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När riksdagen är borta dansar regeringen på bordet? – En kritisk rättsvetenskaplig studie om regeringens normgivningsbefogenheter vid allvarliga fredstida kriser

Hultqvist, Anton LU (2024) JURM02 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Till följd av covid-19-pandemin har frågan om regeringen bör få utökade normgivningsbefogenheter under fredstida kriser diskuterats flitigt. Den 27 november 2023 föreslog en parlamentariskt sammansatt kommitté i betänkandet SOU 2023:75 att regeringen bör få utökade normgivningsbefogenheter under allvarliga fredstida kriser. I huvudsak föreslår kommittén både att regeringen ska få lov att bemyndigas på det obligatoriska lagområdet och att regeringen i särskilda fall ska få meddela föreskrifter på i princip hela lagområdet utan föregående bemyndigande. Följande uppsats syftar till att undersöka regeringens normgivningsmakt under allvarliga fredstida kriser och diskutera huruvida kommitténs förslag bör införas eller om nuvarande ordning bör... (More)
Till följd av covid-19-pandemin har frågan om regeringen bör få utökade normgivningsbefogenheter under fredstida kriser diskuterats flitigt. Den 27 november 2023 föreslog en parlamentariskt sammansatt kommitté i betänkandet SOU 2023:75 att regeringen bör få utökade normgivningsbefogenheter under allvarliga fredstida kriser. I huvudsak föreslår kommittén både att regeringen ska få lov att bemyndigas på det obligatoriska lagområdet och att regeringen i särskilda fall ska få meddela föreskrifter på i princip hela lagområdet utan föregående bemyndigande. Följande uppsats syftar till att undersöka regeringens normgivningsmakt under allvarliga fredstida kriser och diskutera huruvida kommitténs förslag bör införas eller om nuvarande ordning bör behållas.

Undersökningen finner att fredstida kriser enligt nu gällande ordning huvudsakligen regleras under grundlagsnivå. Detta genom att riksdagen i förväg bemyndigar regeringen att meddela förordningar inom det fakultativa lagområdet vid en framtida fredstida kris, vilket brukar benämnas som arbetet med god författningsberedskap. Uppsatsen finner dessutom att de vanliga normgivningsreglerna i regeringsformen är mycket flexibelt utformade vilket under covid-19 har visat sig möjliggöra att föreskrifter i mycket skyndsamma situationer har kunnat införas under endast några få dagar.

Uppsatsen kommer fram till att kommitténs första förslag, där regeringen ska få bemyndigas även på det obligatoriska lagområdet, huvudsakligen framstår som ändamålsenligt. Detta eftersom det har påvisats ett praktiskt behov av att kunna meddela föreskrifter på det obligatoriska lagområdet under covid-19 och riskerna med förslaget framstår som mycket begränsade. Uppsatsen finner dock att förordningar som meddelats på det obligatoriska lagområdet bör förenas med en begränsning i giltighetstid. Detta i syfte att markera att avsteg från regeringsformens vanliga normgivningsfördelning endast är tillfällig.

Uppsatsen finner vidare att kommitténs andra förslag, där regeringen i särskilda fall utan bemyndigande ska få meddela föreskrifter på i princip hela lagområdet, inte bör införas. Detta eftersom uppsatsen ser en risk att förslaget skulle kunna missbrukas av en regering med anti-demokratiska värderingar och förslaget innehåller flera avvikelser från olika grundläggande konstitutionella principer. Uppsatsen tyder på att kommittén varken har undersökt risken för missbruk tillräckligt noggrant eller infört tillräckligt effektiva skyddsmekanismer för att utesluta missbruk av förslaget. Utöver risken för missbruk, finner uppsatsen även att kommitténs utredning inte framstår som övertygande när det gäller huruvida förslaget är förenligt med andra krav i regeringsformen, såsom beredningskravet. Mot denna bakgrund, samt att de vanliga normgivningsreglerna i regeringsformen redan tillgodoser behovet av skyndsam normgivning förhållandevis väl, framstår fördelarna med kommitténs andra förslag inte i nuläget väga upp för nackdelarna med förslaget. Uppsatsen finner därmed att kommitténs andra förslag inte bör införas i sin nuvarande form. (Less)
In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic the issue of whether the Government’s regulatory power should be increased in times of peacetime crises has been widely debated. On November 27, 2023, an all-party Committee proposed in the report SOU 2023:75 that the Government should be given increased regulatory powers during serious peacetime crises. In essence, the Committee proposes both that the Riksdag should be allowed to issue authorization to the Government in the mandatory area of legislation, as well as in exceptional situations, the Government should be allowed to adopt temporary provisions without the prior authorization of the Riksdag. The purpose of the following essay is to investigate the Government’s regulatory powers during... (More)
In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic the issue of whether the Government’s regulatory power should be increased in times of peacetime crises has been widely debated. On November 27, 2023, an all-party Committee proposed in the report SOU 2023:75 that the Government should be given increased regulatory powers during serious peacetime crises. In essence, the Committee proposes both that the Riksdag should be allowed to issue authorization to the Government in the mandatory area of legislation, as well as in exceptional situations, the Government should be allowed to adopt temporary provisions without the prior authorization of the Riksdag. The purpose of the following essay is to investigate the Government’s regulatory powers during serious peacetime crises and to discuss whether the Committee’s recommendations should be implemented, or if the existing system should be retained.

