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Att dela eller icke dela, det är frågan. Om myndigheters möjligheter till uppgiftsutlämnande i arbetet mot den organiserade brottsligheten.

Tyrstrup, Fanny LU (2022) LAGF03 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Informationsutbyte och myndighetssamverkan anses vara viktiga redskap för att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten, vilken beskrivs som en stor utmaning för rättssamhället. Personer som tidigare varit kriminellt belastade löper större risk att rekryteras till kriminella grupperingar med kopplingar till den organiserade brottsligheten. Sedan 2009 bedrivs ett särskilt samarbete mellan myndigheter i syfte att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten. Lagstiftningsåtgärder för att möjliggöra informationsutbyte mellan myndigheter har vidtagits.

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att undersöka förhållandet mellan offentlighet och sekretess när myndigheter delar uppgifter mellan sig för att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten. En... (More)
Informationsutbyte och myndighetssamverkan anses vara viktiga redskap för att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten, vilken beskrivs som en stor utmaning för rättssamhället. Personer som tidigare varit kriminellt belastade löper större risk att rekryteras till kriminella grupperingar med kopplingar till den organiserade brottsligheten. Sedan 2009 bedrivs ett särskilt samarbete mellan myndigheter i syfte att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten. Lagstiftningsåtgärder för att möjliggöra informationsutbyte mellan myndigheter har vidtagits.

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att undersöka förhållandet mellan offentlighet och sekretess när myndigheter delar uppgifter mellan sig för att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten. En jämförelse görs mellan offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (2009:400) (OSL) och lagen (2016:774) om uppgiftsskyldighet vid samverkan mot viss organiserad brottslighet (LUS). Den rättsdogmatiska metoden används för att besvara uppsatsens huvudfrågeställning och två delfrågeställningar utgör hjälpmedel i utredningen. Ett internt komparativt perspektiv, vilket innebär att en jämförelse görs inom en rättsordning, används. Förarbeten utgör det för uppsatsen främst använda materialet, eftersom frågan inte behandlas ingående i andra rättsliga källor. Uppsatsen avgränsas till vissa relevanta rättsregler i OSL samt till en generell redogörelse för uppgiftsutlämnande enligt LUS. Ett uppgiftsutlämnande från socialtjänsten till Polismyndigheten och Säkerhetspolisen möjliggörs enligt 10 kap. 18 a § OSL. Bestämmelsen jämförs med reglerna i LUS.

LUS presumerar ett uppgiftsutlämnande, såvida inte en intresseavvägning talar för att uppgifterna bör hemlighållas. Tillämpningen av lagen är dock beroende dels av uppfyllandet av vissa särskilda karaktärsdrag hos brottsligheten, dels att myndighetssamverkan uppfyller vissa särskilda kriterier. 10 kap. 18 a § OSL utgör en möjlighet att bryta den starka sekretess som gäller för uppgifter som hänförs till socialtjänstens verksamhet. Möjligheten till uppgiftsutlämnande är dock villkorat av att uppgiften rör en person under 21 år och att särskilda omständigheter tyder på en risk att den unge kommer utföra brottslig verksamhet. Vidare måste uppgiftsutlämnandet kunna antas förhindra den brottsliga verksamheten och socialtjänsten ska uppfatta uppgiftsutlämnandet som lämpligt.

Uppsatsens slutsats är att socialtjänst och polis saknar en lagstadgad möjlighet att samverka mot organiserad brottslighet utifrån ett sekretessrättsligt perspektiv. 10 kap. 18 a § OSL utgör ett verktyg för motverkandet av ungdomsbrottslighet, men inte särskilt motverkandet av den organiserade brottsligheten. Socialtjänsten ges därigenom endast en indirekt möjlighet att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten. Detta då rekryteringen till den organiserade brottsligheten främst sker bland personer som har ett brottsligt förflutet. LUS synes vidare möjliggöra vissa utökade möjligheter till uppgiftsutlämnande i fråga om den organiserade brottsligheten, jämfört med 10 kap. 18 a § OSL. Ett antal faktorer talar för denna slutsats. En sådan faktor är att LUS uppställer en presumtion för uppgiftsutlämnande. En motsvarande presumtion görs inte enligt 10 kap. 18 a § OSL. Vidare blir uppgiftsutlämnandet enligt 10 kap. 18 a § OSL villkorat av socialtjänstens lämplighetsbedömning. En annan faktor är att LUS synes ge ett vidare tillämpningsområde. Detta gäller både avseende vid vilken tidpunkt uppgiftsutlämnandet uppkommer och i fråga om mängden myndigheter som måste tillämpa lagen. (Less)
Exchange of information and cooperation between public authorities are considered important tools to counteract organized crime, which is described as a great challenge for the society. People with a former criminal record are at greater risk of being recruited to criminal groupings with connections to organized crime. Since 2009, several Swedish public authorities cooperate to counteract organized crime. Legislative measures have been taken to enable exchange of information between public authorities.

The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between publicity and secrecy when public authorities share information between each other to counteract organized crime. A comparison is made between the Public Access to... (More)
Exchange of information and cooperation between public authorities are considered important tools to counteract organized crime, which is described as a great challenge for the society. People with a former criminal record are at greater risk of being recruited to criminal groupings with connections to organized crime. Since 2009, several Swedish public authorities cooperate to counteract organized crime. Legislative measures have been taken to enable exchange of information between public authorities.

