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Ett särskilt hedersbrott: får brottet eftersträvad verkan?

Engstam, Moa LU (2022) LAGF03 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Den 27 april 2022 röstade riksdagen ja till att införa ett nytt brott i
Brottsbalken, hedersförtryck; detta som ett led i att bekämpa hedersrelaterat
våld och förtryck med kraft. Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck kan föras
tillbaka på kollektivt betingade hedersnormer, på grund av vilka individer
riskerar att bestraffas om normerna ifråga inte efterlevs. Den springande
punkten är kontextuella idéer om kollektiv heder, det vill säga uppfattningar
om att en familjs eller släkts anseende och ställning är beroende av
individuella medlemmarnas handlande. Mot bakgrund av hedersnormer kan
detta rättfärdiga såväl kontroll över individer som sanktioner med syftet att
bevara eller återupprätta hedern. Således kan hedersrelaterat våld och
... (More)
Den 27 april 2022 röstade riksdagen ja till att införa ett nytt brott i
Brottsbalken, hedersförtryck; detta som ett led i att bekämpa hedersrelaterat
våld och förtryck med kraft. Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck kan föras
tillbaka på kollektivt betingade hedersnormer, på grund av vilka individer
riskerar att bestraffas om normerna ifråga inte efterlevs. Den springande
punkten är kontextuella idéer om kollektiv heder, det vill säga uppfattningar
om att en familjs eller släkts anseende och ställning är beroende av
individuella medlemmarnas handlande. Mot bakgrund av hedersnormer kan
detta rättfärdiga såväl kontroll över individer som sanktioner med syftet att
bevara eller återupprätta hedern. Således kan hedersrelaterat våld och
förtryck ta sig form i allt från subtila inskränkningar i levnadsvillkor till
mycket grovt våld och mord. Hedersförtrycksbrott innebär att strängare
straff kan dömas ut för upprepade kränkningar mot samma brottsoffer, då
där ett bakomliggande motiv varit att bevara eller återupprätta en person,
familjs, släkts eller annan liknande grupps heder, jämfört med det straff som
dessa kränkningar skulle ge ifall de istället bedömdes som ett antal enskilda
gärningar. Brottet är speciellt på så sätt att det är konstruerat utifrån ett
motiv snarare än en specifik gärning.

I SOU 2020:57 (Ett särskilt hedersbrott) beskriver utredaren flera av skälen
till att ett särskilt hedersbrott behövs i svensk lagstiftning. Två skäl som förs fram kan betraktas som huvudsakliga : för det första att det snäva
närståenderekvisitet, som gäller ifråga om fridskränkningsbrott, innebär att
det karaktäristiska för hedersförtryck inte kan beaktas i tillräcklig
utsträckning; för det andra att ett särskilt hedersbrott skulle få ett viktigt
symbolisk värde. Den verkan som utredaren hoppas uppnå är att bekämpa
hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, och även kunna straffbelägga mindre
inskränkningar som sker inom hederskontexter, till exempel begränsningar
av personers rörelsefrihet och kontroll över deras klädsel.

Genom att se hur hedersmotivet samt fridskränkningsbrotten behandlats i
rättspraxis går det att se vissa svagheter i utredarens resonemang, vilket
legat till grund för regeringens proposition om lagbestämmelsens införande.
Mot bakgrund av rättspraxis går det att se problem framförallt vad gäller
tillämpningen av bestämmelsen: vilka brottstyper som hedersrelaterade
inskränkningar kan falla inom; huruvida dessa brottstyper kan tillämpas på
sådant sätt som förs fram i SOU:n; samt hur hedersförtrycksbrottets rekvisit
kan medföra att brottet blir svårt att tillämpa i praktiken. Subtila
inskränkningar är mycket svåra att bevisa och uppfyller inte nödvändigtvis
rekvisiten för de brott som är aktuella (d.v.s. brotten i
hedersförtrycksbrottets brottskatalog). Därför går det att sluta sig till att det finns vissa aspekter av hederförtycksbrottet som utredaren inte reflekterat
tillräckligt över och som därför riskerar att begränsa den genomslagskraft
som är själva syftet med lagbestämmelsen, särskilt i de fall lagstiftningen
tycks behövas mest, det vill säga dit redan befintlig lagstiftning inte når i
nuläget. (Less)
On the 27th of April 2022, the Swedish parliament voted in favour of
introducing a new criminal offence in The Swedish Penal Code, called
‘honour-related oppression’ (sw. hedersförtryck). This action was taken as a
part of a larger initiative to combat honour-related violence and oppression.
Honour-related violence and oppression can be traced back to collectively
conditioned honour norms, in which individuals risk being punished if they
breach the norms in question. The crux of the matter is contextual ideas
about collective honour, e.g. perceptions that the reputation, position, and
honour of a family depend on the actions of individual members. Because of
these honour norms, both control over individuals and sanctions aimed at
... (More)
On the 27th of April 2022, the Swedish parliament voted in favour of
introducing a new criminal offence in The Swedish Penal Code, called
‘honour-related oppression’ (sw. hedersförtryck). This action was taken as a
part of a larger initiative to combat honour-related violence and oppression.
Honour-related violence and oppression can be traced back to collectively
conditioned honour norms, in which individuals risk being punished if they
breach the norms in question. The crux of the matter is contextual ideas
about collective honour, e.g. perceptions that the reputation, position, and
honour of a family depend on the actions of individual members. Because of
these honour norms, both control over individuals and sanctions aimed at
preserving or restoring honour may be viewed as justified by some. Honour-
related violence and oppression can take expression in everything from
subtle restrictions in living conditions to serious crimes and murder. The
new ‘honour-related oppression’ offence is intended to implement more
severe punishments for repeated criminal violations against the same victim,
if an underlying motive was to preserve or restore the honour of a person,
family, relative, or other similar groups, compared to the punishment that
these violations would give if judged as several individual infractions. The
crime is special in that it is constructed on the basis of a motive rather than a specific act.

