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Möjligheten till blockuthyrning på bostadsmarknaden - Med fokus på bedömningen av behovsrekvisitet

Rössberger, Ebba LU (2024) LAGF03 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Subletting has existed in the housing market for a long time and is a common form of rental. In addition to the common form of subletting, another form of rental is the blockrental agreement. This form of rental, has been used in the housing market for a while but is still relatively unknown to the general public.

A blockrental agreement is an agreement involving at least three apartments under the same contract. The blockrental of the apartments could be described in two stages. The first stage is from the property owner to the first-hand tenant, and the second stage is from the first-hand tenant to the second-hand tenant. The Swedish rental tribunal is the first instance to approve blockrental. An approval is only required in cases... (More)
Subletting has existed in the housing market for a long time and is a common form of rental. In addition to the common form of subletting, another form of rental is the blockrental agreement. This form of rental, has been used in the housing market for a while but is still relatively unknown to the general public.

A blockrental agreement is an agreement involving at least three apartments under the same contract. The blockrental of the apartments could be described in two stages. The first stage is from the property owner to the first-hand tenant, and the second stage is from the first-hand tenant to the second-hand tenant. The Swedish rental tribunal is the first instance to approve blockrental. An approval is only required in cases where private actors are the property owners, whilst an approval is not required when the rental is carried out by public actors, such as the municipality.

Blockrental agreements are regulated in Chapter 12, Article 1(6) of the Swedish Land Code. The law does not specify requirements for the assessment of approval. The assessment that The Rental Tribunal´s does aim to prevent the property owner from neglecting the legal position of the second-hand tenant. Which, the property owner, often does with the help of an intermediary whom acts as a first-hand tenant.

In 2022, three new rulings regarding block subletting were issued by the Svea Court of Appeal, which is the final instance in these types of cases, as well as and one from the Supreme Court regarding the front man relationship. All rulings sparked much discussion in the area. The discussion mainly focused on whether the court has changed the requirement of a serious need for blockrental, to a requirement of a significant need for blockrental agreements. The cases do also discuss how the rental should be targeted to a clearly defined group of people, a criteria that has not been raised in legislative history.

This paper aims to investigate whether the legal situation has changed in the area of the possibility to conduct blockrental in the housing market. The purpose of the paper if achieved thru examining recently issued judgments, as well as legislative history, in order to determine whether a change in the area has occurred or not.

To say that later precedents entails any change, and strengthening, of the possibilities for blockrental agreements is difficult. However, it is clear that the court, and in my opinion rightfully so, does not intend to interpret legislative history and change precedents. If there is a desire for a change, it lies in the hand of the legislator. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Andrahandsuthyrning har under en längre tid funnits på bostadsmarknaden och varit en vanligt förekommande form av uthyrning. Utöver den klassiska andrahandsuthyrningen finns en annan form av uthyrning på bostadsmarknaden, uthyrning i form av blockuthyrning. Blockuthyrning som uthyrningsform har funnits på bostadsmarknaden under en tid men är trots detta en förhållandevis okänd företeelse för gemeneman.

Uthyrningsformen innebär ett ingåene av avtal omfattande minst tre lägenheter på ett och samma avtal. Uthyrningen av bostäderna sker även i två led. Det första ledet från fastighetsägare till förstahandshyresgäst och det andra ledet från förstahandshyresgäst till andrahandshyresgäst. För att bedriva blockuthyrning krävs det ett... (More)
Andrahandsuthyrning har under en längre tid funnits på bostadsmarknaden och varit en vanligt förekommande form av uthyrning. Utöver den klassiska andrahandsuthyrningen finns en annan form av uthyrning på bostadsmarknaden, uthyrning i form av blockuthyrning. Blockuthyrning som uthyrningsform har funnits på bostadsmarknaden under en tid men är trots detta en förhållandevis okänd företeelse för gemeneman.

Uthyrningsformen innebär ett ingåene av avtal omfattande minst tre lägenheter på ett och samma avtal. Uthyrningen av bostäderna sker även i två led. Det första ledet från fastighetsägare till förstahandshyresgäst och det andra ledet från förstahandshyresgäst till andrahandshyresgäst. För att bedriva blockuthyrning krävs det ett godkännande, detta ges av Hyresnämnden som är första instans i denna typ av mål. Ett godkännande krävs endast för de fall privata aktörer är fastighetsägare, någon prövning krävs inte när uthyrningen bedrivs av offentliga aktörer, som exempelvis kommunen.

