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LUP Student Papers


”Ring inte oss, vi ringer dig” En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur en IT-koncern arbetar med employer branding

Alfthan, Jenny LU and Carvell, Mimi LU (2022) SKOK11 20221
Department of Strategic Communication
Due to digitalization, IT is one of the fastest growing sectors. This has resulted in a shortage of qualified employees, consequently causing a competitive employment market within the sector where companies are at competition to both recruit and retain employees. One strategy adapted by employers to gain a sustainable competitive advantage is employer branding.
The purpose of this study was to explore how managers in an IT-group are experiencing the work with employer branding. In order to achieve this, we conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with managers at both group level and at subsidiaries. The empirical material was then theoretically interpreted through the analytical lens of organisational identity. This theoretical... (More)
Due to digitalization, IT is one of the fastest growing sectors. This has resulted in a shortage of qualified employees, consequently causing a competitive employment market within the sector where companies are at competition to both recruit and retain employees. One strategy adapted by employers to gain a sustainable competitive advantage is employer branding.
The purpose of this study was to explore how managers in an IT-group are experiencing the work with employer branding. In order to achieve this, we conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with managers at both group level and at subsidiaries. The empirical material was then theoretically interpreted through the analytical lens of organisational identity. This theoretical interpretation was identified as potentially valuable at a time where economic and functional benefits of employment are increasingly becoming less predominant.
The discussion suggested that employer branding and organisational identity were intangible and could not be considered as separate entities, but rather that employer branding is the communicative expression of the organisational identity. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Till följd av digitaliseringen är IT-branschen en av de snabbast växande branscherna. Detta har resulterat i ett underskott att kvalificerad arbetskraft, och därmed en konkurrenskraftig arbetsmarknad där företag konkurrerar både för att rekrytera och behålla anställda. En strategi tillämpad av arbetsgivare för att få hållbar konkurrensfördel är employer branding.
Syftet med den här studien var att utforska hur ledningsgruppen i en IT-koncern upplever arbetet med employer branding. För att åstadkomma detta genomfördes semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med ledningen både i koncernen och i dotterbolag. Det empiriska materialet tolkades sedan teoretiskt genom den analytiska linsen organisationsidentitet. Den här teoretiska tolkningen... (More)
Till följd av digitaliseringen är IT-branschen en av de snabbast växande branscherna. Detta har resulterat i ett underskott att kvalificerad arbetskraft, och därmed en konkurrenskraftig arbetsmarknad där företag konkurrerar både för att rekrytera och behålla anställda. En strategi tillämpad av arbetsgivare för att få hållbar konkurrensfördel är employer branding.
Syftet med den här studien var att utforska hur ledningsgruppen i en IT-koncern upplever arbetet med employer branding. För att åstadkomma detta genomfördes semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med ledningen både i koncernen och i dotterbolag. Det empiriska materialet tolkades sedan teoretiskt genom den analytiska linsen organisationsidentitet. Den här teoretiska tolkningen bedömdes som lämplig i en samtid där de ekonomiska och funktionella fördelarna med en anställning har blivit allt mer underordnade.
Diskussionen föreslog att employer branding och organisationsidentitet inte kunde åtskiljas och behandlas som separata enheter, och att employer branding istället kan betraktas som den kommunikativa komponenten av organisationsidentiteten. (Less)
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Alfthan, Jenny LU and Carvell, Mimi LU
SKOK11 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Employer branding, IT-branschen, rekrytering, employer attractiveness, EmpAt, organisationsidentitet, organisationskultur, image, rykte
date added to LUP
2022-06-15 15:30:32
date last changed
2022-06-15 15:30:32
  abstract     = {{Due to digitalization, IT is one of the fastest growing sectors. This has resulted in a shortage of qualified employees, consequently causing a competitive employment market within the sector where companies are at competition to both recruit and retain employees. One strategy adapted by employers to gain a sustainable competitive advantage is employer branding. 
The purpose of this study was to explore how managers in an IT-group are experiencing the work with employer branding. In order to achieve this, we conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with managers at both group level and at subsidiaries. The empirical material was then theoretically interpreted through the analytical lens of organisational identity. This theoretical interpretation was identified as potentially valuable at a time where economic and functional benefits of employment are increasingly becoming less predominant. 
The discussion suggested that employer branding and organisational identity were intangible and could not be considered as separate entities, but rather that employer branding is the communicative expression of the organisational identity.}},
  author       = {{Alfthan, Jenny and Carvell, Mimi}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{”Ring inte oss, vi ringer dig” En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur en IT-koncern arbetar med employer branding}},
  year         = {{2022}},