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LUP Student Papers


Svenskt bostadsbyggande i förändring

Steen, Hilda LU and Lundevall, Nora LU (2024) VFTM01 20241
Real Estate Science
Abstract (Swedish)
Den svenska byggbranschen har de senaste åren varit dynamisk och präglad av en rad utmaningar och förändringar. Efter en lång period av högkonjunktur vände trenden mot lågkonjunktur 2021, med minskad efterfrågan på byggprojekt och färre investeringsmöjligheter. Byggbranschen har påverkats av faktorer som inflation, stigande räntor och geopolitiska händelser som bidragit till ökade byggkostnader och osäkerhet kring bostadsinvesteringar. Den turbulenta perioden har skapat en komplex miljö för entreprenadkontrakt och ställt nya krav på riskfördelning mellan entreprenörer och beställare. Det är därför intressant att undersöka hur förändringen har påverkat byggprojekt.

Syftet med den här rapporten är att tydliggöra förändringen i trenden för... (More)
Den svenska byggbranschen har de senaste åren varit dynamisk och präglad av en rad utmaningar och förändringar. Efter en lång period av högkonjunktur vände trenden mot lågkonjunktur 2021, med minskad efterfrågan på byggprojekt och färre investeringsmöjligheter. Byggbranschen har påverkats av faktorer som inflation, stigande räntor och geopolitiska händelser som bidragit till ökade byggkostnader och osäkerhet kring bostadsinvesteringar. Den turbulenta perioden har skapat en komplex miljö för entreprenadkontrakt och ställt nya krav på riskfördelning mellan entreprenörer och beställare. Det är därför intressant att undersöka hur förändringen har påverkat byggprojekt.

Syftet med den här rapporten är att tydliggöra förändringen i trenden för riskfördelning och kontrakttyper mellan 2018–2023 för offentliga bostadskontrakt i Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm. Detta utreds genom att besvara följande frågeställningar:

• Hur har trender inom entreprenadformer och ersättningsmodeller utvecklats?

• Vilka faktorer påverkar riskfördelningen mellan entreprenörer och beställare?

• Hur har kravställningar i kontrakten förändrats över tid?

Metoden som användes för att närma sig problemställningen var en kombination av kvantitativa och kvalitativa analyser. Studien inkluderar en litteraturstudie, som följs av en empirisk studie genom att granska 127 entreprenadkontrakt från kommunala bostadsprojekt i Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm. Genom granskning av kontrakt kunde en statistisk modell konstrueras för att identifiera trender och mönster inom kontrakt för bostadsbyggande. Den empiriska studien kompletterades av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex branschexperter som tolkats genom tematisk analys.

Slutsatserna från studien visar att det finns en tydlig koppling mellan ekonomiska förhållanden och kontraktsstrukturer i byggbranschen. Resultatet visar att totalentreprenad med fast pris och indexreglering har blivit en föredragen ersättningsform för att hantera den ökade osäkerheten i byggbranschens ekonomiska klimat. Ändringar i kontraktsutformningar, som justering av ÄTA-kostnader, speglar ett ökat behov av flexibilitet i kontrakt för att hantera oförutsedda händelser. Där påvisas att självkostnadsprincipen är en ökad trend för hanteringen av ÄTA-kostnader. Vidare visar resultatet på en ökning i ombyggnationsprojekt jämfört med nybyggnations- och renoveringsprojekt, vilken delvis kan förklaras av ett ekonomiskt klimat som premierar ombyggnation som ett kostnadseffektivt alternativ men även som ett steg i att minska utsläppen från byggbranschen.

Viten för nyproduktion och renovering har ökat under Covid-19 pandemin samt efter den ökade inflationen vilket kan visa på en ökad medvetenhet hos beställare att hantera risken kopplad till förseningar. Jämkning av färdigställandetid har också spelat en roll för att kunna balansera flexibilitet och förutsägbarhet. Klausuler för hävning och sund konkurrens har framhävts som viktiga faktorer för att säkerställa hantering av konkursrisker. Studien visar att krav på ekonomisk säkerhet och justeringar av kontraktskostnaden haft mindre påverkan på riskerna med ökade kostnader eller andra oförutsedda händelser samt att incitamentsbonus är en nedåtgående trend i kontrakten.

Studien visar att kravställningar med fokus på klimat – och miljökrav samt sund konkurrens blir mer vanliga. Det blir viktigare att byggindustrin anpassar sig till marknadens förändringar för att säkerställa lönsamhet och konkurrenskraft. Eftersom kontrakten fördelar risk och ansvar blir det viktigare att det är tydligt definierat och anpassningsbart mot utvecklingen på marknaden. (Less)
In recent years, the Swedish construction industry has been dynamic and characterized by a range of challenges and changes. After a long period of economic growth, the trend turned towards a recession in 2021, with decreased demand for development projects and less financing opportunities among investors. The construction industry has been affected by factors such
as inflation, rising interest rates, and geopolitical events, which have contributed to increased construction costs and uncertainty around real estate investments. This turbulent period has created a complex environment for construction contracts, imposing new requirements for risk distribution between contractors and clients. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate how... (More)
In recent years, the Swedish construction industry has been dynamic and characterized by a range of challenges and changes. After a long period of economic growth, the trend turned towards a recession in 2021, with decreased demand for development projects and less financing opportunities among investors. The construction industry has been affected by factors such
as inflation, rising interest rates, and geopolitical events, which have contributed to increased construction costs and uncertainty around real estate investments. This turbulent period has created a complex environment for construction contracts, imposing new requirements for risk distribution between contractors and clients. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate how this change has affected construction projects.

