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Bygga hus på rätt grund - En analys av risker och rättigheter i entreprenadavtal ur ett konsumenträttsligt perspektiv

Modén, Linnea LU (2024) JURM02 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Entreprenadrätten skiljer sig från traditionell avtalsrätt genom sina specifika särdrag samt den utbredda användningen av standardavtal. Konsumenttjänst-lagen tillämplig lag för konsumententreprenader. Villaägarnas riksförbund har tagit fram standardavtalet ABS 18 som ett komplement till KtjL.
Eftersom avtalsfrihet råder kan det ske, att parterna ingår avtal med AB 04 eller ABT 06. Om ett standardavtal såsom ABT 06tillämpas mellan parterna, som egentligen inte är avsett för konsumententreprenader, har hovrätten i mål nr T 2423–20, klargjort att entreprenören måste beakta KtjL:s regler som är tvingande till konsumentens förmån.
Vid slutbesiktning, enligt AB 04 och ABT 06, ska besiktningsmannen kon-trollera att entreprenaden har utförts... (More)
Entreprenadrätten skiljer sig från traditionell avtalsrätt genom sina specifika särdrag samt den utbredda användningen av standardavtal. Konsumenttjänst-lagen tillämplig lag för konsumententreprenader. Villaägarnas riksförbund har tagit fram standardavtalet ABS 18 som ett komplement till KtjL.
Eftersom avtalsfrihet råder kan det ske, att parterna ingår avtal med AB 04 eller ABT 06. Om ett standardavtal såsom ABT 06tillämpas mellan parterna, som egentligen inte är avsett för konsumententreprenader, har hovrätten i mål nr T 2423–20, klargjort att entreprenören måste beakta KtjL:s regler som är tvingande till konsumentens förmån.
Vid slutbesiktning, enligt AB 04 och ABT 06, ska besiktningsmannen kon-trollera att entreprenaden har utförts kontraktsenligt samt huruvida det förelig-ger fel eller brister. Om en part är missnöjd med slutbesiktningen, kan en överbesiktning begäras inom tre veckor enligt standardavtalen. Om en part fortfarande är missnöjd, kan ärendet prövas i domstol eller skiljenämnd. När det gäller besiktningsmannens personliga ansvar är slutsatsen, utifrån hovrät-tens mål nr T 10530–16, att möjligheterna är begränsade.
Enligt 59 § KtjL anses förhållanden enligt 9–11 §§ KtjL, som visar sig inom två år efter slutbesiktningen utgöra fel. Det är viktigt att fel reklameras inom föreskriven tid, eftersom underlåtenhet kan resultera i att konsumenten förlo-rar rätten till åberopande av felen.
Konsumenten löper flertalet risker vid uppförandet av ett småhus. Under 2023 ökade antalet konkurser kraftigt, särskilt inom byggbranschen. Om entrepre-nören försätts i konkurs medför det betydande praktiska svårigheter för kon-sumenten. För att minska risken bör konsumenten kräva att entreprenören ställer en bankgaranti eller färdigställandeförsäkring. Konsumenten bör också kontrollera entreprenörens ekonomi innan kontraktet undertecknas.
Större bolag kan ha en företagsstruktur med dotterbolag som ingår avtal med konsumenten vilket är förenat med stora risker på grund av ABL:s regler om ansvarsgenombrott. Även nystartade aktiebolag kan innebära en stor risk. De kan sakna erfarenhet av entreprenader eller riskera konkurs om exempelvis ett stort krav ställs mot bolaget.
Examensarbetet redogör även grundläggande för försäkringar, betalning, fel samt fackmässigt utförande, vilket kan vara till nytta för konsumenter vid upp-förande av småhus. (Less)
Swedish construction law differs from traditional contract law due to its spe-cific features and the widespread use of standardized contracts. The Consumer Services Act (Konsumenttjänstlagen) is the applicable law for consumer con-struction contracts. The Homeowners' Association has also developed the standardized contract ABS 18 as a complement to the law.
Since contractual freedom prevails, it may happen that the parties enter into agreements with AB 04 or ABT 06. If a standard contract like ABT 06 is ap-plied between the parties, which is not primarily intended for consumer con-struction contracts, the Court of Appeal has clarified in case no. T 2423-20, that the contractor must consider the rules of the Consumer Services Act, which... (More)
Swedish construction law differs from traditional contract law due to its spe-cific features and the widespread use of standardized contracts. The Consumer Services Act (Konsumenttjänstlagen) is the applicable law for consumer con-struction contracts. The Homeowners' Association has also developed the standardized contract ABS 18 as a complement to the law.
