Umgängessabotage i vårdnadstvister - En studie av umgängessabotagets betydelse i teori och praktik med beaktande av 6 kap. 5 § FB:s nya lydelse
(2023) JURM02 20231Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Årligen avgörs tusentals tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge i Sveriges domstolar. Många tvister är konfliktfyllda och emellanåt förekommer uppgifter om att den ena föräldern, utan godtagbara skäl, motverkar eller omöjliggör umgänge mellan barnet och den andra föräldern. Detta agerande benämns vanligen för umgängessabotage. År 2021 trädde en ny ändring av 6 kap. 5 § FB i kraft som ämnade att stärka barnrättsperspektivet och minska den ökade konfliktbenägenheten som upptäckts efter tidigare lagändring. Lagstiftaren ämnade att åstadkomma ett fokusskifte från föräldrarnas samarbetssvårigheter till barnet och dess behov.
Syftet bakom denna uppsats är att bidra med förståelse om vilken rättslig betydelse som umgängessabotage och... (More) - Årligen avgörs tusentals tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge i Sveriges domstolar. Många tvister är konfliktfyllda och emellanåt förekommer uppgifter om att den ena föräldern, utan godtagbara skäl, motverkar eller omöjliggör umgänge mellan barnet och den andra föräldern. Detta agerande benämns vanligen för umgängessabotage. År 2021 trädde en ny ändring av 6 kap. 5 § FB i kraft som ämnade att stärka barnrättsperspektivet och minska den ökade konfliktbenägenheten som upptäckts efter tidigare lagändring. Lagstiftaren ämnade att åstadkomma ett fokusskifte från föräldrarnas samarbetssvårigheter till barnet och dess behov.
Syftet bakom denna uppsats är att bidra med förståelse om vilken rättslig betydelse som umgängessabotage och föräldrars samarbetsförmåga har i tvister om vårdnad, efter den senaste lagändringen av 6 kap. 5 § FB. Fokus ligger på att utröna hur umgängessabotage ska förstås enligt rättskällorna, vilken påver-kan som samarbetsförmågan har på bedömningen av 6 kap. 5 § FB sedan ändringen, hur olika intressen hänförliga till barnets bästa förhåller sig till varandra i tvister där umgängessabotage förekommer samt hur tingsrätternas bedömning ser ut i sådana situationer. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en rättsdogmatisk utredning och med hjälp av en empirisk undersökning.
Lagstiftaren och domstolarna ser allvarligt på umgängessabotage och det är en omständighet som kan innebära att rätten ändrar vårdnaden. Enligt rättskällorna ska bedömningen baseras på en framtidsprognos. Umgängessabotage består av många olika typer av ageranden, såväl att föräldern inte medverkar till att umgänget blir av som att hen aktivt motverkar umgänget. Av förarbetena framgår ett visst krav på aktivt agerande. I bedömningen måste domstolen ta hänsyn till motiven bakom agerandet. Ofta beror det på en vilja att skydda barnet från våld och andra övergrepp, en omständighet som emellanåt missbedöms som samarbetssvårigheter.
Barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för alla tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. I tvister när umgängessabotage förekommer blir framför allt barnets behov av en god och nära kontakt med båda föräldrarna, risken för att barnet far illa och barnets behov av trygghet och stabilitet aktuellt. Enligt förarbetena ska barnets bästa vara en helhetsbedömning utifrån omständigheterna i varje enskilt fall där ingen omständighet får slentrianmässigt företräde. I praxis och av den empiriska undersökningen framkommer en bild av att barnets behov av trygghet och stabilitet, även kallat kontinuitetsprincipen, ofta tillmäts mycket stor betydelse och emellanåt framstår som huvudregel. Resultaten av den empiriska studien ger indikationer på att det krävs en allvarligare form av umgängessabotage för att det ska få betydelse och att det saknas en enhetlig syn på hur den nya lydelsen av 6 kap. 5 § FB ska tolkas samt vilken betydelse som samarbetsförmågan ska få. Det finns behov av vägledande avgörande. (Less) - Abstract
- Annually, thousands of disputes relating to custody, residence and access are settled in the courts of Sweden. Many disputes involve a high level of conflict between the parents and occasionally there are allegations that one parent, without acceptable reasons, limits or prevents contact between the child and the other parent. This behavior is commonly referred to as access sabotage. In 2021 a new amendment to Chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code came into force. It intended to strengthen the child rights perspective and to reduce the increased propensity for conflict that was discovered after previous amendment. The legislator aimed to achieve a shift of focus from the parents’ difficulties in cooperating to the children and... (More)
- Annually, thousands of disputes relating to custody, residence and access are settled in the courts of Sweden. Many disputes involve a high level of conflict between the parents and occasionally there are allegations that one parent, without acceptable reasons, limits or prevents contact between the child and the other parent. This behavior is commonly referred to as access sabotage. In 2021 a new amendment to Chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code came into force. It intended to strengthen the child rights perspective and to reduce the increased propensity for conflict that was discovered after previous amendment. The legislator aimed to achieve a shift of focus from the parents’ difficulties in cooperating to the children and their needs.
