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Barnets bästa i asylprocessen - En viktig princip eller bristande rättssäkerhet?

Anzalone, Clara LU (2022) LAGF03 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan antagandet av FN:s konvention om barns rättigheter har artikel 3, som handlar om barnets bästa, utgjort en viktig princip inom barnrätten. Principen ska genomsyra alla åtgärder som vidtas i förvaltningen och som påverkar barn, så även asylrätten. Barnets bästa är dock en vagt och öppet formulerad princip utan något tydligt innehåll. Samtidigt är Sverige en rättsstat som kräver rättssäkerhet. Med hjälp av den rättsdogmatiska metoden ska uppsatsen utreda om begreppet barnets bästa är ett funktionellt begrepp inom asylrätten och hur barnets bästa förhåller sig till idéer om rättssäkerhet.
Idag regleras principen om barnets bästa, förutom i artikel 3 i barnkonvention-en, också i 1 kap. 10 § utlänningslagen (2005:716). Både av artikel 3... (More)
Sedan antagandet av FN:s konvention om barns rättigheter har artikel 3, som handlar om barnets bästa, utgjort en viktig princip inom barnrätten. Principen ska genomsyra alla åtgärder som vidtas i förvaltningen och som påverkar barn, så även asylrätten. Barnets bästa är dock en vagt och öppet formulerad princip utan något tydligt innehåll. Samtidigt är Sverige en rättsstat som kräver rättssäkerhet. Med hjälp av den rättsdogmatiska metoden ska uppsatsen utreda om begreppet barnets bästa är ett funktionellt begrepp inom asylrätten och hur barnets bästa förhåller sig till idéer om rättssäkerhet.
Idag regleras principen om barnets bästa, förutom i artikel 3 i barnkonvention-en, också i 1 kap. 10 § utlänningslagen (2005:716). Både av artikel 3 och 1 kap. 10 § UtlL framgår att barnets bästa är ett viktigt intresse men inte det enda intresset som ska beaktas. Således kan barnets bästa behöva stå tillbaka till förmån för andra intressen, såsom en stats rätt till reglerad invandring. Tätt förknippat med barnets bästa är barnets rätt att uttrycka sina åsikter och att få dessa beaktade. Barnets egna åsikter utgör ofta en grund i vad som är barnets bästa.
De bestämmelser som reglerar rätten till asyl återfinns i 4 kap. 1–2 §§ UtlL och utgör tvingande bestämmelser. Det sagda medför att barnets bästa inte kan användas för att bevilja ett barn asyl som inte uppfyller rekvisiten i asylbe-stämmelserna. Istället ska principen om barnets bästa vara vägledande i asyl-processen vid val av exempelvis biträde eller tolk till barnet. Trots detta är det i praktiken ofta barnets vårdnadshavare som avgör om att barn ska höras och därmed om barnets åsikter ska komma att beaktas. Därför får principen om barnets bästa bristande genomslag i en asylprocess med barn.
Vidare kräver idéer om rättssäkerhet att bestämmelser är klara och tydliga för att motverka godtycklig rättstillämpning som i sin tur leder till bristande förut-sägbarhet. Just förutsägbarhet är en viktig hörnsten inom rättsstatsbegreppet. Att principen om barnets bästa är öppen och vag medför därför risk för bris-tande förutsägbarhet och en föreställning om att principen har större genom-slag än den faktiskt har. Således kan principen om barnets bästa ifrågasättas ur rättssäkerhetssynpunkt såväl för som sitt bristande genomslag i asylmål som rör barn. (Less)
Since the adaptation of the UN:s Convention on the Rights of the Child article 3, which stipulates the best interest of the child, has been an important princi-ple. The principle should be applied on all measures which may affect a child. This includes asylum law. Despite this, the principle of the best interest of the child is vague, openly formulated and without clear content. Parallel to this, Sweden is a nation built on the rule of law. Using the legal dogmatic method, this paper will examine if the concept of the best interest of the child is a func-tional concept in asylum law as well as how the principle aligns with ideas of rule of law.
