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Måttfullhetskravet i spellagen "Spela om konsumentskyddet, helt utan registrering. Succétaktiken!"

Winberg, Ivar LU (2022) HARH13 20221
Department of Business Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Spelreklam utgör idag en majoritet av all marknadsföring som sker. Måttfullhetskravet i spellagen utgör ett krav att spelaktörer ska iaktta måttfullhet vid marknadsföring av spel till konsumenter. Måtfullhetskravet har idag en vägledning som innebär rekommendationer och riktlinjer. Måttfullhetskravet ska förbli flexibelt i spellagen och vid sanktioner ska en helhetsbedömning göras. Detta lämnar 15:1 spellagen i en gråzon i lagen.
Gambling advertising today constitutes a majority of all marketing that takes place. The requirement of moderation in the Gambling Act is a requirement that gambling players must observe moderation when marketing games to consumers. The
requirement of moderation today has a guide that entails recommendations and
marketing guidelines. The moderation requirements must remain flexible in the
Gambling Act and in the cas of sanctions, an overall assessment must be made. This leaves Section 15:1 of the Swedish Gambling Act in a gray zone in the act.
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Winberg, Ivar LU
HARH13 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Måttfullhetskravet, måttfull marknadsföring, särskilt måttfull marknadsföring, spellagen, spelreklam, casionoreklam, marknadsföring, konsumentskydd, självreglering.
date added to LUP
2022-06-13 09:17:52
date last changed
2022-06-13 09:17:52
  abstract     = {{Gambling advertising today constitutes a majority of all marketing that takes place. The requirement of moderation in the Gambling Act is a requirement that gambling players must observe moderation when marketing games to consumers. The 
requirement of moderation today has a guide that entails recommendations and 
marketing guidelines. The moderation requirements must remain flexible in the 
Gambling Act and in the cas of sanctions, an overall assessment must be made. This leaves Section 15:1 of the Swedish Gambling Act in a gray zone in the act.}},
  author       = {{Winberg, Ivar}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Måttfullhetskravet i spellagen "Spela om konsumentskyddet, helt utan registrering. Succétaktiken!"}},
  year         = {{2022}},