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Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens skyldigheter: Särskilt om skyldigheter gentemot foster/barn som vid sen abort visar livsduglighet

Månsson, Rebecka LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Under de senaste åren har det uppkommit ett fåtal fall där foster/barn uppvisar livstecken eller livsduglighet vid sen abort. Det har medfört en diskussion, såväl etisk som rättslig, avseende hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens agerande i den uppstådda situationen. En del anser att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal bör ge foster/barn den vård som krävs med syfte att foster/barn ska överleva. Detta motiveras med att det dels är hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens främsta syfte i arbetet, dels att foster/barn likt alla andra individer har rätt till vård. Andra menar istället att foster/barn inte ska erbjudas vård i syfte att räddas då det strider mot kvinnans önskan om att abortera fostret/barnet.
Syftet med denna framställning är att utreda vilka... (More)
Under de senaste åren har det uppkommit ett fåtal fall där foster/barn uppvisar livstecken eller livsduglighet vid sen abort. Det har medfört en diskussion, såväl etisk som rättslig, avseende hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens agerande i den uppstådda situationen. En del anser att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal bör ge foster/barn den vård som krävs med syfte att foster/barn ska överleva. Detta motiveras med att det dels är hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens främsta syfte i arbetet, dels att foster/barn likt alla andra individer har rätt till vård. Andra menar istället att foster/barn inte ska erbjudas vård i syfte att räddas då det strider mot kvinnans önskan om att abortera fostret/barnet.
Syftet med denna framställning är att utreda vilka skyldigheter hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har vid sena aborter. Framförallt gentemot foster/barn som framföds med livsduglighet. För uppfyllandet av syftet utreds även vilken tidpunkt livet börjar enligt svensk rätt. Detta för att fastställa vid vilken tidpunkt hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens skyldigheter inträder. För att uppnå syftet samt besvarandet av frågeställningarna har den rättsdogmatiska samt den empiriska metoden använts.
Abortlagen behandlar abort, sen abort och avbrytande av havandeskap. Av de tre åtgärderna följer likvärdiga skyldigheter som åläggs hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal gentemot den gravida kvinnan. Abortlagen och SOSFS 2009:15 uppställer skyldigheter som hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal måste beakta såväl före som under åtgärden, såsom vid en sen abort. För att klarlägga vilka skyldigheter hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen åläggs gentemot ett foster/barn, behöver tidpunkten för livets början fastställas.
Det finns åtskilliga uppfattningar om när det mänskliga livet börjar. Uppfattningarna kan exempelvis grunda sig i etiska, filosofiska, biologiska och religiösa aspekter. Av svensk rätt kan tydas att det inte finns en tydlig enhetlig uppfattning om när livet börjar, rent juridiskt sett. Av abortlagen kan det utläsas att fostrets/barnets skyddsvärde ökar successivt. Men att skyddsvärdet ökar behöver inte nödvändigtvis betyda att livets början inträder i samma takt. Barnkonventionens bestämmelser tar sikte på barnets rättigheter från födelsen. Trots detta uttrycker ett av skälen i dess inledning att ett barn har rätt till rättsligt skydd såväl före som efter födelsen. Europadomstolen och den tidigare existerande Europakommissionen har i sin praxis uttryckt att fastställandet av livets början åläggs konventionsstaterna.
Slutsatsen som kan dras av denna framställning är att det är oklart när livet börjar enligt svensk rätt. Det kan dock konstateras att livets början infinner sig senast vid födelsen. Avsaknaden av en tydlig fastställd tidpunkt för när livet inträder enligt svensk rätt leder till oförutsägbarhet för den svenska hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen. Ett fastställande av livets början är av betydelse för att klarlägga vilka skyldigheter som är aktuella för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen vid en viss tidpunkt.
Vilka skyldigheter som hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har att beakta vid sen abort följer av svensk lagstiftning, nationella styrdokument, IVO:s beslut, allmänna rekommendationer och råd, regionala riktlinjer och i vissa fall lokala riktlinjer. Genom en empirisk undersökning har regionernas egna riktlinjer avseende sena aborter tagits fram. I flertalet rättskällor och bindande samt vägledande dokument behandlas endast hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens skyldigheter gentemot en kvinna som valt att genomgå en abort samt uppställande krav för hur hälso- och sjukvårdsverksamheten ska upprätthålla goda rutiner. De regionala riktlinjerna behandlar, likt abortlagen och SOSFS 2009:15, skyldigheter gentemot den gravida kvinnan samt krav som ska uppfyllas för att fastställa rutiner på den regionala hälso- och sjukvårdsverksamheten. Dessa riktlinjer är dock utformade på ett sätt som är desto mer anpassat för de regionala hälso- och sjukvårdsverksamheterna. Den tydligaste bestämmelsen som behandlar hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens skyldigheter gentemot ett foster/barn vid en sen abort återfinns i omvårdnadsriktlinjerna, vilket är ett nationellt styrdokument med vägledande karaktär. Där stadgas att fostret/barnet vid framfödandet av en sen abort ska omhändertas palliativt.
