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Begreppet rättssäkerhet och betydelsen av begreppet i den offentliga debatten om anonyma vittnen

Carleheden, Martin LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Frågan om anonyma vittnen har länge varit föremål för debatt i den juridiska världen. Är det en rättssäker åtgärd att införa ett system med anonyma vittnen? Hur skulle ett sådant system, om det infördes, överensstämma med de rättssäkerhetsgarantier som tillstår den tilltalade i rättsprocessen? Tidigare forskning kring anonyma vittnen har fokuserat på rättssäkerheten och försökt nå en slutsats kring huruvida anonyma vittnen bör eller inte bör införas i svensk rätt. Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att istället utforska betydelsen av rättssäkerheten i den offentliga diskussionen kring anonyma vittnen. Vilken betydelse har rättssäkerhetsbegreppet i den offentliga diskussionen kring anonyma vittnen? Vilka rättssäkerhetsteorier är framträdande... (More)
Frågan om anonyma vittnen har länge varit föremål för debatt i den juridiska världen. Är det en rättssäker åtgärd att införa ett system med anonyma vittnen? Hur skulle ett sådant system, om det infördes, överensstämma med de rättssäkerhetsgarantier som tillstår den tilltalade i rättsprocessen? Tidigare forskning kring anonyma vittnen har fokuserat på rättssäkerheten och försökt nå en slutsats kring huruvida anonyma vittnen bör eller inte bör införas i svensk rätt. Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att istället utforska betydelsen av rättssäkerheten i den offentliga diskussionen kring anonyma vittnen. Vilken betydelse har rättssäkerhetsbegreppet i den offentliga diskussionen kring anonyma vittnen? Vilka rättssäkerhetsteorier är framträdande när debatten tas? Kan effektivitet i domstolsprocessen rättfärdiga en minskad rättssäkerhet?
Utifrån en kvalitativ tematisk analys av dagstidningsartiklar under det sista halvåret av 2022 presenterar och analyserar jag den offentliga debatten om anonyma vittnen, och utreder och besvarar betydelsen av begreppet rättssäkerhet, och hur begreppet format debatten om anonyma vittnen. Jag besvarar även frågan om en ökad effektivitet i rättsprocessen, som ett införande av ett system med anonyma vittnen skulle innebära, kan rättfärdiga en minskad rättssäkerhet.
Rättsdogmatisk metod används initialt i uppsatsen för att presentera och fastställa gällande rätt på bevisrättens område, med fokus på bevismedlet vittnen. Därtill används tematisk metod för att genom en kvalitativ tema-tisk textanalys identifiera och samla in och diskutera citat ur svenska dags-tidningsartiklar under perioden 2022-06-01 till och med 2022-12-31, som omnämner eller diskuterar anonyma vittnen. Den tematiska metoden är en metod som primärt används inom humaniora. I den här uppsatsen är den dock behjälplig för min huvudfrågeställning kring begreppet rättssäkerhets innebörd och betydelsen av rättssäkerhetsteorier i den offentliga debatten om anonyma vittnen och vilka dem är, samt diskussionen kring huruvida effektivitet i rättsprocessen rättfärdigar en minskad rättssäkerhet.
För insamlandet av material användes databasen Retriever, där svenska dagstidningsartiklar under perioden nämnd ovan genomlästes och analyse-rades. Analysen resulterade i två teman, rättssäkerhet samt bevisvärde, där temana skapades för diskussioner kring rättssäkerhetsbegreppets betydelse samt effektiviteten i rättsprocessens eventuella rättfärdigande av en minskad rättssäkerhet respektive.
Betydelsen av begreppet rättssäkerhet är i den offentliga debatten, och dis-kussionen kring anonyma vittnen, stor. På grund av begreppets oenhetliga innebörd blir betydelsen av användningen av begreppet viktig. Rättssäkerheten och anonyma vittnen är tydligt sammankopplade, vilket resulterar i en debatt där begreppet rättssäkerhet har en betydelse, inte bara för, vilket är det rationella att tro, motståndarna mot ett sådant system, utan rättssäkerheten har betydelse och underlättar även förespråkarna för anonyma vittnen. Rättssäkerhetsbegreppets betydelse och vad man menar när man talar om rättssäkerhet påverkar den offentliga debatten om anonyma vittnen. Förespråkarna för införandet av ett sådant system använder den av Ekelöf och Peczenik framtagna materiella definitionen av begreppet, me-dan de som i debatten är motståndare till ett införande använder en mer formell innebörd av begreppet, något som delas av Frändberg och Fuller. Rättssäkerhetsbegreppet spelar därmed en roll över hela debatten, och är något mer än bara ett argument emot ett införande av ett sådant system. Betydelsen av begreppet i debatten visar sig i användningen av begreppet, mer eller mindre utstuderat, av båda sidor. Rättssäkerhetsteorier om rätten till insyn, kongruens mellan lag och tillämpning och förutsebarhet är ständigt närvarande och påverkar debatten om anonyma vittnen.
