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Utvisa utländska medborgare på grund av bristande vandel? En rätts(historisk) analys av Tidöavtalet: Överenskommelse för Sverige

Krolak, Natalie LU (2023) JURM02 20231
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Parliamentary elections were once again held in Sweden on Sunday the 11th of September 2022. The election results were presented a few days later and revealed that the Social Democratic government would have to resign after a
period of eight years, meaning that Sweden soon would become to have a new government. The change of government took place on the 18th of October 2022, and consists today of a three-party government: the Moderate Party, the Christian Democrats, and the Liberal Party. The Sweden Democrats are kept
outside the government, but still work closely with the Government in the Riksdag.
The written agreement between the parties that would form the basis of the current Government cooperation, The Tidö Agreement, was... (More)
Parliamentary elections were once again held in Sweden on Sunday the 11th of September 2022. The election results were presented a few days later and revealed that the Social Democratic government would have to resign after a
period of eight years, meaning that Sweden soon would become to have a new government. The change of government took place on the 18th of October 2022, and consists today of a three-party government: the Moderate Party, the Christian Democrats, and the Liberal Party. The Sweden Democrats are kept
outside the government, but still work closely with the Government in the Riksdag.
The written agreement between the parties that would form the basis of the current Government cooperation, The Tidö Agreement, was published on the 14th of October 2022. The Tidö Agreement is comprehensive in its entirety, as it includes a total of seven collaborative projects and consists of around
200 reform proposals. One of the reform proposals, ‘’reintroducing the possibility of expelling foreigners of bad conduct’’, has led to a critical debate, which is still ongoing at the time of writing.
Against the background of The Tidö Agreement and the debated reform proposal, several questions have been formulated for this graduate thesis. The purpose of the work has been to examine the possibility of expulsion of foreign citizens due to lack of conduct. The investigation has taken place partly
from a legal perspective, partly from a legal analysis perspective. Legal history and legal dogmatic methods have therefore been used.
The possibility of expelling foreigners on the grounds of bad conduct was introduced for the first time in Swedish legislation in 1914, through the UtvL. The reason for the introduction of the possibility of expulsion was, according
to the legislative power, due to the increased immigration to Sweden and its attendant consequences. The grounds for expulsion included in the UtvL dealt with anti-social behavior, and thus came to reflect the view of society. The
possibility of expelling foreigners because of bad conduct was changed to a greater extent by the 1954 Aliens Act. ‘’The Swedish conception of law’’ had changed, resulting in the repeal of the grounds for expulsion that included the
Romani people. The 1954 Aliens Act introduced two new grounds for expulsion, alcohol abuse and failure to fulfill obligations. The 1980 Aliens Act repealed the latter two grounds for expulsion, which meant that only two
grounds for expulsion remained – prostitution and substance abuse. Since then, the Aliens Act has not included grounds for expulsion on the grounds of antisocial behavior, apart from criminal behavior.
Foreigners may not be expelled because of anti-social behavior today, but an assessment of their way of life is nevertheless made when applying for a permanent residence permit and Swedish citizenship. An overall assessment is made of the foreigners’ way of life, considering criminality.
There has not yet been an investigation into the possibility of reintroducing the expulsion of foreigners on the grounds of bad conduct. Nor has any legislative proposal been presented yet. Consequently, it is extremely difficult to ascertain the extent to which reintroduction would be contrary to the law. In short, it depends. An overall assessment must be made in each individual case to determine whether an expulsion is contrary to existing law. However, what can be stated with certainty at the time of writing is that a contravention can
only be considered when it is applied in practice, but not in theory. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Söndagen den 11:e september 2022 var det återigen dags för riksdagsval i Sverige. Valresultatet som presenterades ett par dagar senare avslöjade att den socialdemokratiska regeringen skulle få avgå efter en period om åtta år, och Sverige skulle komma att få en ny regering. Regeringsskiftet skedde den 18:e
oktober 2022, och består idag av en trepartiregering: Moderaterna, Kristdemokraterna och Liberalerna. Sverigedemokraterna hålls utanför regeringen, men har ändå ett nära samarbete med regeringen i riksdagen.
