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Advokaters plikt i skatterättslig konflikt? - En studie om advokaters rapporteringsplikt av skatterättsliga arrangemang och regleringens förhållande till upprätthållandet av tystnadsplikten

Lax, Julia LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Med två motstående skyldigheter som utgångspunkt syftar uppsatsen till att utreda hur införlivandet av rapporteringsskyldigheten av skatterättsliga arrangemang i DAC6 och dess begränsning avseende advokater förhåller sig till yrkesgruppens tystnadsplikt. Därutöver diskuteras hur nämnda påverkas av avgörande C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies m.fl. som utökat den EU-rättsliga LPP genom att fastställa att rapporteringsskyldigheten för yrkesgrupper med nationella yrkesprivilegier kan strida mot rättsprincipen med hänvisning till respekt för privat- och familjeliv i art. 7 EU-stadgan.
I arbetet fastställs att införlivandet kan argumenteras ha resulterat i vaga och otydliga bestämmelser för att inte begränsa rapporteringsskyldigheten och strida... (More)
Med två motstående skyldigheter som utgångspunkt syftar uppsatsen till att utreda hur införlivandet av rapporteringsskyldigheten av skatterättsliga arrangemang i DAC6 och dess begränsning avseende advokater förhåller sig till yrkesgruppens tystnadsplikt. Därutöver diskuteras hur nämnda påverkas av avgörande C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies m.fl. som utökat den EU-rättsliga LPP genom att fastställa att rapporteringsskyldigheten för yrkesgrupper med nationella yrkesprivilegier kan strida mot rättsprincipen med hänvisning till respekt för privat- och familjeliv i art. 7 EU-stadgan.
I arbetet fastställs att införlivandet kan argumenteras ha resulterat i vaga och otydliga bestämmelser för att inte begränsa rapporteringsskyldigheten och strida mot direktivets syfte att skattemyndigheter i ett tidigt stadie ska erhålla relevant information för att etablera åtgärder mot eventuellt skatteundandragande. Att införlivandet föranleder olika tolkningsmöjligheter, resulterar i att svaret på hur regleringen förhåller sig till advokaters tystnadsplikt kan variera.
Advokater omfattas av regleringen och rekvisiten för vad som utgör rådgivning, bedöms innefattas i begreppet ”advokatverksamhet”. Följaktligen är advokater skyldiga att iaktta god advokatsed som innefattar en långtgående lojalitetsplikt mot klienten. I uppsatsen fastställs att advokater i varje enskilt fall måste avgöra i vilken mån de kan lämna uppgifter om det skatterättsliga arrangemanget utan att strida mot sin plikt. I analysen bedöms advokaten förhindrad att lämna några uppgifter i enlighet med 33 b kap. 16 § SFL för att upprätthålla tystnadsplikten.
Vid förhinder på grund av nationella yrkesprivilegier stadgar direktivet i art. 8 ab (5) att medlemsstaten är skyldig att vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att uppgiftsskyldigheten utan dröjsmål ska fullföljas. 33 b kap. 22 § SFL stadgar således en underrättelseskyldighet att, utan dröjsmål, underrätta övriga rådgivare och eventuellt användaren av arrangemanget, om rapporteringsskyldigheten. Nämnda bestämmelse har av advokatsamfundet tolkats innebära att advokater är skyldiga att på allmänt sätt, tex på en hemsida, generellt förmedla att rapporteringsplikt kan föreligga. Med förarbeten och direktivet som grund konstateras däremot att bestämmelsen kan tolkas innebära att advokater i varje enskilt fall utan dröjsmål ska underrätta övriga rådgivare och eventuellt användaren om rapporteringsplikten. Sistnämnda tolkning argumenteras strida mot advokatsekretessen med hänsyn till hur omfattande den svenska tystnadsplikten för advokater bedömts vara.
