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Föråldrad lagstiftning och traditionell bransch - hur kan fastighetsbranschen bemöta utmaningarna med delade ytor?

Johansson Streijffert, Jakob LU and Svensson, Ella LU (2022) VFTM01 20221
Real Estate Science
Abstract (Swedish)
Delningsekonomi är ett växande fenomen i samhället. Kortfattat handlar delningsekonomi om att använda underutnyttjade resurser bättre genom att dela. Att dela ytor kan innebära en mer effektiv användning av befintliga byggnader vilket potentiellt kan minska behovet av nyproduktion. På svenska fastighetsmarknaden finns däremot viss problematik som hindrar en ökad delning av ytor. Problematiken berör bland annat avtalsmässiga frågor där hyreslagen kan ställa till problem. Det råder även oklarheter i mervärdesskattelagen om i vilka fall man som fastighetsägare kan bli frivilligt skattskyldig för en lokal. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur fastighetsägare i sin affärsmodell kan arbeta för att tillhandahålla delade ytor. Detta görs... (More)
Delningsekonomi är ett växande fenomen i samhället. Kortfattat handlar delningsekonomi om att använda underutnyttjade resurser bättre genom att dela. Att dela ytor kan innebära en mer effektiv användning av befintliga byggnader vilket potentiellt kan minska behovet av nyproduktion. På svenska fastighetsmarknaden finns däremot viss problematik som hindrar en ökad delning av ytor. Problematiken berör bland annat avtalsmässiga frågor där hyreslagen kan ställa till problem. Det råder även oklarheter i mervärdesskattelagen om i vilka fall man som fastighetsägare kan bli frivilligt skattskyldig för en lokal. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur fastighetsägare i sin affärsmodell kan arbeta för att tillhandahålla delade ytor. Detta görs genom att ta reda på hur aktörer i fastighetssverige tillhandahåller delade ytor trots problematiken som råder och även undersöka vilka förutsättningar som krävs. Arbetet fokuserar på kommersiella lokaler i Sverige och utgår från följande frågor:

1. Hur löser aktörer i branschen ett koncept för delade ytor idag, i förhållande till de problem som belysts i tidigare forskning och rapporter?
2. Vilka förutsättningar behövs för fastighetsägare för att underlätta för delning av ytor?

