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LUP Student Papers


Ingen fara på taket! Eller?

Carleson, Daniel LU and Liljenberg, Vilmer LU (2022) SKOK11 20221
Department of Strategic Communication
This study aims to contribute a nuanced picture of the complex phenomenon of crisis communication during covid-19. It is performed by examining CEO letters published by an organization in their annual report during different stages of a crisis. The aim is further to examine and interpret the balance between communicating positivity for the future while acknowledging the consequences that have arisen. The research questions are concentrated on how crisis communication is used to protect and strengthen organizational trust and reputation through different stages of a crisis.
The research is based on a social constructionist perspective and examines through a qualitative text analysis a listed company within the hotel industry's CEO letters... (More)
This study aims to contribute a nuanced picture of the complex phenomenon of crisis communication during covid-19. It is performed by examining CEO letters published by an organization in their annual report during different stages of a crisis. The aim is further to examine and interpret the balance between communicating positivity for the future while acknowledging the consequences that have arisen. The research questions are concentrated on how crisis communication is used to protect and strengthen organizational trust and reputation through different stages of a crisis.
The research is based on a social constructionist perspective and examines through a qualitative text analysis a listed company within the hotel industry's CEO letters for three subsequent years. The analysis is conducted with a theoretical framework consisting of Situational Communication Theory, Discourse of Renewal and Framing Theory. To answer the purpose and research questions via the theoretical framework, categories for analysis have been created. The categories within the analysis consist of: addressing the crisis, actual consequences and measures, view of the future and authoritarian positioning and ethical issues.
The results indicate that it is clear that crisis communication is largely dynamic and changes depending on the crisis stage the organization is currently in. The stakeholder group which the CEO letters are perceived to target during the most severe stage of the crisis is investors rather than customers and employees, which is made visible by the lack of communication in relation to the social consequences that covid-19 brought. Consistent with the publications during the various stages is that the organization magnifies its successes and reduces its setbacks by reminding of previous work and disclaims responsibility for the crisis itself and its management. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna studie syftar till att bidra med en nyanserad bild av det komplexa fenomenet kriskommunikation under covid-19 genom att undersöka VD-ord publicerade av en organisation i sin årsredovisning under olika stadier av en kris. Syftet är vidare att undersöka och tolka balansen mellan att andas positivitet för framtiden och samtidigt erkänna de konsekvenser som uppstått. Forskningsfrågorna är centrerade kring hur kriskommunikation används för att skydda och stärka en organisations förtroende och rykte under en olika faser av en kris.
Forskningen utgår från ett sociokonstruktionstiskt perspektiv och undersöker genom en kvalitativ textanalys ett börsnoterat bolag inom hotellbranschens VD-ord för tre efterföljande år. Uppsatsens analys utförs... (More)
Denna studie syftar till att bidra med en nyanserad bild av det komplexa fenomenet kriskommunikation under covid-19 genom att undersöka VD-ord publicerade av en organisation i sin årsredovisning under olika stadier av en kris. Syftet är vidare att undersöka och tolka balansen mellan att andas positivitet för framtiden och samtidigt erkänna de konsekvenser som uppstått. Forskningsfrågorna är centrerade kring hur kriskommunikation används för att skydda och stärka en organisations förtroende och rykte under en olika faser av en kris.
Forskningen utgår från ett sociokonstruktionstiskt perspektiv och undersöker genom en kvalitativ textanalys ett börsnoterat bolag inom hotellbranschens VD-ord för tre efterföljande år. Uppsatsens analys utförs med ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av Situational Communication Theory, Discourse of Renewal och Framingteorin. För att svara på syfte och frågeställningar genom det teoretiska ramverket har analyskategorier utformats. Kategorierna inom analysen består av: adressering av krisen, faktiska konsekvenser och åtgärder, framtidssyn och auktoritär positionering och etisk problematik.
Resultaten pekar mot att det är tydligt att kriskommunikation till stora delar är dynamisk och förändras beroende på stadie som organisationen befinner sig. Intressentgruppen som VD-orden upplevs rikta sig mot under krisens mest allvarliga stadie är investerare snarare än kunder och medarbetare, vilket synliggörs genom bristen av kommunikation gentemot de sociala konsekvenser som covid-19 medfört. Genomgående för publiceringarna under de olika stadierna är att organisationen förstorar sina framgångar och förminskar sina motgångar genom att påminna om tidigare arbete och avsäga sig ansvar för krisen i sig och hanteringen av den. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Carleson, Daniel LU and Liljenberg, Vilmer LU
SKOK11 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
crisis communication, trust, situational crisis communication theory, framing, discourse of renewal, listed company, CEO letter, annual report, covid-19, pandemic, Scandic Hotels, hotel industry, crisis phases, strategic communication
date added to LUP
2022-06-03 17:07:36
date last changed
2022-06-03 17:07:36
  abstract     = {{This study aims to contribute a nuanced picture of the complex phenomenon of crisis communication during covid-19. It is performed by examining CEO letters published by an organization in their annual report during different stages of a crisis. The aim is further to examine and interpret the balance between communicating positivity for the future while acknowledging the consequences that have arisen. The research questions are concentrated on how crisis communication is used to protect and strengthen organizational trust and reputation through different stages of a crisis.
The research is based on a social constructionist perspective and examines through a qualitative text analysis a listed company within the hotel industry's CEO letters for three subsequent years. The analysis is conducted with a theoretical framework consisting of Situational Communication Theory, Discourse of Renewal and Framing Theory. To answer the purpose and research questions via the theoretical framework, categories for analysis have been created. The categories within the analysis consist of: addressing the crisis, actual consequences and measures, view of the future and authoritarian positioning and ethical issues.
The results indicate that it is clear that crisis communication is largely dynamic and changes depending on the crisis stage the organization is currently in. The stakeholder group which the CEO letters are perceived to target during the most severe stage of the crisis is investors rather than customers and employees, which is made visible by the lack of communication in relation to the social consequences that covid-19 brought. Consistent with the publications during the various stages is that the organization magnifies its successes and reduces its setbacks by reminding of previous work and disclaims responsibility for the crisis itself and its management.}},
  author       = {{Carleson, Daniel and Liljenberg, Vilmer}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Ingen fara på taket! Eller?}},
  year         = {{2022}},