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Skattetillägg och oriktiga tjänsteavdragsyrkanden - En studie av skattetilläggets utveckling i förhållande till effektivitet och rättssäkerhet

Holmgren, Alicia LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur avvägningen mellan effektivitet och rättssäkerhet i förarbetena till skattetillägget kommit att påverka hur dagens skattetillägg fungerar i praktiken vid Skatteverkets kontrollverksamhet avseende tjänsteavdrag. Detta redogörs för genom att dagens regelverk och de förarbeten som legat till grund för skattetillägget analyseras i förhållande till effektivitet och rättssäkerhet. Definitionen av effektivitet och rättssäkerhet redogörs för med hjälp av litteratur och doktrin. Rättssäkerheten redogörs även för utifrån hur den kommer till uttryck i kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, RF, och EKMR.

Uppsatsen kommer fram till att det har skett ett skifte i hur rättssäkerhet och... (More)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur avvägningen mellan effektivitet och rättssäkerhet i förarbetena till skattetillägget kommit att påverka hur dagens skattetillägg fungerar i praktiken vid Skatteverkets kontrollverksamhet avseende tjänsteavdrag. Detta redogörs för genom att dagens regelverk och de förarbeten som legat till grund för skattetillägget analyseras i förhållande till effektivitet och rättssäkerhet. Definitionen av effektivitet och rättssäkerhet redogörs för med hjälp av litteratur och doktrin. Rättssäkerheten redogörs även för utifrån hur den kommer till uttryck i kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, RF, och EKMR.

Uppsatsen kommer fram till att det har skett ett skifte i hur rättssäkerhet och effektivitet viktas i reformerna av skattetillägget. Effektiviteten har gått från att vara central vid skattetilläggets införande till att ha fått en klart underordnad plats i förhållande till rättssäkerheten vid de efterföljande reformerna. Det går även att konstatera att när effektivitet väl diskuteras i förarbetena är det primärt förvaltningsekonomisk effektivitet som diskuteras och eftersträvas. Vidare är det sällan som effektivitetsdiskussionen numera över huvud taget faktiskt får genomslag i de faktiska lagändringarna som följer reformarbetet. Det går även att se att regelverket blivit alltmer uppmjukat genom åren genom att tillämpningsområdet för skattetillägget succesivt minskat. Det är även tydligt att EKMR har fått ta en mycket stor plats i diskussionerna om skattetillägget efter att konventionen blivit lagstadgad.

Ett resultat av att utvecklingen fortlöpt på det sätt som beskrivits ovan är att dagens skattetillägg inte ger deklaranter tillräckliga incitament att avhålla sig från att yrka oriktiga tjänsteavdrag. Att yrka oriktiga tjänsteavdrag är i princip riskfritt förutsatt att deklaranten inte svarar på Skatteverkets frågor. Det är även mycket sannolikt att det oriktiga avdraget ogranskat godkänns av Skatteverket. Med andra ord finns det alltså mycket för skattskyldiga att vinna på att yrka oriktiga tjänsteavdrag utan att någon verklig risk för sanktion föreligger. Trots att denna problematik har varit känd för Skatteverket i över 40 år har fokuset i reformarbetet legat på att enbart öka rättssäkerheten och den förvaltningsekonomiska effektiviteten även om det inte nödvändigtvis är där som skon klämt. Dagens regelverk torde inte längre vara problematiskt i förhållande till EKMR och de eventuella brister som kan tänkas föreligga i förhållande till rättssäkerhetsprinciperna och RF skulle gynnas av att förvaltningseffektiviteten i regelverket ökade.

Den lösning på effektivitetsproblematiken med regelverket som jag anser ligger närmast till hands är att Skatteverket mer regelmässigt skulle använda sig av vitesförelägganden när deklaranter inte medverkar till utredningen av deras tjänsteavdrag. Även om det idag är oklart huruvida detta skulle komma att strida mot passivitetsrätten i EKMR finns det inget annat sätt att ta reda på det faktiska rättsläget än att testa förfarandet eller att invänta att en annan stat gör detta. Europadomstolen har tidigare godtagit skatterättsliga sanktionssystem som balanserat på gränsen till konventionsenlighet med motiveringen att skatteintäkter är ett essentiellt finansiellt intresse för staterna. (Less)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the trade-off between efficiency and rule of law during the legislation processes for the tax surcharge has come to affect how today's tax surcharge works in practice regarding the Swedish Tax Agency's monitoring of tax deductions for work-related expenses made by natural persons. This essay will examine this through analyzing today's regulations and the preparatory works on which the tax surcharge is based on in relation to efficiency and rule of law. The definition of efficiency and rule of law is explained with the help of literature and doctrine. Rule of law is further explained based on how it is expressed in the Swedish constitution and in the ECHR.

The essay concludes that there has... (More)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the trade-off between efficiency and rule of law during the legislation processes for the tax surcharge has come to affect how today's tax surcharge works in practice regarding the Swedish Tax Agency's monitoring of tax deductions for work-related expenses made by natural persons. This essay will examine this through analyzing today's regulations and the preparatory works on which the tax surcharge is based on in relation to efficiency and rule of law. The definition of efficiency and rule of law is explained with the help of literature and doctrine. Rule of law is further explained based on how it is expressed in the Swedish constitution and in the ECHR.

