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Alla barn eller bara våra barn? - En uppsats om Sveriges skyldigheter att skydda barn som har hemvist i ett annat EU-land

Reidal, Ellen LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen har granskat svenska myndigheters möjligheter att omedelbart tvångsomhänderta barn med hjälp av LVU. Detta har undersökts i relation till barn som har och inte har sin hemvist i Sverige samt i relation till barn vars hemvist inte kan fastställas. Både Bryssel II-förordningen och LVU har an-vänts för att redovisa gällande regler kring fastställande av barnets hemvist samt förutsättningar för tvångsomhändertagande av barn beroende på dess hemvist. Artikel 8 i Bryssel II-förordningen anger att en domstol ska ha behörighet i mål rörande barn vars hemvist är i staten. Vidare anger artikel 15 i Bryssel II-förordningen att en stat får vidta tillfälliga åtgärder för att skydda ett barn om situationen är brådskande. Svensk domstol är... (More)
Uppsatsen har granskat svenska myndigheters möjligheter att omedelbart tvångsomhänderta barn med hjälp av LVU. Detta har undersökts i relation till barn som har och inte har sin hemvist i Sverige samt i relation till barn vars hemvist inte kan fastställas. Både Bryssel II-förordningen och LVU har an-vänts för att redovisa gällande regler kring fastställande av barnets hemvist samt förutsättningar för tvångsomhändertagande av barn beroende på dess hemvist. Artikel 8 i Bryssel II-förordningen anger att en domstol ska ha behörighet i mål rörande barn vars hemvist är i staten. Vidare anger artikel 15 i Bryssel II-förordningen att en stat får vidta tillfälliga åtgärder för att skydda ett barn om situationen är brådskande. Svensk domstol är således inte behörig att omhänderta barn som har hemvist i ett annat EU-land, men tillfälliga tvångsomhändertaganden av dessa barn kan ske om åtgärder av behörig ut-ländsk myndighet inte kan avvaktas samt att det är sannolikt att den unge till-fälligt behöver vård som avses i LVU. Uppsatsen har således diskuterat de möjligheter enligt svensk rätt som finns för svenska myndigheter att tvångs-omhänderta barn som har hemvist i ett annat EU-land. Sedan har även regle-ringarna kring diskriminering av barn redovisats för att komma till en slutsats om huruvida den svenska lagstiftningen om tvångsomhändertagande av barn med hemvist i annan EU-stat är diskriminerande eller inte.

Trots den begränsade mängden praxis på området har vissa slutsatser dragits. Först och främst finns det olika regleringar enligt LVU beroende på vart barns hemvist avgörs till. Målsättningen är dock att barnen ska behandlas lika och kunna tvångsomhändertas i brådskande situationer oavsett vart hemvisten fastställs till. Det finns däremot en överhängande risk att barn som inte har sin hemvist i Sverige inte får de skydd de behöver trots lagstiftningens målsätt-ning, vidare kan det även uppstå problem med uppföljningsplikten när mål om tvångsomhändertagande lämnas över till behörig stat.

I förhållande till frågan om diskriminering fastställer uppsatsen att den be-gränsade informationen som finns kring om artikel 2 i barnkonventionen gör att det är svårt att dra slutsatser om huruvida regleringarna utgör diskrimine-ring i barnkonventionens mening. Vidare är det även svårt att hävda att regle-ringarna utgör indirekt diskriminering eftersom syftet med lagstiftningen är objektivt godtagbart. Slutsatsen i relation till diskrimineringslagen som uppsatsen kunnat fastställa är att det i vissa specifika situationer går att hävda att direkt diskriminering förekommit. För att en sådan talan ska vinna framgång krävs det dock att svenska barn i en exakt jämförbar situation fått vård och ett barn med hemvist i annan EU-stat inte fått detta. (Less)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the Swedish regulations regarding immediate care taking of children, especially regarding children whose place of residence is in another EU-country. The Brussels II regulation ap- plies to decisions to take into care and place a child. Article 8 Brussels II regulation states that the courts of a Member State are to have jurisdiction in matters of parental responsibility over a child who is habitually resident in that Member State at the time the court is seized. Furthermore article 15 grants states jurisdiction to take provisional, including protective, measures which may be available under the law of that member state in respect of a child who is present in that member state.

At the same time... (More)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the Swedish regulations regarding immediate care taking of children, especially regarding children whose place of residence is in another EU-country. The Brussels II regulation ap- plies to decisions to take into care and place a child. Article 8 Brussels II regulation states that the courts of a Member State are to have jurisdiction in matters of parental responsibility over a child who is habitually resident in that Member State at the time the court is seized. Furthermore article 15 grants states jurisdiction to take provisional, including protective, measures which may be available under the law of that member state in respect of a child who is present in that member state.

