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Undersökning av Workflow Core och Elasticsearch för förbättrad hantering av arbetsflöden

Tatari, Muhamad LU and Jarkas, Najdat LU (2023) In LU-CS/HBG-EX EDAL05 20231
Department of Computer Science
Abstract (Swedish)
Under den senaste tiden har det skett en betydande ökning av intresse inom forskningen och utvecklingen av arbetsflödesmotorer som är tekniska verktyg för att styra en sekvens av steg och processer. Detta har bidragit till bättre automatisering av komplexa och tidskrävande arbetsprocesser. I en del av de verksamhetssystem som Advania levererar finns det ofta ett behov av att kunna sätta upp och konfigurera olika typer av långvariga processer. Detta examensarbete undersöker Workflow Core och dess användning tillsammans med MongoDB och Elasticsearch i samarbete med Advania.

Workflow Core är en arbetsflödesmotor byggd på öppen källkod som erbjuder många kraftfulla funktioner. I det presenterade arbetet har en responsiv webbapplikation... (More)
Under den senaste tiden har det skett en betydande ökning av intresse inom forskningen och utvecklingen av arbetsflödesmotorer som är tekniska verktyg för att styra en sekvens av steg och processer. Detta har bidragit till bättre automatisering av komplexa och tidskrävande arbetsprocesser. I en del av de verksamhetssystem som Advania levererar finns det ofta ett behov av att kunna sätta upp och konfigurera olika typer av långvariga processer. Detta examensarbete undersöker Workflow Core och dess användning tillsammans med MongoDB och Elasticsearch i samarbete med Advania.

Workflow Core är en arbetsflödesmotor byggd på öppen källkod som erbjuder många kraftfulla funktioner. I det presenterade arbetet har en responsiv webbapplikation utvecklats för att underlätta användningen av Workflow Core. Webbapplikationen möjliggör visuellt skapande av ett arbetsflöde som sedan kan exporteras i JSON-format och direkt utnyttjas av ett Workflow Core-program. Dessutom möjliggör webbapplikationen spårning av framsteg för olika arbetsflödesinstanser, vilket ger bättre överblick över exekveringsprocessen.

Den andra delen av examensarbetet innebar att en undersökning gjordes kring anslutningen av Workflow Core-programet till MongoDB och Elasticsearch-servern. När uppdatering eller modifiering av Workflow Core-program och datasbasstruktur sker kan det uppstå indexeringsfel i Elasticsearch-servern. Workflow Core har ett tillägg som heter Elasticsearch-plugin som sköter indexeringen och sökningen i Elasticsearch. Felen inträffar enligt testerna som utfördes inom ramen för examensarbetet när Elasticsearch-servern är nere i flera minuter samtidigt som en arbetsflöde-datauppdatering sker. Det betyder att dataintegritetsfel uppstår mellan Elasticsearch-server och MongoDB då de inte är synkroniserade. I examensarbetet presenteras olika metoder för att synkronisera MongoDB med Elasticsearch. Att skapa en fungerande synkronisering ligger utanför examensarbetets ram. (Less)
In recent times, there has been a significant increase in interest regarding the research and development of workflow engines, which are technical tools to control a sequence of steps and processes. This has enhanced the automation process of complex and time-consuming
work processes. In some of the operational systems that Advania delivers, there is often a need to set up and configure different types of long-term processes. This thesis explores Workflow Core and its use together with MongoDB and Elasticsearch, in collaboration with Advania.

Workflow Core is a powerful workflow engine built on open source code. A responsive web application has been developed in this project in order to simplify the use of Workflow Core. This web... (More)
In recent times, there has been a significant increase in interest regarding the research and development of workflow engines, which are technical tools to control a sequence of steps and processes. This has enhanced the automation process of complex and time-consuming
work processes. In some of the operational systems that Advania delivers, there is often a need to set up and configure different types of long-term processes. This thesis explores Workflow Core and its use together with MongoDB and Elasticsearch, in collaboration with Advania.

Workflow Core is a powerful workflow engine built on open source code. A responsive web application has been developed in this project in order to simplify the use of Workflow Core. This web application enables a visual creation of a workflow, which can be exported in JSON format and directly utilized by a Workflow Core program. In addition, the web application
enables progress tracking for different workflow instances, which provides a better overview of the execution process.

The second part of this thesis involves investigating the integration of the Workflow Core application with MongoDB and Elasticsearch servers. Workflow Core offers an extension called Elasticsearch plugin that handles the indexing and searching in Elasticsearch. Some indexing errors may appear in the Elasticsearch server when updating or modifying the
workflow or database structure. According to the tests performed in this thesis, the errors occur when the Elasticsearch server experiences downtime for several minutes while a data update is sent from the workflow engine. This leads to data integrity problems between Elasticsearch server and MongoDB as they become out of sync. This thesis presents different methods to synchronize MongoDB with Elasticsearch. Creating or achieving a working synchronization is outside the scope of this thesis. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Tatari, Muhamad LU and Jarkas, Najdat LU
EDAL05 20231
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Workflow Core, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, React, React-Flow, Elsa Workflow, Elasticsearch Indexing, Workflow Engine, NoSQL, Workflow Design tool, Web Application, Workflow Tracking. Workflow Core JSON File Export.
report number
date added to LUP
2024-08-22 14:48:39
date last changed
2024-08-22 14:48:39
  abstract     = {{In recent times, there has been a significant increase in interest regarding the research and development of workflow engines, which are technical tools to control a sequence of steps and processes. This has enhanced the automation process of complex and time-consuming
work processes. In some of the operational systems that Advania delivers, there is often a need to set up and configure different types of long-term processes. This thesis explores Workflow Core and its use together with MongoDB and Elasticsearch, in collaboration with Advania.

Workflow Core is a powerful workflow engine built on open source code. A responsive web application has been developed in this project in order to simplify the use of Workflow Core. This web application enables a visual creation of a workflow, which can be exported in JSON format and directly utilized by a Workflow Core program. In addition, the web application
enables progress tracking for different workflow instances, which provides a better overview of the execution process.

The second part of this thesis involves investigating the integration of the Workflow Core application with MongoDB and Elasticsearch servers. Workflow Core offers an extension called Elasticsearch plugin that handles the indexing and searching in Elasticsearch. Some indexing errors may appear in the Elasticsearch server when updating or modifying the
workflow or database structure. According to the tests performed in this thesis, the errors occur when the Elasticsearch server experiences downtime for several minutes while a data update is sent from the workflow engine. This leads to data integrity problems between Elasticsearch server and MongoDB as they become out of sync. This thesis presents different methods to synchronize MongoDB with Elasticsearch. Creating or achieving a working synchronization is outside the scope of this thesis.}},
  author       = {{Tatari, Muhamad and Jarkas, Najdat}},
  issn         = {{1651-2197}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{LU-CS/HBG-EX}},
  title        = {{Undersökning av Workflow Core och Elasticsearch för förbättrad hantering av arbetsflöden}},
  year         = {{2023}},