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Trygghet på bekostnad av frihet - utan konkret brottsmisstanke. Förslaget om vistelseförbud och dess förenlighet med regeringsformen

Atie, Jasmine LU (2023) LAGF03 20232
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Under de senaste åren har Sverige ställts inför trygghetsproblem och brotts-lighet kopplad till de kriminella nätverken. Vid regeringsskiftet 2022 pre-senterades en serie kriminalpolitiska reformer avsedda att bekämpa gäng-kriminaliteten och skapa ökad trygghet. En av dessa åtgärder är införandet av ett vistelseförbud, som skulle förbjuda vissa personer att vistas på en viss plats under en specifik tidsperiod. Våren 2023 presenterade Justitiedepartementet ett utredningsbetänkande som innehåller ett lagförslag om vistelseförbud, vilket utgör grunden gör uppsatsen.

Förutsättningen för att meddela vistelseförbud är enligt lagförslaget att det finns en påtaglig risk för att en grupp begår brottslighet i ett område, och att förbudspersonen... (More)
Under de senaste åren har Sverige ställts inför trygghetsproblem och brotts-lighet kopplad till de kriminella nätverken. Vid regeringsskiftet 2022 pre-senterades en serie kriminalpolitiska reformer avsedda att bekämpa gäng-kriminaliteten och skapa ökad trygghet. En av dessa åtgärder är införandet av ett vistelseförbud, som skulle förbjuda vissa personer att vistas på en viss plats under en specifik tidsperiod. Våren 2023 presenterade Justitiedepartementet ett utredningsbetänkande som innehåller ett lagförslag om vistelseförbud, vilket utgör grunden gör uppsatsen.

Förutsättningen för att meddela vistelseförbud är enligt lagförslaget att det finns en påtaglig risk för att en grupp begår brottslighet i ett område, och att förbudspersonen befaras medvetet främja denna. Förbudet skulle således vara tillämpligt på individer som varken har blivit dömda eller misstänkta för något brott. Förhoppningen är att förbudet ska verka brottsförebyggande och trygghetsfrämjande. Förespråkare av förbudet motiverar införandet av ett vistelseförbud med att samma typ av institut finns i Danmark, och tycks vara ett effektivt verktyg i bekämpandet av gängkriminaliteten.

Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera förenligheten med det föreslagna vistelseförbudet och rörelsefriheten och dess begränsningsmöjligheter i regeringsformen (RF) (1974:152). Enligt 2 kap. 8 § RF åtnjuter varje svensk medborgare en grundlagsstadgad rörelsefrihet, som endast får begränsas under vissa angivna förutsättningar enligt 2 kap. 21 § RF. Med hjälp av en kritisk tillämpning av den rättsdogmatiska metoden granskas vistelseförbu-dets förenlighet med regeringsformen, och viss ledning hämtas också från det danska zonförbudet.

Analysen resulterar i slutsatsen att det förslagna vistelseförbudet inte är förenligt med regeringsformens reglering av rörelsefriheten. Vistelseförbu-det uppfyller inte proportionalitetsprincipen, att begränsningen inte får gå utöver vad som är nödvändigt med hänsyn till det ändamål som har föran-lett den, och dess krav på effektivitet, mindre ingripande alternativ samt att vinsterna ska överväga det intrång som förbudet medför. Förbudet riskerar att hota och begränsa opinionsfriheterna på ett alltför ingripande sätt, vilket i sin tur kan äventyra den fria åsiktsbildningen. Analysen inkluderar flera referenser till det danska zonförbudet för att ge ytterligare insikter och bi-dra till diskussionen, och slutsatsen blir att det danska zonförbudet i många aspekter utgör en lämpligare utformning.

Analysen belyser behovet av en närmare övervägning av de senaste tidens föreslagna kriminalpolitiska reformers överensstämmelse med grundläg-gande konstitutionella principer, och väcker frågor om möjliga alternativa strategier för att hantera en ökad gängkriminalitet och otrygghet, utan att kompromissa med individens rörelsefrihet och andra grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. (Less)
In recent years, Sweden has faced safety issues due to the prevalence of gang-related criminal activities. The government introduced a series of criminal justice reforms in 2022 to combat gang criminality and enhance public safety. One of these measures involves the implementation of a zone ban, aiming to prohibit certain individuals from staying in a specific loca-tion within a specified timeframe. In June of this year, the Swedish De-partment of Justice issued a report presenting a proposal for the structure of the zone ban, which forms the cornerstone of this essay.

The decision to impose a zone ban on an individual is, as outlined in the proposal, based on a tangible risk that a group associated with the person may engage in... (More)
In recent years, Sweden has faced safety issues due to the prevalence of gang-related criminal activities. The government introduced a series of criminal justice reforms in 2022 to combat gang criminality and enhance public safety. One of these measures involves the implementation of a zone ban, aiming to prohibit certain individuals from staying in a specific loca-tion within a specified timeframe. In June of this year, the Swedish De-partment of Justice issued a report presenting a proposal for the structure of the zone ban, which forms the cornerstone of this essay.

