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LUP Student Papers


Framtidsfullmakter - Ett ofullständigt verktyg

Schlyter, Robin LU (2023) JURM02 20232
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Detta examensarbete behandlar den svenska regleringen för framtidsfullmakter. Uppsatsen har ett fokus på möjlig praktisk problematik vid författandet och nyttjandet av dessa. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit en fördjupning i de bakomliggande motiven till lagstiftningen samt de praktiska effekterna av hur Lag (2017:310) om framtidsfullmakter är implementerad i svensk rätt. Uppsatsen besvarar fyra frågor. Hur beskriver gällande rätt framtidsfullmakter? Hur används framtidsfullmakter i praktiken? Motsvarar nyttjandet av framtidsfullmakter lagstiftarens vision? Om inte, finns det rimliga sätt att anpassa lagstiftningen för att bättre stämma överens med lagstiftarens intentioner? Jag har använt mig av den rättsdogmatiska metoden för att utreda... (More)
Detta examensarbete behandlar den svenska regleringen för framtidsfullmakter. Uppsatsen har ett fokus på möjlig praktisk problematik vid författandet och nyttjandet av dessa. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit en fördjupning i de bakomliggande motiven till lagstiftningen samt de praktiska effekterna av hur Lag (2017:310) om framtidsfullmakter är implementerad i svensk rätt. Uppsatsen besvarar fyra frågor. Hur beskriver gällande rätt framtidsfullmakter? Hur används framtidsfullmakter i praktiken? Motsvarar nyttjandet av framtidsfullmakter lagstiftarens vision? Om inte, finns det rimliga sätt att anpassa lagstiftningen för att bättre stämma överens med lagstiftarens intentioner? Jag har använt mig av den rättsdogmatiska metoden för att utreda gällande rätt och de bakomliggande motiven till framtidsfullmaktslagen. Jag har genomfört kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer för att utreda vad aktörer, som hanterar framtidsfullmakter inom sin yrkesroll, uppfattar att enskilda vill uppnå med framtidsfullmakter och var problem i den praktiska hanteringen har uppstått.

Min analys förklarar och försöker erbjuda lösningar på fem specifika problem. 1. Den enskildes beslutsoförmögenhet begränsar lösningar på problem. Ett svårlöst problem då det är för sent att författa en ny framtidsfullmakt när den trätt i kraft. 2. Standardmallar är inte en universallösning, vilket är en vanlig tro hos allmänheten. Gällande båda dessa problem skulle en riktad utbildning gentemot relevanta grupper kunna mildra problematiken. 3. Svårigheterna att digitalt lösa bankärenden för en fullmaktshavare är ett hinder gentemot fullmaktsgivarens bästa. 4. Vissa banker vill behålla framtidsfullmakten i original. Detta förhindrar en fullmaktshavare att använda allmänt skrivna framtidsfullmakter i resten av sitt uppdrag. Registrering och/eller centrala databaser för framtidsfullmakter och digitala lösningar skulle kunna vara rimliga lösningar på dessa två problem. 5. Lantmäteriets nya striktare tolkning av jävsregleringen drabbar framförallt maken till den som saknar rättshandlingsförmåga orimligt hårt eftersom denne inte kan hantera gemensamma egendomar trots att det är enligt fullmaktsgivande makens vilja. Detta problem har uppstått på grund av en otydligt formulerad lag som behöver revideras av lagstiftaren. (Less)
This thesis deals with the Swedish regulations for future powers of attorney. The essay has a focus on possible practical problems in the writing and use of these. The purpose of the essay has been an in-depth look at the underlying motives for the legislation as well as the practical effects of how the act (Lag (2017:310) om framtidsfullmakter is implemented in Swedish law. The essay answers four questions. How does current law describe future powers of attorney? How are future powers of attorney used in practice? Does the use of future powers of attorney correspond to the legislator's vision? If not, are there reasonable ways to adapt the legislation to better align with the legislator's intentions? I have used the legal dogmatic method... (More)
This thesis deals with the Swedish regulations for future powers of attorney. The essay has a focus on possible practical problems in the writing and use of these. The purpose of the essay has been an in-depth look at the underlying motives for the legislation as well as the practical effects of how the act (Lag (2017:310) om framtidsfullmakter is implemented in Swedish law. The essay answers four questions. How does current law describe future powers of attorney? How are future powers of attorney used in practice? Does the use of future powers of attorney correspond to the legislator's vision? If not, are there reasonable ways to adapt the legislation to better align with the legislator's intentions? I have used the legal dogmatic method to investigate the applicable law and the underlying motives for the Power of Attorney Act. I have carried out qualitative research interviews to investigate what actors, who handle documents of power of attorney for the future in their professional role, perceive that individuals want to achieve with power of attorney for the future and where problems in the practical handling have arisen.