The best interest of the child is regulated in chapter 1 section 10 Aliens act (2005:716), as... (More)
Since the adaptation of the UN:s Convention on the Rights of the Child article 3, which stipulates the best interest of the child, has been an important princi-ple. The principle should be applied on all measures which may affect a child. This includes asylum law. Despite this, the principle of the best interest of the child is vague, openly formulated and without clear content. Parallel to this, Sweden is a nation built on the rule of law. Using the legal dogmatic method, this paper will examine if the concept of the best interest of the child is a func-tional concept in asylum law as well as how the principle aligns with ideas of rule of law.
The best interest of the child is regulated in chapter 1 section 10 Aliens act (2005:716), as well as article 3 in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Both regulations state that the best interest of the child is a primary consideration, but not the only important interest to consider. Consequently, the best interest of the child may have to stand back in favor of other interests, such as a state’s right to regulated migration. Closely related to the best inter-est of the child is the child’s right to express its views and the obligation for states to give the child’s views due weight. The views of the child often make up the foundation of what is considered the child’s best interest.
The right to asylum is regulated in chapter 4 section 1–2 Aliens act which are mandatory regulations. This entails the principle of the best interest of the child cannot be used to grant a child asylum if the child does not fill the re-quirements of the asylum regulations. Instead, the principle of the best interest of the child should guide the choices of measures in the asylum process. This includes, amongst other measures, choosing a legal representative or a transla-tor for the child. Despite this, it is often the child’s legal guardians who choose if the child should be heard and thereby if the child’s views will be given due weight. Thus, the principle of the best interest of the child is given a lacking impact in asylum processes concerning children.
Further, ideas of rule of law require regulations to be clear and coherent to counteract arbitrary application of said regulations. Arbitrary application of law also leads to lacking foreseeability which makes up a key element in rule of law. The fact that the principle of the best interest of the child is vague in-creases the risk of deficiency in the rule of law. It also gives the impression of the principle having more weight than it has in practice. Therefore, the princi-ple of the best interest of the child can be questioned in relation to the rule of law as well as its lacking impact in asylum cases regarding children. (Less)
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Anzalone, Clara LU
LAGF03 20222
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Barnets bästa, Migrationsrätt, Asyl, Förvaltningsrätt
date added to LUP
2023-10-16 08:40:32
date last changed
2023-10-16 08:40:32
  abstract     = {{Since the adaptation of the UN:s Convention on the Rights of the Child article 3, which stipulates the best interest of the child, has been an important princi-ple. The principle should be applied on all measures which may affect a child. This includes asylum law. Despite this, the principle of the best interest of the child is vague, openly formulated and without clear content. Parallel to this, Sweden is a nation built on the rule of law. Using the legal dogmatic method, this paper will examine if the concept of the best interest of the child is a func-tional concept in asylum law as well as how the principle aligns with ideas of rule of law. 
The best interest of the child is regulated in chapter 1 section 10 Aliens act (2005:716), as well as article 3 in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Both regulations state that the best interest of the child is a primary consideration, but not the only important interest to consider. Consequently, the best interest of the child may have to stand back in favor of other interests, such as a state’s right to regulated migration. Closely related to the best inter-est of the child is the child’s right to express its views and the obligation for states to give the child’s views due weight. The views of the child often make up the foundation of what is considered the child’s best interest. 
The right to asylum is regulated in chapter 4 section 1–2 Aliens act which are mandatory regulations. This entails the principle of the best interest of the child cannot be used to grant a child asylum if the child does not fill the re-quirements of the asylum regulations. Instead, the principle of the best interest of the child should guide the choices of measures in the asylum process. This includes, amongst other measures, choosing a legal representative or a transla-tor for the child. Despite this, it is often the child’s legal guardians who choose if the child should be heard and thereby if the child’s views will be given due weight. Thus, the principle of the best interest of the child is given a lacking impact in asylum processes concerning children. 
Further, ideas of rule of law require regulations to be clear and coherent to counteract arbitrary application of said regulations. Arbitrary application of law also leads to lacking foreseeability which makes up a key element in rule of law. The fact that the principle of the best interest of the child is vague in-creases the risk of deficiency in the rule of law. It also gives the impression of the principle having more weight than it has in practice. Therefore, the princi-ple of the best interest of the child can be questioned in relation to the rule of law as well as its lacking impact in asylum cases regarding children.}},
  author       = {{Anzalone, Clara}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnets bästa i asylprocessen - En viktig princip eller bristande rättssäkerhet?}},
  year         = {{2022}},