Under temat bevisvärde besvarar jag frågeställningen kring effektivitetens roll under rättsprocessen och huruvida en, med hjälp av anonyma vittnens införande, effektivare process i form av fler lagförda, kan rättfärdiga den minskade rättssäkerhet som onekligen uppstår ifall ett sådant system införs. Frågeställningens svar är för mig tydligt. Den effektivitetsökning är inte tillräcklig i jämförelse med den rättssäkerhetsminskning åtgärden resulterar i. Den effektiviseringsprocess som förespråkarna menar rättfärdigar en rättssäkerhetsförlust i form av minskad insyn för den tilltalade blir missvisande. Det är givet så att anonyma vittnesmål ger ett större underlag för domstolen att grunda sin bevisvärdering på. Det är dock ett så skralt underlagstillägg att det inte kan rättfärdiga den rättssäkerhetsförlust som onekligen framträder med införandet av ett sådant system. Effektiviseringen hade behövt överväga rättssäkerhetsförlusten på ett djupare plan än i nuläget för att den förlust av rättssäkerhet som uppstår inte blir oproportionerligt stor. (Less)
The issue on anonymous witnesses has in Sweden been frequently discus-sed in the legal debate over the years. Is it according to the rule of law to impose such a system? How does a system of anonymous witnesses con-form with the principles of the rule of law given to the accused during a hearing? Past research has centered the discussion around the rule of law and the effects an imposition of a system of anonymous witnesses would have on the effects of the rule of law.
The purpose of the thesis is to explore the importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate on anonymous witnesses, and how it effects the debate in Sweden, and what role the notion play in the debate. Which importance does the notion of the rule of law... (More)
The issue on anonymous witnesses has in Sweden been frequently discus-sed in the legal debate over the years. Is it according to the rule of law to impose such a system? How does a system of anonymous witnesses con-form with the principles of the rule of law given to the accused during a hearing? Past research has centered the discussion around the rule of law and the effects an imposition of a system of anonymous witnesses would have on the effects of the rule of law.
The purpose of the thesis is to explore the importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate on anonymous witnesses, and how it effects the debate in Sweden, and what role the notion play in the debate. Which importance does the notion of the rule of law play in the public debate on anonymous witnesses? Which theories on the Rule of Law is present in the debate? Can efficiency during the legal action process justify a reduced importance of the rule of law?
With the help of a thematic qualitative analysis of Swedish newspaper ar-ticles during the last six months of 2022, I present and analyze the public debate on anonymous witnesses, and examine the importance of the notion of the rule of law, and in which theories on the rule of law helped shaped the debate.
I use a legal dogmatic method during the first phase of my thesis, to present and determine the applicable law on the subject of the regulation on wit-nesses. For the rest of the thesis I work with a thematic qualitative analysis method to identify and gather qoutes from swedish newspaper articles tal-king about, or in some way discussing the subject of anonymous witnesses, during the period from 2022-06-01 to 2022-12-31. The method of thematic analysis is used mainly in the liberal arts department. In my thesis, the method is helping to answer my research questions about the importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate about anonymous witnes-ses, which theories of the rule of law are present in the argumentation, and if efficiency during the legal action process can justify a reduced im-portance of the rule of law.
To help gather the data for my qualitative text analysis, I used the database Retriever, where I gathered and analyzed the news articles of the period which is stated above. The analyze resulted in two themes, which I titled The Rule of Law and Evidence value. The themes were created based upon discussions about the notion of the rule of law in the articles, and the di-scussion about wheter efficiency in the legal action process can justify a reduced importance of the rule of law.
There is a great importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate on anonymous witnesses. Due to the different interpretations of the meaning of the rule of law, the importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate on anonymous witnesses becomes great. The rule of law and anonoymous witnesses has a clear connection, which results in a public debate where the notion of the rule of law has an importance, not only for, what makes the most sense in a rational way, the ones that oppose such a measure, but also for the ones that support such an arrangement. The notion of the rule of law is aiding also the advocates for anonymous witnes-ses. The notion of the rule of law influence the public debate in different ways, and a vast variety of theories is present in the public debate. The re-sult of my research is on one side that the ones that advocate for anonoymous witnesses tends to use a more substansive, material, definition of the notion of the rule of law, which is proposed by Ekelöf and Peczenik. On the other side, the ones that is against such an arrangement, tends to gather around the more formal definition, supported by Frändberg and Full-ler. The notion of the rule of law and its different interpretations play as such, a great role in the public debate, and is essentially something bigger than just a minor argument proposed by the side that is opposing anony-mous witnesses. The importance of the notion of the rule of law in the ongoing public debate shows in which way the notion is used, by both si-des. Theories on the rule of law such as the right to access, congruence between official action and declared rule, and predictability are theories that are constantly present and play a part in the public opinion on anony-mous witnesses.