This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the legal significance of access sabotage and parents’ ability to cooperate in custody disputes, following the recent amendment of Chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code. The focus is on ascertaining the understanding of access sabotage ac- cording to the legal sources, the impact of the amendment on the parents’ ability to cooperate, how various interests related to the best interests of the child interact in disputes where a parent is sabotaging the contact between the child and the other parent. Also, how the assessment of the district courts looks like in such situations. This is done partly by a legal dogmatic method and partly through an empirical study.
The legislator and the courts take access sabotage seriously and it is a circumstance that may lead to a court change in custody. According to the legal sources, the focus is on the future and however a parent may continue with the sabotage. It also consists of many different types of actions, for example that a parent does not contribute to the visitation or that the parent actively opposes the contact. There seems to be a certain requirement for active behavior, as a negative attitude alone is not sufficient. In the assessment, the court must also think about the motives behind the behavior. The motive is often that the parent is trying to protect the child from any harm, but this is sometimes misjudged as the parent having difficulties in cooperating.
According to Chap. 6, Sect. 2a of the Children and Parents Code the best interests of the child is crucial in all matters relating to custody, residence and access. In disputes regarding access sabotage, the child’s need for close and good contacts with both parents, the risk of the child coming to harm and the child’s need for security and stability are particularly relevant. According to the legislative history, the assessment of the best interests of the child is an overall assessment that must take the individual child’s circumstances into account where no circumstance may be given casual preference. From court precedents and the empirical study, there is an indication that the child’s need for security and stability, the principle of continuity, often carries significant weight and occasionally appears as the main rule.
The result of the empirical study indicates that the courts have different views on how the new wording of chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code should be interpreted and what significance the parents’ ability to cooperate should have. There is a need for advisory precedents. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Rabe, Ebba LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- Access sabotage in custody disputes - A study of the significance of access sabotage in theory and practice, following the recent amendment of Chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code
- course
- JURM02 20231
- year
- 2023
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Familjerätt, barnets bästa, umgängessabotage, kontaktprincipen, kontinuitetsprincipen, vårdnadstvister
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9116554
- date added to LUP
- 2023-06-13 09:04:57
- date last changed
- 2023-06-13 09:04:57
@misc{9116554, abstract = {{Annually, thousands of disputes relating to custody, residence and access are settled in the courts of Sweden. Many disputes involve a high level of conflict between the parents and occasionally there are allegations that one parent, without acceptable reasons, limits or prevents contact between the child and the other parent. This behavior is commonly referred to as access sabotage. In 2021 a new amendment to Chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code came into force. It intended to strengthen the child rights perspective and to reduce the increased propensity for conflict that was discovered after previous amendment. The legislator aimed to achieve a shift of focus from the parents’ difficulties in cooperating to the children and their needs. This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the legal significance of access sabotage and parents’ ability to cooperate in custody disputes, following the recent amendment of Chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code. The focus is on ascertaining the understanding of access sabotage ac- cording to the legal sources, the impact of the amendment on the parents’ ability to cooperate, how various interests related to the best interests of the child interact in disputes where a parent is sabotaging the contact between the child and the other parent. Also, how the assessment of the district courts looks like in such situations. This is done partly by a legal dogmatic method and partly through an empirical study. The legislator and the courts take access sabotage seriously and it is a circumstance that may lead to a court change in custody. According to the legal sources, the focus is on the future and however a parent may continue with the sabotage. It also consists of many different types of actions, for example that a parent does not contribute to the visitation or that the parent actively opposes the contact. There seems to be a certain requirement for active behavior, as a negative attitude alone is not sufficient. In the assessment, the court must also think about the motives behind the behavior. The motive is often that the parent is trying to protect the child from any harm, but this is sometimes misjudged as the parent having difficulties in cooperating. According to Chap. 6, Sect. 2a of the Children and Parents Code the best interests of the child is crucial in all matters relating to custody, residence and access. In disputes regarding access sabotage, the child’s need for close and good contacts with both parents, the risk of the child coming to harm and the child’s need for security and stability are particularly relevant. According to the legislative history, the assessment of the best interests of the child is an overall assessment that must take the individual child’s circumstances into account where no circumstance may be given casual preference. From court precedents and the empirical study, there is an indication that the child’s need for security and stability, the principle of continuity, often carries significant weight and occasionally appears as the main rule. The result of the empirical study indicates that the courts have different views on how the new wording of chap. 6, Sect. 5 of the Children and Parents Code should be interpreted and what significance the parents’ ability to cooperate should have. There is a need for advisory precedents.}}, author = {{Rabe, Ebba}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Umgängessabotage i vårdnadstvister - En studie av umgängessabotagets betydelse i teori och praktik med beaktande av 6 kap. 5 § FB:s nya lydelse}}, year = {{2023}}, }