Det preventiva vistelseförbudet – oskyldigt skyldig? En kritisk granskning av lag om preventiva vistelseförbud
(2024) JURM02 20241Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract
- 1st of February 2024, the late concerning preventive visit ban was entered into force. In short, the law implies that a person, without having committed a crime or being suspected of a crime, can be banned from visiting a certain defined area if the person consciously promotes criminal acts that can seri- ously harm safety or if an obvious risk for use of firearms or explosives pre- vails. The measure is valid for maximum six months, with a possibility for extension.
This thesis critically reviews this new law of preventive visit bans since there is a possibility that this law implies a legislation that is too restrictive of hu- man rights. The critical review is carried out since the law went into force five months earlier than planned... (More) - 1st of February 2024, the late concerning preventive visit ban was entered into force. In short, the law implies that a person, without having committed a crime or being suspected of a crime, can be banned from visiting a certain defined area if the person consciously promotes criminal acts that can seri- ously harm safety or if an obvious risk for use of firearms or explosives pre- vails. The measure is valid for maximum six months, with a possibility for extension.
This thesis critically reviews this new law of preventive visit bans since there is a possibility that this law implies a legislation that is too restrictive of hu- man rights. The critical review is carried out since the law went into force five months earlier than planned and since the majority of the referral bodies were criticizing the proposal. Despite the criticism of the referral bodies, the law of preventive visit bans is today a prevailing legislation. Therefore, this thesis aims at critically reviewing this legislation, utilizing rule of law theory and liberal security of law theory. The questions to be answered in this thesis are the following: How does the law on preventive visit bans, in terms of the restriction of freedom of movement, relate to the proportionality requirement in the Instrument of Government as well as the established requirements in the ECHR? Can a visit ban considered to be of a criminal nature?
Concerning the first question, this thesis implies that the restriction of free- dom of movement, following a visit ban, is possibly a step too far with respect to the requirement of proportionality as stated in the Instrument of Govern- ment, but also with respect to the requirements of restrictions of freedom of movement as raised by the European Convention of human rights in article 2 of protocol number 4 and as per case law.
Regarding the requirement of proportionality in the Instrument of Govern- ment, it is not certain that the measure will lead to the expected result since there is a risk that the crime scene will only change its location or that the person banned can still indirectly promote or act in the crime despite of the ban. In addition, the visit ban is possibly more far-reaching than required as it possibly is a means more intervening than the least intervening. It is possi- ble that the restriction will always be greater than the gain with this measure, despite that the visit ban can be imposed with an exception.
Based on the requirements stipulated in article 2 of protocol number 4 ECHR and case law of the European Court of human rights, it is not even certain that the law of preventive visit ban falls within approved limits.
This thesis also analyses if a visit ban can consider to be of a criminal nature since the measure might become far-reaching to the individual. This is inves- tigated using the Engel criteria but also other circumstances. According to the Engel criteria and other circumstances, several similarities to criminal law procedures apply, both in terms of the nature of the offence and the nature and severity of the penalty. It means that a visit ban could possibly be re- garded as a “criminal charge” even if formally, it is not. This thesis concludes that the measure possibly could be of criminal nature, hence it can be regarded as “criminal charge” according to the European convention, meaning that then guarantees stipulated in article 6 ECHR must be fulfilled. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Den 1 februari 2024 trädde lagen om preventiva vistelseförbud i kraft. Lagen innebär i korthet att en person, utan att den begått ett brott eller är misstänkt för brott kan förbjudas att vistas inom ett avgränsat område om personen med- vetet främjar brottslighet som allvarligt kan skada tryggheten eller om det finns en påtaglig risk för användning av skjutvapen eller sprängämnen kan komma att användas. Åtgärden gäller för högst sex månader med möjlighet till förlängning.
Uppsatsen gör en kritisk granskning av den nya lagen om preventiva vistel- seförbud eftersom lagen möjligtvis är en alltför rättighetsinskränkande lag- stiftning. Den kritiska granskningen utförs eftersom lagen trädde i kraft fem månader tidigare än planerat och... (More) - Den 1 februari 2024 trädde lagen om preventiva vistelseförbud i kraft. Lagen innebär i korthet att en person, utan att den begått ett brott eller är misstänkt för brott kan förbjudas att vistas inom ett avgränsat område om personen med- vetet främjar brottslighet som allvarligt kan skada tryggheten eller om det finns en påtaglig risk för användning av skjutvapen eller sprängämnen kan komma att användas. Åtgärden gäller för högst sex månader med möjlighet till förlängning.
Uppsatsen gör en kritisk granskning av den nya lagen om preventiva vistel- seförbud eftersom lagen möjligtvis är en alltför rättighetsinskränkande lag- stiftning. Den kritiska granskningen utförs eftersom lagen trädde i kraft fem månader tidigare än planerat och majoriteten av remissinstanserna var kritiska till lagförslaget. Trots kritiska remissinstanser är lagen om preventiva vistel- seförbud idag en gällande lagstiftning. Uppsatsen avser därför att kritiskt granska lagstiftningen utifrån liberal rättsstats- och rättssäkerhetsteori. Fråge- ställningarna som besvaras i uppsatsen är följande: Hur förhåller sig lagen om preventiva vistelseförbud, utifrån rörelse- frihetsinskränkningen, till proportionalitetskravet i RF samt de uppställda kraven i EKMR? Kan ett vistelseförbud betraktas vara av straffrättslig karaktär?
