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LUP Student Papers


'Sins of the Past' - Protection of Fundamental Rights in Individual Sanctions in the Historical, Institutional, and Judicial CFSP Context

Blomquist, André LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Since 24 February 2022, the European Union has faced a conventional war on its doorstep and an increase in geopolitical tension with the East. This has required the Council to act quickly and forcefully within its competence in the area of Common Foreign and Security Policy. To counteract the adverse geopolitical actions the Council has issued sanctions packages which have never been utilized before so extensively. The most common type of measure is individual sanctions which are intended to increase the cost of the target to maintain their activity. Effectively, sanctions are intended to weaponize fundamental rights by withdrawing the benefits from certain individuals. Considering the great impact these measures have on fundamental rights... (More)
Since 24 February 2022, the European Union has faced a conventional war on its doorstep and an increase in geopolitical tension with the East. This has required the Council to act quickly and forcefully within its competence in the area of Common Foreign and Security Policy. To counteract the adverse geopolitical actions the Council has issued sanctions packages which have never been utilized before so extensively. The most common type of measure is individual sanctions which are intended to increase the cost of the target to maintain their activity. Effectively, sanctions are intended to weaponize fundamental rights by withdrawing the benefits from certain individuals. Considering the great impact these measures have on fundamental rights for targets and citizens of target countries it is relevant to study whether the Union effectively protects the fundamental rights even in its response to wrongful international actions.

The purpose of this thesis is to study three layers within the area of CFSP: 1) Historical, 2) institutional, and 3) judicial. By using a holistic method based on these three areas the development of fundamental rights within the CFSP and especially individual sanctions can be observed both from a legal and contextual perspective. The historical aspect serves the purpose to study if Member States have displayed interest in developing a common foreign policy within the Union and how Member States’ relationship to CFSP has impacted the development both institutionally and judicially. The institutional aspect will try to assess the inner workings of the CFSP, and which institutions therein are responsible for drafting individual sanctions and which are ensuring the protection of fundamental rights. Lastly, the judicial perspective serves to study the role of the Court and its current ability to ensure the protection of fundamental rights in the area of CFSP and individual sanctions.