Den 14:e oktober 2022 offentliggjordes den skriftliga överenskommelsen mellan Tidöpartierna som skulle komma att ligga till grund för det nuvarande regeringssamarbetet – Tidöavtalet. Tidöavtalet är omfattande i dess helhet,
... (More)
Söndagen den 11:e september 2022 var det återigen dags för riksdagsval i Sverige. Valresultatet som presenterades ett par dagar senare avslöjade att den socialdemokratiska regeringen skulle få avgå efter en period om åtta år, och Sverige skulle komma att få en ny regering. Regeringsskiftet skedde den 18:e
oktober 2022, och består idag av en trepartiregering: Moderaterna, Kristdemokraterna och Liberalerna. Sverigedemokraterna hålls utanför regeringen, men har ändå ett nära samarbete med regeringen i riksdagen.
Den 14:e oktober 2022 offentliggjordes den skriftliga överenskommelsen mellan Tidöpartierna som skulle komma att ligga till grund för det nuvarande regeringssamarbetet – Tidöavtalet. Tidöavtalet är omfattande i dess helhet,
eftersom det inkluderar totalt sju samarbetsprojekt och består av cirka 200 reformförslag. Ett av reformförslagen, ’’återinföra möjligheten att utvisa utlänningar av bristande vandel’’ har föranlett en kritisk debatt, vilken fortfarande pågår i skrivande stund. Mot bakgrund av Tidöavtalet och det omdebatterade reformförslaget, har ett flertal frågeställningar utformats för detta examensarbete. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka möjligheten till utvisning av utländska medborgare på grund av bristande vandel. Undersökningen har skett dels ur ett rättshistoriskt
perspektiv, dels ur ett rättsanalytiskt perspektiv. Rättshistorisk och rättsdogmatisk metod har därför kommit att användas.
Möjligheten att utvisa utlänningar på grund av bristande vandel infördes för första gången i svensk lagstiftning år 1914, genom UtvL. Anledningen till införandet av utvisningsmöjligheten var, enligt den lagstiftande makten, på
grund av den ökade invandringen till Sverige och dess medförande konsekvenser. Utvisningsgrunderna som inbegreps i UtvL befattade sig med asocialt beteende, och kom därigenom att spegla samhällssynen.
Möjligheten till utvisning av utlänningar på grund av bristande vandel kom att förändras i en större omfattning genom 1954 års UtlL. ’’Den svenska rättsuppfattningen’’ hade förändrats vilket resulterade i ett upphävande av
utvisningsgrunden som inbegrep folkgruppen romer. Genom 1954 års UtlL kom två nya utvisningsgrunder att införas, alkoholmissbruk och underlåtelse att uppfylla förpliktelser. Genom 1980 års UtlL kom de två sistnämnda utvisningsgrunderna att upphävas, vilket innebar att enbart två utvisningsgrunder
återstod – prostitution och missbruk. Dessa kom att upphävas genom 1989 års UtlL. Sedan dess har den svenska utlänningslagstiftningen inte inrymt utvisningsgrunder på grund av asocialt beteende, bortsett från kriminellt beteende.
Utlänningar må förvisso inte kunna utvisas på grund av asocialt beteende i dag, men en prövning av deras levnadssätt förekommer trots allt vid ansökan om permanent uppehållstillstånd och svenskt medborgarskap. En helhetsbedömning görs av utlänningens levnadssätt, där framför allt brottslighet beaktas.
