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Skiljemäns uppdragsöverskridande - Särskilt om hur inverkandekravet påverkat bedömningen om uppdragsöverskridande

Abdulreza, Nähar LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna uppsats behandlar skiljemäns uppdragsöverskridande. Den 1 mars 2019 gjordes en ändring i lagen om skiljeförfaranden och det infördes bland annat ett inverkandekrav för klandergrunden om uppdragsöverskridnade. Motsvarande krav har tidigare funnits i klandergrunden om handläggnings-fel men hur inverkandekravet bör tillämpas i förhållande till uppdragsöver-skridande är otydligt. Det övervägande syftet med uppsatsen har således varit att utreda hur klandergrunden om uppdragsöverskridande utvecklats efter lagändringen. För att kunna besvara frågan har en redogörelse gjorts för skiljenämndens uppdrag. På grund av att det är en väldigt omfattande fråga begränsades utredningen till att gälla hur 17 kap. 3 § RB och principen om jura novit... (More)
Denna uppsats behandlar skiljemäns uppdragsöverskridande. Den 1 mars 2019 gjordes en ändring i lagen om skiljeförfaranden och det infördes bland annat ett inverkandekrav för klandergrunden om uppdragsöverskridnade. Motsvarande krav har tidigare funnits i klandergrunden om handläggnings-fel men hur inverkandekravet bör tillämpas i förhållande till uppdragsöver-skridande är otydligt. Det övervägande syftet med uppsatsen har således varit att utreda hur klandergrunden om uppdragsöverskridande utvecklats efter lagändringen. För att kunna besvara frågan har en redogörelse gjorts för skiljenämndens uppdrag. På grund av att det är en väldigt omfattande fråga begränsades utredningen till att gälla hur 17 kap. 3 § RB och principen om jura novit curia avgränsar uppdraget.
Det kan konstateras att RB:s regler i viss mån präglar skiljemännens upp-drag. Det verkar ha blivit så eftersom både ombuden och skiljemännen är vana vid tvistemålsprocessen och således har det varit naturligt att betrakta RB som en inspirationskälla. Enligt 17 kap. 3 § RB måste en part åberopa de omständigheter denne avser grunda sin talan på. En motsvarande regel finns inte i LSF. I inhemska skiljeförfaranden är utgångspunkten att parterna tyd-ligt måste åberopa omständigheter. Man följer således tillämpningen i RB. När det gäller internationella förfaranden har lagstiftaren påtalat att en större försiktighet krävs och majoriteten av författarna i doktrinen menar att 17 kap. 3 § RB inte bör tillämpas i internationella förfaranden. När det gäller jura novit curia har man i inhemska förfaranden också tillämpat principen. Dock bör skiljenämnden uppmärksamma parterna på att de avser tillämpa en rättsregel som inte berörts av dem. Annars får det en överraskande effekt för parterna som kan hänföras till bristande processledning. Även om en skilje-dom inte upphävts på grund av bristande processledning så har HD konsta-terat att det i och för sig kan utgöra ett handläggningsfel. Frågan har dock inte berörts i internationella förfaranden men den övervägande åsikten är att skiljenämnden är bundna av parternas rättsliga argumentation.
I och med inverkandekravets införande resonerande lagstiftaren att det bland annat var för att förhindra att mindre uppdragsöverskridnade som inte haft en påverkan på utgången skulle upphävas och att bestämmelsen skulle överensstämma med den om handläggningsfel. Innan lagändringen fanns det av allt att döma ett implicit inverkandekrav med ett lägre beviskrav än sannolikhetskravet som följer av handläggningsfel. Dock enligt nyare praxis efter lagändringen tycks beviskravet tillämpas på samma sätt som motsva-rande regel i handläggningsfel. Slutsatsen kan därmed dras att det kommer vara svårare för en part att hävda att ett uppdragsöverskridnade skett och domstolar kommer framöver vara mer restriktiva i bedömningen. (Less)
The essay will discuss arbitrators' excess of mandate. On March 1st, 2019, an amendment was made to the Swedish Arbitration Act which included an requirement of impact for the ground regarding excess of mandate. A corre-sponding requirement has previously existed regarding the challenging ground of handling error, but how the requirement of impact should be ap-plied in relation to excess of mandate remains unclear. The main purpose of the essay has thus been to investigate how the challenging ground regarding excess of mandate has developed since the amendment was introduced. To answer the question, an account has been made regarding the arbitrator's mandate. Since it is an extensive question, the investigation was limited to how Section... (More)
The essay will discuss arbitrators' excess of mandate. On March 1st, 2019, an amendment was made to the Swedish Arbitration Act which included an requirement of impact for the ground regarding excess of mandate. A corre-sponding requirement has previously existed regarding the challenging ground of handling error, but how the requirement of impact should be ap-plied in relation to excess of mandate remains unclear. The main purpose of the essay has thus been to investigate how the challenging ground regarding excess of mandate has developed since the amendment was introduced. To answer the question, an account has been made regarding the arbitrator's mandate. Since it is an extensive question, the investigation was limited to how Section 17 paragraph 3 in the Code of Judicial Procedure and the prin-ciple of jura novit curia limits the mandate.
