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Sänkt straffmyndighetsålder - Huruvida potentiell brottsprevention går före barnets bästa

Svensson, Amilia LU (2024) LAGF03 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
År 1864 fastställdes den svenska straffmyndighetsåldern. Sedan dess har samhället förändrats men åldersgränsen kvarstått, något som ifrågasatts de senaste åren i och med en ökad nyrekrytering av barn till kriminella nätverk. Det finns ett incitament att rekrytera allt yngre barn med anledning av att de undgår straff och fenomenet är ett av dagens mest aktuella samhällsproblem. I följande uppsats problematiseras straffmyndighetsåldern och hur den svenska regeringen, samt andra aktörer på området, önskar bemöta orosmomentet som är en ökad brottslighet i unga åldrar.

En särskild utredare har tillsatts av regeringen med uppdrag att se över den svenska straffmyndighetsåldern, men med diskussioner om att sänka straffmyndighetsåldern... (More)
År 1864 fastställdes den svenska straffmyndighetsåldern. Sedan dess har samhället förändrats men åldersgränsen kvarstått, något som ifrågasatts de senaste åren i och med en ökad nyrekrytering av barn till kriminella nätverk. Det finns ett incitament att rekrytera allt yngre barn med anledning av att de undgår straff och fenomenet är ett av dagens mest aktuella samhällsproblem. I följande uppsats problematiseras straffmyndighetsåldern och hur den svenska regeringen, samt andra aktörer på området, önskar bemöta orosmomentet som är en ökad brottslighet i unga åldrar.

En särskild utredare har tillsatts av regeringen med uppdrag att se över den svenska straffmyndighetsåldern, men med diskussioner om att sänka straffmyndighetsåldern framträder en stark opposition. Barnrättskommittén och barnrättsorganisationer betonar hur en sådan reform hade kunnat hindra barn som hamnat snett från att åtnjuta dess barnspecifika rättigheter.

Uppsatsen som följer presenterar konflikten mellan de olika sidorna i debatten och frågan som lyfts är huruvida man ska bemöta det aktuella problemet genom att sänka åldersgränsen då straffmyndighet inträder. Inbegripet i denna fråga är ifall en potentiell brottspreventiv effekt överträffar intresset för att barns rättigheter tillgodoses.

I analysen fastställs med hjälp av ett barnrättsperspektiv att helt oberoende om en lagreform som den det talas om resulterar i en minskad brottsfrekvens så ska den inte implementeras. Den negativa påverkan en sådan sänkning hade haft på barns rättigheter väger tyngre. Rättigheterna är och måste förbli okränkbara och icke villkorade. (Less)
In 1864, the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) was established in Sweden. Since then, society has progressed, yet the age limit has remained, albeit questioned in recent years due to an increased recruitment of children into criminal networks. There is an incentive to recruit younger children due to their exemption from punishment, rendering this phenomenon one of today's most pressing societal issues. The following essay critically examines the MACR and how the Swedish government, along with other actors in the field, seeks to address the problem that is a rising crime rate for children.

A special investigator has been appointed by the government with the task of reviewing the Swedish MACR. However, discussions advocating... (More)
In 1864, the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) was established in Sweden. Since then, society has progressed, yet the age limit has remained, albeit questioned in recent years due to an increased recruitment of children into criminal networks. There is an incentive to recruit younger children due to their exemption from punishment, rendering this phenomenon one of today's most pressing societal issues. The following essay critically examines the MACR and how the Swedish government, along with other actors in the field, seeks to address the problem that is a rising crime rate for children.

A special investigator has been appointed by the government with the task of reviewing the Swedish MACR. However, discussions advocating for a reduction in the minimum age are met with strong opposition. The Committee on the Rights of the Child and child advocacy organizations emphasize how such a reform could prevent children who have gone astray from enjoying their child-specific rights.

The ensuing essay presents the conflict between the different factions in the debate, raising the question of whether to address the current problem by lowering the MACR. Included in this issue is whether a potential crime-preventative effect outweighs the interest in safeguarding children’s rights.

In the analysis, employing a child rights perspective, it is asserted that regardless of whether a legal reform, such as the one under discussion, results in a decrease in crime rates, it should not be implemented. The adverse impact such a reduction would have on children's rights carries greater weight. The rights are, and must remain, inviolable and unconditional. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Svensson, Amilia LU
LAGF03 20241
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt, Straffmyndighet, Barnets bästa
date added to LUP
2024-06-26 12:24:42
date last changed
2024-06-26 12:24:42
  abstract     = {{In 1864, the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) was established in Sweden. Since then, society has progressed, yet the age limit has remained, albeit questioned in recent years due to an increased recruitment of children into criminal networks. There is an incentive to recruit younger children due to their exemption from punishment, rendering this phenomenon one of today's most pressing societal issues. The following essay critically examines the MACR and how the Swedish government, along with other actors in the field, seeks to address the problem that is a rising crime rate for children.

A special investigator has been appointed by the government with the task of reviewing the Swedish MACR. However, discussions advocating for a reduction in the minimum age are met with strong opposition. The Committee on the Rights of the Child and child advocacy organizations emphasize how such a reform could prevent children who have gone astray from enjoying their child-specific rights.

The ensuing essay presents the conflict between the different factions in the debate, raising the question of whether to address the current problem by lowering the MACR. Included in this issue is whether a potential crime-preventative effect outweighs the interest in safeguarding children’s rights.

In the analysis, employing a child rights perspective, it is asserted that regardless of whether a legal reform, such as the one under discussion, results in a decrease in crime rates, it should not be implemented. The adverse impact such a reduction would have on children's rights carries greater weight. The rights are, and must remain, inviolable and unconditional.}},
  author       = {{Svensson, Amilia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Sänkt straffmyndighetsålder - Huruvida potentiell brottsprevention går före barnets bästa}},
  year         = {{2024}},