At the same time the Swedish regulations concerning immediate care taking of children grants Sweden to take measures to protect children who are ha- bitually residents here if it is likely that the child's needs care according to the Swedish law regarding care taking of children without consent from the parents or the child. For the Swedish authorities to have the right to take a child into care it needs to be an urgent situation that cannot wait. The regu- lations regarding children that are not habitually residents here are a little bit more complicated. But the regulations states that a child who resides here can be taken into care of the Swedish state if it is urgent and there is no time to wait for the member State that has jurisdiction to take measures. In ac- cordance with article 15 of the Brussels II regulation the Swedish regula- tions only allow for provisional measures until the appropriate state takes measures.

In regard to the different way Sweden treat and protect children this essay aims to conclude weather or not the regulations are discriminatory accord- ing to the convention on the rights of children and the Swedish discrimina- tion law. Therefore, the essay also describes how the regulations regarding discrimination against children works and how those regulations can be ap- plied to the juridical problem described above.

The analysis concludes that Sweden treats children differently depending on their habitual residency. Regarding this, children who are not habitual resi- dents in Sweden are at risk of not getting the protection they need. However the rules are very new and therefore it is unclear how the cooperation be- tween states in regard to children who travel around a lot in the EU are go- ing to work out. In relation to the question about discrimination the essay concludes that it is difficult to determine whether or not the regulations count as discriminatory according to the the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Swedish state have to follow up on how the legalization have been treated once the courts have administered a couple of cases regarding this issue. This needs to be done to make sure that the principle on the best interest of the child is being respected when the legalization is being practiced.

In relation to the swedish regulation on discrimination the essay concludes that if very specific circumstances occur. The regulation does however have an acceptable purpose which makes it harder to claim that it is indirect dis- crimination. It is however possible that the regulations could count as direct discrimination in that very specific case. For that to be the case the child who has their place of residence in another EU-state must not have been granted protection by the Swedish state, whereas a child residing in Sweden and living under the same circumstances was protected by the Swedish state. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Reidal, Ellen LU
alternative title
All children or simply our children?
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
EU-rätt, förvaltningsrätt, internationell privaträtt, socialrätt
date added to LUP
2023-01-17 08:41:38
date last changed
2023-01-17 08:41:38
  abstract     = {{The aim of this thesis is to investigate the Swedish regulations regarding immediate care taking of children, especially regarding children whose place of residence is in another EU-country. The Brussels II regulation ap- plies to decisions to take into care and place a child. Article 8 Brussels II regulation states that the courts of a Member State are to have jurisdiction in matters of parental responsibility over a child who is habitually resident in that Member State at the time the court is seized. Furthermore article 15 grants states jurisdiction to take provisional, including protective, measures which may be available under the law of that member state in respect of a child who is present in that member state.

At the same time the Swedish regulations concerning immediate care taking of children grants Sweden to take measures to protect children who are ha- bitually residents here if it is likely that the child's needs care according to the Swedish law regarding care taking of children without consent from the parents or the child. For the Swedish authorities to have the right to take a child into care it needs to be an urgent situation that cannot wait. The regu- lations regarding children that are not habitually residents here are a little bit more complicated. But the regulations states that a child who resides here can be taken into care of the Swedish state if it is urgent and there is no time to wait for the member State that has jurisdiction to take measures. In ac- cordance with article 15 of the Brussels II regulation the Swedish regula- tions only allow for provisional measures until the appropriate state takes measures.

In regard to the different way Sweden treat and protect children this essay aims to conclude weather or not the regulations are discriminatory accord- ing to the convention on the rights of children and the Swedish discrimina- tion law. Therefore, the essay also describes how the regulations regarding discrimination against children works and how those regulations can be ap- plied to the juridical problem described above.

The analysis concludes that Sweden treats children differently depending on their habitual residency. Regarding this, children who are not habitual resi- dents in Sweden are at risk of not getting the protection they need. However the rules are very new and therefore it is unclear how the cooperation be- tween states in regard to children who travel around a lot in the EU are go- ing to work out. In relation to the question about discrimination the essay concludes that it is difficult to determine whether or not the regulations count as discriminatory according to the the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Swedish state have to follow up on how the legalization have been treated once the courts have administered a couple of cases regarding this issue. This needs to be done to make sure that the principle on the best interest of the child is being respected when the legalization is being practiced.

In relation to the swedish regulation on discrimination the essay concludes that if very specific circumstances occur. The regulation does however have an acceptable purpose which makes it harder to claim that it is indirect dis- crimination. It is however possible that the regulations could count as direct discrimination in that very specific case. For that to be the case the child who has their place of residence in another EU-state must not have been granted protection by the Swedish state, whereas a child residing in Sweden and living under the same circumstances was protected by the Swedish state.}},
  author       = {{Reidal, Ellen}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Alla barn eller bara våra barn? - En uppsats om Sveriges skyldigheter att skydda barn som har hemvist i ett annat EU-land}},
  year         = {{2022}},