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Sökande efter samband - Gemensamma faktorer och rättviseteman i fällande domar om sexuellt ofredande

Lövung, Elsa LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
In recent decades, there has been an increase in the number of reported sexual offences in Sweden, including sexual molestation. Additionally, the #metoo movement highlighted the extent of men's sexual violence against women and created momentum for the debate on justice for victims.

Considering these developments, this study aims to examine how many reports of sexual molestation result in a conviction and what these have in common. To adequately answer these questions, three different methods are used: legal dogmatic, qualitative, and text analytical. Three parameters are central in the study: external circumstances, the investigation, and the sifting of evidence. The results of the study are analysed from a justice perspective, by... (More)
In recent decades, there has been an increase in the number of reported sexual offences in Sweden, including sexual molestation. Additionally, the #metoo movement highlighted the extent of men's sexual violence against women and created momentum for the debate on justice for victims.

Considering these developments, this study aims to examine how many reports of sexual molestation result in a conviction and what these have in common. To adequately answer these questions, three different methods are used: legal dogmatic, qualitative, and text analytical. Three parameters are central in the study: external circumstances, the investigation, and the sifting of evidence. The results of the study are analysed from a justice perspective, by applying the theory of kaleidoscopic justice. In order to discover possible differences and similarities with rape, comparisons are made to already established findings for this offence.

The study showed several common factors for the convictions regarding external circumstances, one being the fact that the offence usually constituted a physical sexual molestation. Furthermore, the crime was typically committed by a stranger, in an entertainment venue or other public space – two factors that contrast sharply with findings on rape.

In terms of investigation, a quickly issued criminal report could be identified as a common factor in the convictions, as well as the fact that the crime was investigated for less than a year. Additionally, relatively many investigatory measures were taken in the cases leading to conviction – a tendency observed also in rape cases. Lastly, the complainant participated actively in the investigation in almost all cases, which is also a similarity with convictions in rape cases.

Concerning the sifting of evidence, two common factors for the convictions were observed. Firstly, the statement of the complainant constituted the central evidence and, secondly, the most prevalent supporting evidence was oral evidence (examination of a witness). Regarding the latter, it was common that the witnesses had seen the event themselves – a significant difference compared to rape. Lastly, the study showed that the evaluation of evidence by the courts were essentially in line with the methodology established by the Supreme Court in its case law.

The study triggered discussions on several of the themes of justice posited by the theory of kaleidoscopic justice. Few reports led to a conviction, something that can be expressed as a lack of consequence. Regarding external circumstances, the theme of voice as justice was particularly visible. The same justice theme, as well as prevention, connectedness, and dignity, emerged also in relation to the investigation. The fact that the complainant's statement usually was decisive for the outcome of the convictions is argued to contain both positive and negative elements in terms of justice for victims. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Under de senaste årtiondena har det skett en ökning av antalet anmälda sexualbrott, inte minst sexuella ofredanden. Därtill synliggjorde #metoo- rörelsen omfattningen av mäns sexuella våld mot kvinnor och gav nytt bränsle åt diskussionen om rättvisa för brottsoffer.

Arbetet skrivs i ljuset av denna utveckling och syftar till att undersöka hur många anmälningar om sexuella ofredanden som leder till en fällande dom och vad dessa har gemensamt. Granskningen görs i förhållande till tre olika parametrar: yttre omständigheter, utredningen och bevisprövningen. Studiens resultat analyseras ur ett rättviseperspektiv, genom en tillämpning av teorin om kalejdoskopisk rättvisa. I syfte att upptäcka likheter och skillnader med vad som har kunnat... (More)
Under de senaste årtiondena har det skett en ökning av antalet anmälda sexualbrott, inte minst sexuella ofredanden. Därtill synliggjorde #metoo- rörelsen omfattningen av mäns sexuella våld mot kvinnor och gav nytt bränsle åt diskussionen om rättvisa för brottsoffer.

Arbetet skrivs i ljuset av denna utveckling och syftar till att undersöka hur många anmälningar om sexuella ofredanden som leder till en fällande dom och vad dessa har gemensamt. Granskningen görs i förhållande till tre olika parametrar: yttre omständigheter, utredningen och bevisprövningen. Studiens resultat analyseras ur ett rättviseperspektiv, genom en tillämpning av teorin om kalejdoskopisk rättvisa. I syfte att upptäcka likheter och skillnader med vad som har kunnat konstateras för våldtäkt görs jämförelser med detta brott. För att på ett ändamålsenligt sätt uppfylla arbetets syften används en rättsdogmatisk, kvalitativ och textanalytisk metod.

