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Säkra hyresrätten - Lagförslag om kommunal reglering av upplåtelseformen för bostäder

Österberg, Felicia LU (2022) In Säkra hyresrätten - Lagförslag om kommunal reglering av upplåtelseformen för bostäder VFTM01 20221
Real Estate Science
The Swedish housing market faces a number of concerns. There are too few rental units with cheap rent available and the capital input to buy your own freehold title or tenant-ownership is skyrocketing. The threshold for entering the housing market is getting higher and groups such as young adults, new arrivals, disabled people, and the elderly are the ones who are the most exposed.
Developers get a bigger profit if they choose tenant-ownership instead of tenancy while municipalities have no coercive means to get the developer to choose tenancy. There are different methods in Sweden for trying to control the form of tenure, the most common are additional payment, site leasehold and price differencing land allocation agreement. It is the... (More)
The Swedish housing market faces a number of concerns. There are too few rental units with cheap rent available and the capital input to buy your own freehold title or tenant-ownership is skyrocketing. The threshold for entering the housing market is getting higher and groups such as young adults, new arrivals, disabled people, and the elderly are the ones who are the most exposed.
Developers get a bigger profit if they choose tenant-ownership instead of tenancy while municipalities have no coercive means to get the developer to choose tenancy. There are different methods in Sweden for trying to control the form of tenure, the most common are additional payment, site leasehold and price differencing land allocation agreement. It is the municipality's ultimate responsibility to provide its residents with good housing to live and reside in, according to the Act on the Housing Supply Responsibility of Municipalities.
The Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation made a report in 2018 about giving municipalities a tool to decide the housing tenure for properties that the municipality directly or indirectly owns. It´s a draft legislation that would facilitate the management of the form of tenure and stops future undesirable re-formations. This thesis is about this state public inquiry and a compilation of the referral responses received.
Of all referral bodies were 56 % in favor of the draft legislation and 23 % were negative. On top of that, it emerged that as many as 59 % agreed with the report that the form of tenure should not be regulated in the detailed plan, and only 2 % that thought that was the solution.
The housing market is complicated and based on many different factors. There is no easy solution to the situation, but it is possible to make our country a little better today than it was yesterday. (Less)
Popular Abstract (Swedish)
Kan en enskild lag underlätta planläggningsarbetet ute i kommunerna? Hur arbetar din kommun för att bygga och bevara befintliga hyresrätter? I dagsläget uppfinner varje kommun hjulet själva, men det kan snart vara över. Ett nytt lagförslag är på ingång!
Lagstiftaren vill att PBL och byggnadsbranschen blir mer förutsägbar, effektiv och smidig. Bostadskrisen har länge varit på tapeten och röster hörs runt om i landet att fler hyresrätter måste byggas. Samtidigt sker ombildningar från hyresrätt till bostadsrätt och vissa av dem sker för att finansiera nya hyresrätter med högre hyror. När en ombildning sker av det äldre hyresbeståndet tillfaller den stora vinsten den tidigare fastighetsägaren och hyresgästerna som bor i huset. Resultatet blir... (More)
Kan en enskild lag underlätta planläggningsarbetet ute i kommunerna? Hur arbetar din kommun för att bygga och bevara befintliga hyresrätter? I dagsläget uppfinner varje kommun hjulet själva, men det kan snart vara över. Ett nytt lagförslag är på ingång!
Lagstiftaren vill att PBL och byggnadsbranschen blir mer förutsägbar, effektiv och smidig. Bostadskrisen har länge varit på tapeten och röster hörs runt om i landet att fler hyresrätter måste byggas. Samtidigt sker ombildningar från hyresrätt till bostadsrätt och vissa av dem sker för att finansiera nya hyresrätter med högre hyror. När en ombildning sker av det äldre hyresbeståndet tillfaller den stora vinsten den tidigare fastighetsägaren och hyresgästerna som bor i huset. Resultatet blir att färre hyreslägenheter finns tillgängliga i den allmänna bostadskön. Kommunen har idag inget verktyg att stoppa ombildningar från att ske för tredje man. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Österberg, Felicia LU
alternative title
Securing the tenancy
VFTM01 20221
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
Tenancy, housing, housing supply, market rent, co-operative tenancy, housing tenure, re-formation, property purchases, grant land, additional payment, site leasehold, price differencing, implementation agreement, land allocation agreement, development agreement, detailed plan, urban planning, plan monopoly, freehold title, municipality. Hyresrätt, bostäder, bostadsförsörjning, marknadshyra, kooperativ hyresrätt, upplåtelseform, ombildning, fastighetsköp, upplåta mark, tilläggsköpeskilling, tomträtt, prisdifferentiering, genomförandeavtal, markanvisningsavtal, exploateringsavtal, detaljplan, samhällsplanering, planmonopol, äganderätten, kommun.
Säkra hyresrätten - Lagförslag om kommunal reglering av upplåtelseformen för bostäder
date added to LUP
2022-09-14 13:28:00
date last changed
2022-09-14 13:28:00
  abstract     = {{The Swedish housing market faces a number of concerns. There are too few rental units with cheap rent available and the capital input to buy your own freehold title or tenant-ownership is skyrocketing. The threshold for entering the housing market is getting higher and groups such as young adults, new arrivals, disabled people, and the elderly are the ones who are the most exposed. 
Developers get a bigger profit if they choose tenant-ownership instead of tenancy while municipalities have no coercive means to get the developer to choose tenancy. There are different methods in Sweden for trying to control the form of tenure, the most common are additional payment, site leasehold and price differencing land allocation agreement. It is the municipality's ultimate responsibility to provide its residents with good housing to live and reside in, according to the Act on the Housing Supply Responsibility of Municipalities.
The Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation made a report in 2018 about giving municipalities a tool to decide the housing tenure for properties that the municipality directly or indirectly owns. It´s a draft legislation that would facilitate the management of the form of tenure and stops future undesirable re-formations. This thesis is about this state public inquiry and a compilation of the referral responses received.
Of all referral bodies were 56 % in favor of the draft legislation and 23 % were negative. On top of that, it emerged that as many as 59 % agreed with the report that the form of tenure should not be regulated in the detailed plan, and only 2 % that thought that was the solution.
The housing market is complicated and based on many different factors. There is no easy solution to the situation, but it is possible to make our country a little better today than it was yesterday.}},
  author       = {{Österberg, Felicia}},
  isbn         = {{LUTVDG/TVLM 22/5505SE}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{Säkra hyresrätten - Lagförslag om kommunal reglering av upplåtelseformen för bostäder}},
  title        = {{Säkra hyresrätten - Lagförslag om kommunal reglering av upplåtelseformen för bostäder}},
  year         = {{2022}},