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Diskriminering i arbetslivet pga överviktig kvinna – helt ok? – En rättslig och intersektionell studie om diskriminering som har samband med fler än en grund

Henriksson, Hanna LU (2024) JURM02 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det finns många fördomar och negativa attityder om övervikt i allmänhet och i synnerhet om övervikt i förhållande till arbetsprestation, vilket leder till att överviktiga arbetstagare missgynnas på arbetsmarknaden. Särskilt överviktiga kvinnor missgynnas på ett sätt som inte smala kvinnor eller överviktiga män gör. Det är ett exempel på intersektionell diskriminering, när sammanvävningen av identiteter skapar en unik form av utsatthet, i det här fallet identiteterna kvinna och överviktig. Kön utgör en diskrimineringsgrund i de allra flera anti-diskrimineringsbestämmelserna, svenska som internationella, medan (över)vikt inte uttryckligen gör det i en enda. Inte heller finns det bestämmelser som uttryckligen tar hänsyn till diskriminering... (More)
Det finns många fördomar och negativa attityder om övervikt i allmänhet och i synnerhet om övervikt i förhållande till arbetsprestation, vilket leder till att överviktiga arbetstagare missgynnas på arbetsmarknaden. Särskilt överviktiga kvinnor missgynnas på ett sätt som inte smala kvinnor eller överviktiga män gör. Det är ett exempel på intersektionell diskriminering, när sammanvävningen av identiteter skapar en unik form av utsatthet, i det här fallet identiteterna kvinna och överviktig. Kön utgör en diskrimineringsgrund i de allra flera anti-diskrimineringsbestämmelserna, svenska som internationella, medan (över)vikt inte uttryckligen gör det i en enda. Inte heller finns det bestämmelser som uttryckligen tar hänsyn till diskriminering som har samband med mer än en grund, däribland intersektionell diskriminering. Som ett resultat därav är det svårt att svara på vilket skydd mot diskriminering en överviktig kvinna i Sverige har. Det är ändå just det som denna uppsats syftar till att försöka svara på.

Ett tillvägagångssätt för en överviktig kvinna som diskriminerats är att åberopa diskriminering på grund av funktionsnedsättning, eftersom övervikt enligt praxis från EU-domstolen i vissa fall kan klassas som en funktionsnedsättning. Kön spelar då ingen roll. Ett annat tillvägagångssätt är att försöka åberopa andra bestämmelser, exempelvis EU-rätten, den europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (EKMR) eller regeringsformen, istället för den svenska diskrimineringslagen som bara innehåller sju uttömmande diskrimineringsgrunder där övervikt inte är en av dem. Ett tredje tillvägagångssätt är att hänvisa till en bred förståelse av gruppen kvinnor utifrån en intersektionell tolkning. På så sätt skulle fler situationer kunna omfattas av olika diskrimineringsbestämmelser. Huruvida diskriminering av en överviktig kvinna kan räknas som diskriminering även i lagens mening beror givetvis även på vilken typ av diskriminering det rör sig om och av vilken anledning den som diskriminerar, i detta fall ofta en arbetsgivare, gör det. Sannolikt vinns framgång främst med det första tillvägagångssättet och mindre troligt med de två efterföljande. Bristen på rättspraxis gör dock rättsläget relativt oklart, varför flera frågetecken fortsatt kvarstår och ytterligare frågor tillkommit. Intersektionell diskriminering är ett område som förmodligen och förhoppningsvis kommer att belysas mer framöver i takt med att intersektionalitetsbegreppet blir mer känt, vilket för eller senare kommer ställa krav på förtydliganden eller ändringar i de olika diskrimineringsbestämmelserna. (Less)
There are many prejudices and negative attitudes about overweight people in
general and about overweight people in relation to work performance in
particular, which has led to overweight workers being disadvantaged in the
labor market. Especially overweight women are disadvantaged in ways that
thin women and overweight men are not. This is an example of intersectional
discrimination, when the intersection of identities creates a unique form of
oppression, in this case the two identities of being a woman and being
overweight. Sex and gender constitute a ground for discrimination in the
many existing juridical anti-discrimination regulations, both Swedish and
international, while (over)weight does not explicitly do so in any of... (More)
There are many prejudices and negative attitudes about overweight people in
general and about overweight people in relation to work performance in
particular, which has led to overweight workers being disadvantaged in the
labor market. Especially overweight women are disadvantaged in ways that
thin women and overweight men are not. This is an example of intersectional
discrimination, when the intersection of identities creates a unique form of
oppression, in this case the two identities of being a woman and being
overweight. Sex and gender constitute a ground for discrimination in the
many existing juridical anti-discrimination regulations, both Swedish and
international, while (over)weight does not explicitly do so in any of them. Nor
are there regulations expressly considering discrimination linked to more than
one ground, such as intersectional discrimination. As a result, it is difficult to
answer the questions of what protection against discrimination an overweight
woman in Sweden enjoys. Yet that is what this essay is aiming to do.