Blockuthyrning regleras i 12 kap. 1 § 6 st JB. Lagtexten uppställer inga rekvisit för bedömningen av godkännande. Vad Hyresnämnden skall grunda sin bedömning på och vilka situationer blockuthyrning skall omfatta framgår alltså endast av förarbeten. Av vad som framgår av förarbetena syftar Hyresnämndens prövning till att förhindra att fastighetsägaren åsidosätter andrahandshyresgästens rättsliga ställning. Detta gör fastighetsägaren med hjälp av en mellanman vilken agerar i egenskap av förstahandshyresgäst.

År 2022 kom tre nya avgöranden rörande blockuthyrning från Svea hovrätt och ett från Högsta domstolen kring bulvanförhållandet. Samtliga avgöranden kom att bli mycket omdiskuterade på området. Främst rör diskussionen huruvida domstolen har ändrat kravet på ett seriöst behov av blockuthyrning till att det istället ska föreligga ett betydande behov av blockuthyrningen. Vidare lyftes även i avgörandena att uthyrningen ska vara riktad till en tydlig avgränsad krets av personer, något som inte tidigare lyfts i praxis.

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida rättsläget har förändrats på området för möjligheten att bedriva blockuthyrning på bostadsmarknaden. Syftet uppnås genom att granska nyligen tillkomna avgöranden, men även förarbeten för att kunna utläsa huruvida en förändring på området har skett eller inte.

Att utläsa att senare praxis medför någon förändring, och skärpning, av möjligheterna till blockuthyrning är svårt. Tydligt är dock att domstolen, och enligt min bedömning rätteligen, inte avser att tolka förarbeten och förändra praxis. Finns det önskemål om en förändring ligger detta i lagstiftarens händer. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rössberger, Ebba LU
LAGF03 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Fastighetsrätt, blockuthyrning, bulvanregeln
date added to LUP
2024-06-26 12:17:07
date last changed
2024-06-26 12:17:07
  abstract     = {{Subletting has existed in the housing market for a long time and is a common form of rental. In addition to the common form of subletting, another form of rental is the blockrental agreement. This form of rental, has been used in the housing market for a while but is still relatively unknown to the general public. 

A blockrental agreement is an agreement involving at least three apartments under the same contract. The blockrental of the apartments could be described in two stages. The first stage is from the property owner to the first-hand tenant, and the second stage is from the first-hand tenant to the second-hand tenant. The Swedish rental tribunal is the first instance to approve blockrental. An approval is only required in cases where private actors are the property owners, whilst an approval is not required when the rental is carried out by public actors, such as the municipality. 

Blockrental agreements are regulated in Chapter 12, Article 1(6) of the Swedish Land Code. The law does not specify requirements for the assessment of approval. The assessment that The Rental Tribunal´s does aim to prevent the property owner from neglecting the legal position of the second-hand tenant. Which, the property owner, often does with the help of an intermediary whom acts as a first-hand tenant. 

In 2022, three new rulings regarding block subletting were issued by the Svea Court of Appeal, which is the final instance in these types of cases, as well as and one from the Supreme Court regarding the front man relationship. All rulings sparked much discussion in the area. The discussion mainly focused on whether the court has changed the requirement of a serious need for blockrental, to a requirement of a significant need for blockrental agreements. The cases do also discuss how the rental should be targeted to a clearly defined group of people, a criteria that has not been raised in legislative history. 

This paper aims to investigate whether the legal situation has changed in the area of the possibility to conduct blockrental in the housing market. The purpose of the paper if achieved thru examining recently issued judgments, as well as legislative history, in order to determine whether a change in the area has occurred or not. 

To say that later precedents entails any change, and strengthening, of the possibilities for blockrental agreements is difficult. However, it is clear that the court, and in my opinion rightfully so, does not intend to interpret legislative history and change precedents. If there is a desire for a change, it lies in the hand of the legislator.}},
  author       = {{Rössberger, Ebba}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Möjligheten till blockuthyrning på bostadsmarknaden - Med fokus på bedömningen av behovsrekvisitet}},
  year         = {{2024}},