In chapter 5, I discuss and analyze the qoutes sorted under the second theme of Evidence value. I talk about the importance of effeciency in the legal action process, and answer the question on wheter a more effective process, with the help of anonymous witnesses, can justify a reduced im-portance of the rule of law, which will be the case if such an arragement is realized. The answer to my research question is clear. The gaining of ef-fectiveness is not sufficient enough compared to the reduced importance of the rule of law which such an arrangement will result in. The process of effectiveness the advocates for such an arrangement says justifies a loss of importance of the rule of law is misleading. Anonymous witnesses gives undeniably a better ground for the court to stand on during the evidence evaluation. The foundation is however so poor that the efficiency gain can-not justify the loss of importance of the rule of law which undeniably will be the result in case such an arrangement is made. For it to be justifiable, the efficiency gain would be needed to be much stronger than what is the case. With the current gain it would make the loss of importance of the rule of law unproportionate. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Carleheden, Martin LU
alternative title
The concept of The Rule of Law and the meaning of the concept in the public debate about anonymous witnesses
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
allmän rättslära, Jurisprudence
date added to LUP
2023-06-08 10:54:48
date last changed
2023-06-08 10:54:48
  abstract     = {{The issue on anonymous witnesses has in Sweden been frequently discus-sed in the legal debate over the years. Is it according to the rule of law to impose such a system? How does a system of anonymous witnesses con-form with the principles of the rule of law given to the accused during a hearing? Past research has centered the discussion around the rule of law and the effects an imposition of a system of anonymous witnesses would have on the effects of the rule of law.
The purpose of the thesis is to explore the importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate on anonymous witnesses, and how it effects the debate in Sweden, and what role the notion play in the debate. Which importance does the notion of the rule of law play in the public debate on anonymous witnesses? Which theories on the Rule of Law is present in the debate? Can efficiency during the legal action process justify a reduced importance of the rule of law? 
With the help of a thematic qualitative analysis of Swedish newspaper ar-ticles during the last six months of 2022, I present and analyze the public debate on anonymous witnesses, and examine the importance of the notion of the rule of law, and in which theories on the rule of law helped shaped the debate. 
I use a legal dogmatic method during the first phase of my thesis, to present and determine the applicable law on the subject of the regulation on wit-nesses. For the rest of the thesis I work with a thematic qualitative analysis method to identify and gather qoutes from swedish newspaper articles tal-king about, or in some way discussing the subject of anonymous witnesses, during the period from 2022-06-01 to 2022-12-31. The method of thematic analysis is used mainly in the liberal arts department. In my thesis, the method is helping to answer my research questions about the importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate about anonymous witnes-ses, which theories of the rule of law are present in the argumentation, and if efficiency during the legal action process can justify a reduced im-portance of the rule of law. 
To help gather the data for my qualitative text analysis, I used the database Retriever, where I gathered and analyzed the news articles of the period which is stated above. The analyze resulted in two themes, which I titled The Rule of Law and Evidence value. The themes were created based upon discussions about the notion of the rule of law in the articles, and the di-scussion about wheter efficiency in the legal action process can justify a reduced importance of the rule of law.
There is a great importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate on anonymous witnesses. Due to the different interpretations of the meaning of the rule of law, the importance of the notion of the rule of law in the public debate on anonymous witnesses becomes great. The rule of law and anonoymous witnesses has a clear connection, which results in a public debate where the notion of the rule of law has an importance, not only for, what makes the most sense in a rational way, the ones that oppose such a measure, but also for the ones that support such an arrangement. The notion of the rule of law is aiding also the advocates for anonymous witnes-ses. The notion of the rule of law influence the public debate in different ways, and a vast variety of theories is present in the public debate. The re-sult of my research is on one side that the ones that advocate for anonoymous witnesses tends to use a more substansive, material, definition of the notion of the rule of law, which is proposed by Ekelöf and Peczenik. On the other side, the ones that is against such an arrangement, tends to gather around the more formal definition, supported by Frändberg and Full-ler. The notion of the rule of law and its different interpretations play as such, a great role in the public debate, and is essentially something bigger than just a minor argument proposed by the side that is opposing anony-mous witnesses. The importance of the notion of the rule of law in the ongoing public debate shows in which way the notion is used, by both si-des. Theories on the rule of law such as the right to access, congruence between official action and declared rule, and predictability are theories that are constantly present and play a part in the public opinion on anony-mous witnesses. 
In chapter 5, I discuss and analyze the qoutes sorted under the second theme of Evidence value. I talk about the importance of effeciency in the legal action process, and answer the question on wheter a more effective process, with the help of anonymous witnesses, can justify a reduced im-portance of the rule of law, which will be the case if such an arragement is realized. The answer to my research question is clear. The gaining of ef-fectiveness is not sufficient enough compared to the reduced importance of the rule of law which such an arrangement will result in. The process of effectiveness the advocates for such an arrangement says justifies a loss of importance of the rule of law is misleading. Anonymous witnesses gives undeniably a better ground for the court to stand on during the evidence evaluation. The foundation is however so poor that the efficiency gain can-not justify the loss of importance of the rule of law which undeniably will be the result in case such an arrangement is made. For it to be justifiable, the efficiency gain would be needed to be much stronger than what is the case. With the current gain it would make the loss of importance of the rule of law unproportionate.}},
  author       = {{Carleheden, Martin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Begreppet rättssäkerhet och betydelsen av begreppet i den offentliga debatten om anonyma vittnen}},
  year         = {{2023}},