My analysis explains and attempts to offer solutions to five specific problems. 1. The individual's inability to make decisions limits solutions to problems. An intractable problem as it is too late to write a new power of attorney for the future once it has entered into force. 2. Standard templates are not a one-size-fits-all solution, which is a common belief among the general public. Regarding both of these problems, a targeted training towards relevant groups could mitigate the problem. 3. The difficulties of digitally solving banking matters for a power of attorney are an obstacle to the best interests of the power of attorney. 4. Some banks want to keep the power of attorney in the original. This prevents a power of attorney from using generally written future powers of attorney for the rest of their assignment. Registration and/or central databases for future proxies and digital solutions could be reasonable solutions to these two problems. 5. Lantmäteriet's new stricter interpretation of the bias-regulation affects above all the spouse of the person who lacks legal capacity unreasonably hard, as they cannot manage joint property as a proxy even if it is according to the will of the spouse that has given them power of attorney. This problem has arisen due to an unclearly worded law that needs to be revised by the legislator. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Schlyter, Robin LU
alternative title
Future powers of attorney - An incomplete tool
JURM02 20232
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
familjerätt, framtidsfullmakt
date added to LUP
2024-02-13 13:40:46
date last changed
2024-02-13 13:40:46
  abstract     = {{This thesis deals with the Swedish regulations for future powers of attorney. The essay has a focus on possible practical problems in the writing and use of these. The purpose of the essay has been an in-depth look at the underlying motives for the legislation as well as the practical effects of how the act (Lag (2017:310) om framtidsfullmakter is implemented in Swedish law. The essay answers four questions. How does current law describe future powers of attorney? How are future powers of attorney used in practice? Does the use of future powers of attorney correspond to the legislator's vision? If not, are there reasonable ways to adapt the legislation to better align with the legislator's intentions? I have used the legal dogmatic method to investigate the applicable law and the underlying motives for the Power of Attorney Act. I have carried out qualitative research interviews to investigate what actors, who handle documents of power of attorney for the future in their professional role, perceive that individuals want to achieve with power of attorney for the future and where problems in the practical handling have arisen.

My analysis explains and attempts to offer solutions to five specific problems. 1. The individual's inability to make decisions limits solutions to problems. An intractable problem as it is too late to write a new power of attorney for the future once it has entered into force. 2. Standard templates are not a one-size-fits-all solution, which is a common belief among the general public. Regarding both of these problems, a targeted training towards relevant groups could mitigate the problem. 3. The difficulties of digitally solving banking matters for a power of attorney are an obstacle to the best interests of the power of attorney. 4. Some banks want to keep the power of attorney in the original. This prevents a power of attorney from using generally written future powers of attorney for the rest of their assignment. Registration and/or central databases for future proxies and digital solutions could be reasonable solutions to these two problems. 5. Lantmäteriet's new stricter interpretation of the bias-regulation affects above all the spouse of the person who lacks legal capacity unreasonably hard, as they cannot manage joint property as a proxy even if it is according to the will of the spouse that has given them power of attorney. This problem has arisen due to an unclearly worded law that needs to be revised by the legislator.}},
  author       = {{Schlyter, Robin}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Framtidsfullmakter - Ett ofullständigt verktyg}},
  year         = {{2023}},