Av vad som framställts genom utredningen kan det konstateras att det saknas tydliga riktlinjer för vilka skyldigheter hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har gentemot ett foster/barn som exempelvis utför reflexmässiga rörelser efter en sen abort. (Less)
During the last couple of years, there have been a few cases where foetuses/children show signs of life or viability after late abortion. This has led to a discussion ethical and legally, regarding the actions of the healthcare professionals towards the fetus/child. Some argue that healthcare professionals should provide the foetuses/children with the necessary care for the foetuses/children to survive. This argument is justified by the fact that it is partly the healthcare professionals’ main purpose, and partly that foetuses/children, like all other individuals, has the right to health care. Some assert that the foetuses/children should not be offered health care with the aim of saving its life because it contends with the woman’s wish... (More)
During the last couple of years, there have been a few cases where foetuses/children show signs of life or viability after late abortion. This has led to a discussion ethical and legally, regarding the actions of the healthcare professionals towards the fetus/child. Some argue that healthcare professionals should provide the foetuses/children with the necessary care for the foetuses/children to survive. This argument is justified by the fact that it is partly the healthcare professionals’ main purpose, and partly that foetuses/children, like all other individuals, has the right to health care. Some assert that the foetuses/children should not be offered health care with the aim of saving its life because it contends with the woman’s wish to abort the fetus/child.
The purpose of this petition ought to investigate the obligations of healthcare professionals in the case of late abortions. Above all, in relation to foetuses/children who are born with viability. In order to fulfil the purpose, the time for when life begins according to Swedish laws is also investigated. This ought to determine at what time the healthcare professionals’ obligation come into effect. In order to achieve its purpose and answer the framing questions, the legal dogmatic and the empirical method have been used.
The Swedish Abortion Act contains regulations regarding abortion, late abortion and termination of pregnancy. From the three measures follow equivalent obligations that are imposed on healthcare professionals towards the pregnant woman. The Swedish Abortion Act and SOSFS 2009:15 regulates obligations that healthcare professionals must take into account both before and during the procedure, such as a late abortion. In order to clarify the obligations of healthcare professionals towards a fetus/child, the time for when life begins needs to be determined.
There are several opinions regarding when human life begins. The perceptions can, for example, be based on ethical, philosophical, biological and religious aspects. From Swedish laws, it can be seen that there is no clear uniform understanding of when life begins, legally speaking. From the Swedish Abortion Act, it can be inferred that the protection value of the fetus/child increases gradually. But the fact that the protection value increases does not necessarily mean that the beginning of life occurs at the same rate. The provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child aim at the rights of the child from birth. Despite this, one of the recitals in its preamble states that a child has the right to legal protection both before and after birth. The European Court of Justice and the previously existing European Commission have expressed in their practice that it is imposed on the convention states to determine the time for when life begins.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this thesis is that it is unclear when life begins according to Swedish laws. However, it can be stated that the beginning of life occurs at birth at the latest. The lack of a clearly established time for when life begins according to Swedish laws leads to unpredictability for the Swedish healthcare professionals. A determination of the beginning of life is important in order to clarify which obligations are current for healthcare professionals at a certain time.
The obligations that healthcare professionals have to take into account in the event of a late abortion follows from Swedish legislation, national policy documents, IVO:s decisions, general recommendations and advice, regional guidelines and, in some cases, local guidelines. Through an empirical investigation, the regions’ own guidelines regarding late abortions have been developed. In the majority of legal sources and binding and guiding documents, only the healthcare professionals’ obligations towards a woman who has chosen to undergo an abortion are dealt with, as well as setting requirements for how the health care business must maintain good routines. The regional guidelines, like the Swedish Abortion Act and SOSFS 2009:15, deal with obligations towards the pregnant woman as well as requirements that must be met in order to establish routines for the regional healthcare activities. However, these guidelines are designed in a way that is all the more adapted to the regional healthcare operations. The clearest provision dealing with the obligations of healthcare professionals towards a fetus/child in the event of a late abortion is found in the guidelines regarding nursing care, which is a national guidance document. It stipulates that the fetus/child in the event of a late abortion must be cared for palliatively.