The essay finds that under the current framework, peacetime crisis is primarily regulated below constitutional level. This is achieved by what is usually referred to as good legislative preparedness which means that the Riksdag, already before a crisis occurs, authorizes the Government within the field of optional legislation to issue provisions in the event of future peacetime crisis. The study also finds that, on a constitutional level, the ordinary rules in the Instrument of Government are highly flexible designed, which has proven during Covid-19 to allow provisions in highly urgent situations to be adopted in a very short period.

The paper concludes that the Committee’s first proposal, in which the Riksdag should be allowed to issue authorization to the Government in the mandatory area of legislation, appears to be an appropriate proposal. This is because the experienced gained from Covid-19 indicates that there is a practical need to issue provisions also within the mandatory area of legislation and the risks of the proposal appear to be highly limited. The paper however finds that the Government’s provisions that are issued within the mandatory area of legislation should be subjected to a time limit to emphasize that any deviation from the ordinary rules only is temporary.

The paper also concludes that the Committee’s second proposal, in which the Government should be allowed to adopt temporary provisions without the prior authorization of the Riksdag, should not be implemented. This is because the paper suggests that the proposal potentially could be misused by a government with anti-democratic values, as well as containing many derogations from several core constitutional principles. The essay points out that the Committee neither has examined the risk of misuse sufficiently, nor presented sufficient safeguards to prevent misuse of the proposal. In addition to the danger of misuse, the paper also points out that the proposal does not appear to have been analyzed adequately in terms of whether the proposal is compatible with other provisions of the Instrument of Government, such as the mandatory preparation. Considering this, together with the previous observation that the ordinary rules in the Instrument of Government already allows provisions to be in adapted quickly, the benefits of the Committee’s second proposal do not appear to justify the disadvantages of the proposal. The paper thus finds that the Committee’s second proposal should not be implemented in its current shape. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hultqvist, Anton LU
alternative title
The Government's Regulatory Powers during Serious Peacetime Crises
JURM02 20241
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Statsrätt, konstitutionell rätt, normgivning, normgivningsmakt, allvarliga fredstida kriser, författningsberedskap, konstitutionell beredskap, covid-19.
date added to LUP
2024-05-30 12:21:54
date last changed
2024-05-30 12:21:54
  abstract     = {{In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic the issue of whether the Government’s regulatory power should be increased in times of peacetime crises has been widely debated. On November 27, 2023, an all-party Committee proposed in the report SOU 2023:75 that the Government should be given increased regulatory powers during serious peacetime crises. In essence, the Committee proposes both that the Riksdag should be allowed to issue authorization to the Government in the mandatory area of legislation, as well as in exceptional situations, the Government should be allowed to adopt temporary provisions without the prior authorization of the Riksdag. The purpose of the following essay is to investigate the Government’s regulatory powers during serious peacetime crises and to discuss whether the Committee’s recommendations should be implemented, or if the existing system should be retained.

The essay finds that under the current framework, peacetime crisis is primarily regulated below constitutional level. This is achieved by what is usually referred to as good legislative preparedness which means that the Riksdag, already before a crisis occurs, authorizes the Government within the field of optional legislation to issue provisions in the event of future peacetime crisis. The study also finds that, on a constitutional level, the ordinary rules in the Instrument of Government are highly flexible designed, which has proven during Covid-19 to allow provisions in highly urgent situations to be adopted in a very short period. 

The paper concludes that the Committee’s first proposal, in which the Riksdag should be allowed to issue authorization to the Government in the mandatory area of legislation, appears to be an appropriate proposal. This is because the experienced gained from Covid-19 indicates that there is a practical need to issue provisions also within the mandatory area of legislation and the risks of the proposal appear to be highly limited. The paper however finds that the Government’s provisions that are issued within the mandatory area of legislation should be subjected to a time limit to emphasize that any deviation from the ordinary rules only is temporary. 

The paper also concludes that the Committee’s second proposal, in which the Government should be allowed to adopt temporary provisions without the prior authorization of the Riksdag, should not be implemented. This is because the paper suggests that the proposal potentially could be misused by a government with anti-democratic values, as well as containing many derogations from several core constitutional principles. The essay points out that the Committee neither has examined the risk of misuse sufficiently, nor presented sufficient safeguards to prevent misuse of the proposal. In addition to the danger of misuse, the paper also points out that the proposal does not appear to have been analyzed adequately in terms of whether the proposal is compatible with other provisions of the Instrument of Government, such as the mandatory preparation. Considering this, together with the previous observation that the ordinary rules in the Instrument of Government already allows provisions to be in adapted quickly, the benefits of the Committee’s second proposal do not appear to justify the disadvantages of the proposal. The paper thus finds that the Committee’s second proposal should not be implemented in its current shape.}},
  author       = {{Hultqvist, Anton}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{När riksdagen är borta dansar regeringen på bordet? – En kritisk rättsvetenskaplig studie om regeringens normgivningsbefogenheter vid allvarliga fredstida kriser}},
  year         = {{2024}},