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Om möjligheten att köpa sig fri - En analys av konflikten mellan Europakonventionen och svensk processrätt

Bjerkborn, Linn LU (2023) LAGF03 20232
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Human rights are fundamental rights that every individual should be guaran-teed. This is ensured by, among other things, the European Convention. In Sweden, not only has the European Convention been ratified, but it has also been adopted as law.

Sometimes conflicts arise between legal rules in the application of the law. This essay aims to analyze the conflict between art. 13 of the European Con-vention and Swedish procedural law, specifically the rules regarding consession in dispositive disputes. The interests that collide are the right for a person who claims that a violation has occurred to have their case tried before an effective legal remedy and the principle of disposition, which is a fundamental element in Swedish procedural... (More)
Human rights are fundamental rights that every individual should be guaran-teed. This is ensured by, among other things, the European Convention. In Sweden, not only has the European Convention been ratified, but it has also been adopted as law.

Sometimes conflicts arise between legal rules in the application of the law. This essay aims to analyze the conflict between art. 13 of the European Con-vention and Swedish procedural law, specifically the rules regarding consession in dispositive disputes. The interests that collide are the right for a person who claims that a violation has occurred to have their case tried before an effective legal remedy and the principle of disposition, which is a fundamental element in Swedish procedural law.

The analysis of this conflict has been made based on a case that was recently handled in the Kristianstad district court, “Olivia vs. Region Skåne. The court concluded that one should refrain from applying procedural rules and give priority to the European Convention, with reference to “Flygbolagets medgivande” and the European Convention as lex superior.

The essay demonstrates that precedents such as “Flygbolagets medgivande” and “Olivia vs. Region Skåne” significantly interfere with the principle of disposition. It is unclear what consequences this will have for Swedish procedural law, but it is certain that a thorough analysis of the legal situation is needed.

Regarding “Olivia vs. Region Skåne”, the conclusion is that it should not be the defendant who bears the consequences in this case. If it were essential for Olivia to have a substantive review, she could have achieved this trough a different procedure and thus she has gained access to an effective legal remedy. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Mänskliga rättigheter är grundläggande rättigheter som varje enskild ska till-försäkras. Detta görs genom bl.a. Europakonventionen. I Sverige har man inte bara ratificerat Europakonventionen utan även antagit konventionen som lag.

Ibland uppstår det dock konflikt mellan lagregler vid rättstillämpning. Denna uppsats avsett att analysera konflikten mellan art. 13 i Europakonventionen och svenska processrättsliga regler, mer specifikt reglerna om medgivande i dispositiva tvistemål. De intressen som kolliderar är rättigheten för den som påstår att en överträdelse har skett att få sin sak prövad (inför ett effektivt rättsmedel) och dispositionsprincipen som är en grundläggande beståndsdel i svensk processrätt.

Analysen av denna konflikt... (More)
Mänskliga rättigheter är grundläggande rättigheter som varje enskild ska till-försäkras. Detta görs genom bl.a. Europakonventionen. I Sverige har man inte bara ratificerat Europakonventionen utan även antagit konventionen som lag.

Ibland uppstår det dock konflikt mellan lagregler vid rättstillämpning. Denna uppsats avsett att analysera konflikten mellan art. 13 i Europakonventionen och svenska processrättsliga regler, mer specifikt reglerna om medgivande i dispositiva tvistemål. De intressen som kolliderar är rättigheten för den som påstår att en överträdelse har skett att få sin sak prövad (inför ett effektivt rättsmedel) och dispositionsprincipen som är en grundläggande beståndsdel i svensk processrätt.

Analysen av denna konflikt har gjorts med utgångspunkt i ett mål som nyligen hanterats i Kristianstad tingsrätt. Domstolen hade att avgöra om man ansåg att käranden hade rätt till prövning eller om man skulle meddela dom med anled-ning av svarandens medgivanden. Domstolens slutsats blev att man skulle avstå från att tillämpa de svenska processreglerna och ge företräde till Europakonventionen, med hänvisning till ”Flygbolagets medgivande” och Europakonventionen som lex superior.

Uppsatsen visar att praxis så som ”Flygbolagets medgivande” och ”Olivia mot Region Skåne” gör stora ingrepp i den svenska dispositionsprincipen. Det är oklart vilka konsekvenser det kommer få för svensk processrätt och slutsatsen är att det behövs en grundlig analys av rättsläget. Analysen bör göras på lagstiftningsnivå.

Vad gäller Olivia mot Region Skåne är uppsatsens slutsats att det bör inte vara svaranden som ska ta konsekvenserna med anledning av lagkonflikten i målet. Om det viktiga för Olivia var att få till stånd en sakprövning hade hon kunnat åstadkomma detta genom en annan processföring och därmed är uppsatsens slutsats att hon fått tillgång till ett effektivt rättsmedel. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Bjerkborn, Linn LU
LAGF03 20232
M2 - Bachelor Degree
processrätt, europakonventionen, medgivande, civilprocessrätt
date added to LUP
2024-02-02 11:59:58
date last changed
2024-02-02 11:59:58
  abstract     = {{Human rights are fundamental rights that every individual should be guaran-teed. This is ensured by, among other things, the European Convention. In Sweden, not only has the European Convention been ratified, but it has also been adopted as law. 

Sometimes conflicts arise between legal rules in the application of the law. This essay aims to analyze the conflict between art. 13 of the European Con-vention and Swedish procedural law, specifically the rules regarding consession in dispositive disputes. The interests that collide are the right for a person who claims that a violation has occurred to have their case tried before an effective legal remedy and the principle of disposition, which is a fundamental element in Swedish procedural law. 

The analysis of this conflict has been made based on a case that was recently handled in the Kristianstad district court, “Olivia vs. Region Skåne. The court concluded that one should refrain from applying procedural rules and give priority to the European Convention, with reference to “Flygbolagets medgivande” and the European Convention as lex superior. 

The essay demonstrates that precedents such as “Flygbolagets medgivande” and “Olivia vs. Region Skåne” significantly interfere with the principle of disposition. It is unclear what consequences this will have for Swedish procedural law, but it is certain that a thorough analysis of the legal situation is needed.

Regarding “Olivia vs. Region Skåne”, the conclusion is that it should not be the defendant who bears the consequences in this case. If it were essential for Olivia to have a substantive review, she could have achieved this trough a different procedure and thus she has gained access to an effective legal remedy.}},
  author       = {{Bjerkborn, Linn}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Om möjligheten att köpa sig fri - En analys av konflikten mellan Europakonventionen och svensk processrätt}},
  year         = {{2023}},