I storkammar dom avgjordes 8 december 2022 att bestämmelsen 8ab (5) i DAC6 avseende rapporteringsskyldigheten för rådgivare som omfattas av tystnadsplikt kränker den i artikel 7 EU-stadgan innefattande advokatsekretessen i den mån det nationella införlivandet resulterar i ett åsidosättande av tystnadsplikten. Om 33 b kap. 22 § SFL, till skillnad från advokatsamfundets tolkning, innebär att rådgivaren är skyldig att underrätta övriga rådgivare om det specifika skatterättsligaarrangemanget, röjs information avseende att advokaten anlitats och att arrangemanget bedömts utgöra ett rapporteringspliktigt arrangemang, vilket åsidosätter tystnadsplikten. Med den svenska advokatsekretessen och den utökade LPP:n som grund, bedöms slutligen den svenska bestämmelsen resultera i att advokater är förhindrade att lämna någon information i enlighet med 33 b kap. 16 § SFL samt är förhindrade att underrätta övriga rådgivare om rapporteringsskyldigheten för att upprätthålla den starka och för samhället viktiga tystnadsplikten. (Less)
Based on two conflicting obligations, the essay investigates how implementing the reporting obligation for tax arrangements (DAC6) and its limitation concerning lawyers relates to the duty of confidentiality. Additionally, the paper discusses how these aspects are influenced by the judgment of the Grand Chamber, C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies, which extended the EU legal professional privilege (LPP) by stating that the reporting obligation for intermediaries with national professional privileges may conflict with the respect for private and family life under Article 7 of the EU Charter.
The paper establishes that the Swedish implementation of DAC6 resulted in vague and ambiguous provisions to avoid contradicting the directive’s purpose... (More)
Based on two conflicting obligations, the essay investigates how implementing the reporting obligation for tax arrangements (DAC6) and its limitation concerning lawyers relates to the duty of confidentiality. Additionally, the paper discusses how these aspects are influenced by the judgment of the Grand Chamber, C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies, which extended the EU legal professional privilege (LPP) by stating that the reporting obligation for intermediaries with national professional privileges may conflict with the respect for private and family life under Article 7 of the EU Charter.
The paper establishes that the Swedish implementation of DAC6 resulted in vague and ambiguous provisions to avoid contradicting the directive’s purpose of enabling tax authorities to obtain information early and act against potential tax evasion. Furthermore, it results in various interpretations meaning that the answers regarding how the implementation relates to a lawyer’s duty of confidentiality may vary.
Lawyers are subject to the legislation, and the requirements to be defined as an intermediary fall within the scope of “legal professional activates.” Consequently, lawyers must observe professional ethics, which includes a duty of loyalty to the client. The essay concludes that lawyers must assess to what extent they can disclose information about the tax arrangement without violating their duty in each case. Furthermore, the analysis determines that lawyers cannot provide any information about the arrangement following Section 33 b, chapter 16 of the Swedish Tax Procedure Act (SFL) to uphold their duty of confidentiality.
According to Art. 8 ab (5) of the directive, the Member State must take necessary measures to ensure that the reporting obligation is promptly fulfilled when national regulations regarding professional privilege create such reporting obstacles. Consequently, Section 33 b, Chapter 22 of the SFL imposes an obligation to notify other intermediaries and, if applicable, the client about the reporting obligation. The Swedish Bar Association has interpreted this provision to oblige lawyers to express that there may be a reporting obligation generally, for example, on a website. However, based on preparatory work, the paper argues that the provision may be interpreted to mean that lawyers must notify other intermediaries in each individual case. The latter interpretation is argued to conflict with the extensive duty of individuality.