Först genomfördes en litteraturgenomgång för att få förståelse för den problematik som råder på den svenska marknaden. Därefter gjordes en kvalitativ analys som dels bestod av en fallstudie samt semistrukturerade intervjuer. I fallstudien studeras ett projekt vid namn Embassy of Sharing. Projektutvecklare och fastighetsägare är Granitor Properties. Detta fall studerades eftersom det är stort fokus på delning i projektet med höga ambitioner och visioner kring delade ytor. Fallstudien har använts för att få insyn i den problematik fastighetsägare upplever i praktiken. Den användes som vägledning för det fortsatta arbetet och utformning av intervjuerna. Intervjuerna genomfördes med fastighetsägare och andra aktörer som tillhandahåller delning för att få inblick i deras syn, lösningar och affärsmodeller på delade lokalytor. Intervjuer har även hållits med jurister för att få bättre förståelse för problematiken kring moms- och hyreslagstiftningen och deras perspektiv på den.
Arbetet utgår främst från tre former av delade ytor som i arbetet benämns enligt följande; parallellt samutnyttjade ytor, delad huvudyta samtidigt och delad huvudyta växelvis.
Studien konstaterar att moms- och hyreslagstiftningen är väldigt problematisk och rättsläget är oklart, och tillsammans innebär de en ännu högre komplexitet för fastighetsägaren att ta hänsyn till. Det visar sig att fastighetsägare upplever mycket hinder för att tillhandahålla delade ytor medans de vi benämner lokaldelningsförmedlare, aktörer som tillhandahåller delade ytor men inte själva äger fastigheter, inte ser lika mycket problem. Anledningen till detta är för att de tjänstefierar ytan, det vill säga att de inte upplåter ytan som en lokaluthyrning. Istället säljer de en tjänst vilket gör att upplåtelsen inte går under hyreslagstiftningen och momslagstiftningen blir inte lika problematisk. För ett ökat tillhandahållande av delade ytor krävs att aktörer vågar testa nya lösningar, dels för att se vad som fungerar affärsmässigt, men också för att eventuellt få en rättslig bedömning eller ställningstagande. För att våga ta steget som fastighetsägare är rätt inställning och mindset en förutsättning.
Arbetet presenterar ett antal alternativ till lösningar inspirerat från de svar från intervjuerna och fallstudien och hur de eventuellt förhåller sig till problematiken, samt olika för och nackdelar. Delning kan tänkas innebära nya affärsmodeller för fastighetsägaren. Det identifieras ur fallstudien att vid införandet av nya affärsmodeller kan det behöva ske en annorlunda prissättning. Det krävs således för fastighetsägare att få hyresgäster att jämföra det traditionella hyresavtalet på ett rättvist sätt gentemot det nya. Här bör fastighetsbranschen tänka om och fokusera på pris per arbetsplats istället för pris per kvadratmeter. (Less)
The sharing economy is a growing phenomenon in society. Simply described, the sharing economy is about using underutilized resources better through sharing. Sharing space can mean a more efficient use of existing buildings, which potentially can reduce the need for new buildings. In the Swedish real estate market, there are certain problems that prevent an increased sharing of space. The problems concern, among other things, contractual issues where the rental legislation can cause problems, and there is uncertainty in the VAT law about in which cases you as a property owner can become “voluntarily taxable” for commercial premises. In Sweden you generally don't pay VAT for real estate but there is a possibility to become “voluntarily... (More)
The sharing economy is a growing phenomenon in society. Simply described, the sharing economy is about using underutilized resources better through sharing. Sharing space can mean a more efficient use of existing buildings, which potentially can reduce the need for new buildings. In the Swedish real estate market, there are certain problems that prevent an increased sharing of space. The problems concern, among other things, contractual issues where the rental legislation can cause problems, and there is uncertainty in the VAT law about in which cases you as a property owner can become “voluntarily taxable” for commercial premises. In Sweden you generally don't pay VAT for real estate but there is a possibility to become “voluntarily taxable” which is important for many property owners. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how property owners can work in their business model to provide shared space. This is done by finding out how actors in the Swedish real estate market provide shared spaces despite the prevailing problems and also by finding out what conditions are required. The thesis focuses on commercial premises in Sweden and is based on the following questions:

1. How do players in the industry solve a concept for shared space today, in relation to the problems highlighted in previous research and reports?

2. What conditions are needed for property owners to facilitate shared spaces?

A literature review was first conducted to gain an understanding of the problems that prevail in the Swedish market. Subsequently, a qualitative analysis was performed, which partly consisted of a case study and semi-structured interviews. The case study consists of a project called Embassy of Sharing. Project developer and property owner is Granitor Properties. This case was studied since there is a great focus on sharing in the project with high ambitions and visions around shared spaces. The case study has been used to gain insight into the problems property owners experience in practice in order to design the interviews and the continued work in this thesis. The interviews were then conducted with property owners and other actors who provide sharing to gain insight into their views, solutions and business models on shared space. Interviews have also been held with lawyers to gain a better understanding of the problems surrounding VAT and rental legislation and their perspective on it.
The thesis is mainly based on three types of shared space which in the thesis are named as follows; parallel shared space, shared main space at the same time and shared main space alternately.

The study finds that VAT and rental legislation is very problematic and the legal situation is unclear, and together they mean an even higher complexity for the property owner to take into account. It turns out that property owners experience a lot of obstacles to providing shared space, while those we call ‘shared premises providers’, actors who provide shared space but do not own properties themselves, do not see as many problems. The reason for this is because they sell the space as a service, i.e. they do not lease the space as a premises rental. This means that the lease does not fall under the rental legislation and the VAT legislation does not become as problematic. For an increased provision of shared space, it is required that actors dare to test new solutions, partly to see what works commercially, but also to possibly get a legal assessment or statement from an authority. To dare to evolve as a property owner, the right attitude and mindset is a prerequisite.