Studien visade att det fanns flera gemensamma faktorer avseende yttre omständigheter för de fällande domarna. Till exempel framkom att den mest förekommande handlingen var ett fysiskt sexuellt ofredande. Två andra gemensamma faktorer – att gärningen ofta begicks av en främling och att händelsen ägde rum i en nöjeslokal eller annan offentlig miljö – utgjorde tydliga kontraster till vad man kunnat konstatera om våldtäkt.

Avseende utredningen var det gemensamt för de fällande domarna att en brottsanmälan upprättats snart efter händelsen, att utredningstiden var kortare än ett år och att relativt många utredningsåtgärder vidtogs. Särskilt det sistnämnda är en tendens som observerats även i våldtäktsmål. I nästintill samtliga fällande domar deltog målsäganden i utredningen, något som också är en likhet med våldtäktsmål.

I fråga om bevisprövningen identifierades två gemensamma faktorer för de fällande domarna. För det första utgjorde målsägandens utsaga den centrala bevisningen. För det andra var den mest förekommande stödbevisningen muntlig sådan (vittnesförhör). Det var vanligt att vittnena hade sett själva händelsen – en skillnad jämfört med vad som konstaterats för våldtäkt. Studien visade också att domstolarnas bevisvärdering i allt väsentligt gick i linje med de metoder som Högsta domstolen uppställt i sin praxis.

Materialet och granskningen av detsamma aktualiserade diskussioner om flera av de rättviseteman som teorin om kalejdoskopisk rättvisa ställer upp. Det faktum att få av anmälningarna ledde till en fällande dom kan uttryckas som bristande konsekvens. I förhållande till yttre omständigheter var det särskilt temat röst som aktualiserades. Samma tema, och även temana prevention, samhörighet och värdighet var synliga avseende faktorer hänförliga till utredningen. Det faktum att målsägandens utsaga var avgörande för målets utgång i de flesta domarna argumenteras innehålla både positiva och negativa element ur ett rättviseperspektiv. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Lövung, Elsa LU
alternative title
Searching for Connections - Common Factors and Justice Themes in Sexual Molestation Convictions
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
juridik, straffrätt, sexuellt ofredande, rättvisa, kalejdoskopisk rättvisa, rättskedja, våldtäkt, sållningsprocess, #metoo
date added to LUP
2023-01-26 12:11:35
date last changed
2023-01-26 12:11:35
  abstract     = {{In recent decades, there has been an increase in the number of reported sexual offences in Sweden, including sexual molestation. Additionally, the #metoo movement highlighted the extent of men's sexual violence against women and created momentum for the debate on justice for victims. 

Considering these developments, this study aims to examine how many reports of sexual molestation result in a conviction and what these have in common. To adequately answer these questions, three different methods are used: legal dogmatic, qualitative, and text analytical. Three parameters are central in the study: external circumstances, the investigation, and the sifting of evidence. The results of the study are analysed from a justice perspective, by applying the theory of kaleidoscopic justice. In order to discover possible differences and similarities with rape, comparisons are made to already established findings for this offence. 

The study showed several common factors for the convictions regarding external circumstances, one being the fact that the offence usually constituted a physical sexual molestation. Furthermore, the crime was typically committed by a stranger, in an entertainment venue or other public space – two factors that contrast sharply with findings on rape. 

In terms of investigation, a quickly issued criminal report could be identified as a common factor in the convictions, as well as the fact that the crime was investigated for less than a year. Additionally, relatively many investigatory measures were taken in the cases leading to conviction – a tendency observed also in rape cases. Lastly, the complainant participated actively in the investigation in almost all cases, which is also a similarity with convictions in rape cases. 

Concerning the sifting of evidence, two common factors for the convictions were observed. Firstly, the statement of the complainant constituted the central evidence and, secondly, the most prevalent supporting evidence was oral evidence (examination of a witness). Regarding the latter, it was common that the witnesses had seen the event themselves – a significant difference compared to rape. Lastly, the study showed that the evaluation of evidence by the courts were essentially in line with the methodology established by the Supreme Court in its case law. 

The study triggered discussions on several of the themes of justice posited by the theory of kaleidoscopic justice. Few reports led to a conviction, something that can be expressed as a lack of consequence. Regarding external circumstances, the theme of voice as justice was particularly visible. The same justice theme, as well as prevention, connectedness, and dignity, emerged also in relation to the investigation. The fact that the complainant's statement usually was decisive for the outcome of the convictions is argued to contain both positive and negative elements in terms of justice for victims.}},
  author       = {{Lövung, Elsa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Sökande efter samband - Gemensamma faktorer och rättviseteman i fällande domar om sexuellt ofredande}},
  year         = {{2022}},