömandet av påföljder i den svenska straffrätten utgår domstolarna ifrån brottslighetens straffvärde. De vanligaste faktorerna för nedsättning av straffvärdet är uttryckliga i lagtexten men domstolarna har även möjlighet att beakta andra grunder som de anser vara av vikt. Dessa grunder kan vidare användas för att utdöma straff som understiger straffskalan för det aktuella brottet.

Denna uppsats är en analys av domstolarnas makt avseende möjligheterna att döma under straffminimum med hänvisning till allmänna grunder för straffvärdesnedsättning. Syftet med detta är att undersöka om domstolarnas maktutövning sker i enlighet med normgivningsregleringen i regeringsformen. För detta syfte diskuteras även tolkningsutrymmet av... (More)
Vid utdömandet av påföljder i den svenska straffrätten utgår domstolarna ifrån brottslighetens straffvärde. De vanligaste faktorerna för nedsättning av straffvärdet är uttryckliga i lagtexten men domstolarna har även möjlighet att beakta andra grunder som de anser vara av vikt. Dessa grunder kan vidare användas för att utdöma straff som understiger straffskalan för det aktuella brottet.

Denna uppsats är en analys av domstolarnas makt avseende möjligheterna att döma under straffminimum med hänvisning till allmänna grunder för straffvärdesnedsättning. Syftet med detta är att undersöka om domstolarnas maktutövning sker i enlighet med normgivningsregleringen i regeringsformen. För detta syfte diskuteras även tolkningsutrymmet av maktdelningen i regeringsformen.

De allmänna grunderna för nedsättning av straffvärde har över tid begränsats avseende vilka faktorer som får beaktas, och det är svårt att hitta etablerade sådana i praxis. Samtidigt har utrymmet att beakta förmildrande omständigheter sagts öka. Vidare finns problematiken att straff principiellt ska sättas så lågt som möjligt, medan regeringsformen ger stöd för den rättspolitiska utvecklingen vilken idag generellt talar för strängare påföljder.

Grundlagsregleringen av domstolarnas befogenheter är vag och i vissa hänseenden motsägelsefull. Frågan om huruvida domstolsskapad respektive domstolsutfylld rätt har en rättmätig plats i det svenska rättssystemet är inte uppenbar. Det kan argumenteras att domstolarnas maktutövning skulle kunna leda till maktmissbruk i detta hänseende, men detta beror till stor del på hur grundlagen tolkas. Utan tydliga instruktioner kvarstår frågan om hur långtgående domstolarnas tolkningsutrymme är ämnat att kunna sträcka sig. Om domstolarna skulle missbruka sin makt finns det begränsade möjligheter att motverka detta, men allt indikerar på att sådant missbruk åtminstone i dagsläget inte är vanligt förekommande. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Redelius, Erika LU
alternative title
The Swedish parliament's right to legislate and the constitutional significance of divergent court-created law – An analysis from the perspective of penal value reductions
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
rättsvetenskap, konstitutionell rätt, straffrätt
date added to LUP
2022-06-15 08:40:13
date last changed
2022-06-15 08:40:13
  abstract     = {{When determining sanctions in Swedish criminal law, the courts assume penal value as the starting point. The most common factors used to reduce penal value is expressed through legislation, however the courts also hold the capacity to consider other elements of the case that they consider to be significant. These factors can further be used to rule below the established penalty scale for the offence in question.

This essay performs as an analysis concerning the courts’ agency regarding the possibilities of ruling below the minimum penalty with reference to general grounds for penal value reduction. The purpose is to examine whether the courts’ exercise of power is in accordance with the constitutional separation of powers. For this purpose, the margin for interpretation of the constitution is also examined.

The general grounds for penal value reduction have over time been limited in regard to which factors may be taken into consideration. Finding precedents for such cases is furthermore difficult. The capacity in which mitigating factors can be considered is simultaneously said to have increased. Additionally, the principle of sanctions being as mild as possible contradicts the constitutionally supported legal policy development, which is currently arguing generally in favor of harsher sentences.

The constitutional regulations regarding the competences of the courts are often vague and in some respects contradictory. The question of whether there is a legitimate place for law to be created or filled out by courts in the Swedish justice system is uncertain. It can be argued that the authority of the courts could lead to abuse of power in this sense, but this largely depends on how the constitution is interpreted. If the courts were to abuse their power, the possibilities to counteract such developments are limited. However, much points to this at least not currently being a frequently occurring issue.}},
  author       = {{Redelius, Erika}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Riksdagens normgivningsmakt och den konstitutionella innebörden av divergerande domstolsskapad rätt – En analys med utgångspunkt i ventilerna för straffvärdesnedsättning}},
  year         = {{2022}},