In a Grand Chamber judgment on December 8, 2022, the court ruled that Article 8 ab (5) of DAC6 regarding the reporting obligation for intermediaries bound by national professional privilege violates the LPP encompassed in Article 7 of the EU Charter if the national implementation results in intermediaries having to notify without delay any other intermediary who is not his or her client of that intermediary’s reporting obligation. If section 33 b, Chapter 22 of the SFL implies that the intermediary is obliged to notify other intermediaries about the specific tax arrangement, information regarding the lawyer’s involvement, and the fact that the arrangement constitutes a reportable arrangement is disclosed, which undermines the confidentiality. Based on the Swedish duty of confidentiality and the extended LPP, the Swedish provision is argued to prevent lawyers from providing any information in accordance with Section 33 b, Chapter 16 of the SFL and from notifying other intermediaries about the reporting obligation in order to uphold the vital duty of confidentiality. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Lax, Julia LU
alternative title
Lawyers' duty in tax law conflict? - A study on lawyers' duty to report tax arrangements and the obligation's relationship to the duty of confidentiality
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Skatterätt, EU-rätt, DAC6, tystnadsplikt
date added to LUP
2023-06-12 11:49:37
date last changed
2023-06-12 11:49:37
  abstract     = {{Based on two conflicting obligations, the essay investigates how implementing the reporting obligation for tax arrangements (DAC6) and its limitation concerning lawyers relates to the duty of confidentiality. Additionally, the paper discusses how these aspects are influenced by the judgment of the Grand Chamber, C-694/20 Orde van Vlaamse Balies, which extended the EU legal professional privilege (LPP) by stating that the reporting obligation for intermediaries with national professional privileges may conflict with the respect for private and family life under Article 7 of the EU Charter. 
The paper establishes that the Swedish implementation of DAC6 resulted in vague and ambiguous provisions to avoid contradicting the directive’s purpose of enabling tax authorities to obtain information early and act against potential tax evasion. Furthermore, it results in various interpretations meaning that the answers regarding how the implementation relates to a lawyer’s duty of confidentiality may vary. 
Lawyers are subject to the legislation, and the requirements to be defined as an intermediary fall within the scope of “legal professional activates.” Consequently, lawyers must observe professional ethics, which includes a duty of loyalty to the client. The essay concludes that lawyers must assess to what extent they can disclose information about the tax arrangement without violating their duty in each case. Furthermore, the analysis determines that lawyers cannot provide any information about the arrangement following Section 33 b, chapter 16 of the Swedish Tax Procedure Act (SFL) to uphold their duty of confidentiality. 
According to Art. 8 ab (5) of the directive, the Member State must take necessary measures to ensure that the reporting obligation is promptly fulfilled when national regulations regarding professional privilege create such reporting obstacles. Consequently, Section 33 b, Chapter 22 of the SFL imposes an obligation to notify other intermediaries and, if applicable, the client about the reporting obligation. The Swedish Bar Association has interpreted this provision to oblige lawyers to express that there may be a reporting obligation generally, for example, on a website. However, based on preparatory work, the paper argues that the provision may be interpreted to mean that lawyers must notify other intermediaries in each individual case. The latter interpretation is argued to conflict with the extensive duty of individuality. 
In a Grand Chamber judgment on December 8, 2022, the court ruled that Article 8 ab (5) of DAC6 regarding the reporting obligation for intermediaries bound by national professional privilege violates the LPP encompassed in Article 7 of the EU Charter if the national implementation results in intermediaries having to notify without delay any other intermediary who is not his or her client of that intermediary’s reporting obligation. If section 33 b, Chapter 22 of the SFL implies that the intermediary is obliged to notify other intermediaries about the specific tax arrangement, information regarding the lawyer’s involvement, and the fact that the arrangement constitutes a reportable arrangement is disclosed, which undermines the confidentiality. Based on the Swedish duty of confidentiality and the extended LPP, the Swedish provision is argued to prevent lawyers from providing any information in accordance with Section 33 b, Chapter 16 of the SFL and from notifying other intermediaries about the reporting obligation in order to uphold the vital duty of confidentiality.}},
  author       = {{Lax, Julia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Advokaters plikt i skatterättslig konflikt? - En studie om advokaters rapporteringsplikt av skatterättsliga arrangemang och regleringens förhållande till upprätthållandet av tystnadsplikten}},
  year         = {{2023}},