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LUP Student Papers


A Decade of Dialogue: the Journey to Consensus in Negotiations for a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights

Magnusson, Amanda LU (2024) JURM02 20241
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
This thesis examines the continuing development of a potential UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights. This year marks a decade since the Human Rights Council passed resolution 26/9, establishing a working group to elaborate a potential legally binding instrument in international human rights law, with the objective to regulate the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

Various structural aspects of international law have created a legal void. States have traditionally been the sole bearers of the duty to fulfil and protect human rights, including from third parties like companies. Business actors have therefore not had any international legal obligations to safeguard human rights throughout their... (More)
This thesis examines the continuing development of a potential UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights. This year marks a decade since the Human Rights Council passed resolution 26/9, establishing a working group to elaborate a potential legally binding instrument in international human rights law, with the objective to regulate the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

Various structural aspects of international law have created a legal void. States have traditionally been the sole bearers of the duty to fulfil and protect human rights, including from third parties like companies. Business actors have therefore not had any international legal obligations to safeguard human rights throughout their operations. Instead, any initiatives have rested on voluntarism. At present, non-binding instruments are the primary normative documents setting the standards and expectations for business enterprises with regards to human rights. However, these instruments have proven unable to prevent misconduct and violations related to corporate operations from taking place. The current framework has been criticised for not offering sufficient access to remedy for victims and allowing for companies to evade any legal consequences. The hope is that a future treaty could effectively regulate business activities and enhance corporate accountability.

The thesis evaluates the progress made thus far in the treaty negotiations by identifying which key legal issues that have been settled, and subsequently which of the substantive debates that remain unresolved. The thesis offers an indication of which direction delegates appear to have moved the draft treaty, and discusses the potential added legal values if, one day, passed by the Council and ratified.

The thesis consists of five main chapters. The first chapter introduces the subject of business and human rights, the purpose and research questions, materials used, the methodological aspects employed and delimitations. The second chapter addresses the legal void by exploring the current framework and relevant cases, historic and present, that portray the ways in which a governance gap exists. The third chapter examines reports and compilations of statements made during negotiations alongside significant revisions made in the draft versions of a treaty. Chapter two and three each includes separate analyses. The fourth chapter discusses the potential legal added values of a binding instrument, drawing from contents of the previous chapters. The fifth chapter concludes by answering the research questions. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna uppsats undersöker den fortsatta utvecklingen av ett potentiellt
FN-fördrag om företag och mänskliga rättigheter. I år är det ett decennium
sedan rådet för mänskliga rättigheter antog resolution 26/9, vilken inrättade
en arbetsgrupp för att utarbeta ett potentiellt rättsligt bindande instrument
inom mänskliga rättigheter, med målet att reglera transnationella företag och
andra affärsverksamheters aktiviteter.

Olika strukturella aspekter av internationell rätt har skapat ett rättsligt tomrum. Stater har traditionellt sett varit de enda bärarna av skyldigheten att uppfylla och skydda mänskliga rättigheter, inklusive från tredje part som företag.
Affärsaktörer har därför inte haft några internationella juridiska förpliktelser
... (More)
Denna uppsats undersöker den fortsatta utvecklingen av ett potentiellt
FN-fördrag om företag och mänskliga rättigheter. I år är det ett decennium
sedan rådet för mänskliga rättigheter antog resolution 26/9, vilken inrättade
en arbetsgrupp för att utarbeta ett potentiellt rättsligt bindande instrument
inom mänskliga rättigheter, med målet att reglera transnationella företag och
andra affärsverksamheters aktiviteter.