In Swedish Government Official Reports (sw. SOU) 2020:57 several
reasons are put forward as to why a special crime for honour-related
violence and oppression is needed under Swedish law. Two reasons can be
considered the main ones: firstly, the necessary prerequisite in violation of
integrity offences that prescribes that only certain relatives can be the
perpetrator does not sufficiently take into account the characteristic of
honorary oppression; secondly, a particular honour-related crime would
have an important symbolic value. The effect that the legislator hopes to
achieve is to combat honour-related violence and oppression, and also to be
able to penalize restrictions that occur in honour-related contexts, such as
restrictions on the victim's freedom of movement and clothing choices.

By looking at how the honour motive and violation of integrity offences
have been dealt with in case law, it is possible to see certain weaknesses in
the government’s reasoning. For example with regards to the application of
the offence, e.g. the types of crimes that honour-related restrictions may
constitute. More specifically whether these types of crime can be applied in
such a way as is presented in the SOU, and how the requisites of the
‘honour-related oppression’ offence can make the offence difficult for the
court to apply in practice. Another example is that subtle restrictions are
very difficult to prove and do not necessarily meet the requisites for the
crimes in question (i.e., the crimes in the catalogue of offences in the
article). Therefore, it can be concluded that there are certain aspects of the
article that the legislator has not sufficiently reflected on and which
therefore risks limiting the intended impact,especially in cases where the
legislation seems most needed, i.e. where already existing legislation does
not reach at this present time. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Engstam, Moa LU
LAGF03 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt, hedersrelaterad brottslighet
date added to LUP
2022-06-28 09:24:44
date last changed
2022-06-28 09:24:44
  abstract     = {{On the 27th of April 2022, the Swedish parliament voted in favour of
introducing a new criminal offence in The Swedish Penal Code, called
‘honour-related oppression’ (sw. hedersförtryck). This action was taken as a
part of a larger initiative to combat honour-related violence and oppression.
Honour-related violence and oppression can be traced back to collectively
conditioned honour norms, in which individuals risk being punished if they
breach the norms in question. The crux of the matter is contextual ideas
about collective honour, e.g. perceptions that the reputation, position, and
honour of a family depend on the actions of individual members. Because of
these honour norms, both control over individuals and sanctions aimed at
preserving or restoring honour may be viewed as justified by some. Honour-
related violence and oppression can take expression in everything from
subtle restrictions in living conditions to serious crimes and murder. The
new ‘honour-related oppression’ offence is intended to implement more
severe punishments for repeated criminal violations against the same victim,
if an underlying motive was to preserve or restore the honour of a person,
family, relative, or other similar groups, compared to the punishment that
these violations would give if judged as several individual infractions. The
crime is special in that it is constructed on the basis of a motive rather than a specific act.

In Swedish Government Official Reports (sw. SOU) 2020:57 several
reasons are put forward as to why a special crime for honour-related
violence and oppression is needed under Swedish law. Two reasons can be
considered the main ones: firstly, the necessary prerequisite in violation of
integrity offences that prescribes that only certain relatives can be the
perpetrator does not sufficiently take into account the characteristic of
honorary oppression; secondly, a particular honour-related crime would
have an important symbolic value. The effect that the legislator hopes to
achieve is to combat honour-related violence and oppression, and also to be
able to penalize restrictions that occur in honour-related contexts, such as
restrictions on the victim's freedom of movement and clothing choices.

By looking at how the honour motive and violation of integrity offences
have been dealt with in case law, it is possible to see certain weaknesses in
the government’s reasoning. For example with regards to the application of
the offence, e.g. the types of crimes that honour-related restrictions may
constitute. More specifically whether these types of crime can be applied in
such a way as is presented in the SOU, and how the requisites of the
‘honour-related oppression’ offence can make the offence difficult for the
court to apply in practice. Another example is that subtle restrictions are
very difficult to prove and do not necessarily meet the requisites for the
crimes in question (i.e., the crimes in the catalogue of offences in the
article). Therefore, it can be concluded that there are certain aspects of the
article that the legislator has not sufficiently reflected on and which
therefore risks limiting the intended impact,especially in cases where the
legislation seems most needed, i.e. where already existing legislation does
not reach at this present time.}},
  author       = {{Engstam, Moa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Ett särskilt hedersbrott: får brottet eftersträvad verkan?}},
  year         = {{2022}},