Ännu har inte en utredning skett kring möjligheten till återinförandet av utvisning av utlänningar på grund av bristande vandel. Något författningsförslag har inte heller presenterats än. Med anledning därav är det ytterst svårlöst
att konstatera i vilken mån ett återinförande kan strida mot den gällande rätten. Kort sagt kan nämnas – det beror på. En helhetsbedömning måste göras i det enskilda fallet för att kunna konstatera ifall en utvisning strider mot gällande rätt. Det som dock går att konstatera, med säkerhet, i skrivande stund är att ett stridande enbart kan komma i fråga vid dess tillämpning i praktiken, men inte i teorin. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Krolak, Natalie LU
alternative title
Expelling foreign nationals for lack of good conduct? A legal(historical) analysis of the Tidö Agreement: Agreement for Sweden
JURM02 20231
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
rättshistoria, legal history, migrationsrätt, migration law, offentlig rätt, public law, bristande vandel, lack of good repute, vandelskrav, vandelsprövning, tidöavtalet
date added to LUP
2023-08-30 12:20:45
date last changed
2023-08-30 12:20:45
  abstract     = {{Parliamentary elections were once again held in Sweden on Sunday the 11th of September 2022. The election results were presented a few days later and revealed that the Social Democratic government would have to resign after a 
period of eight years, meaning that Sweden soon would become to have a new government. The change of government took place on the 18th of October 2022, and consists today of a three-party government: the Moderate Party, the Christian Democrats, and the Liberal Party. The Sweden Democrats are kept 
outside the government, but still work closely with the Government in the Riksdag.
The written agreement between the parties that would form the basis of the current Government cooperation, The Tidö Agreement, was published on the 14th of October 2022. The Tidö Agreement is comprehensive in its entirety, as it includes a total of seven collaborative projects and consists of around 
200 reform proposals. One of the reform proposals, ‘’reintroducing the possibility of expelling foreigners of bad conduct’’, has led to a critical debate, which is still ongoing at the time of writing.
Against the background of The Tidö Agreement and the debated reform proposal, several questions have been formulated for this graduate thesis. The purpose of the work has been to examine the possibility of expulsion of foreign citizens due to lack of conduct. The investigation has taken place partly 
from a legal perspective, partly from a legal analysis perspective. Legal history and legal dogmatic methods have therefore been used.
The possibility of expelling foreigners on the grounds of bad conduct was introduced for the first time in Swedish legislation in 1914, through the UtvL. The reason for the introduction of the possibility of expulsion was, according 
to the legislative power, due to the increased immigration to Sweden and its attendant consequences. The grounds for expulsion included in the UtvL dealt with anti-social behavior, and thus came to reflect the view of society. The 
possibility of expelling foreigners because of bad conduct was changed to a greater extent by the 1954 Aliens Act. ‘’The Swedish conception of law’’ had changed, resulting in the repeal of the grounds for expulsion that included the 
Romani people. The 1954 Aliens Act introduced two new grounds for expulsion, alcohol abuse and failure to fulfill obligations. The 1980 Aliens Act repealed the latter two grounds for expulsion, which meant that only two 
grounds for expulsion remained – prostitution and substance abuse. Since then, the Aliens Act has not included grounds for expulsion on the grounds of antisocial behavior, apart from criminal behavior.
Foreigners may not be expelled because of anti-social behavior today, but an assessment of their way of life is nevertheless made when applying for a permanent residence permit and Swedish citizenship. An overall assessment is made of the foreigners’ way of life, considering criminality.
There has not yet been an investigation into the possibility of reintroducing the expulsion of foreigners on the grounds of bad conduct. Nor has any legislative proposal been presented yet. Consequently, it is extremely difficult to ascertain the extent to which reintroduction would be contrary to the law. In short, it depends. An overall assessment must be made in each individual case to determine whether an expulsion is contrary to existing law. However, what can be stated with certainty at the time of writing is that a contravention can 
only be considered when it is applied in practice, but not in theory.}},
  author       = {{Krolak, Natalie}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Utvisa utländska medborgare på grund av bristande vandel? En rätts(historisk) analys av Tidöavtalet: Överenskommelse för Sverige}},
  year         = {{2023}},