The purpose of this report is to establish how the trend in risk distribution and contract types has changed between 2018–2023 for public housing contracts in Gothenburg, Malmö, and Stockholm. This is investigated by answering the following questions:

• How have trends in contracting forms and compensation models developed?

• What factors influence the risk distribution between contractors and clients?

• How have the stipulations in contracts changed over time?

The method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. The study includes a literature review, followed by an empirical study through examining 127 construction contracts from municipal housing projects in Gothenburg, Malmö, and Stockholm. Through this examination of contracts, a statistical model could be constructed to identify trends and patterns within contracts for housing construction. The empirical study was complemented by semi-structured interviews with six industry experts, which were interpreted through thematic analysis.

The conclusions of the study show that there is a clear connection between economic conditions and contract structures in the construction industry. The results indicate that Design-Build contracts with indexation have become a preferred compensation form to manage the increased uncertainty in the economic climate of the construction industry. Changes in contract designs, such as adjustments to change order costs, reflect an increased need for flexibility in contracts to manage unexpected events. It is demonstrated that the cost-plus basis principle is an increasing trend for managing change order costs. Furthermore, the results indicate an increase in adaptive reuse projects compared to new construction and renovation projects, which can partly be explained by an economic climate that favors adaptive reuse as a cost-effective alternative, but also as a step in reducing emissions from the construction industry.

Liquidated damages in new construction and renovation projects have increased during the Covid-19 pandemic and after the increased inflation, which may indicate an increased awareness of the client to manage the risk associated with delays. Adjustments to the completion time have also played a critical role in being able to balance flexibility and predictability. Clauses for termination and fair construction (sv. sund konkurrens) have been highlighted as important factors to ensure the management of bankruptcy risks. The study shows that economic safety requirements and adjustments to the contract cost have had a lesser impact on the risks of increased costs or other unforeseen events, and that incentive bonuses are a downward trend in contracts.

The study indicates that stipulations with a focus on climate and environmental requirements as well as fair construction are becoming more and more common. It becomes more important that the construction industry adapts to market changes to ensure profitability and competitiveness. Contracts allocate risk and responsibility, therefore it needs to be clearly defined and adaptable to market developments. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Steen, Hilda LU and Lundevall, Nora LU
alternative title
Swedish housing construction in transition
VFTM01 20241
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
Byggbransch, bostadsmarknaden, trender, entreprenadkontrakt, riskfördelning, offentlig sektor, beställare, entreprenör
other publication id
date added to LUP
2024-06-07 11:09:32
date last changed
2024-06-07 11:09:32
  abstract     = {{In recent years, the Swedish construction industry has been dynamic and characterized by a range of challenges and changes. After a long period of economic growth, the trend turned towards a recession in 2021, with decreased demand for development projects and less financing opportunities among investors. The construction industry has been affected by factors such 
as inflation, rising interest rates, and geopolitical events, which have contributed to increased construction costs and uncertainty around real estate investments. This turbulent period has created a complex environment for construction contracts, imposing new requirements for risk distribution between contractors and clients. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate how this change has affected construction projects.

The purpose of this report is to establish how the trend in risk distribution and contract types has changed between 2018–2023 for public housing contracts in Gothenburg, Malmö, and Stockholm. This is investigated by answering the following questions:

• How have trends in contracting forms and compensation models developed?

• What factors influence the risk distribution between contractors and clients?

• How have the stipulations in contracts changed over time?

The method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. The study includes a literature review, followed by an empirical study through examining 127 construction contracts from municipal housing projects in Gothenburg, Malmö, and Stockholm. Through this examination of contracts, a statistical model could be constructed to identify trends and patterns within contracts for housing construction. The empirical study was complemented by semi-structured interviews with six industry experts, which were interpreted through thematic analysis.

The conclusions of the study show that there is a clear connection between economic conditions and contract structures in the construction industry. The results indicate that Design-Build contracts with indexation have become a preferred compensation form to manage the increased uncertainty in the economic climate of the construction industry. Changes in contract designs, such as adjustments to change order costs, reflect an increased need for flexibility in contracts to manage unexpected events. It is demonstrated that the cost-plus basis principle is an increasing trend for managing change order costs. Furthermore, the results indicate an increase in adaptive reuse projects compared to new construction and renovation projects, which can partly be explained by an economic climate that favors adaptive reuse as a cost-effective alternative, but also as a step in reducing emissions from the construction industry.

Liquidated damages in new construction and renovation projects have increased during the Covid-19 pandemic and after the increased inflation, which may indicate an increased awareness of the client to manage the risk associated with delays. Adjustments to the completion time have also played a critical role in being able to balance flexibility and predictability. Clauses for termination and fair construction (sv. sund konkurrens) have been highlighted as important factors to ensure the management of bankruptcy risks. The study shows that economic safety requirements and adjustments to the contract cost have had a lesser impact on the risks of increased costs or other unforeseen events, and that incentive bonuses are a downward trend in contracts.

The study indicates that stipulations with a focus on climate and environmental requirements as well as fair construction are becoming more and more common. It becomes more important that the construction industry adapts to market changes to ensure profitability and competitiveness. Contracts allocate risk and responsibility, therefore it needs to be clearly defined and adaptable to market developments.}},
  author       = {{Steen, Hilda and Lundevall, Nora}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Svenskt bostadsbyggande i förändring}},
  year         = {{2024}},