Conclusively, by looking at these three aspects it becomes apparent that the area of CFSP still struggles with the historical skepticism from Member States which won’t allow the area to develop at the pace it is currently acting in. These historical burdens threaten the future development of fundamental rights in individual sanctions. The past hesitance to empower the Union in this specific area has undermined its institutional and legal efforts, leading to a disadvantageous situation where the protection of fundamental rights is compromised. This discrepancy in the development of CFSP is affecting the courts’ ability to effectively protect fundamental rights. Unfortunately, the Court has also taken a cautious stance in its assessments of individual sanctions due to its political sensitivity. The role of the Court is to maintain the power balance within the Union and to ensure that the signed treaties are being enforced effectively. Under the current standing of the judicial framework, the Court is not able to fulfill this role, placing greater demands on the institutions. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan den 24 februari 2022 har Europeiska unionen stått inför ett konventionellt krig på sin tröskel och en ökad geopolitisk spänning från öst. Detta har
krävt av Rådet att agera snabbt och kraftfullt inom ramen för sin kompetens
för den gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiken. För att motverka Rysslands aggression har rådet utfärdat omfattande sanktionspaket som aldrig tidigare har använts i så stor omfattning. Den vanligaste typen av åtgärd är individuella sanktioner, som syftar till att öka individens och staten eller ickestatens kostnader för att upprätthålla sin verksamhet. Sanktioner beväpnar i
praktiken grundläggande rättigheter genom att dra in förmånerna för vissa
individer. Med tanke på den stora inverkan som dessa... (More)
Sedan den 24 februari 2022 har Europeiska unionen stått inför ett konventionellt krig på sin tröskel och en ökad geopolitisk spänning från öst. Detta har
krävt av Rådet att agera snabbt och kraftfullt inom ramen för sin kompetens
för den gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiken. För att motverka Rysslands aggression har rådet utfärdat omfattande sanktionspaket som aldrig tidigare har använts i så stor omfattning. Den vanligaste typen av åtgärd är individuella sanktioner, som syftar till att öka individens och staten eller ickestatens kostnader för att upprätthålla sin verksamhet. Sanktioner beväpnar i
praktiken grundläggande rättigheter genom att dra in förmånerna för vissa
individer. Med tanke på den stora inverkan som dessa åtgärder har på grundläggande rättigheter för sanktionerade individer och medborgare i utsatta länder är det relevant att undersöka om Unionen effektivt skyddar de grundläggande rättigheterna även i sina kontraåtgärder i det internationella spelrummet.
Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att studera tre skikt av GUSP: 1) den
historiska, 2) den institutionella och 3) den rättsliga. Genom att använda en
holistisk metod kan utvecklingen av de grundläggande rättigheterna inom
GUSP och särskilt enskilda restriktiva åtgärder observeras både ur ett juridiskt och kontextuellt perspektiv. Den historiska aspekten tjänar syftet att studera om medlemsstaterna har visat intresse för att utveckla en gemensam utrikespolitik inom Unionen och hur medlemsstaternas förhållande till GUSP
har påverkat utvecklingen både institutionellt och rättsligt. Den institutionella
aspekten kommer att försöka bedöma hur GUSP fungerar och vilka institutioner som ansvarar för att utarbeta enskilda restriktiva åtgärder och vilka som
garanterar skyddet av de grundläggande rättigheterna. Slutligen ska det rättsliga skiktet studera domstolens roll och dess nuvarande förmåga att garantera
skyddet av de grundläggande rättigheterna inom området GUSP och särskilt
individuella restriktiva åtgärder.
Genom att titta på dessa tre aspekter blir det uppenbart att GUSP-området
fortfarande kämpar med den historiska skepticismen från medlemsstaterna
som inte tillåter att området utvecklas i den takt som de för närvarande agerar
i. De historiska bördorna hotar den framtida utvecklingen av grundläggande
rättigheter i individuella sanktioner. Den historiska tveksamheten att låta Unionen öka sin makt på detta område har påverkat det institutionella och rättsliga arbetet, vilket har missgynnat skyddet av de grundläggande rättigheterna.
Diskrepansen i utvecklingen inom GUSP påverkar domstolarnas förmåga att
effektivt skydda de grundläggande rättigheterna. Tyvärr har domstolen också
intagit en försiktig hållning i sina bedömningar av enskilda restriktiva åtgärder på grund av dess politiska känslighet. Domstolens roll är att behålla maktbalansen inom Unionen och se till att de undertecknade fördragen verkställs
effektivt. Med den nuvarande rättsliga ramen kan domstolen inte uppfylla
denna roll vilket ställer högre krav på institutionerna. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  abstract     = {{Since 24 February 2022, the European Union has faced a conventional war on its doorstep and an increase in geopolitical tension with the East. This has required the Council to act quickly and forcefully within its competence in the area of Common Foreign and Security Policy. To counteract the adverse geopolitical actions the Council has issued sanctions packages which have never been utilized before so extensively. The most common type of measure is individual sanctions which are intended to increase the cost of the target to maintain their activity. Effectively, sanctions are intended to weaponize fundamental rights by withdrawing the benefits from certain individuals. Considering the great impact these measures have on fundamental rights for targets and citizens of target countries it is relevant to study whether the Union effectively protects the fundamental rights even in its response to wrongful international actions. 

The purpose of this thesis is to study three layers within the area of CFSP: 1) Historical, 2) institutional, and 3) judicial. By using a holistic method based on these three areas the development of fundamental rights within the CFSP and especially individual sanctions can be observed both from a legal and contextual perspective. The historical aspect serves the purpose to study if Member States have displayed interest in developing a common foreign policy within the Union and how Member States’ relationship to CFSP has impacted the development both institutionally and judicially. The institutional aspect will try to assess the inner workings of the CFSP, and which institutions therein are responsible for drafting individual sanctions and which are ensuring the protection of fundamental rights. Lastly, the judicial perspective serves to study the role of the Court and its current ability to ensure the protection of fundamental rights in the area of CFSP and individual sanctions. 

Conclusively, by looking at these three aspects it becomes apparent that the area of CFSP still struggles with the historical skepticism from Member States which won’t allow the area to develop at the pace it is currently acting in. These historical burdens threaten the future development of fundamental rights in individual sanctions. The past hesitance to empower the Union in this specific area has undermined its institutional and legal efforts, leading to a disadvantageous situation where the protection of fundamental rights is compromised. This discrepancy in the development of CFSP is affecting the courts’ ability to effectively protect fundamental rights. Unfortunately, the Court has also taken a cautious stance in its assessments of individual sanctions due to its political sensitivity. The role of the Court is to maintain the power balance within the Union and to ensure that the signed treaties are being enforced effectively. Under the current standing of the judicial framework, the Court is not able to fulfill this role, placing greater demands on the institutions.}},
  author       = {{Blomquist, André}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{'Sins of the Past' - Protection of Fundamental Rights in Individual Sanctions in the Historical, Institutional, and Judicial CFSP Context}},
  year         = {{2023}},