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Är barnkonventionens rättstillämpning av artikel 3 & 12 otillräcklig? - En kritisk analys av svensk barnrätt med ett fokus i fallet Tintin

Zamani, Melihssa LU (2023) LAGF03 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsens fokus kommer ligga på de två stora principerna som genomsyrar barnkonventionen och därav också den svenska barnrätten. Barnets bästa som framkommer av artikel 3 och även barnets vilja som stadgas i artikel 12 barnkonventionen. En undersökning gällande hur artikel 3 kan tolkas görs för att vidare kunna öppna för diskussion. Frågan gällande om vaga rekvisit som argumenteras för att skapa utrymme för individuell tolkning även kan leda till att vissa barn far illa? Detta skapar utrymme för potentiellt kompletterande lagstiftning för att öka skyddet för vissa barn, bland annat de som är yngre. Artikel 12 som ska lägga vikt på barnets egen vilja kommer ligga i fokus. Kravet på visad mognad och stigande ålder vilket medför att yngre... (More)
Uppsatsens fokus kommer ligga på de två stora principerna som genomsyrar barnkonventionen och därav också den svenska barnrätten. Barnets bästa som framkommer av artikel 3 och även barnets vilja som stadgas i artikel 12 barnkonventionen. En undersökning gällande hur artikel 3 kan tolkas görs för att vidare kunna öppna för diskussion. Frågan gällande om vaga rekvisit som argumenteras för att skapa utrymme för individuell tolkning även kan leda till att vissa barn far illa? Detta skapar utrymme för potentiellt kompletterande lagstiftning för att öka skyddet för vissa barn, bland annat de som är yngre. Artikel 12 som ska lägga vikt på barnets egen vilja kommer ligga i fokus. Kravet på visad mognad och stigande ålder vilket medför att yngre barns ställning som egna rättsliga aktörer minskas ska också utredas.

Av det senaste uppmärksammade fallet där ett barns rättigheter inskränkts hänvisas det i uppsatsen till fallet Tintin. Det framgår tydligt att rätten inte lyckats uppfylla kraven för artikel 12. Av utredningen gjord av socialnämnden finns det en uppfattning om hur detta barn potentiellt kan fara illa och det har även dokumenterats om psykiskt påfrestade situationer skapade av personen som i en senare dom beviljas umgänge med sin son och i samband med detta tar livet av honom. Vidare sker en kort diskussion gällande behovet av ett juridiskt barnombud som med större rättslig vetskap än en tjänsteman inom Socialstyrelsen kan kontrollera att domstolen uppfyller kravet på barnets rättigheter i enlighet med barnkonventionen. (Less)
The essay's focus will be on the two major principles that pervade in the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (UNCRC) and hence also Swedish law regarding children's rights. The child's best interest is stated in Article 3 and also the children’s will as stipulated in Article 12 of UNCRC. The essay examines how Article 3 can be interpreted and whether the vague props that exist mainly to create room for individual interpretation also could lead to
some children being let down by the system? The issue of potential
complementary legislation to increase protection for certain children, including those who are younger will also be discussed.

Article 12, which must place emphasis on the child's own will, often comes with the... (More)
The essay's focus will be on the two major principles that pervade in the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (UNCRC) and hence also Swedish law regarding children's rights. The child's best interest is stated in Article 3 and also the children’s will as stipulated in Article 12 of UNCRC. The essay examines how Article 3 can be interpreted and whether the vague props that exist mainly to create room for individual interpretation also could lead to
some children being let down by the system? The issue of potential
complementary legislation to increase protection for certain children, including those who are younger will also be discussed.

Article 12, which must place emphasis on the child's own will, often comes with the requirement of demonstrated maturity or increasing age, which can mean that the position of younger children as their own legal actors is reduced. Of the most recently noted case where a child's rights were restricted, the essay refers to the case of Tintin, where it is clear that the judiciary failed
to meet the requirements of Article 12. From the investigation carried out by the social welfare board, there is a written perception about how this child could potentially be harmed. There was also documentation about psychologically stressful situations created by the child’s father. A person who in a later judgment is granted contact with his son and in his first visitation takes the life of his own child. Furthermore, there is a brief discussion regarding the need for a legal child representative who, with greater legal knowledge than an official within the social welfare board, can check that the court fulfils the requirement for the child's rights in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. (Less)
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Zamani, Melihssa LU
LAGF03 20231
M2 - Bachelor Degree
civilrätt, familjerätt, barnkonventionen, barents bästa
date added to LUP
2023-06-29 13:49:31
date last changed
2023-06-29 13:49:31
  abstract     = {{The essay's focus will be on the two major principles that pervade in the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (UNCRC) and hence also Swedish law regarding children's rights. The child's best interest is stated in Article 3 and also the children’s will as stipulated in Article 12 of UNCRC. The essay examines how Article 3 can be interpreted and whether the vague props that exist mainly to create room for individual interpretation also could lead to
some children being let down by the system? The issue of potential
complementary legislation to increase protection for certain children, including those who are younger will also be discussed.

Article 12, which must place emphasis on the child's own will, often comes with the requirement of demonstrated maturity or increasing age, which can mean that the position of younger children as their own legal actors is reduced. Of the most recently noted case where a child's rights were restricted, the essay refers to the case of Tintin, where it is clear that the judiciary failed
to meet the requirements of Article 12. From the investigation carried out by the social welfare board, there is a written perception about how this child could potentially be harmed. There was also documentation about psychologically stressful situations created by the child’s father. A person who in a later judgment is granted contact with his son and in his first visitation takes the life of his own child. Furthermore, there is a brief discussion regarding the need for a legal child representative who, with greater legal knowledge than an official within the social welfare board, can check that the court fulfils the requirement for the child's rights in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.}},
  author       = {{Zamani, Melihssa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Är barnkonventionens rättstillämpning av artikel 3 & 12 otillräcklig? - En kritisk analys av svensk barnrätt med ett fokus i fallet Tintin}},
  year         = {{2023}},