Vad gäller den första frågeställningen har det i uppsatsen kommit fram att rörelsefrihetsinskränkningen, som ett vistelseförbud innebär, möjligtvis är för långtgående med hänsyn till kravet på proportionalitet i 2 kap. 21 § regerings- formen, men även med hänsyn till de krav på rörelsefrihetsinskränkningar som Europakonventionen ställer upp i artikel 2 TP 4 och enligt rättspraxis.
Vad gäller kravet på proportionalitet i regeringsformen, är det inte säkert att åtgärden leder till önskat resultat eftersom bland annat brottsligheten riskerar att byta plats och att förbudspersonen fortsatt indirekt kan främja eller verka för brottsligheten trots förbudet. Vidare är möjligtvis vistelseförbudet mer långtgående än nödvändigt eftersom det potentiellt är ett medel som är mer ingripande än det minsta ingripandet. Det är möjligt att intrånget alltid blir större än vinsten med åtgärden trots att vistelseförbudet kan beläggas med undantag.
Utifrån de krav som ställs upp i artikel 2 TP 4 EKMR och utifrån Europa- domstolens rättspraxis, är det inte heller säkert att lagen om preventiva vis- telseförbud förhåller sig inom de ramar som är tillåtna.
I uppsatsen analyseras det även om ett vistelseförbud kan vara av straffrättslig karaktär eftersom åtgärden kan tänkas bli för långtgående för individen. Detta undersöks med hjälp av Engelkriterierna och övriga omständigheter. I ljuset av Engelkriterierna och andra omständigheter föreligger flera likheter med det straffrättsliga förfarandet, båda vad gäller handlingens karaktär och på- följdens natur och stränghet. Det innebär att ett vistelseförbud möjligen kan betraktas som en ”anklagelse för brott” trots att det formellt sett inte är det. I uppsatsen kommer det fram till att förfarandet möjligtvis är av straffrättslig karaktär, det vill säga att det kan betraktas som en ”anklagelse för brott” i Europakonventionens mening, vilket innebär att garantierna som stadgas i ar- tikel 6 EKMR ska uppfyllas. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Schylander, Stina LU
- supervisor
- Karol Nowak LU
- organization
- course
- JURM02 20241
- year
- 2024
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- straffrätt, förvaltningsrätt, engelkriterierna, EKMR, vistelseförbud, regeringsformen, rörelsefrihet
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9151867
- date added to LUP
- 2024-06-07 10:35:44
- date last changed
- 2024-06-07 10:35:44
@misc{9151867, abstract = {{1st of February 2024, the late concerning preventive visit ban was entered into force. In short, the law implies that a person, without having committed a crime or being suspected of a crime, can be banned from visiting a certain defined area if the person consciously promotes criminal acts that can seri- ously harm safety or if an obvious risk for use of firearms or explosives pre- vails. The measure is valid for maximum six months, with a possibility for extension. This thesis critically reviews this new law of preventive visit bans since there is a possibility that this law implies a legislation that is too restrictive of hu- man rights. The critical review is carried out since the law went into force five months earlier than planned and since the majority of the referral bodies were criticizing the proposal. Despite the criticism of the referral bodies, the law of preventive visit bans is today a prevailing legislation. Therefore, this thesis aims at critically reviewing this legislation, utilizing rule of law theory and liberal security of law theory. The questions to be answered in this thesis are the following: How does the law on preventive visit bans, in terms of the restriction of freedom of movement, relate to the proportionality requirement in the Instrument of Government as well as the established requirements in the ECHR? Can a visit ban considered to be of a criminal nature? Concerning the first question, this thesis implies that the restriction of free- dom of movement, following a visit ban, is possibly a step too far with respect to the requirement of proportionality as stated in the Instrument of Govern- ment, but also with respect to the requirements of restrictions of freedom of movement as raised by the European Convention of human rights in article 2 of protocol number 4 and as per case law. Regarding the requirement of proportionality in the Instrument of Govern- ment, it is not certain that the measure will lead to the expected result since there is a risk that the crime scene will only change its location or that the person banned can still indirectly promote or act in the crime despite of the ban. In addition, the visit ban is possibly more far-reaching than required as it possibly is a means more intervening than the least intervening. It is possi- ble that the restriction will always be greater than the gain with this measure, despite that the visit ban can be imposed with an exception. Based on the requirements stipulated in article 2 of protocol number 4 ECHR and case law of the European Court of human rights, it is not even certain that the law of preventive visit ban falls within approved limits. This thesis also analyses if a visit ban can consider to be of a criminal nature since the measure might become far-reaching to the individual. This is inves- tigated using the Engel criteria but also other circumstances. According to the Engel criteria and other circumstances, several similarities to criminal law procedures apply, both in terms of the nature of the offence and the nature and severity of the penalty. It means that a visit ban could possibly be re- garded as a “criminal charge” even if formally, it is not. This thesis concludes that the measure possibly could be of criminal nature, hence it can be regarded as “criminal charge” according to the European convention, meaning that then guarantees stipulated in article 6 ECHR must be fulfilled.}}, author = {{Schylander, Stina}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Det preventiva vistelseförbudet – oskyldigt skyldig? En kritisk granskning av lag om preventiva vistelseförbud}}, year = {{2024}}, }