Since contractual freedom prevails, it may happen that the parties enter into agreements with AB 04 or ABT 06. If a standard contract like ABT 06 is ap-plied between the parties, which is not primarily intended for consumer con-struction contracts, the Court of Appeal has clarified in case no. T 2423-20, that the contractor must consider the rules of the Consumer Services Act, which are mandatory for the benefit of the consumer.
During the final inspection, the inspector must check that the work has been performed both according to the contract and professionally. If a party is dis-satisfied with the final inspection, a re-inspection can be requested within three weeks according to the standard contracts. If a party is dissatisfied, the matter may further be taken to court or arbitration. Regarding the inspector’s personal liability, the court of appeal's case number T 10530–16 concludes that the possibilities are limited.
According to § 59 , issues which appear within two years after the final in-spection, are considered defects. It is crucial that all defects are reported within the prescribed time, as failure to do so may result in the consumer losing the right to invoke them.
The consumer faces several risks during the building process. In 2023, the number of bankruptcies in Sweden increased significantly, especially within the construction industry. If the contractor goes bankrupt, it results in signifi-cant practical difficulties for the consumer. To reduce the risk, the consumer should demand that the contractor provides a bank guarantee or completion insurance. The consumer should also check the contractor’s financial status before signing the contract. Larger companies may even have a corporate structure with subsidiaries the contract with the consumer, which poses risks due to the Corporate Act’s (Aktiebolagslagen) rules on piercing the corporate veil. Newly established limited companies also pose a significant risk. They may lack experience or risk bankruptcy if, a large claim is made against the company. The thesis furthermore outlines the basics of insurance, payment, defects, and professional execution, which can be useful for consumers dur-ing the construction process of a house. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Modén, Linnea LU
alternative title
Building a house on the right foundation - An analysis of risks and rights within construction contracts from a consumer rights perspective
JURM02 20241
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
fastighetsrätt, entreprenadrätt, avtalsrätt, konsumenträtt
date added to LUP
2024-06-14 11:13:52
date last changed
2024-06-14 11:13:52
  abstract     = {{Swedish construction law differs from traditional contract law due to its spe-cific features and the widespread use of standardized contracts. The Consumer Services Act (Konsumenttjänstlagen) is the applicable law for consumer con-struction contracts. The Homeowners' Association has also developed the standardized contract ABS 18 as a complement to the law. 
Since contractual freedom prevails, it may happen that the parties enter into agreements with AB 04 or ABT 06. If a standard contract like ABT 06 is ap-plied between the parties, which is not primarily intended for consumer con-struction contracts, the Court of Appeal has clarified in case no. T 2423-20, that the contractor must consider the rules of the Consumer Services Act, which are mandatory for the benefit of the consumer.
During the final inspection, the inspector must check that the work has been performed both according to the contract and professionally. If a party is dis-satisfied with the final inspection, a re-inspection can be requested within three weeks according to the standard contracts. If a party is dissatisfied, the matter may further be taken to court or arbitration. Regarding the inspector’s personal liability, the court of appeal's case number T 10530–16 concludes that the possibilities are limited. 
According to § 59 , issues which appear within two years after the final in-spection, are considered defects. It is crucial that all defects are reported within the prescribed time, as failure to do so may result in the consumer losing the right to invoke them. 
The consumer faces several risks during the building process. In 2023, the number of bankruptcies in Sweden increased significantly, especially within the construction industry. If the contractor goes bankrupt, it results in signifi-cant practical difficulties for the consumer. To reduce the risk, the consumer should demand that the contractor provides a bank guarantee or completion insurance. The consumer should also check the contractor’s financial status before signing the contract. Larger companies may even have a corporate structure with subsidiaries the contract with the consumer, which poses risks due to the Corporate Act’s (Aktiebolagslagen) rules on piercing the corporate veil. Newly established limited companies also pose a significant risk. They may lack experience or risk bankruptcy if, a large claim is made against the company. The thesis furthermore outlines the basics of insurance, payment, defects, and professional execution, which can be useful for consumers dur-ing the construction process of a house.}},
  author       = {{Modén, Linnea}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Bygga hus på rätt grund - En analys av risker och rättigheter i entreprenadavtal ur ett konsumenträttsligt perspektiv}},
  year         = {{2024}},