The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between publicity and secrecy when public authorities share information between each other to counteract organized crime. A comparison is made between the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400) (PAISA) and the Act (2016:774) on the Obligation to Provide Information in cases of Collaboration against certain Organized Crime (the OPICOC Act). The legal dogmatic method is used to answer the main question of the essay and two partial questions aid the investigation. An internal comparative perspective, involving a comparison within a legal order, is used. Legislative history constitutes the material mainly used for the essay, since the issue is not thoroughly examined in other legal sources. The essay is limited to certain relevant legal rules in PAISA and a general exposition regarding the exchange of information according to the OPICOC Act. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA enables an exchange of information from the social services to the Swedish Police Authority and Swedish Security Service. The legal rule is compared to the legal rules of the OPICOC Act.

The OPICOC Act presumes a disclosure of information unless a consideration of interests speak in favor for keeping the information secret. However, the application of the law is dependent partly on the fulfillment of certain characteristics of the criminality, partly that the cooperation between the public authorities fulfills certain criteria. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA constitutes a possibility to diverge from the strong secrecy applied to information relating to the work of the social services. The possibility to disclose information is nevertheless conditional on the fact that the information relates to a person under the age of 21 and that certain circumstances indicate a risk that the youth will perform criminal activities. Furthermore, the disclosure of information must be assumed to prevent the criminal activity and the social services must regard the disclosure of information as appropriate.

The essay concludes that the social services and the Swedish Police Authority lacks a statutory possibility to cooperate against organized crime from a secrecy perspective. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA enables cooperation to counteract juvenile delinquency, but not specifically the counteraction of organized crime. The social services are thereby only provided an indirect possibility to counteract organized crime. This is because the recruitment to organized crime especially happens among people with a criminal record. The OPICOC Act furthermore enables some extended possibilities to disclose information concerning organized crime, in comparison to article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA. A few factors speak in favor for such a conclusion. One such factor is that the OPICOC Act presumes a disclosure of information. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA does not contain such a presumption. The disclosure of information according to article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA is furthermore conditional on a suitability assessment by the social services. Another factor is that the OPICOC Act appears to have a wider scope of application. This applies both in terms of at what time the disclosure of information arises and in terms of the number of public authorities that must abide by the law. (Less)
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Tyrstrup, Fanny LU
LAGF03 20222
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Förvaltningsrätt (en. administrative law), sekretess, myndighet, samverkan, organiserad brottslighet
date added to LUP
2023-02-03 16:47:03
date last changed
2023-02-03 16:47:03
  abstract     = {{Exchange of information and cooperation between public authorities are considered important tools to counteract organized crime, which is described as a great challenge for the society. People with a former criminal record are at greater risk of being recruited to criminal groupings with connections to organized crime. Since 2009, several Swedish public authorities cooperate to counteract organized crime. Legislative measures have been taken to enable exchange of information between public authorities. 

The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between publicity and secrecy when public authorities share information between each other to counteract organized crime. A comparison is made between the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400) (PAISA) and the Act (2016:774) on the Obligation to Provide Information in cases of Collaboration against certain Organized Crime (the OPICOC Act). The legal dogmatic method is used to answer the main question of the essay and two partial questions aid the investigation. An internal comparative perspective, involving a comparison within a legal order, is used. Legislative history constitutes the material mainly used for the essay, since the issue is not thoroughly examined in other legal sources. The essay is limited to certain relevant legal rules in PAISA and a general exposition regarding the exchange of information according to the OPICOC Act. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA enables an exchange of information from the social services to the Swedish Police Authority and Swedish Security Service. The legal rule is compared to the legal rules of the OPICOC Act.

The OPICOC Act presumes a disclosure of information unless a consideration of interests speak in favor for keeping the information secret. However, the application of the law is dependent partly on the fulfillment of certain characteristics of the criminality, partly that the cooperation between the public authorities fulfills certain criteria. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA constitutes a possibility to diverge from the strong secrecy applied to information relating to the work of the social services. The possibility to disclose information is nevertheless conditional on the fact that the information relates to a person under the age of 21 and that certain circumstances indicate a risk that the youth will perform criminal activities. Furthermore, the disclosure of information must be assumed to prevent the criminal activity and the social services must regard the disclosure of information as appropriate.

The essay concludes that the social services and the Swedish Police Authority lacks a statutory possibility to cooperate against organized crime from a secrecy perspective. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA enables cooperation to counteract juvenile delinquency, but not specifically the counteraction of organized crime. The social services are thereby only provided an indirect possibility to counteract organized crime. This is because the recruitment to organized crime especially happens among people with a criminal record. The OPICOC Act furthermore enables some extended possibilities to disclose information concerning organized crime, in comparison to article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA. A few factors speak in favor for such a conclusion. One such factor is that the OPICOC Act presumes a disclosure of information. Article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA does not contain such a presumption. The disclosure of information according to article 18 a of the 10th chapter of PAISA is furthermore conditional on a suitability assessment by the social services. Another factor is that the OPICOC Act appears to have a wider scope of application. This applies both in terms of at what time the disclosure of information arises and in terms of the number of public authorities that must abide by the law.}},
  author       = {{Tyrstrup, Fanny}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Att dela eller icke dela, det är frågan. Om myndigheters möjligheter till uppgiftsutlämnande i arbetet mot den organiserade brottsligheten.}},
  year         = {{2022}},