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Rasismens många ansikten och dess konsekvenser: En enkätstudie om vita och icke-vitas attityder, känslor, upplevelser och beteendeintentioner kopplat till rasism

Allahyari, Elly LU and Lind, Aline LU (2024) PSPR14 20241
Department of Psychology
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna studie undersökte samband mellan olika vidmakthållande faktorer vid rasism (delstudie 2) och sambandet mellan rasismens konsekvenser för de drabbade (delstudie 1). Studien undersökte två populationer; icke-vita personer (delstudie 1) och vita personer (delstudie 2). Gruppen icke-vita (n=163) besvarade enkäter om minoritetsstress, upplevd diskriminering, upplevda motreaktioner från vita och livstillfredställelse. Gruppen vita (n=556) besvarade enkäter om moderna rasistiska attityder, klassiska rasistiska attityder, vit skörhet och ansvar i rasismdebatten. Dessutom skattade samtliga deltagarna sitt utseende utifrån avstånd från vithetsnormen. Resultatet i delstudie 1 visade på en stark koppling mellan upplevd diskriminering och... (More)
Denna studie undersökte samband mellan olika vidmakthållande faktorer vid rasism (delstudie 2) och sambandet mellan rasismens konsekvenser för de drabbade (delstudie 1). Studien undersökte två populationer; icke-vita personer (delstudie 1) och vita personer (delstudie 2). Gruppen icke-vita (n=163) besvarade enkäter om minoritetsstress, upplevd diskriminering, upplevda motreaktioner från vita och livstillfredställelse. Gruppen vita (n=556) besvarade enkäter om moderna rasistiska attityder, klassiska rasistiska attityder, vit skörhet och ansvar i rasismdebatten. Dessutom skattade samtliga deltagarna sitt utseende utifrån avstånd från vithetsnormen. Resultatet i delstudie 1 visade på en stark koppling mellan upplevd diskriminering och minoritetsstress, varpå högre nivå av de båda även associerades med längre avstånd ifrån vithetsnormen. Den starkaste prediktorn för minoritetstress visades vara upplevd diskriminering jämfört med upplevda motreaktioner och avstånd från vithetsnormen. Resultatet i delstudie 2 visade på en stark koppling mellan moderna rasistiska attityder, klassiska rasistiska attityder och ansvar i rasismdebatten. Resultaten gällande vit skörhet och rasistiska attityder visade obefintliga och svaga negativa samband, vilket var oväntat baserat på tidigare forskning. Ytterligare forskning behövs därför i syfte att förstå hur vit skörhet samvarierar med andra vidmakthållande faktorer för rasism. Utifrån våra resultat kan det tänkas vara viktigt att öka medvetenheten kring moderna rasistiska attityder och vit skörhet i syfte att minska negativa interaktioner. Ytterligare visade resultaten att gruppen icke-vita personer upplevde minoritetstress med koppling till diskriminering. Därmed tydliggörs betydelsen av riktade hjälpinsatser till icke-vita personer i syfte att hantera upplevd diskriminering samt minoritetsstress. (Less)
This study explored the relationship between different factors maintaining racism (study 2) and the relationship between the consequences of racism for those exposed to it (study 1). The study examined two separate populations; people of color (study 1) and white people (study 2). People of color (n=163) answered surveys regarding minority stress, experience of discrimination, experienced white counteractions and satisfaction with life. White people (n=556) answered surveys about contemporary racial attitudes, old fashioned racial attitudes, white fragility and racial responsibility. Furthermore, the participants rated their appearance based on distance from the norm of whiteness. Results from study 1 showed a strong association between... (More)
This study explored the relationship between different factors maintaining racism (study 2) and the relationship between the consequences of racism for those exposed to it (study 1). The study examined two separate populations; people of color (study 1) and white people (study 2). People of color (n=163) answered surveys regarding minority stress, experience of discrimination, experienced white counteractions and satisfaction with life. White people (n=556) answered surveys about contemporary racial attitudes, old fashioned racial attitudes, white fragility and racial responsibility. Furthermore, the participants rated their appearance based on distance from the norm of whiteness. Results from study 1 showed a strong association between minority stress and experience of discrimination, whereupon higher levels of both also were associated with distance from the norm of whiteness. Experience of discrimination was the strongest predictor for minority stress compared to white counteractions and distance from the whiteness norm. Results from study 2 showed a strong association between contemporary racial attitudes, old fashion racial attitudes and responsibility in the racial debate. The results regarding white fragility and racial attitudes showed a non-existing and weak negative correlation in contrary to expected direction based on previous studies. Further research is therefore needed to investigate how white fragility co-varies with other maintaining factors for racism. Implications based on our results could be raising awareness regarding contemporary racial attitudes and white fragility to reduce
negative interactions. Furthermore, results showed that people of color experience minority stress in relation to discrimination which signals targeted interventions are needed to handle both. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Allahyari, Elly LU and Lind, Aline LU
PSPR14 20241
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
racism, minority stress, discrimination, white fragility, colorblind racism rasism, minoritetsstress, diskriminering, vit skörhet, färgblind rasism
date added to LUP
2024-06-19 15:13:27
date last changed
2024-06-19 15:13:27
  abstract     = {{This study explored the relationship between different factors maintaining racism (study 2) and the relationship between the consequences of racism for those exposed to it (study 1). The study examined two separate populations; people of color (study 1) and white people (study 2). People of color (n=163) answered surveys regarding minority stress, experience of discrimination, experienced white counteractions and satisfaction with life. White people (n=556) answered surveys about contemporary racial attitudes, old fashioned racial attitudes, white fragility and racial responsibility. Furthermore, the participants rated their appearance based on distance from the norm of whiteness. Results from study 1 showed a strong association between minority stress and experience of discrimination, whereupon higher levels of both also were associated with distance from the norm of whiteness. Experience of discrimination was the strongest predictor for minority stress compared to white counteractions and distance from the whiteness norm. Results from study 2 showed a strong association between contemporary racial attitudes, old fashion racial attitudes and responsibility in the racial debate. The results regarding white fragility and racial attitudes showed a non-existing and weak negative correlation in contrary to expected direction based on previous studies. Further research is therefore needed to investigate how white fragility co-varies with other maintaining factors for racism. Implications based on our results could be raising awareness regarding contemporary racial attitudes and white fragility to reduce
negative interactions. Furthermore, results showed that people of color experience minority stress in relation to discrimination which signals targeted interventions are needed to handle both.}},
  author       = {{Allahyari, Elly and Lind, Aline}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Rasismens många ansikten och dess konsekvenser: En enkätstudie om vita och icke-vitas attityder, känslor, upplevelser och beteendeintentioner kopplat till rasism}},
  year         = {{2024}},