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Livscykelanalys av grundläggning - En fallstudie av 11 projekt

Cismaru, Marilena Iulia LU and Ahlgren, Tove LU (2023) In 0349-4969 VBKM01 20231
Division of Structural Engineering
Abstract (Swedish)
Efter en lagändring som trädde i kraft 1 januari 2022 infördes krav på klimatdeklarationer vid uppförande av nya byggnader. Syftet med ändringen är att samla in data och statistik för att i framtiden kunna införa gränsvärden på klimatpåverkan. Vissa bärande konstruktionsdelar i grundläggningen, som pålar, inkluderas dock inte i dagens klimatdeklarationer.

Grundkonstruktionernas dimensioner beror till stor del på markförhållandena. Grund-läggning delas upp i ytgrundläggning och djupgrundläggning, där ytgrundläggning sker ytligt med någon typ av platta och djupgrundläggning används för att föra ner laster till djupare, fastare, lager då jordens bärighet vid ytan är för låg.

Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att öka kunskapen om... (More)
Efter en lagändring som trädde i kraft 1 januari 2022 infördes krav på klimatdeklarationer vid uppförande av nya byggnader. Syftet med ändringen är att samla in data och statistik för att i framtiden kunna införa gränsvärden på klimatpåverkan. Vissa bärande konstruktionsdelar i grundläggningen, som pålar, inkluderas dock inte i dagens klimatdeklarationer.

Grundkonstruktionernas dimensioner beror till stor del på markförhållandena. Grund-läggning delas upp i ytgrundläggning och djupgrundläggning, där ytgrundläggning sker ytligt med någon typ av platta och djupgrundläggning används för att föra ner laster till djupare, fastare, lager då jordens bärighet vid ytan är för låg.

Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att öka kunskapen om grundläggningens klimatpåverkan, med fokus på de delar som inte är med i dagens klimatdeklaration.

Samarbete med Stomkon AB möjliggjorde tillgång till deras projektdatabas. Undersökningen inkluderade olika typer av hus byggda på olika markförhållanden, med och utan pålar. Elva projekt har analyserats varav fyra lamellhus, fyra punkthus och tre småhus. Livscykelanalyser för grundläggningen har genomförts för varje projekt där modul A1-A3 inkluderats. Projektens klimatpåverkan sammanställdes och jämfördes mot byggnadsarea, bruttoarea, bruttoarea per byggnadsarea och laster. Hur stor andel pålarna utgjort av ett flerbostadshus totala klimatpåverkan har skattats. De aktuella markförhållandena har klassificerats i tre klasser. För projekten med källare eller motfyllda väggar undersöktes hur resultaten förändrats om grundläggningen hade utförts utan dessa. För projekten som har grundlagts med pålar har utnyttjandegraden undersökts.

Resultaten från livscykelanalyserna visar att betong utgjorde den största delen av grundläggningens klimatpåverkan för de hus som inte pålats och för de hus som pålats utgjorde pålarna i genomsnitt en lika stor andel som betongen. Skillnaden mellan då källaren eller de motfyllda väggarna bortsetts ifrån visades vara marginell. Resultaten visade även tydligt att de hus som inte har pålats har lägre klimatpåverkan. För flerbostadshus hade de projekt som pålats dubbelt så stor klimatpåverkan per bruttoarea som de som inte pålats. Skattningen som gjordes visade att pålarna utgör cirka 7\% av husets hela klimatpåverkan. Utnyttjandegraden för pålarna var i genomsnitt 53\%. Genom att undvika grundläggning med pålar antas grundläggningens klimatpåverkan minska, detta är dock inte alltid applicerbart. Att större hus byggs på mark med bättre förhållanden anses resurseffektivt. I de fall markförhållandena kräver pålning blir grundläggningens klimatpåverkan per bruttoarea lägre om huset byggs med fler våningar.

Om gränsvärden för klimatpåverkan per bruttoarea där även grunden inkluderas skulle införas vore det värdefullt att inkludera andra faktorer än enbart klimatpåverkan. Detta eftersom frågan är komplex och hänsyn till andra aspekter behöver tas. Vid framtagande av referensvärden borde hela byggskedet inklusive markarbeten inkluderas. Det har konstaterats att jämförelsemåttet klimatpåverkan per last missgynnar stommar med lägre egentyngd. Byggnadsarea konstaterades också vara ett dåligt jämförelsemått eftersom grundens klimatpåverkan för hus med fler våningar inte kan särskiljas från hus med en överdimensionerad grundläggning. Jämförelsemåttet bruttoarea/byggnadsarea anses vara lämpligt när grundläggningens klimatpåverkan inkluderas och markytan är begränsad. (Less)
Following a legislative amendment that came into effect on January 1, 2022, there is now a requirement for climate declarations for new buildings. The purpose of this amendment is to gather data and statistics to potentially establish limits on climate impact in the future. There are certain limitations regarding which structural components of the foundation are included in the climate declarations. For example, there is no requirement to report the climate impact from piles.

The dimensions of the foundation structures largely depend on the ground conditions. Foundations are divided into surface foundations and deep foundations. Surface foundations are constructed near the surface using some type of slab, while deep foundations are used... (More)
Following a legislative amendment that came into effect on January 1, 2022, there is now a requirement for climate declarations for new buildings. The purpose of this amendment is to gather data and statistics to potentially establish limits on climate impact in the future. There are certain limitations regarding which structural components of the foundation are included in the climate declarations. For example, there is no requirement to report the climate impact from piles.

The dimensions of the foundation structures largely depend on the ground conditions. Foundations are divided into surface foundations and deep foundations. Surface foundations are constructed near the surface using some type of slab, while deep foundations are used to transfer loads to deeper and more stable layers when the soil's bearing capacity at the surface is insufficient.