One approach for an overweight woman who has been discriminated against
is to plead discrimination on the grounds of disability, since, according to the
practice of the European Court of Justice, obesity in some cases can be
classified as a disability. Her sex or gender does then not matter. Another
approach is to try to invoke other regulations, such as EU law, the European
right to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (ECHR) or
the Swedish constitution (regeringsformen), instead of the Swedish
Discrimination Act which only contains seven exhaustive grounds for
discrimination, not including weight. A third approach is, following an
intersectional interpretation, to refer to a broad understanding of the category
’woman’. In this way, more discriminating situations could be covered by
different discrimination regulations. Whether discrimination against an
overweight woman can be counted as discrimination even in the sense of the
law of course further depends on the type of discrimination and for what
reason the person who discriminates, in this case often an employer, does so.
Success is likely to be gained primarily with the first approach and less likely
with the subsequent two. However, the scarcity of case law makes the legal
situation relatively unclear, which is why several questions are remaining and
additional questions have been added. The field of intersectional
discrimination will probably and hopefully be highlighted more in the future
as the concept of intersectionality becomes better known, which sooner or
later will require clarifications or changes in the various juridical
discrimination regulations. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Henriksson, Hanna LU
alternative title
Discrimination ground overweight woman - allowed?
JURM02 20241
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Diskrimineringsrätt, Arbetsrätt, Intersektionalitet, Övervikt
date added to LUP
2024-09-10 10:16:01
date last changed
2024-09-10 10:16:01
  abstract     = {{There are many prejudices and negative attitudes about overweight people in
general and about overweight people in relation to work performance in
particular, which has led to overweight workers being disadvantaged in the
labor market. Especially overweight women are disadvantaged in ways that
thin women and overweight men are not. This is an example of intersectional
discrimination, when the intersection of identities creates a unique form of
oppression, in this case the two identities of being a woman and being
overweight. Sex and gender constitute a ground for discrimination in the
many existing juridical anti-discrimination regulations, both Swedish and
international, while (over)weight does not explicitly do so in any of them. Nor
are there regulations expressly considering discrimination linked to more than
one ground, such as intersectional discrimination. As a result, it is difficult to
answer the questions of what protection against discrimination an overweight
woman in Sweden enjoys. Yet that is what this essay is aiming to do.

One approach for an overweight woman who has been discriminated against
is to plead discrimination on the grounds of disability, since, according to the
practice of the European Court of Justice, obesity in some cases can be
classified as a disability. Her sex or gender does then not matter. Another
approach is to try to invoke other regulations, such as EU law, the European
right to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (ECHR) or
the Swedish constitution (regeringsformen), instead of the Swedish
Discrimination Act which only contains seven exhaustive grounds for
discrimination, not including weight. A third approach is, following an
intersectional interpretation, to refer to a broad understanding of the category
’woman’. In this way, more discriminating situations could be covered by
different discrimination regulations. Whether discrimination against an
overweight woman can be counted as discrimination even in the sense of the
law of course further depends on the type of discrimination and for what
reason the person who discriminates, in this case often an employer, does so.
Success is likely to be gained primarily with the first approach and less likely
with the subsequent two. However, the scarcity of case law makes the legal
situation relatively unclear, which is why several questions are remaining and
additional questions have been added. The field of intersectional
discrimination will probably and hopefully be highlighted more in the future
as the concept of intersectionality becomes better known, which sooner or
later will require clarifications or changes in the various juridical
discrimination regulations.}},
  author       = {{Henriksson, Hanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Diskriminering i arbetslivet pga överviktig kvinna – helt ok? – En rättslig och intersektionell studie om diskriminering som har samband med fler än en grund}},
  year         = {{2024}},