From what has been produces through the investigation, it can be stated that there are no clear guidelines for what obligations healthcare professionals have towards a fetus/child who, for example, performs reflexive movements after a late abortion. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Månsson, Rebecka LU
alternative title
Obligations of healthcare professionals: Especially regarding obligations towards fetuses/children who, in case of late abortion, show viability
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Folkrätt, Offentlig rätt, Medicinsk rätt, Sen abort
date added to LUP
2023-06-08 12:12:25
date last changed
2023-06-08 12:12:25
  abstract     = {{During the last couple of years, there have been a few cases where foetuses/children show signs of life or viability after late abortion. This has led to a discussion ethical and legally, regarding the actions of the healthcare professionals towards the fetus/child. Some argue that healthcare professionals should provide the foetuses/children with the necessary care for the foetuses/children to survive. This argument is justified by the fact that it is partly the healthcare professionals’ main purpose, and partly that foetuses/children, like all other individuals, has the right to health care. Some assert that the foetuses/children should not be offered health care with the aim of saving its life because it contends with the woman’s wish to abort the fetus/child.
The purpose of this petition ought to investigate the obligations of healthcare professionals in the case of late abortions. Above all, in relation to foetuses/children who are born with viability. In order to fulfil the purpose, the time for when life begins according to Swedish laws is also investigated. This ought to determine at what time the healthcare professionals’ obligation come into effect. In order to achieve its purpose and answer the framing questions, the legal dogmatic and the empirical method have been used.
The Swedish Abortion Act contains regulations regarding abortion, late abortion and termination of pregnancy. From the three measures follow equivalent obligations that are imposed on healthcare professionals towards the pregnant woman. The Swedish Abortion Act and SOSFS 2009:15 regulates obligations that healthcare professionals must take into account both before and during the procedure, such as a late abortion. In order to clarify the obligations of healthcare professionals towards a fetus/child, the time for when life begins needs to be determined.
There are several opinions regarding when human life begins. The perceptions can, for example, be based on ethical, philosophical, biological and religious aspects. From Swedish laws, it can be seen that there is no clear uniform understanding of when life begins, legally speaking. From the Swedish Abortion Act, it can be inferred that the protection value of the fetus/child increases gradually. But the fact that the protection value increases does not necessarily mean that the beginning of life occurs at the same rate. The provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child aim at the rights of the child from birth. Despite this, one of the recitals in its preamble states that a child has the right to legal protection both before and after birth. The European Court of Justice and the previously existing European Commission have expressed in their practice that it is imposed on the convention states to determine the time for when life begins.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this thesis is that it is unclear when life begins according to Swedish laws. However, it can be stated that the beginning of life occurs at birth at the latest. The lack of a clearly established time for when life begins according to Swedish laws leads to unpredictability for the Swedish healthcare professionals. A determination of the beginning of life is important in order to clarify which obligations are current for healthcare professionals at a certain time. 
The obligations that healthcare professionals have to take into account in the event of a late abortion follows from Swedish legislation, national policy documents, IVO:s decisions, general recommendations and advice, regional guidelines and, in some cases, local guidelines. Through an empirical investigation, the regions’ own guidelines regarding late abortions have been developed. In the majority of legal sources and binding and guiding documents, only the healthcare professionals’ obligations towards a woman who has chosen to undergo an abortion are dealt with, as well as setting requirements for how the health care business must maintain good routines. The regional guidelines, like the Swedish Abortion Act and SOSFS 2009:15, deal with obligations towards the pregnant woman as well as requirements that must be met in order to establish routines for the regional healthcare activities. However, these guidelines are designed in a way that is all the more adapted to the regional healthcare operations. The clearest provision dealing with the obligations of healthcare professionals towards a fetus/child in the event of a late abortion is found in the guidelines regarding nursing care, which is a national guidance document. It stipulates that the fetus/child in the event of a late abortion must be cared for palliatively.
From what has been produces through the investigation, it can be stated that there are no clear guidelines for what obligations healthcare professionals have towards a fetus/child who, for example, performs reflexive movements after a late abortion.}},
  author       = {{Månsson, Rebecka}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens skyldigheter: Särskilt om skyldigheter gentemot foster/barn som vid sen abort visar livsduglighet}},
  year         = {{2023}},