The decision to impose a zone ban on an individual is, as outlined in the proposal, based on a tangible risk that a group associated with the person may engage in criminal activities within an area, and he or she is suspected of consciously promoting these activities. The zone ban would hence be applicable to individuals who have neither been convicted nor suspected of any crime. The rationale behind this proposal is the anticipation that the ban will serve as a preventive measure against criminality and increase security for residents and others in the area. Proponents of the zone ban often justify its implementation by pointing to similar regulations in Den-mark, as it appears to be an effective tool in combating gang-related crime.

This paper aims to analyze the compatibility of the proposed zone ban, as outlined in the proposal compiled within the Department of Justice, with the constitutional right to freedom of movement and its limitations set in the Instrument of Government (regeringsformen). According to Chapter 2, Section 8 of the Instrument of Government, every Swedish citizen is enti-tled to constitutionally protected freedom of movement, subjected to spe-cific conditions for limitation set out in Chapter 2, Section 21. By employ-ing a critical application of the legal dogmatic method, the zone ban’s compatibility with the constitution is analyzed.

The analysis concludes that the proposed zone ban is incompatible with the freedom of movement; the restriction fails to adhere to the principle of proportionality as it exceeds what is deemed necessary concerning its in-tended purpose. It falls short of requirements for efficiency, less intrusive alternatives as well as the requirement that the benefits outweigh the intrusions caused by the restriction. None of these criteria appear to be met. Furthermore, the ban poses a risk of excessively threatening and limiting the positive freedoms of opinion outlined in the Instrument of Government, consequently failing to meet the third limitation condition. The analysis includes several references to the Danish zone ban to provide additional insights and support the discussion, and the conclusion is that the Danish zone ban, in many aspects, constitutes a more suitable design.

The analysis ultimately underscores the necessity for a more thorough consideration of recent proposed criminal policy reforms concerning their alignment with fundamental constitutional principles. It raises questions about potential alternative strategies for addressing the rise in gang-related criminal activity and unsafety without compromising the individual free-dom of movement as well as other constitutional freedoms and rights. (Less)
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Atie, Jasmine LU
LAGF03 20232
M2 - Bachelor Degree
statsrätt, offentlig rätt, vistelseförbud, rörelsefrihet
date added to LUP
2024-02-02 11:59:13
date last changed
2024-02-02 11:59:13
  abstract     = {{In recent years, Sweden has faced safety issues due to the prevalence of gang-related criminal activities. The government introduced a series of criminal justice reforms in 2022 to combat gang criminality and enhance public safety. One of these measures involves the implementation of a zone ban, aiming to prohibit certain individuals from staying in a specific loca-tion within a specified timeframe. In June of this year, the Swedish De-partment of Justice issued a report presenting a proposal for the structure of the zone ban, which forms the cornerstone of this essay. 

The decision to impose a zone ban on an individual is, as outlined in the proposal, based on a tangible risk that a group associated with the person may engage in criminal activities within an area, and he or she is suspected of consciously promoting these activities. The zone ban would hence be applicable to individuals who have neither been convicted nor suspected of any crime. The rationale behind this proposal is the anticipation that the ban will serve as a preventive measure against criminality and increase security for residents and others in the area. Proponents of the zone ban often justify its implementation by pointing to similar regulations in Den-mark, as it appears to be an effective tool in combating gang-related crime.

This paper aims to analyze the compatibility of the proposed zone ban, as outlined in the proposal compiled within the Department of Justice, with the constitutional right to freedom of movement and its limitations set in the Instrument of Government (regeringsformen). According to Chapter 2, Section 8 of the Instrument of Government, every Swedish citizen is enti-tled to constitutionally protected freedom of movement, subjected to spe-cific conditions for limitation set out in Chapter 2, Section 21. By employ-ing a critical application of the legal dogmatic method, the zone ban’s compatibility with the constitution is analyzed. 

The analysis concludes that the proposed zone ban is incompatible with the freedom of movement; the restriction fails to adhere to the principle of proportionality as it exceeds what is deemed necessary concerning its in-tended purpose. It falls short of requirements for efficiency, less intrusive alternatives as well as the requirement that the benefits outweigh the intrusions caused by the restriction. None of these criteria appear to be met. Furthermore, the ban poses a risk of excessively threatening and limiting the positive freedoms of opinion outlined in the Instrument of Government, consequently failing to meet the third limitation condition. The analysis includes several references to the Danish zone ban to provide additional insights and support the discussion, and the conclusion is that the Danish zone ban, in many aspects, constitutes a more suitable design. 

The analysis ultimately underscores the necessity for a more thorough consideration of recent proposed criminal policy reforms concerning their alignment with fundamental constitutional principles. It raises questions about potential alternative strategies for addressing the rise in gang-related criminal activity and unsafety without compromising the individual free-dom of movement as well as other constitutional freedoms and rights.}},
  author       = {{Atie, Jasmine}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Trygghet på bekostnad av frihet - utan konkret brottsmisstanke. Förslaget om vistelseförbud och dess förenlighet med regeringsformen}},
  year         = {{2023}},