Olika strukturella aspekter av internationell rätt har skapat ett rättsligt tomrum. Stater har traditionellt sett varit de enda bärarna av skyldigheten att uppfylla och skydda mänskliga rättigheter, inklusive från tredje part som företag.
Affärsaktörer har därför inte haft några internationella juridiska förpliktelser
att skydda mänskliga rättigheter i sin verksamhet. Alla initiativ har i stället
byggt på frivillighet. För närvarande är icke-bindande instrument de primära
normativa dokumenten som sätter standarder och förväntningar på företag om
mänskliga rättigheter. Dessa instrument har dock visat sig oförmögna att förhindra kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter relaterade till företagsverksamhet. Det nuvarande ramverket har kritiserats för att inte erbjuda tillräcklig tillgång till rättsmedel för offer och för att tillåta företag undvika juridiska konsekvenser. Förhoppningen är att ett framtida fördrag skulle kunna reglera affärsverksamhet på effektivt sätt och öka företagens ansvarsskyldighet.

Studien utvärderar de framsteg som gjorts hittills i fördragsförhandlingarna,
genom att identifiera inom vilka viktiga juridiska frågor som det har nåtts en
överenskommelse och därigenom även vilka som förblivit olösta. Studien ger
en indikation på vilken riktning delegater verkar ha flyttat fördragsutkastet
och diskuterar de potentiella juridiska mervärdena om det en dag antas av
rådet och ratificeras.

Uppsatsen består av fem huvudkapitel. Det första kapitlet introducerar ämnet
företagande och mänskliga rättigheter, syfte och frågeställningar, material
som används, metodologiska aspekter tillämpade och avgränsningar. Det
andra kapitlet omfattar det rättsliga tomrummet genom att utforska det nuvarande ramverket och relevanta fall, historiska och pågående, som visar hur ett
styrningstomrum existerar. Det tredje kapitlet undersöker rapporter och sammanställningar av uttalanden som gjorts under förhandlingar inom arbetsgruppen, tillsammans med betydande revideringar som gjorts i de olika utkasten till ett fördrag. Kapitel två och tre innehåller separata analyser. Det
fjärde kapitlet diskuterar de potentiella juridiska mervärdena av ett bindande
instrument, utifrån innehållet i de föregående kapitlen. Det femte kapitlet
avslutas med att besvara frågeställningarna. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Magnusson, Amanda LU
JURM02 20241
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
human rights, business and human rights, public international law, UN treaty, intergovernmental working group, resolution 26/9, legally binding instrument
date added to LUP
2024-09-09 11:27:26
date last changed
2024-09-09 11:27:26
  abstract     = {{This thesis examines the continuing development of a potential UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights. This year marks a decade since the Human Rights Council passed resolution 26/9, establishing a working group to elaborate a potential legally binding instrument in international human rights law, with the objective to regulate the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises. 

Various structural aspects of international law have created a legal void. States have traditionally been the sole bearers of the duty to fulfil and protect human rights, including from third parties like companies. Business actors have therefore not had any international legal obligations to safeguard human rights throughout their operations. Instead, any initiatives have rested on voluntarism. At present, non-binding instruments are the primary normative documents setting the standards and expectations for business enterprises with regards to human rights. However, these instruments have proven unable to prevent misconduct and violations related to corporate operations from taking place. The current framework has been criticised for not offering sufficient access to remedy for victims and allowing for companies to evade any legal consequences. The hope is that a future treaty could effectively regulate business activities and enhance corporate accountability.

The thesis evaluates the progress made thus far in the treaty negotiations by identifying which key legal issues that have been settled, and subsequently which of the substantive debates that remain unresolved. The thesis offers an indication of which direction delegates appear to have moved the draft treaty, and discusses the potential added legal values if, one day, passed by the Council and ratified.

The thesis consists of five main chapters. The first chapter introduces the subject of business and human rights, the purpose and research questions, materials used, the methodological aspects employed and delimitations. The second chapter addresses the legal void by exploring the current framework and relevant cases, historic and present, that portray the ways in which a governance gap exists. The third chapter examines reports and compilations of statements made during negotiations alongside significant revisions made in the draft versions of a treaty. Chapter two and three each includes separate analyses. The fourth chapter discusses the potential legal added values of a binding instrument, drawing from contents of the previous chapters. The fifth chapter concludes by answering the research questions.}},
  author       = {{Magnusson, Amanda}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{A Decade of Dialogue: the Journey to Consensus in Negotiations for a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights}},
  year         = {{2024}},