The essay concludes that there has been a shift in how rule of law and efficiency are weighted in the reforms regarding the tax surcharge. Efficiency has gone from being the highest priority purpose of the tax surcharge when it was introduced, to having been given a clearly subordinate place in relation to rule of law in the subsequent reforms. It can also be stated that when efficiency is discussed in the preparatory works, it is primarily economic efficiency that is discussed and pursued. Furthermore, nowadays it is rare that the discussion of efficiency has an impact on the actual changes to the law that follows the reform. It can also be stated that the regulatory tax framework has become softer over the years due to the fact that the scope of the tax surcharge has been gradually reduced. It can furthermore be stated that the ECHR has taken a very large place in the discussions about the tax surcharges after the convention became ratified by Sweden.

One result of the development described above is that today's tax surcharge does not give taxpayers sufficient incentives to refrain from claiming incorrect deductions for work-related expenses. Claiming incorrect deductions for work-related expenses is in principle risk-free provided that the taxpayer does not answer questions from the Swedish Tax Agency. It is also likely that the incorrect deductions will be approved by the Swedish Tax Agency without ever being reviewed. In other words, there is a lot for taxpayers to gain by claiming incorrect deductions for work-related expenses without any real risk of sanction being present. Although this problem has been known to the Swedish Tax Agency for over 40 years, the focus in the preparatory works has been solely on increasing rule of law and economic efficiency, even though it is not necessarily where the main problem lies. Today's regulations are probably no longer problematic in relation to the ECHR and the possible shortcomings that may exist in relation to the principles of rule of law and the constitution would benefit from increased administrative efficiency.

The solution to the efficiency problem with the regulations that I believe is the obvious choice is for the Swedish Tax Agency to make more regular use of penalty orders when taxpayers refuse to participate in the investigation of their claimed deductions for work-related expenses. Although it is unclear whether this course of action would conflict with the right of inaction in the ECHR, there is no other way to find out the actual legal position than to test the procedure or to wait for another state to do it. The ECJ has previously accepted tax-law sanctions that balanced on the border of conformity with the convention with the justification that tax revenue is an essential financial interest for the states. (Less)
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Holmgren, Alicia LU
alternative title
The tax surcharge and incorrect claims for tax deductions for work-related expenses
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
skatterätt, skattetillägg
date added to LUP
2023-01-17 08:25:02
date last changed
2023-01-17 08:39:21
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the trade-off between efficiency and rule of law during the legislation processes for the tax surcharge has come to affect how today's tax surcharge works in practice regarding the Swedish Tax Agency's monitoring of tax deductions for work-related expenses made by natural persons. This essay will examine this through analyzing today's regulations and the preparatory works on which the tax surcharge is based on in relation to efficiency and rule of law. The definition of efficiency and rule of law is explained with the help of literature and doctrine. Rule of law is further explained based on how it is expressed in the Swedish constitution and in the ECHR.

The essay concludes that there has been a shift in how rule of law and efficiency are weighted in the reforms regarding the tax surcharge. Efficiency has gone from being the highest priority purpose of the tax surcharge when it was introduced, to having been given a clearly subordinate place in relation to rule of law in the subsequent reforms. It can also be stated that when efficiency is discussed in the preparatory works, it is primarily economic efficiency that is discussed and pursued. Furthermore, nowadays it is rare that the discussion of efficiency has an impact on the actual changes to the law that follows the reform. It can also be stated that the regulatory tax framework has become softer over the years due to the fact that the scope of the tax surcharge has been gradually reduced. It can furthermore be stated that the ECHR has taken a very large place in the discussions about the tax surcharges after the convention became ratified by Sweden. 

One result of the development described above is that today's tax surcharge does not give taxpayers sufficient incentives to refrain from claiming incorrect deductions for work-related expenses. Claiming incorrect deductions for work-related expenses is in principle risk-free provided that the taxpayer does not answer questions from the Swedish Tax Agency. It is also likely that the incorrect deductions will be approved by the Swedish Tax Agency without ever being reviewed. In other words, there is a lot for taxpayers to gain by claiming incorrect deductions for work-related expenses without any real risk of sanction being present. Although this problem has been known to the Swedish Tax Agency for over 40 years, the focus in the preparatory works has been solely on increasing rule of law and economic efficiency, even though it is not necessarily where the main problem lies. Today's regulations are probably no longer problematic in relation to the ECHR and the possible shortcomings that may exist in relation to the principles of rule of law and the constitution would benefit from increased administrative efficiency.

The solution to the efficiency problem with the regulations that I believe is the obvious choice is for the Swedish Tax Agency to make more regular use of penalty orders when taxpayers refuse to participate in the investigation of their claimed deductions for work-related expenses. Although it is unclear whether this course of action would conflict with the right of inaction in the ECHR, there is no other way to find out the actual legal position than to test the procedure or to wait for another state to do it. The ECJ has previously accepted tax-law sanctions that balanced on the border of conformity with the convention with the justification that tax revenue is an essential financial interest for the states.}},
  author       = {{Holmgren, Alicia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Skattetillägg och oriktiga tjänsteavdragsyrkanden - En studie av skattetilläggets utveckling i förhållande till effektivitet och rättssäkerhet}},
  year         = {{2022}},