It is clear that the rules regarding the Code of Judicial Procedure have an imprint on arbitrator's mandate. This seems to have been the case since both legal representatives and arbitrators are used to the Swedish litigation pro-cess and therefore it has been natural for them to use the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure as a source of inspiration. According to Section 17 para-graph 3 in the Code of Judicial Procedure a party must clearly invoke the circumstances on which he intends to state his claim. A corresponding rule does not exist in the Swedish Arbitration Act. However, in domestic arbitra-tion proceedings, the starting point is that the parties clearly must invoke circumstances. Thus, the Code of Judicial Procedure is followed. In interna-tional arbitration proceedings the legislator has mentioned that caution must be considered in regard to applying legal rules from the Code of Judicial Procedure and the majority of authors in the doctrine believe that Section 17 paragraph 3 in the Code of Judicial Procedure should not be applied in in-ternational proceedings. Regarding the principle of jura novit curia, it has been applied in domestic proceedings. But the arbitration should make it clear for the parties that they intend to apply a rule of law which has not been subject to the proceeding. It may otherwise come as a surprise for the parties which later on can be seen as lack of process management. Even though an award has not been set aside due to lack of process management, the Supreme Court stated that nevertheless it can be a handling error. The issue however has not been addressed in international proceedings, but the prevailing opinion is that the arbitral tribunal is bound by parties’ legal ar-guments.
When the requirement of impact was introduced, the legislator reasoned that it was in order to make sure that exceeding of the mandates that had not impacted the outcome would not be set aside and so it would correspond with the challenging ground of handling error. Before the legislative amendment there was an implicit requirement of impact with a lower burden of proof than the probability requirement which is stipulated in the ground of handling errors. According to new case law however, after the legislative amendment, the requirement seems to be applied in the same manner as the corresponding one in handling errors. The conclusion is that it will be harder for parties to claim that a breach of mandate has been made and the courts will be more restrictive in their assessments in the future. (Less)
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Abdulreza, Nähar LU
alternative title
Arbitrators' excess of mandate - Particularly on how the requirement of impact has affected the assessment of exceeding mandate
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Internationell privaträtt, Processrätt, Skiljeförfaranden, LSF, Uppdragsöverskridande, Skiljemäns uppdragsöverskridande, Inverkandekravet, Rättegångsbalken: RB, Klander av skiljedomar.
date added to LUP
2023-06-26 09:17:11
date last changed
2023-06-26 09:17:11
  abstract     = {{The essay will discuss arbitrators' excess of mandate. On March 1st, 2019, an amendment was made to the Swedish Arbitration Act which included an requirement of impact for the ground regarding excess of mandate. A corre-sponding requirement has previously existed regarding the challenging ground of handling error, but how the requirement of impact should be ap-plied in relation to excess of mandate remains unclear. The main purpose of the essay has thus been to investigate how the challenging ground regarding excess of mandate has developed since the amendment was introduced. To answer the question, an account has been made regarding the arbitrator's mandate. Since it is an extensive question, the investigation was limited to how Section 17 paragraph 3 in the Code of Judicial Procedure and the prin-ciple of jura novit curia limits the mandate. 
It is clear that the rules regarding the Code of Judicial Procedure have an imprint on arbitrator's mandate. This seems to have been the case since both legal representatives and arbitrators are used to the Swedish litigation pro-cess and therefore it has been natural for them to use the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure as a source of inspiration. According to Section 17 para-graph 3 in the Code of Judicial Procedure a party must clearly invoke the circumstances on which he intends to state his claim. A corresponding rule does not exist in the Swedish Arbitration Act. However, in domestic arbitra-tion proceedings, the starting point is that the parties clearly must invoke circumstances. Thus, the Code of Judicial Procedure is followed. In interna-tional arbitration proceedings the legislator has mentioned that caution must be considered in regard to applying legal rules from the Code of Judicial Procedure and the majority of authors in the doctrine believe that Section 17 paragraph 3 in the Code of Judicial Procedure should not be applied in in-ternational proceedings. Regarding the principle of jura novit curia, it has been applied in domestic proceedings. But the arbitration should make it clear for the parties that they intend to apply a rule of law which has not been subject to the proceeding. It may otherwise come as a surprise for the parties which later on can be seen as lack of process management. Even though an award has not been set aside due to lack of process management, the Supreme Court stated that nevertheless it can be a handling error. The issue however has not been addressed in international proceedings, but the prevailing opinion is that the arbitral tribunal is bound by parties’ legal ar-guments. 
When the requirement of impact was introduced, the legislator reasoned that it was in order to make sure that exceeding of the mandates that had not impacted the outcome would not be set aside and so it would correspond with the challenging ground of handling error. Before the legislative amendment there was an implicit requirement of impact with a lower burden of proof than the probability requirement which is stipulated in the ground of handling errors. According to new case law however, after the legislative amendment, the requirement seems to be applied in the same manner as the corresponding one in handling errors. The conclusion is that it will be harder for parties to claim that a breach of mandate has been made and the courts will be more restrictive in their assessments in the future.}},
  author       = {{Abdulreza, Nähar}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Skiljemäns uppdragsöverskridande - Särskilt om hur inverkandekravet påverkat bedömningen om uppdragsöverskridande}},
  year         = {{2023}},