The thesis presents a number of alternatives to solutions inspired by the answers from the interviews and the case study and how they possibly relate to the problems, as well as different advantages and disadvantages. Sharing may mean new business models for the property owner. It is identified from the case study that when introducing new business models, different pricing may need to take place. It is therefore necessary for property owners to get tenants to compare the traditional lease in a fair way with the new one. Here, the real estate industry should rethink and focus on price per workplace instead of price per square meter. (Less)
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Johansson Streijffert, Jakob LU and Svensson, Ella LU
VFTM01 20221
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
affärsmodell, delningsekonomi, delningskoncept, hyreslagen, hyresavtal, kommersiella fastigheter, kommersiella lokaler, mervärdesskattelagen, moms, coworking, delade ytor, samutnyttjade ytor, cirkulär ekonomi, frivillig skattskyldighet, flexibla avtal
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date added to LUP
2022-06-09 14:02:41
date last changed
2022-06-09 14:03:36
  abstract     = {{The sharing economy is a growing phenomenon in society. Simply described, the sharing economy is about using underutilized resources better through sharing. Sharing space can mean a more efficient use of existing buildings, which potentially can reduce the need for new buildings. In the Swedish real estate market, there are certain problems that prevent an increased sharing of space. The problems concern, among other things, contractual issues where the rental legislation can cause problems, and there is uncertainty in the VAT law about in which cases you as a property owner can become “voluntarily taxable” for commercial premises. In Sweden you generally don't pay VAT for real estate but there is a possibility to become “voluntarily taxable” which is important for many property owners. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how property owners can work in their business model to provide shared space. This is done by finding out how actors in the Swedish real estate market provide shared spaces despite the prevailing problems and also by finding out what conditions are required. The thesis focuses on commercial premises in Sweden and is based on the following questions:

1.	How do players in the industry solve a concept for shared space today, in relation to the problems highlighted in previous research and reports?

2.	What conditions are needed for property owners to facilitate shared spaces?

A literature review was first conducted to gain an understanding of the problems that prevail in the Swedish market. Subsequently, a qualitative analysis was performed, which partly consisted of a case study and semi-structured interviews. The case study consists of a project called Embassy of Sharing. Project developer and property owner is Granitor Properties. This case was studied since there is a great focus on sharing in the project with high ambitions and visions around shared spaces. The case study has been used to gain insight into the problems property owners experience in practice in order to design the interviews and the continued work in this thesis. The interviews were then conducted with property owners and other actors who provide sharing to gain insight into their views, solutions and business models on shared space. Interviews have also been held with lawyers to gain a better understanding of the problems surrounding VAT and rental legislation and their perspective on it.
The thesis is mainly based on three types of shared space which in the thesis are named as follows; parallel shared space, shared main space at the same time and shared main space alternately.

The study finds that VAT and rental legislation is very problematic and the legal situation is unclear, and together they mean an even higher complexity for the property owner to take into account. It turns out that property owners experience a lot of obstacles to providing shared space, while those we call ‘shared premises providers’, actors who provide shared space but do not own properties themselves, do not see as many problems. The reason for this is because they sell the space as a service, i.e. they do not lease the space as a premises rental. This means that the lease does not fall under the rental legislation and the VAT legislation does not become as problematic. For an increased provision of shared space, it is required that actors dare to test new solutions, partly to see what works commercially, but also to possibly get a legal assessment or statement from an authority. To dare to evolve as a property owner, the right attitude and mindset is a prerequisite.

The thesis presents a number of alternatives to solutions inspired by the answers from the interviews and the case study and how they possibly relate to the problems, as well as different advantages and disadvantages. Sharing may mean new business models for the property owner. It is identified from the case study that when introducing new business models, different pricing may need to take place. It is therefore necessary for property owners to get tenants to compare the traditional lease in a fair way with the new one. Here, the real estate industry should rethink and focus on price per workplace instead of price per square meter.}},
  author       = {{Johansson Streijffert, Jakob and Svensson, Ella}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Föråldrad lagstiftning och traditionell bransch - hur kan fastighetsbranschen bemöta utmaningarna med delade ytor?}},
  year         = {{2022}},