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Unga kvinnors motivation till ledarskap inom studentlivet

Wachtmeister, Matilda LU and Ålander, Emma LU (2023) PSYK11 20222
Department of Psychology
Young female leaders are the future, but what motivates them to take on a leadership role? And what motivates them to lead?
Until recently leadership research has been mostly connected to masculine traits rather than feminine traits. With this in mind we wanted to explore what motivates females to pursue a leadership role. We chose to specifically look at female leaders within student organizations with a connection to Studentlund.
We conducted a qualitative study based on collected data from semi-structured interviews which were carried out with female participants in leadership positions from different student organizations. Ten separate interviews were conducted and through thematic analysis we proceeded to transcribe and categorize... (More)
Young female leaders are the future, but what motivates them to take on a leadership role? And what motivates them to lead?
Until recently leadership research has been mostly connected to masculine traits rather than feminine traits. With this in mind we wanted to explore what motivates females to pursue a leadership role. We chose to specifically look at female leaders within student organizations with a connection to Studentlund.
We conducted a qualitative study based on collected data from semi-structured interviews which were carried out with female participants in leadership positions from different student organizations. Ten separate interviews were conducted and through thematic analysis we proceeded to transcribe and categorize different themes found within the data. We found motivation to be at the core of our different themes and therefore we organized them under the main themes of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The themes we found relating to intrinsic motivation were: leadership ability and perception of one's own ability. Extrinsic motivation consisted of the following themes: encouragement and performance. All of these sub themes also consisted of another level of themes.
The results found indicate that encouragement, social exchange and leadership self-efficacy are all aspects that affect the participants motivation to lead. Additionally we found interesting connections where self-efficacy could be linked to leadership ability, motivation and good girl syndrome. Evidently further research is needed to find stronger evidence of these connections when viewed through the lens of female leadership. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Vad har motiverat kvinnliga medlemmar inom Studentlund att ta sig an en ledarposition inom en studentorganisation och vad upplever deltagarna motiverar dem att leda?
Fram till nyligen har forskning om ledarskap mestadels kopplats till maskulina egenskaper snarare än feminina egenskaper. Med detta i åtanke ville vi utforska vad som motiverar kvinnor att söka sig till ledarpositioner. Vi valde att undersöka kvinnliga ledare inom studentorganisationer med en koppling till Studentlund.
Vi genomförde en kvalitativ studie baserad på data insamlad genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kvinnliga deltagare i ledarpositioner inom olika studentorganisationer. Tio separata intervjuer hölls och transkriberades. Genom tematisk analys togs olika... (More)
Vad har motiverat kvinnliga medlemmar inom Studentlund att ta sig an en ledarposition inom en studentorganisation och vad upplever deltagarna motiverar dem att leda?
Fram till nyligen har forskning om ledarskap mestadels kopplats till maskulina egenskaper snarare än feminina egenskaper. Med detta i åtanke ville vi utforska vad som motiverar kvinnor att söka sig till ledarpositioner. Vi valde att undersöka kvinnliga ledare inom studentorganisationer med en koppling till Studentlund.
Vi genomförde en kvalitativ studie baserad på data insamlad genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kvinnliga deltagare i ledarpositioner inom olika studentorganisationer. Tio separata intervjuer hölls och transkriberades. Genom tematisk analys togs olika teman i datan fram genom kodning. Vi fann att motivation stod i centrum för våra olika teman och därför organiserade vi subkategorierna under våra huvudteman: inre motiverande faktorer och yttre motiverande faktorer. De teman vi fann relaterade till inre motiverande faktorer var: ledarskapsförmåga och uppfattning av egen förmåga. Yttre motiverande faktorer bestod av följande teman: uppmuntran och prestation. Alla kategorier hade i sin tur ett antal subkategorier.
Resultatet vi fann skulle kunna indikera på att uppmuntran, socialt utbyte och ledarskaps self-efficacy bland annat, är aspekter som kan påverka deltagarnas motivation att leda. Utöver detta såg vi intressanta förbindelser där self-efficacy kunde länkas till ledarskapsförmåga, motivation och begreppet duktig flicka. Vidare behövs ytterligare forskning för att ha möjlighet att hitta bevis som kan stärka de förbindelserna vi fann ur perspektivet kvinnligt ledarskap. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Wachtmeister, Matilda LU and Ålander, Emma LU
PSYK11 20222
M2 - Bachelor Degree
female, motivation, leadership, motivation to lead, self-efficacy, kvinna, ledarskap
date added to LUP
2023-03-20 10:07:43
date last changed
2023-03-20 10:07:43
  abstract     = {{Young female leaders are the future, but what motivates them to take on a leadership role? And what motivates them to lead?
Until recently leadership research has been mostly connected to masculine traits rather than feminine traits. With this in mind we wanted to explore what motivates females to pursue a leadership role. We chose to specifically look at female leaders within student organizations with a connection to Studentlund.
We conducted a qualitative study based on collected data from semi-structured interviews which were carried out with female participants in leadership positions from different student organizations. Ten separate interviews were conducted and through thematic analysis we proceeded to transcribe and categorize different themes found within the data. We found motivation to be at the core of our different themes and therefore we organized them under the main themes of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The themes we found relating to intrinsic motivation were: leadership ability and perception of one's own ability. Extrinsic motivation consisted of the following themes: encouragement and performance. All of these sub themes also consisted of another level of themes. 
The results found indicate that encouragement, social exchange and leadership self-efficacy are all aspects that affect the participants motivation to lead. Additionally we found interesting connections where self-efficacy could be linked to leadership ability, motivation and good girl syndrome. Evidently further research is needed to find stronger evidence of these connections when viewed through the lens of female leadership.}},
  author       = {{Wachtmeister, Matilda and Ålander, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Unga kvinnors motivation till ledarskap inom studentlivet}},
  year         = {{2023}},