The aim of this master's thesis has been to enhance the understanding of the climate impact of foundations, with a specific focus on aspects that are currently not covered in climate declarations.

Through collaboration with Stomkon AB, access to their project database was provided. To examine various types of buildings founded on different ground conditions, both with and without piles, appropriate projects were selected from the project database. A total of eleven projects were analyzed, including four towerblocks, four low-rise apartment buildings, and three small houses. Life cycle assessments for the foundations were conducted for each project, including modules A1-A3. The climate impact of the projects was compiled and compared to the building area, gross floor area, (gross floor area)/(building area) and loads. The specific ground conditions were categorized into three classes. An estimation was made regarding the proportion of piles in the total climate impact of a multi-story building. For projects involving basements or backfilled walls, the results were examined to assess the changes if the foundation had been constructed without these elements. In projects where piles were used, their utilization rate was investigated.

The results from the life cycle analysis revealed that concrete accounted for the largest portion of the climate impact for houses founded without piles, while for houses founded with piles, piles accounted for an equal share as concrete. The difference in results when excluding basements or backfilled walls was found to be marginal. The results also clearly showed that houses founded without piles had a lower climate impact. For multi-story buildings, the projects founded with piles had twice the climate impact per gross floor area compared to those without piles. The average utilization rate for piles was 53\%. The estimation indicated that piles represent approximately 7\% of a building's total climate impact. By avoiding pile foundations, it is assumed that the climate impact of the foundation would decrease, although this is not always applicable. Constructing larger houses on grounds with better conditions is considered resource-efficient. In situations where piling is necessary due to ground conditions, the climate impact per gross floor area of the foundation decreases when the building is constructed with more floors.

If limits for climate impact per gross floor area, including the foundation, were to be introduced, it would be valuable to consider factors other than just climate impact. This is because the issue is complex, and other aspects need to be taken into account. When developing reference values, the entire construction phase, including excavation works, should be included. It was observed that the climate impact per load is disadvantageous for structures with lower self-weight. The building area was also found to be a poor comparison measure because the climate impact of houses with more floors cannot be distinguished from over dimensioned houses. The comparison measure (gross floor area)/(building area) is considered suitable when the climate impact of the foundation is included and the ground surface is limited. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Cismaru, Marilena Iulia LU and Ahlgren, Tove LU
alternative title
Life Cycle Analysis of the foundation - A case study of 11 projects
VBKM01 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
report number
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additional info
Examinator: Eva Frühwald Hansson
date added to LUP
2023-06-21 08:26:02
date last changed
2023-06-22 11:52:36
  abstract     = {{Following a legislative amendment that came into effect on January 1, 2022, there is now a requirement for climate declarations for new buildings. The purpose of this amendment is to gather data and statistics to potentially establish limits on climate impact in the future. There are certain limitations regarding which structural components of the foundation are included in the climate declarations. For example, there is no requirement to report the climate impact from piles.

The dimensions of the foundation structures largely depend on the ground conditions. Foundations are divided into surface foundations and deep foundations. Surface foundations are constructed near the surface using some type of slab, while deep foundations are used to transfer loads to deeper and more stable layers when the soil's bearing capacity at the surface is insufficient.

The aim of this master's thesis has been to enhance the understanding of the climate impact of foundations, with a specific focus on aspects that are currently not covered in climate declarations.

Through collaboration with Stomkon AB, access to their project database was provided. To examine various types of buildings founded on different ground conditions, both with and without piles, appropriate projects were selected from the project database. A total of eleven projects were analyzed, including four towerblocks, four low-rise apartment buildings, and three small houses. Life cycle assessments for the foundations were conducted for each project, including modules A1-A3. The climate impact of the projects was compiled and compared to the building area, gross floor area, (gross floor area)/(building area) and loads. The specific ground conditions were categorized into three classes. An estimation was made regarding the proportion of piles in the total climate impact of a multi-story building. For projects involving basements or backfilled walls, the results were examined to assess the changes if the foundation had been constructed without these elements. In projects where piles were used, their utilization rate was investigated.

The results from the life cycle analysis revealed that concrete accounted for the largest portion of the climate impact for houses founded without piles, while for houses founded with piles, piles accounted for an equal share as concrete. The difference in results when excluding basements or backfilled walls was found to be marginal. The results also clearly showed that houses founded without piles had a lower climate impact. For multi-story buildings, the projects founded with piles had twice the climate impact per gross floor area compared to those without piles. The average utilization rate for piles was 53\%. The estimation indicated that piles represent approximately 7\% of a building's total climate impact. By avoiding pile foundations, it is assumed that the climate impact of the foundation would decrease, although this is not always applicable. Constructing larger houses on grounds with better conditions is considered resource-efficient. In situations where piling is necessary due to ground conditions, the climate impact per gross floor area of the foundation decreases when the building is constructed with more floors. 

If limits for climate impact per gross floor area, including the foundation, were to be introduced, it would be valuable to consider factors other than just climate impact. This is because the issue is complex, and other aspects need to be taken into account. When developing reference values, the entire construction phase, including excavation works, should be included. It was observed that the climate impact per load is disadvantageous for structures with lower self-weight. The building area was also found to be a poor comparison measure because the climate impact of houses with more floors cannot be distinguished from over dimensioned houses. The comparison measure (gross floor area)/(building area) is considered suitable when the climate impact of the foundation is included and the ground surface is limited.}},
  author       = {{Cismaru, Marilena Iulia and Ahlgren, Tove}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{0349-4969}},
  title        = {{Livscykelanalys av grundläggning - En fallstudie av 11 projekt}},
  year         = {{2023}},